• Show Date: 08/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Hefin Jones Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 14/06/2024

Portsmouth & Southsea Kennel Association

Portsmouth and Southsea Kennel Association -Irish Setter and English Setter

May I firstly extend my thanks to Mrs. Gorman and the rest of the Committee for asking me to judge Irish and English Setters at their show. I must also give my thanks to the stewards, with Hilary Male running the ring so well and assisted ably. Many thanks both.

As always, I am grateful to anyone who comes under me. Thank you to those who took the time and effort to bring their lovely charges, even if they were low in number on the day because of several other major shows happening on the same weekend. Diolch (Thank you).

Irish Setter

Class 105 - Puppy (1,0)

1st – Mason’s Cataluna Mad About You In Finity – a very raw 6 month old, who was very excitable, which although difficult to assess, was lovely to see. Plenty of chiselling under eye, with a kind expression. Very fine, feminine head with correct head planes. Ears set on low. Good arch to elegant neck that flowed into shoulder. Ribs down to elbow. Length and strength to loin. Gentle slope to topline. Correct tail set. Fine in stature in a rich coat. Also went well in the AV gundog puppy. Best puppy.

Class 106 - Junior (0)

Class 107 – Post Graduate (4,1)

1st - Harris’s Zakhan’s Rough Diamond by Konakakela- I was most pleased to see this young man again. Although judged by me some 9 months ago, it was clear to see that this young man is going in the right direction. Very male head, but without being overdone. A soft expression, with a well chiselled zygomatic arch, underlining a dark eye. Strength to neck, without being throaty and of the required length to keep the boy showing balance. Fine at shoulder. Correct front angulation, giving rise to prominence to chest. Depth to brisket and well sprung ribs. Tail set on just below the level of the back, which is lovely to see. Good angulation to hindquarters, without being overdone. This allowed for a gently sloping topline, that presented a neat package. Presented very well, but would like to see more coat as he matures. Best mover of the Irish, showing plenty of drive and reach, especially on the up and back. Well-schooled and knew his job. BOB.

2nd – Mazzuca’s Rahina Della Magna Sila Jr CH [ATC AZ97824ITA] - this rising two-year-old is a very flashy young girl. She was in a full, rich coat for such a young age. Very feminine in appearance, in both head and racy body. Fairly square at end of muzzle, with wide nostrils. Correct shape to dark, unshelled almond eye, with decent chiselling, framed by dark pigmentation. Ears set on low, hanging close to elegant neck, with characteristic arch. Good bone to a slight bitch. Chest deep. Good width to upper thigh. Tail lashed on movement, however, drove out ok, but did not reach as well as first.

3rd - Maple’s Pollnac New Miracle- A very honourable mention, as this young lady could easily have moved up the order. Presented so very well but could do with a bit more coat and did not drive out on the move when under me. However, when watched later in the day under AV gundog, moved much more soundly and drove out well.

Class 108 – Open (3,3)

BoB – Harris’s Zakhan’s Rough Diamond by Konakakela

Best Puppy - Mason’s Cataluna Mad About You In Finity

English Setters

Class 109 - Graduate (2,2)

Class 110 – Open (1,0)

1st –Harris’s Bridgella’s First Edition With Konakakela Jw ShCEx OSW- Although standing alone, this 6 year old male is a lovely example of the breed and could easily compete for top honours in any show. I have admired him from a far for a while and so glad the exhibitor brought her charge under me. This orange-belton is built so well. Beautiful head of correct proportions, oval skull, lovely chiselling, dark oval eyes, framed with complementary skin pigmentation, and so expressive. Ears set on low of silky texture, hanging neatly next to a strong, lean neck. This flowed effortlessly into correctly angulated shoulders. Well boned. Well sprung ribs to a short deep body. Flat topline. Rear angulation complementary to front. Very well-muscled throughout. Correct tail placement. Not dripping in coat, but presented very well. Although not in a massive ring, moved out happily and well with correct actions. Did not disappoint. BOB and Gp 3.

BoB - Harris’s Bridgella’s First Edition With Konakakela Jw ShCEx OSW

Dr. Hefin Jones (Pencastan)