- Show Date: 29/01/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Hefin Jones Contact Judge
- Published Date: 14/06/2024
Coalville & District Canine Society
Irish Setters
May I firstly extend my thanks to the Committee for asking me to judge Irish Setters at their show and for their very warm welcome. This was emulated through the show to make one of the friendliest shows I have attended. I must also give my thanks to the more than able stewards, David and Jackie, who ran the ring so well and assisting so ably. Many thanks both.
Today, the overall standard of the dogs was so very pleasing and encouraging. This led to some difficult decisions to be made. However, this provided me with a final line up, of which I was proud. Also, in general, the movement was seen to be good, which again, was encouraging. I must therefore thank the handlers/ owners for bringing their lovely charges under me.
Class 82 - Puppy Dog or Bitch (8,2)
1st - Harris’s Zakhan’s Rough Diamond by Konakakela- this 11-month dog certainly knew his job. 1 of three litter mates in the class, all of whom were placed. However, of all puppies on show, I felt this young man was the most balanced, which enabled him to win the class. Overall raciness was apparent, both on the movement and in stack, but retained his masculinity. A well chiselled zygomatic arch, with a well-balanced head. Good strength to stop, with lovely shape to dark eye. Correct ear placement. Strength to neck, without being throaty, showing good length and prominence to characteristic arch, which was lovely to see. Fine at convergence of scapula, which again was pleasing. Correct front angulation, giving rise to prominence to chest. Depth to brisket and well sprung ribs. Strength to loin. Good width across croup and good tail set. Nice width and angulation to hindquarters, without being overdone. This allowed for a gently sloping topline, that presented a good, neat package. Both 1st and 2nd moved well, but 1st had the edge, especially on the up and back, where he drove out with reach. Well deserving of BP and GP 4 gundog puppy. Very well done in a strong line up!
2nd - Hall’s Riverbrue Ophelia Love Glennara- A 10-month girl, that I have had the pleasure of going over before. Previously she was unfortunate to come up against an excellent competitor; this time she was equally unlucky. She is maturing very well and I’m sure will do well. She has retained her flashiness and lovely-rich coat that had her characteristic movement in it. A compact, fine bitch with a feminine head. Dark in eye and correct shape. Lovely working around eye. Ears set on low, closely next to an elegant neck of medium length. Rather narrow in front, as per breed standard. Good depth to chest and well sprung ribs. Strength to loin, showing gentle topline. Good width behind. Well boned young lady. Moved well on the around, but didn’t quite have the edge against first on the up and back. However, this girl is moving in the right direction and is continuing to improve on the promise she has already shown.
3rd – Rorke’s Zakhan’s Diamond Jack.
Class 83 – Junior Dog or Bitch (4,2)
1st - Milligan-Bott & Bott’s Thendara Big Love – quite unbelievably, this boy was just one week out of puppy. Very well developed in construction and coat for such a young man made me question this so well-known, successful, breeder if the dog was in the correct class due to his maturity, as he already wouldn’t be out of place in a more mature class. He is particularly eye catching with bounds of presence in the ring, both in the stack and when on the move. Striking masculine head, that showed good length and shape to foreface, well chiselled under dark, unshelled almond eye. Proportionally strong stop with an oval skull, kind expression and good prominence to occipital protuberance. low set ears, close to the side of the head framed the picture well. Good length to strong, elegant neck. Fine at withers and correct angulation to front construction. Depth to chest and brisket, that was clearly down at elbow. Well sprung ribs and strong loin that had length. Not severe in tuck up, that is desirable. Excellent width across croup, that was nicely angulated. Very pleasant rear angulation and bend at stifle. Strong firm top line, that was gently sloping. This all showed the balance of this young man and enabled him to move surely with style and drive. Lovely depth in colour and richness to coat, that has a little movement in it, that caught the eye. I am sure this won’t be the last we see of him and should develop excellently under the tutelage of these breeders. Watch this space. Even though a young man very pleased to award BOB and saw him go GP 3 gundog.
2nd – Maple’s Pollnac New Miracle - this 12-month girl has a little maturing to do, however, sound constructionally. This was evident in her outline that was pleasing, not showing signs of exaggeration. A very honest, slight young girl. Straight, lighter in colour coat, that, as it grows into her, I am sure will be pleasant for style and pigmentation. Pretty in head that was of good length and refinement, showing clean planes. Correct shape and depth of colour, to eye. Ears well set on low. Good length to slightly arched neck. Straight in front, that was well boned. Showed depth to chest and well sprung ribs. Pleasant topline, that was held firm with a strong loin. Noticeably neat feet. Rear angulation was proportionate to front, giving rise to movement that was steady, particularly so in the up and back. This girl also went on to get a 1st in AV Junior stakes. Well done.
Class 84 – Graduate Dog or Bitch (7,2)
1st – Stevenson’s Lochlorien Unforgotten – this young girl of near 3 years of age is one that moved the best in the class. Another girl that was fine in body. Clean in foreface. Well-proportioned in amount of zygomatic chiselling beneath well-shaped dark eye. Parallel planes seen to skull. Well defined stop. Good prominence to occipital protuberance. Strong neck of moderate length, into well angulated shoulders, providing grounds for depth to chest. Rather narrow in straight front, as per the breed requirements. Well-muscled throughout. Good width to upper thigh. Drove out well and moved soundly around the ring. Presented in a rich, deep coat.
2nd – Hall’s Glennara Cherry Cola JW – A 2 ½ year old girl, that was longer and leaner than that of first. However, still very much appealing. I am sure that if in the same classes, 1st and 2nd change positions dependent on shows. Another girl from this breeder that has a lovely soft expression, long lean head with raised brows and dark eye. Super length to elegant neck. Flowed well into fine shoulders that were angulated to the correct proportions. Straight in front and well boned. Good depth to chest. Long and lean over loin, which led into croup that gently sloped to good tail placement. Good angulation to rear. Movement not quite as good as 1st on the up and back, but sound on the around.
3rd – Chorless’s Swiftlark Invincible JW
Class 85 – Postgraduate Dog or Bitch (2,0)
1st – Richardson’s Gwendariff Tully’s Red Arrows – I have admired this 2- ½ year old boy for a little time and was very happy to have him in the ring to go over, today. Lovely, in appearance both on the move and in the stack. Strong, pleasing dog head, with correct planes. Proper amount of chiselling around lovely, dark eye. Good shape to back of cranium. Well placed ear set and of good length. Nicely seen arch to lean strong neck, that flowed into fine withers and well angulated shoulders. Front straight and well boned. Agreeable depth to chest, that was rather narrow in front, as per breed standard. Ribs sprung, loin well coupled and strong. Virtuous width to upper thigh, giving balance to this still young lad. Gently sloping topline with pleasant angle to fall of croupe. Groomed and trimmed very well. A little fidget, but showed his personality. A joy to see on the move, both on the up and back, and on the around. Handled well. Strongly considered for RBOB.
2nd – Chorless’s Swiftlark Illustrious JW – this 2-year-old girl, is rather pretty in head. long and lean with correct squareness to foreface. Ample workings under unshelled almond eye. Parallel planes to head, that was oval from ear to ear. Ears set on low. Slight arch to neck. Depth to chest, with straight front legs that were well boned. Strong in body, with length. Pleasing topline in the stack. Well developed in the upper thigh. Well set tail. Didn’t move as well as 1st today. Presented in a rich coat.
Class 86 - Open Dog or Bitch (7,2)
A tough class of some very nice examples of the breed.
1st – Bougen’s Gwendariff Lily the Pink - A 6 -year- old bitch that has a great deal of quality. Clean in foreface. A lovely, soulful expression. Loved her raised brow, dark eye and workings around zygomatic arch. Well defined stop, without being exaggerated. Smashing head shape from ear to ear, that was enclosed by closely hung ears of good length. Elegance to neck of moderately long length, that flowed into fine withers. Sound front construction of correct angulation and lengths. Depth seen to chest and brisket with well sprung ribs. Well-proportioned tuck up and strength to loin. Width seen across croup. Well-muscled in back quarters, that mirrored the angulation of the front, with good bend at stifle. Again, width to upper and second thigh, that was all in balance. Moved very soundly and with elegance around the ring, with appropriate foot fall. Neat feet. A lovely richness to straight coat, but could do with a little more to finish off the picture and provide her with the final tool to gain BOB. Went on to get a 2nd in AV stakes. Very happy to award RBOB.
2nd – Thendara Strictly Samba – A girl of nearly 3-years of age. A taller, stronger girl, than 1st in this class, however, still very much to like. Definitely a girl in appearance, which is quite attractive. Well defined foreface, giving rise to long, lean head. Feminine, soft expression, with that characteristic eye shape and depth of colour. Length of ears and their placement, spot-on. Strength to a moderately long neck, which flowed well into fine sloping shoulder, providing a good basis for good front construction. Very good spring to ribs. Depth seen to strong, well coupled loin. Advantageous width to upper and 2nd thigh. Drove out well on the move.
3rd – Harris’s Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings Konakakela (IMP.NLD) JW
BOB –Thendara Big Love (from class 83: Junior Dog or Bitch)
RBOB – Gwendariff Lily the Pink (from Class 86: Open Dog or Bitch)
BP- Zakhan’s Rough Diamond by Konakakela (from Class 82: Puppy Dog or Bitch)
Dr. Hefin Jones (Pencastan)