• Show Date: 10/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Geraldine Cove-Print Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Ashfield (Notts) Canine Society

Ashfield Canine Society Premier Open Show. First Day


Right from the off a fabulous welcome for Judges and exhibitors alike at this show on a blistering hot weekend. Thanks go to the terrific committee who did not stop smiling despite the heat and of course to exhibitors for such a quality entry on a busy Show weekend. Thank you for my invitation to Judge at this well run and well supported show.

Border Terrier

P. 3 (1) 1. Halls BORDERRUSH RAMBUTAN Standing on neat feet with well laid shoulder, excellent jaw with enough muzzle. Good to firm topline, well held on the move, strong to hindquarters without coarseness, moved straight and true with disregard for the ground. BP , great to see her take the Terrier Puppy Group . Second, also a nicely balanced b. just not moving as positively on the choppy ground. 2. Marshall’s ELEMCELLA GOOD TO GO

J. 1(0) 1. Hall’s CHEYNONIS ONCE IN A BLUE MOON FOR BORDERRUSH. Blue lass wouldn’t want to see her any longer in loin but at 14months still to grow on. Well presented, jacket a little soft at this stage. Good fore and aft, moved with drive, excellent teeth and jaw.

PG. 3(1) 1. Cummins HAVENCROFT EMERALD VIA KEWHAIGH Good to skull, tidy ear set, comes to hand easily, balanced b.in good jacket, moved straight and true 2.Halls BORDERRRUSH MAGIC BEAN

O.2(0) 1. Halls OTTERWOOD AURA AT BORDERRUSH Liked her head and balance, on first look I thought she was lacking in length of neck but really the balance is there with a decent lay of shoulder but coat is deceptive. Second, another good, game sort who had drive but lacked the easy extension of 1 on the day. BOB 2. Sutton’s FISHERBLOOM KILLER QUEEN AT THISTLEWHISS RBOB

Bull Terrier (Miniature)

J.3(0) 1. Wilson, Wilson & Harrison’s JENKIR ARTEMIS Confident dog with character standing strongly 4 square. Good head proportions and good ear set. Enough angulation fore and aft to give drive and adequate extension. Good spring of rib and well-muscled to loin RBOB. Second very promising puppy just lacking drive from behind today 2. Heard’s LEYFINDS TAKING OVER LOUWAB BP. 3 Milkowska’s MAGIC OSWALD DAKER POLAND AT MILKYBULLIES (Imp Pol) 3. Thompson’s OAKFAYRE’S EMPRESS ETERNAL

PG.4 (2) 1. Thompson’s OAKFAYRE’S EMPRESS ETERNAL Wouldn’t want her any bigger, excels in shoulder and hind angulation, good to skull. Well produced muscle allowing free forward movement. Second has a better eye shape but hind movement letting this chap down today.2.Wilson’s DUVESSA SHEER KHAN

O. 3(1) 1. Heard’s KILTONTHORPE JONNY FOX WITH LOUWAB Absolutely on form, masculine without being overdone. Fore and hind well engineered to give expected drive and extension. Head with that desired egg shape and a sparkle to the eye. Well produced with sufficient muscle that didn’t overwhelm the balance BOB 2. Harrison’s JENKIR HERA. RBOB  3.Wilson & Harper’s  OLYMPUSBULYS ATHENA

Manchester Terrier

J.4(1) 1. Plant’s SPRING WREN AT PLANTOCRACY Very exciting prospect for the future. Elegant wedge head of correct proportions, good to jaw. Well angulated fore and aft giving positive drive and free flowing extension BP. 2. Davies & Brown’s WYSTERY DEMPSEY’S TIPPLE 3. O’Boyle’s RUFFAGGA I’M THE MAN

PG.3(1) 1. Davies & Brown’s WYSTRY DEMPSEY’S TIPPLE Long to skull but a little at odds with unfinished conformation yet to mature. Sympathetically handled as this chap was uncomfortable with ring conditions, moved straight and true to forehand. 2. Bunning’s YSABELKID DUSTY FOG TAF

O. 4(0) Barlow’s CH TALANORS TIME TO SHINE FOR MANNIKAI Loved this class of quality exhibits. From the tip of her adorable ears to the end of her tail this lass exudes fun, fresh and feisty. Clear colouring and crisp boundaries, balanced in conformation with classically elegant head and almond eye. Moved with cadence and style BOB. Second had better drive and extension but couldn’t deny the overall balance of 1. 2. Plant’s PLANTOCRACY BOLD BRUCE RBOB 3. Goldsborough’s TALANOR’S TYPICALLY MAGIC 4. Barlow’s TALANORS TIME FOR MAGIC

English Setter

P. 2(2)

J.5(3) 1.Williamson’s HAWKLAWN SULTAN OF SWING Masculine but not overdone in any way, good head properties with kind expression. Gentle arch of neck leading to well laid shoulder and sufficient angulation behind, would like to see harder muscle to this dog, moved straight and true in the class but upped his game in the challenge to go BOB 2.McDowell’s MOORBROOK MISS MARPLE AVEC BYEDALES.

PG. 1(0) 1.Kemp-Taylor’s QUENSHA’S STRAWBERRY SWING Sweet headed b. excellent head planes and most appealing of eye. Little upright in upper arm so not giving the extension on the move but sound hind drive.

O.2(0) Jarvis IR SH CH HAWKLAWN SUMMER BREEZE Good flow from elegant neck into shoulder and short back, well ribbed up with well angulated hind giving a good outline, moved well. RBOB 2. Hopper’s BRAMSTONE FOREST SPRITE

Gordon Setter

J.1(0) 1. Fudge’s FIELDBERRY SECRET WEAPON AT RUFUSMOOR Well off for bone & up to size. V.good to head, skull and depth of muzzle. Well sprung ribs with enough heart room. Moved soundly with excellent cadence for such a youngster.

PG.4 (2) 1.Roberts MOONGLADE LILY MAE MAGIC No mistaking this is a girlie, most gentle and soft expression, skull a little flat but just a minor part of this well-made lass. Well laid shoulder, correct topline with powerhouse hind end. Moved with ease exhibiting strength and grace. In the challenge was spooked as only a Gordon can be and all cooperation with the handler was sadly lost. 2. Fudge’s FIELDBERRY SECRET WEAPON AT RUFUSMOOR

O. 3(1) 1. Ashley-Turner’s HERNWOOD THE BOTONIST JW . Weight carrying bone and solid structure throughout. Head with correct formation, the expression one of interest and kindness. Not the best of feet but pleasing construction to shoulder and upper arm as well as sufficient angulation to hind. On the move, that essential lightness of step that transforms the Gordon from a dog of great physical substance to one that will enchant you all day. BOB 2. Fudge’s FIELDBERRY SECRET WEAPON AT RUFUSMOOR RBOB

Irish Red & White Setter

O. 1(0) 1. Tait’s SH CH TALINTYRE WINTER SHADOW. This dog simply glowed in the sunshine, his headpiece was strong but unexaggerated, his angulation fore and aft well executed with toned muscle. Short to metatarsus giving impulsion with well laid at shoulder offering good extension and economy of effort. Excellent presentation completed the picture BOB.

A.V Import Register (Gundog)

J.2 (1) 1. Taylor’s FABPOINT PAGAN THROUGH POINTOAK (Imp PT) Stylish Portuguese Pointer. Square to muzzle with correct head planes. I felt this young dog still has more growing to do and would love to see again in a year to really fulfil his promise. Good to topline with muscular loin, movement purposeful and easy. Found myself wanting to see this breed at work to fully appreciate their style and stamina. BOB

OD 1(1)

OB 1(1)

AVNSC Gundog _- No entries

Gundog Group.

As I looked around the assembled group, I felt most grateful to the other Judges for sending forward such terrific ambassadors for their breeds. I felt very honoured to have such a strong group, even my shortlist left some excellent dogs on the sidelines. All dogs, bar one, showed affability and good humour despite the punishing heat, as did the owners!

Group 1. Gascoigne’s NIVALIS AUGUSTUS. Clumber Spaniel. Giving the impression of amiable power, masculine head in proportion and without exaggeration. Well-engineered fore and aft, short to metatarsus giving tremendous drive combined with effortless extension to forehand. Not the flashiest of breeds but honest to goodness strength and intelligence combined, this dog did not stop giving. Thrilled to hear he went on to RBIS the next day.


Group 3. Ashley-Turner’s HERNWOOD THE BOTONIST JW

Group 4. Sewell’s QUATTROZAMPE CHUFFED’T BITS Cocker Spaniel. Super, compact pocket rocket of correct proportions.  Appealing head construct with inquisitive expression and soft gaze. Balance and efficiency in movement and looked as if she would work all day.

Gundog Puppy Group.

Some real crackers in this assembly. Such a credit to their owners that they were still fresh and biddable at the end of a long, hot day.

Group 1. Dale’s CASACHARED CONSTANCE TALLY OF AUBANJON. Irish Setter. This lass looked an absolute picture with the sun on her glossy, flat coat. Head with correct planes and the finest chiselling giving character and the gentlest of expressions. Lovely flow from neck into well laid shoulder and the subtle slope to her correctly set on tail. Nothing extreme but far from ordinary she powered around the ring with fluidity.

Group 2. Elliot’s VIZSLANYA PAFRANY FOR ZINNIAVIZ. Hungarian Vizsla. Super, lean head of correct proportions. Moved with cadence and drive.

Group 3.  Bovio’s ILSOLO WINNIE THE POOH. Italian Spinone. Very promising lass possessing excellent head planes and correct topline for this age. Moved with steady drive with economy of movement.

Group 4. O’Brien’s MAXFIELD SERGEANT PEPPER. Labrador Ret. Mature D. with pleasing silhouette and sound as a pound on the move. Athletic but with substance

A.V Veteran Gundog 10(7)

1. Bradley’s SH CH VIZSLANYA VIVMANY BY HIGHFORCE JW ShCM ShCEx VW Hungarian Vizsla. My word, this stunning lass carries her years with ease, muscle laid down early in her life is still doing the business of propulsion, cadence and fluidity. Never underestimate the old ‘uns! Both 1 & 2, dogs who excel in soundness and stamina, a credit to their owners. 2.Nixon’s QUINTANA CLOUD BERRY (GSP) 3 Hopper BRAMSTORM FOREST SPRITE (Eng. Setter)

A.V Gundog

P.10(6) 1.Marshall’s WISSANT MOON AND STARS Cocker Span. Super, year old d. exquisite head, pleasing silhouette, well laid shoulder, moved with verve, sound and true. Adult coat just around the corner.2.James KINGSMIST GOLDEN FUTURE FOR BLEIDDIAID Field Span. 3.Walker & Roberts LAMANCHA TRUST YOUR HEART WITH GLOI Golden Ret.

J.14(10) 1.Trickett’s CFYRE’S HIGH TEA AT TOLLPEPPER JW (IMP CAN) NSDT Ret. Tidy and unexaggerated, balanced throughout. Almond shaped eyes that shone with intelligence. Moved with that essential spring and drive.2. Markey’s YOKOHAMA LOFTY TO EVENFLOW (IMP POL) 3.Reid’s SYBITON GINGER NUT

PG. 8(3) 1.Nixon’s QUINTANA LUNAR ECLIPSE GSP. Excelled in drive and smooth as silk movement, topline steady on the move. Clean balance to head. 2Brothwell WISSANT DEAR DARLING Cocker Span. 3.Reid’s SYBITON GINGER NUT

O.6(2) 1.  Brothwell’s WISSANT UPTOWN GIRL Cocker Span. Cracking roan b. Compact with plenty of style and verve. Liked her head properties and delightful expression. Brothwell’s WILANORAH TICKET TO THE MOON AT WISSANT Cocker Span. 3. West’s SHEIGRA SUPER SPECIAL JW Cocker Span.

A.V Gundog Rare Breed No Entries

A.V Vulnerable Native Breed Gundog

P. 5(3) 1.Davey’s EALD BULL EAGLE Sussex Span. Excellent breed type, well off for bone, solid without coarseness. Typical action on the move, good drive, sound and true. BP 2.James KINGSMIST GOLDEN FUTURE FOR BLEIDDIAID Field Span.

J.5(3) 1.Williamson’s FINCHMILL SECRET SURPRISE IWS. Presented in fine fettle, good to head and skull, excels in shoulder placement with good upper arm return balancing hind, not overdone in any way. A1 coat, dense and oily. McDowell’s MOORBROOK MISS MARPLE AVEC BYEDALES Eng Setter

PG. 8(6) 1.Kemp-Taylor’s QUENSHA STRAWBERRY SWING Eng. Setter RBOB 2. Davey’s EALD VILLAGE URCHIN Sussex Span.

O.7(6) 1.Clayton’s LIZALLWOOD MR BOJANGLES JW. CC.Ret. Sparkling coat is good order, upstanding d. of quality. Loved his head of correct planes and shape, moved with power and grace. Very happy to award him Best AV Vulnerable Native Breed


1.West’s SHEIGRA SIMPLY A STAR Cocker Span.

Ashfield Canine Society Premier Open Show. Second Day


Dachshund (W-H)

P.3(0) 1.Ward’s NASIRIYAH’S LAVENDER. 6 month off b. Liked her very much, conical head of correct proportions. Decent breastbone and balanced throughout for one so young. In good fettle, moved sound as a pound with extension and drive BP 2.Eldred & Dickinson DAKOTADAX CHECK MATE. 3. Dickinson SONHAM DOUBLE TROUBLE AT DAKOTADAX

J.2(0) 1. Graham’s BOLORIA WILD SPICE. 14-month-old b. Deep to keel but with enough air beneath. Good pelvic placement and well laid shoulder with good upper arm return. Moved with verve and purpose, attractive expression with correct skull, stepped up a gear in the challenge to go BOB. 2. Russell & Hutchings COLLIDACH RUSSELL LEEVES.

PG. 5(2) 1.Brierley’s BRAMALODGE BONFIRE HEART AT TATZE Strong class of quality exhibits. I preferred the head properties of 1, good to shoulder and neat at elbow allowing good forward extension with economical movement, good length to sternum without being overdone, strong, well-muscled hind. 2. Hutchings DERDLEDASH DAKOTA AT DAKOTADAX. 3. Hutchings COLLIDACH RAYNEE DAY

O.3(2) 1. Hutchings CH COLLIDACH BROOK LING Good angulation fore and aft, super head of good proportions, captivating eye of almond shape, balanced overall with correct breastbone, strong to croup and hind giving powerhouse drive behind RBOB



PG.1(0) Rossington’s SOUFRIERE BALISAGE. Domed skull with perceptible occiput, kind eye and correct to planes. In good jacket, well laid shoulder and hind angulation allowed easy drive with enough forward extension. BOB



J.1(0)Townsend’s OVERBECKS ESME SHELBY AT ROXASTAN At just 7 months this baby shows great promise. Puppy coat still evident with undercoat still to develop fully. Scored in front end assembly, enough bone, good to hind with correct angulation to stifle. Lovely eye, good to head properties for this stage. Moved straight and true with admirable drive. BP &  BOB

PG. 0

O.1(0) 1.Townsend’s AFTERGLOW CURTAIN CALL AVEC ROXASTAN. Super headed male in excellent coat. Hind well-made and gave good drive but forehand a little tied in at elbow which reflected in his movement, particularly in the longer grass of the ring. BOB


J.2(1) Reilly’s ENDEARING WARRIOR AT DARMAROR Substantial, masculine youngster of 1 year. Full dentition, quality head, yet to finish but very promising.  Excels in front with pleasing angulation, plenty of heart room, good to pastern and into decent feet. Bone a little round for me, topline firm and carried to advantage on the move with correct tail carriage. Hind angulation good, excellent front extension on the move and drive from well-muscled hind quarters. I shall watch his career with interest.


L.3(0) 1. Cave’s CASIANN ATE. Strong head on this striking b. of good type. Well laid shoulder and front assembly but wee bit weak to pasterns, good to hind angulation, plenty of heart room and firm to topline. Straight and true on the move with powerful drive and good extension in profile RBOB 2.White’s KENTWONE SRIRACHA 3. White’s IF THERE BE THORNS

O.4(2) Kearnan’s NL CH ROSEBUD DAENERYS IR JNR CH. Excellent type, mature b. with head/skull of good proportions, still remaining feminine. Good fore and aft angulation. Straight and true away and back. Side gait exceptional with effortless extension to front and powerhouse drive from behind, topline held. Loved her. BOB

Geraldine Cove-Print (Judge)