• Show Date: 05/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Gavin Robertson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 05/11/2023

Bloodhound Club

The BLOODHOUND CLUB OPEN SHOW 5/11/23 A very pleasant days judging this wonderful hound breed steeped in history, a welcoming committee and a very supportive ringside throughout where i was able to judge outside which was great. Although not high in numbers the quality was good and encouraging to have some promising youngsters coming through along with new exhibitors which is can only be a good thing. PD 1)HUDSON-GRACEMINSTER RUMBLE (ai) Masculine dignified head with correct narrow head, oval dark eyes, prominent occiput,right amount of skin on head, long neck, has good round bone with tight knuckled feet, ribs well developed with firm topline and strong tailor good length, good coat and skin, once settled has lovely foot placement and holds his shape well, very promising youngster.RBD and BP 2)PHELAN-GRACEMINSTER REVERANCE (ai) Raw baby, low set long fine ears,large open nostrils, lean square muzzle and lips, good bone, needs to develop in rib, and a little rounded in topline, moderate rear with hocks well let down, tail of good length, needs to develop all through. JD 1)PRIOR-HOUNDSEEKER DAUNTLESS Strong, powerful muscular hound, level head planes, excellent length and fold to ears, a little wide in backskull, square deep muzzle, strong round bone , has deep chest, prefer longer rib cage, muscled loin,well proportioned frame with moderate rear, drops off in croup slightly,elastic powerful mover 2)BURNSIDE-HOUNDSEEKER DRAGON Lean skull, head planes a little divergent, prominent occiput,clean well set dark eyes, deep muzzle and lips, moderate neck,well rounded bone with compact feet, muscled loin,, just preferred proportions on 1, good croup and tail,2 different hounds PGD as above As above LD 1)as above 2)as above OD 1)HOWIE-CH MARKSBURY MALFOY A quality balanced well made hound, strong but not overdone, excellent proportions with good length in head and body,dignified expression, occiput defined, slight stop with a deep square muzzle, ok ears, long muscular neck,right amount of dewlap excellent well made front with round bone and strong feet, super topline with ribs extending well back, has width in rear quarters with hocks set on square, elastic fine skin, long slightly feathered tail, super free mover,shown in firm condition, lots to like with good breed type.BIS PB 1)HUDSON- GRACEMINSTER RUBY SLIPPERS(AI) Feminine narrow head with lovely long folded ears, good lips, has some dewlap with round bone, neck of fair length with well laid shoulders, good ribs, topline and tailset, modetare rear angulation,she is very collected on the move and has some strength while still looking feminine, nice youngster and will continue to improve. JB 1)HOWIE-MARKSBURY REGINA AT MILLVERY Very typey bitch standing over good ground, well proportioned with round bone and a clean outline, in liked her lean head and muzzle with a real dignified expression right amount of head furnishings, occiput defined, deep square muzzle, long neck, well made front and feet, excellent well sprung ribs, good topline with a strong loin, has width in rear, tail long, she is well developed for her age in body, she is a steady mover and pushed hard for best bitch, just preferred the freedom of stride in the OB. RBB 2)BURNSIDE- HOUNDSEEKER DRAGONFLY Level head planes, a little wide and rounded in skull which lifts her ear set slightly, lean muzzle with pendulous lips, dark oval eyes, correct moderate furnishings to her,just preferred proportions on winner, rounded croup, on the move she picks herself up well holding her topline and is sound, OB 1)CLARK-BORU’S ELEMENT OF SURPRISE AT FARLAP(IMP CAN) Beautiful headpiece with a real dignified expression, equal proportions with excellent head planes, slight stop, lovely oval dark eyes , low set folded ears, defined occiput, long neck with round bone, has length to her frame, prefer more depth and fill in front, ok ribs, moderate furnishing with elastic fine skin, holds her topline, she has width in thigh,moderate rear, long tail, super free elastic mover with good footfall and she really uses her rear, still needs to full mature in body but lots to like and is in great coat, skin condition.Best bitch. VD/B 1)HOWIE- CH MARKSBURY WHEEDLE VON JAEGERSMANN Typey workmanlike bitch with good substance and bone to her, very balanced all through standing over good ground, narrow skull,has length and depth to her foreface, large open nostrils, dark eyes, fine low set folded ears, long neck,well sprung ribs with chest well let down, right amount of furnishings, full of type, she moves steadily, lots to like,just had to give away to youthfulness of main winners today. 2)JONES- HARVIDENE DEVIL IN DISGUISE Strong masculine,powerful solid built male, he has a balanced head with length and depth of foreface, a little wide in backskull,folded ears,muscular neck of fair length, deep chest with well sprung ribs, round firm bone, has width in hindquarters with hocks squarely set, would prefer a firmer topline, elastic powerful mover