• Show Date: 30/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Hazel Deans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Hawick & District Canine Society


Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge at this well run show and to my steward who coped admirably trying to keep paperwork dry and from blowing away in the wind. Lastly thank you to the exhibitors for their entries and especially those who braved the weather. Although it wasn’t ideal conditions it could have been a lot worse. The ground condition was perfect and we had a lovely big ring.



A very nice class.

1. Black’s Asharaa Stars In Your Eyes at Gileeja JW, this 22 month old red wheaten bitch caught my attention with her overall balance and outline showing a good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Pleasing head with dark, expressive eyes. Straight front with strong bone down to good feet, good turn of stifle, she moved well front and back and with freedom in profile.

2. Shaw’s Negasi Radagast JW, 18 months wheaten dog with similar qualities to 1st. He too holds a pleasing balanced shape standing and is a very good mover, has a good head, super bone, strong hindquarters with a good bend of stifle.

3. Willunat’s Gambia Sirius Canis Major at Clauwill (imp Pol)


Another lovely class.

1. Willunat’s Shavano’s Quality Of Life By Oliver (imp Nor), this mature handsome 5 year old red wheaten dog is full of quality, masculine head, good length of neck and lay of shoulders, he stands on a straight front which is heavy in bone down to good feet, deep chest, strong well muscled hindquarters. A joy to watch on the move in the big outside ring, parallel up and down and in profile covers the ground with an easy free stride. Lovely temperament, his attention was constantly on his owner for whom he showed so well. I was pleased to award him BOB and HG1 and delighted to see him go on to win RBIS.

2. Black’s Rottzridge Perihelion at Gileeja, another quality exhibit, lots to like about this 4 year old red wheaten bitch who also presented a lovely balanced shape stacked, well boned front, good feet, sound and free mover.

3. Scanlon’s Kinabula’s All About The Bass JW ShCEx OSW


1. Maclean’s Orge Et Malt D’Escalgrain (imp Fra), 4 year old dark brindle bitch who presented a very pleasing picture overall. She has a lovely head and a soft, gentle expression. Strong neck of good length into well laid shoulders, she has a good straight front with correct flat and broad boned forelegs. Deep chest, well arched loin and broad hindquarters with stifles well bent. She moved well with a free and easy stride. HG3.

SALUKI OPEN (2, 1 abs)

1. Simpson’s Zxylasahlaam Gea’rr, 6 year old cream and white dog who was presented in excellent coat and condition. Long, narrow head, expressive eyes of good shape, good length of ear well covered with hair of silky texture, correct bone on straight front and well shaped feet. Good depth of chest and bend of stifle, broad back, well feathered tail set on low. Enthusiastic mover.

I felt sorry for the whippets in the wind and rain. Some coped better than others.


1. Finch’s Zenobia Love Actually, beautiful 9 month old fawn with white trim, perfectly named, loved her. She is so well balanced with nothing exaggerated. She has a sweet feminine head with dark eyes and soft expression, her long, arched neck flows into her well laid shoulders. Well placed perfectly straight forelegs down to super feet. Her deep chest, ideal arch over the loin and well bent stifles all combine to create a lovely shape when stacked which she kept on the move. Sound up and back and excels in profile movement covering the ground in long easy strides, not letting the weather conditions affect her. Pleased to award her BOB, HG2 and Best Hound Special Puppy.


1. Wilson’s Langshor Some Girls Will, 2 year old bitch, fawn with white trim. She had a good outline stacked and coped well with the weather conditions. Good front, neck and hindquarters. Pleasing head and expression from dark eye. Sound moving up and down, would like more extension in profile though may have been affected by the weather.

2. Third’s Bruntsfield Loch Morar, 18 months cream bitch who was not enjoying the weather conditions at all and therefore not showing her best. Close decision and could change places on another day. She also has good front, neck and hindquarters. Sound mover with good reach and drive in profile.

WHIPPET OPEN (4, 1 abs)

1. Hunter’s Collooney Was Meant To Be at Sulahmara JW, 2 year old dog of obvious quality, fawn brindle with white trim, good size, balanced outline, good head and neck, bone, depth of chest and hindquarters. Sound mover but was very unsettled by the weather.

2. Wilson’s Nicolas Star, very nice 5 year old bitch, blue with white trim, well balanced, lovely head and expression, very good movement.

3. Third’s Gorewater Jura Joy at Bruntsfield


Nice to see this breed in Scotland and have the opportunity to judge them. Like the whippets they did not appreciate the weather.

1. Anderson’s Whitglen Gregale, 2 year old dog, lightly built with square outline, good balance in head with well shaped eyes of correct colour matching coat. Well set triangular ears. Good topline, good set on of tail carried well on the move.

2. Anderson’s Whitglen Sirocco, litter brother to 1, good head, eye and expression and using his high set triangular ears. Preferred the topline and tail carriage of his brother on the move.


1. Hunter’s Neptune De Koulangar at Sulahmara JW (imp Fra), 6 year old afghan dog, black masked gold in super coat and condition. Lovely head and expression from dark eyes, low set ears, long neck, very well boned forelegs down to large feet, level topline, good depth of chest, well developed hindquarters with well bent stifles and short hocks. Covered the ground well and with exuberance on the move. Quite full of himself! HG4

2. Foote & McAulay’s Ir Ch Clonallan Just Beginning avec Erylan ShCM, PBGV, really lovely 10 year old sable and white bitch. Lovely balance and body proportions. Feminine head, dark, expressive eyes, ears of correct length, set on low. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Very sound up and down and a joy to watch in profile moving freely with reach and drive and well carried stern. Best Hound Special Veteran and pleased to see her win RBSVIS.


1. Zenobia Love Actually (see Whippet junior)

2. Foote & McAulay’s Erylan Selene De La Lune, 6 months tricolour PBGV, gorgeous puppy unlucky to meet 1. She was lacking a little in confidence which I hope will come as she has such promise. Very nice shape and balance, lovely expression from dark eyes, long neck, good bend of stifle. She moved soundly and freely with reach and drive keeping a level topline and with good tail carriage.


1. Ir Ch Clonallan Just Beginning avec Erylan ShCM (see AVHNSC)

2. Ravell’s Tungri Shooting Star, 9 year old tricolour beagle bitch, compactly built, good bone, level topline, soft expression from dark eyes. Carrying a little extra weight but she moved soundly up and down and with good reach and drive in profile.

3. Wilson’s Nicholas Dream, Whippet.

Hazel Deans (Judge)