• Show Date: 23/09/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Graham Hart Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/12/2023

Stafford & District Canine Society

Stafford and District C S

Open Show


A huge thank you to the Officers and the Committee for the opportunity of judging at their open show, thank you to my two stewards (Joyce and Jean) for keeping me in check. With a cheerful friendly atmosphere and a great entry of lovely dogs it made the day, also having the handlers and exhibitors, who took my decisions in a sporting well mannered way was lovely to see and be part of. Thank You

Retriever (Labrador) Puppy (2) 1. Young’s – Potterzuri Mister Mufasa. Great looking on the stack for a youngster, broad well shaped head with a well defined stop, good dark eye with a intellectual look, strong through the neck, well placed shoulders, front straight with plenty of good bone in forelegs, good shape to feet, chest deep barrelled and with a good spring of rib, you can see and feel strength in the couplings, tail well set with a good covering of thick hair, moved with ease and with drive from the rear quarters. BP.  2. Glaister, Bordacs & Bordacs – Bellamar Love Me Do. Youngster with a lot to like too, head of good shape, broad well defined with a good dark eye, ears well set, strong through the neck placed well into a good lay of shoulder, topline flat to strong wide loin, front assembly with good bone on straight forelegs, barrelled chest with good depth, feet rounded and compact, again tail is as sought, coated in a good amount of short thick hair, rear quarters are good with a decent turned stifle, movement smooth and true.

Yearling (5,2) 1. Collins – Foxrush Joyfull JW. Good outline, head broad with good stop, eyes dark and with good expression, neck strong flowing into a good lay of shoulder, level across the topline, tail good and true to type, front straight with good bone, chest deep and barrelled with a plentiful amount of sprung rib, rear quarters strong with a good turn to stifle, feet tight and round, coat in good condition, moved off with drive and with a correct gait. 2. Manning’s- Overmarsh Seventh Hour. Good shape to head and a good dark eye, neck strong and well set to a good lay of shoulder, nice level topline, tail set good and well covered, neat front assembly, good depth to chest of correct shape, couplings short and strong, rear quarters good, movement was ok but a little distracted in the noisy hall.

Post Graduate (3) 1.  Thorpe’s – Taph Electra. Lovely looking bitch with a fabulous outline, attentive and intelligent in looks from a expressive dark eye, head with a good broad skull and a good stop, neck good and strong, shoulders long and well laid back, front straight with a good amount of bone, chest with good depth and full of well sprung rib in an overall well defined barrel shape, rear strong across the loin and wide for strength in movement, 1st and 2nd thigh well toned, good turn to stifle nothing too excessive, feet of correct shape and firm, movement was smooth with drive and with purpose, coat thick and in a good condition. BOB. 2. Young’s – Potterzuri Chip Of The Old Block JW. Good in outline, head of good shape with a good stop, neck strong well set into good shoulders, chest deep with well sprung ribs, front straight and of good amount of bone,, level top line, rear assembly strong across the couplings and wide at loin, good toning to thighs, angulation at rear good and not exaggerated, steady on the move, strongly driven from the rear.

Open (1) 1. Collins – Carromer Worth a Glance at Kaspair. Good shape to head, broad in skull with well set ears, nice dark eye, neck strong to well laid shoulders, deep and well sprung in rib on nicely shaped chest, short and strong in couplings, feet firm and round, front nice and straight with good bone to the touch, rear angles neat not excessive and with well muscled thighs, movement was good on profile, coat in good condition.

Retriever (Flat Coated) Puppy (8,1) 1. Walker and Roberts – Gloi Dubh Lady Muck. Good in outline on the free stand, head of good shape and dimensions, intelligent dark eye, moderately long in neck well set into a good set of shoulders, deep in chest and with good rib, chest also well shaped to a good short loin, front assembly with good straight forelegs and still with plenty of quality bone, rear angulation showing no excessiveness, good toning to thighs, moved with zest and purpose for one so young, coat  and presentation good. BP.  2. Jones – Benvellyn Sequoia. Younger than 1st but has all the attributes to go far, lovely in outline, head with good shape and a pleasing dark eye, front neat and straight with good bone, chest deep with a developing shape and good rib, neck clean and set good into the shoulders, muscular rear quarters with a neat bend in stifle, moved in a free flowing manner keeping the topline true.

Yearling (6) 1. Pingree’s – Telurn Final Attraction Among Heatheridge. Good in a free standing outline, head flat and shaped well, eye dark and expressive, lovely deep broad chest , front straight with good bone, feet close and rounded, rear quarters muscled and toned with a moderate bend at stifle, this giving the power and drive on the move which was true and flowing. 2. Walker and Roberts – Gloi Dubh Kristofer Robin JW. A smaller built dog but of equal quality, good topline through to correct tail set, good neck to well placed shoulders, front, chest deep broad and well ribbed brisket to short loin, strong in rear with decent toning to thighs, coat in great condition, movement was free and with an easy action for one so young.

Post Graduate (0)

Open (3) 1. Walker and Roberts – Gloi Dubh Just One Look. Fabulous in outline and on the initial movement was the dog to beat, free flowing and without any deviation, true and straight, good across the topline to correct tail set, head with slight stop and flat, lovely dark eye intelligent and watchful, chest deep and defined, straight in forelegs with plenty of good bone, loin short, and could feel good toning in the loin, feet round and toes close and arched, nice bend to stifle, not excessive, overall a dog very much to type, movement again was the outstanding element to clinch 1st place and BOB. 2. Pingree’s – Calzeat Gentleman’s Agreement to Heatheridge JW (Imp SWE). Another mature well proportioned dog, with a good topline, head with good shape and a lovely dark eye, neck fairly long and fitting well into a good shoulder, front straight and of good bone, chest is deep and making for a brisket of quality, ribs good, strong in the rear quarters with a good loin and well toned 1st and 2nd thighs, stifle with a moderate bend to hocks, feet round and showing strength, toes close, movement was good and without any departure from free flowing action required.

Pointers. Puppy (4) 1. Philo’s – Sunhouse Black is Back at Salmonmist (AI). Strong looking boy with good outline, head of a lovely shape with a well defined occiput, good colour to eyes and giving a inquisitive look, strong well defined neck sitting into a good shoulder, these being well laid back to give a good front assembly, good in front pastern, chest deep to elbows, plenty of well sprung rib tucking up to good-looking couplings that felt strong and well toned, continuing through the rear quarters in strength and angulation, feet tight and of good shape, movement was driven with a smooth gait. BPIB. 2. Mason’s – Heartbury Tormenta over Nosam. Another promising youngster with a fabulous outline, head of good proportions with a good colour to eye and ears well set, good muscle in neck to a well laid shoulder, front strong and straight, chest good and deep with a nice rib, the loin felt good and strong with a slight arch, rear assembly was good and with plenty of good muscle tone to 1st and 2nd thighs, feet correct in shape and padding, movement was good, flowing and with a good hind action.

Yearling (2) 1. Webb’s – Tenshilling Jimmy Mack JW. Good looking youngster with a good outline, well defined stop on nicely proportioned head, good colouring to eye, neck strong and with the slight arch, good across shoulders which were laid back and long, front assembly straight and with nice oval bone, feet of good shape and arched , really strong across the rear quarters, 1st and 2nd thigh well toned, angulation good and not over excessive, movement was good with a clean gait going forward and on return, covering the ground with plenty of drive. 2. Baker’s – Mattiboo Bohemian Rhapsody. Good in overall outline with nice equal plains to head, neck strong and of good length, fitting neatly into a well laid long shoulder, front good and straight with lengthy pasterns, brisket nicely below the elbow, rear of good strength and well toned thighs, stifle well shaped and not extreme, movement was clean and with good drive.

Post Graduate (4) 1. Stilgoe’s – Glenariff Mojito over Teisgol. Well balanced dog with a good overall outline, nice shape to head with a well defined stop, nice eye and correct ear set, strong in front with nice shaped bone, pasterns with good length and slope, chest with a nice balance of depth and width moving up to muscular loins, rear angulation good with nothing over the top, feet of good shape, movement was good covering the ground with drive. 2. Dunn’s – Millpoint Heart and Soul at Casdellda. 2and half year old bitch with a good outline and looking well balanced on the initial movement round, head with  good dimensions and a nice eye, neck of good length and with the slight arch falling into well laid long shoulders, front good with nice bone, good depth to chest and tucking up nicely towards a strong loin, rear good and well toned 1st and 2nd thighs, movement was smooth and driven.

Open (2,1) 1. Philo’s - Tenshilling It’s My Party for Salmonmist JW, OSW, ShCEx. Lovely looking dog that just oozed quality, great outline and a well shaped head, good in eye colour and well set ear, neck strong and with a nice arch falling into the well laid long shoulders, the front construction is of great quality, strong and well boned, pasterns nice and long with a slight slope, brisket is good to elbow and with well sprung ribs, up to the strong loin and well proportioned rear quarters, good angulation with no excessive turn in stifle, hocks well let down, movement was driven from the well toned 1st and 2nd thigh, making for a very easy free flowing gait. BOB.

German Shorthaired Pointers. Puppy (1) 1. Rymer’s – Sarscottah Easy Ryder at Rollenwood. 9 month boy in a lovely condition, overall giving the well toned general appearance of what the breed is about, nothing too excessive and with the look of a keen worker, head of a good shape and with an eye of intelligent ness, good set to the ears also with a good shape, neck felt strong and not too long, widening into the shoulder placement, good length to upper arm and forelegs straight, chest deep and to elbow, good shape from end of rib up into strong loin, rear assembly of good strength and proportions for one so young, with no excessive turn to stifle, 1st and 2nd thighs well toned and developing well, movement was smooth and with good coverage of the ring, great for his age. BPIB.

Yearling (2) 1. Schoneville’s – Orchidstar Themisto by Balvenie. Smaller of the two dogs in this class but proportional and very well balanced, good outline, showed himself off well on the initial movement, nice shape to skull and scope to head was well shaped, good eye colour and well set ears, neck with good length and with a feeling of strength, shoulders sloping nicely and not too much between the blades, front assembly is good, strong and straight, front pasterns with a neat slope, feet nicely shaped and close, rear quarters showing well toned muscle across the loin and in both thighs, with a good turn to the stifle and balanced length to the rear pastern it made for a flowing smooth gait with good reach at front and well driven from the rear. 2. Powell’s – Hiccup’s Leaving a Legacy. As said before this was a larger dog but still in great condition and balanced, head with a good shape and all in proportion nothing excessive, good eye colour and well set ears, neck strong, shoulders muscular and well laid back, chest looked and feels deep not too wide and with a good spring to rib, front straight in foreleg and with nice  front pastern, loin strong and wide gradually sloped down across the croup, the rest of rear quarters showing strength and well toned muscle, with and neat bend in stifle and well let down hocks, moved with little effort in a driving force from the rear.

Post Graduate (1) 1. Powell’s – Hiccup’s Leaving a Legacy. As Above.

Open (2) 1. Collins – Barleyarch Hoopla at Forestpoint. Fabulous looking dog with a majestic outline, very much to type, on the initial movement there was no denying he had balance and a presence of quality, his head being correct in shape and proportion not being too wide and skull nicely rounded, eye of good colour and with a good brow, neck is strong thickening to well laid shoulder, good length to upper arm and with good return, forelegs straight and  with good position of elbow, chest good and deep with sound spring of rib coming up to a nice set of couplings, loin strong with a good width and gently down to croup, all with strong well toned muscle, his 1st and 2nd thigh showing substance with strength, stood proud on compact well shaped feet, final movement was straight and true, with good reach at front and drive from the rear, covering the ring with ease. BOB. 2. Schoneville’s – Balvenie Double Diamond JW. Another quality dog showing balance with substance, he stood proud giving a good topline and overall outline of good shape, head with good proportions, nice eye and good brow to give an expression of alertness and function, neck strong and widening into a good lay of shoulder, deep in chest not too wide so elbows sit nicely, allowing front assembly to be correct with a good length to upper arm, topline through to loin showing strength and with a gentle slope to good tail set, the rest of rear quarters have good toning to muscle, through a good bend of stifle to straight rear pastern it all shows that he has quality, this was evident in his movement which was driven straight and true and allowed him to cover the ground without effort, very close decision between these two dogs.

Gordon Setter Junior (1) 1. Fudge’s – Fieldberry Secret Weapon at Rufusmoor. 16 month old dog with a good overall out line and holding a good topline, head of correct proportions with a lovely dark brown eye, ears set low, neck lean and long falling into a good lay back in shoulder, front strong and with a nice feel to bone on forelegs, deep in brisket and with a good spring of rib, loin wide with substance, good toning to 1st and 2nd thighs also with a good bend to stifle, oval close knit feet, coat in good condition, movement was good, free and with drive albeit a little of course sometimes as youngsters do.

Post Graduate (3,2) 1. Fudge’s – Fieldberry Secret Weapon at Rufusmoor. As above.

Open (1) 1. Ashley-Turner’s – Hernwood the Botanist JW. Strong in outline and giving a lovely image of strength and substance, head with good plains, correct from occiput to stop as from stop to nose, eyes of a good dark brown, ears set low, neck strong and long with a neat arching fitting nicely into a good lay of shoulder, showing no coarseness in throat, front with a nice bone on forelegs and with nicely placed elbows, deep in chest and plenty of well sprung rib, good across the loin tailing off to a well set on tail, rear angulation of good proportions, in toning to thighs and the bend in stifle shows that he is built balanced for overall a good type, his movement was driven from the strong rear, free in a flowing action to cover the ground with ease. BOB.

Spaniel (Cocker) Junior (4,2) 1. Morris – Riondel Solitaire. What a lovely looking youngster, and so happy and full of mischief, fabulous outline and was sound on the initial run around, head shape good with a good stop, eye with a good colour and   with an affectionate look, ears with a good shape and well set, lay of shoulder is good, well boned in front, strong across the body for a youngster, rear quarters with a good bend to stifle, feet of good shape, nice condition to coat, presented well. 2. Terry’s – Shaggylands Sexy and I No It. 11 months old and full of beans, overall first impression was a good well balanced dog with a lovely expression from good coloured eyes on a first-class shaped head, ears of a good shape and set low, muscular in neck and flowing into a good lay back of shoulder, front has plenty of good bone, brisket nice and deep with plenty of well sprung rib, rear quarters strong and muscular with a good bend to stifle, movement was good with a straight and true action with plenty of drive. BPIB.

Post Graduate (10,4) 1. West’s – Sheigra Super Secret JW. Good overall outline and held a good topline on the initial movement around the ring which caught my eye, lovely head with a good dark eye, ear set low, good lay to shoulders, front with nice bone, feet well shaped, good feel to sound spring of rib, loin short and strong to help hold that level topline, muscular hind quarters with a good bend to stifle which then allowed the movement to be clean and full of drive. 2. Norris – Joaldy Mr Happy at Amaranth. Lovely looking dog in good condition, topline held level on first stack and initial movement round the ring, good shape to head with nice stop and occiput, no exaggerations, nice dark eye giving that gentle expression, front assembly of good proportions with nice bone, deep at brisket and a good spring of rib, could feel the strength in hind quarters and through 1st and 2nd thighs, movement was good with a nice rhythmic drive.

Open (6,1) 1. West’s – Sheigra Simply a Star JW. Lovely looking Bitch that caught my eye on entering the ring, with a lovely overall outline and level topline, very good plains to head shape with a good dark eye, good ear set with a nice feel to them, shoulders well laid back and neat upper arm continuing the front assembly all in good proportions, brisket deep and with good spring to rib, loin strong and wide gentle sloping down to good set on tail, well toned in the rear on a good bend to stifle, all giving a balanced dog which was what the movement showed, a clean and sturdy action covering the ground easily and without effort. BOB. 2. Mason’s – Sandlauga Soul Man. Very close between the top two, every thing balanced and of good proportions, topline held well, head of a good shape with a nice eye giving a lovely expression, neck strong into a well laid shoulder, front assembly good with legs well boned and feet nicely shaped, deep in brisket and with a good spring to ribs, loin with good width and well toned, good bend to stifle, nice and short to rear pasterns allowing for good drive on the move.

Spaniel ( American Cocker) Junior (4,1) 1. Mrs G Clay – Jenrene’s Hot Chocolate at Cutiepooch. On entering the ring this youngster caught my eye as being in great condition and without any excessiveness, good shape to head with well defined stop, eye of dark colour and full of expression, good length to neck with nice toning, good lay to shoulder, depth to chest with a good spring to rib, back strong and sloping nicely to good tail set, rear quarters with good angulation and strength in thighs, feet good and compact, coat silky and in good condition, movement was smooth effortless and  covered the ground with ease. BPIB. 2. Miss D Clay – Cutiepooch Lily Landini. Neat in outline with a good topline, nice head shape with a good dark eye, strong neck laying into good shoulders, forequarters with strong bone and straight in forelegs, chest deep with well sprung ribs, short couplings with strength across the loin, good bend to stifle and nicely toned thighs, movement although was animated was a little distracted but did flow when settled.

Post Graduate. (1). 1. Glover – Almondsbury in the Night at Mickals. This youngster was lively and genuinely full of character when she came in the ring, lovely overall outline, well developed head with a nice expression from a dark eye, good length to neck, front assembly from a good lay of shoulder is straight with good bone and muscle, good depth to chest with a well sprung rib, nice bend to stifle with a good muscle tone at rear helped her with a smooth effortless gait, presented in good condition.

Open (1) 1. Fryer – SH CH Fonesse Dirty Dancing at Carolco. Good quality dog that entered the ring with great presence and attitude, great in outline with well developed head and a lovely intelligent expression, strong neck of good length flowing into a well laid shoulder, front assembly good with strong toning and full of strong bone, pasterns strong and short, brisket deep to elbow and well sprung in rib, good angulation at stifles and having well defined muscled 1st and 2nd thighs, feet of good shape neither pointing in nor out, movement was smooth and effortless, covering the ground with ease, no deviation from the perfect motion, coat silky and  in great condition, presented and handled in a kind and companionate way. BOB.

Lagotto Romagnolo Junior (3) 1. Gilder & Blunden – Mikette Blues Brothers. Lovely positive entry into the ring for this youngster, showing great presence, good in outline and full of style, nice shape to skull, with good shape and colour to eye, neck with a slight arch and showing signs of strength, good length to shoulder blade set nicely back, compact and equal plains in body, strong across the back to nicely developing wide croup, good bend to stifle on well toned thigh, movement was driven and continuous with a smooth flow. BPIB. 2. Mort’s – Mikette Blues Brothers. Another good looking youngster with plenty to like, outline neat and correct with good dimensions to head, having a good eye shape and correct colouring, developing well in body good overall shaping, shoulders well laid with good length to blades, forequarters straight in forearm with good bone, loin and croup with plenty of substance, stifle well bent and  with upright pasterns, movement was smooth and effortless.

Post Graduate (1). 1 Whittick’s – Allsong Nuova Luna. Although she stood alone there was nothing to take away from the merits of this young bitch, good in outline with a head of well proportioned plains, rounded eye of good colour and size, powerful feel to neck, neat lay to muscular shoulder, compact in body well toned across back from withers to croup, good tail set, coat in good condition, movement was free and continuous without deviation.

Open (2,1) 1. Whittick’s – Articbreeze Turbulence at Allsong. Mature dog with a great presence, looked the part on entering the ring, stood proud with a great outline, head held high with an intelligent glance, head shape of good proportions, keen round eye of good colouring, neck strong with a noticeable arch, shoulders with a moderate lay across a sound back, front quarters with good bone on straight forearms, good depth to chest reaching well down on elbow, great feel to 1st thigh onto a well bent stifle no exaggeration, good coat even through out, moved with a smooth even gait with little effort, handled and presented well. BOB

Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) Junior (4,1) 1. Greenwood’s – Coedhelyg Son Shine. Nice looking dog with a cracking outline, head of a nice shape with a good eye colour, happy and friendly looking in expression, ears good shape and set back, neck medium length and strong, shoulders well laid back with strong straight forelegs, good depth to chest and plenty of sprung rib, level top line to a strong loin, good angulation at rear with a well toned set of thighs, high tail set, movement had good reach and flowed straight and true. 2. Warrens – Afonbach Dreamfryeat Shorrocks. Lovely little bitch with plenty of style, Head shape of good proportions with a good shape and colour to eye, well laid shoulder through to a good front assembly, nice deep chest and good spring of rib, strong across the loin, rear quarters with a good bend to stifle on toned 1st and 2nd thigh, good coat and overall condition, moved well with drive in a sound manner for and aft.

Post Graduate (3) 1. As 2nd above - Warrens – Afonbach Dreamfryeat Shorrocks.

2. Brands- Coedhelyg Jingle all the Way. Good looking dog with a lovely outline, immaculate on the stack didn’t flinch, good shape and proportions to head and a nice eye, neck strong flowing into the withers and a good lay back of shoulder, forequarters with good bone, strong and straight, pasterns good, good depth in chest and a nice spring of rib, stifle well bent and you could feel the muscle tone in 1st and 2nd thighs, moved with purpose and no deviation.

Open (2) 1. Ms A M & Miss A L Adshead – AfonBach Winter is Coming JW. Strong dog with style and presence, good outline and again strong on the stack, topline level, head of a good shape no exaggerations, eye of nice colour and  shape, strength in neck flowing into a well laid back shoulder also sound in muscle, front assembly was good with the feel of strong straight forelegs and with the look of strength in pastern, depth to chest was good and with a sound strapping spring to rib, stifle well bent on well toned 1st and 2nd thighs, nice tail set, feet good and tight even on the move, movement flowed without effort , the ease at which he went showed a good reach with no detraction from the line of his bearing. BOB. 2. Stait’s – Acadiabyrne the Bakers Son. Seemed more compact than 1st but still a good outline, head with nice shape and proportions, good colour to eye, neck strong and falls nicely into a good lay of shoulder, forelegs good and straight, chest has depth with a good spring to rib, loin strong with well set on tail, rear with good angulation and sound toning to thighs, feet rounded and tight, moved well in a flowing reach with plenty of drive from the rear.


Graham Hart