• Show Date: 16/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Gavin Robertson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 17/09/2023

Scunthorpe Canine Association

LC chihuahua Puppy 1)TAYLOR-AHAU CASA GRANDE WANNABE ADORED B/t raw pup,domed skull, short muzzle with large eyes, has good length of leg, slightly elongated body high set tail but would prefer better carriage. Needs to settle on the move. Junior 1)TAYLOR- OSKOLAS WHITE ANGEL super shape, ears well set, domed skull, slighty pointed muzzle. Super front, feet and topline, ex tail. Sound mover, outgoing temp PG 1)TAYLOR-MICROSCHIHUAS ICE T i liked his shape, type, maaculine head with lovely expressive dark eyes, straight forlegs, compact feet. Strong rear with low set hocks, sadly he doesnt want to show himself great on the move, has nice qualities to him Open 1)ENTWISTLE- CH DORENTYY’S HEIDI HI fem head with domes skull. Ears well set,eye could be darker, nice front, good proportions, prefer firmer topline.tail well carried, low set hocks 2)TAYLOR- MARIETTA READY TEDDY GO PEPEETOLYN Masaculine head with defined stop and domed skull, ideally like a more neck. Deep chest, modetare angles, steady mover, SC chihuahua Puppy 1)ENTWISTLE- DORENTY’S ARFA SIXPENCE very Raw but i liked his type and shape, domed skull, ears set well. Needs to tighten in elbow but i like his topline, tail, rear and ribs 2)ENTWISTLE- ZOOMERA TALK OF THE TOWN DORENTY rangier dog than 1 and needs to develop in body, nice muzzle, skull, large ears, preferred topline on 1. Exc tail, needs time Junior 1)HOLMES/ENTWISTLE- CAZANTS THE GAFFER LUVS DORENTY top quality dog, full of presence, detailed head with ex ears, well rounded skull and pointed muzzle. Ex proportions with a firm topline, dainty feet, brisk mover, lovely type. BOB ans Gp 1 2)1ST PD PG 1)ENTWISTLE- CAZANTS THE GEISHA LUVS DORENTY well proportioned, large dark eyes , domed skull, large ears, good shape, prefer better feet, good back, tail and rear angle. A little steep in shoulder. 2)1ST PD Open 1)SMITH-MOLTOBELLO MISS MYRTLE OF HULAWAWAS Balanced head and skull, domed skull with ears well set, super front, neck and feet, firm topline with correct tail set/carriage . Mod rear, ideally like a fraction less of her. Chinese Crested Puppy 1)LARINA-SEKRETA,- NOCTURNE GAMBITAS BY LAVIEEST very smart male. Lovely head with good length, slight stop. Ears well set, well made front, has depth to chest, ok ribbing. Low set hocks, holds shape one move, nice type and mover. 2)SEED- SIR LUCIFER another nice young dog, still to drop in chest and body up, dark eyes, large ears , strong neck, straight forelegs, level back but drops off in croup a bit.. sound mover, just needs time Junior 1)CROW-KOJIKIS THE LOOK OF LOVE AT CASACAVALLO cobby type, masculine head, dark eyes , good bone, well proportioned body/legs , needs to tighten in front, holds topline with high set tail. Exc skin, firm condition, 2) 1st in puppy PG 1)HALL- AZHAR SUN WORSHIPPER typey well proportioned bitch, correct size, fem expression, well developed Ribs and chest. Level back, high set tail, cobby in type.mod rear 2)HALL- SUAISA ALL THERE NO HAIR Balancec head piece,.prefer more underjaw, exc skin, needs to have neater elbow. Short loin. High set tail. Preferred topline on winner. Moderate rear Open 1)CROW- KOJIKI’S LOVE TO HATE ME AT CASACAVALLO Super balanced dog, elenogated head with slight stop and well set ears. Straight forlegs , super skin and pigment. Nice proportions. Low set hocks, ex type with lovey profile movement.BOB 2)PROCTOR- PUFFLEPAWS PROSECCO PLEASE Another nicely proportioned bitch, fem head, eye could be a little darker, straight forelegs, deep chest, holds back on the move, low set hocks, ideally like a better lay of shoulder, high set tail. In nice condition Papillion Puppy 1)KERRISON/WILLIAMS-LASTAYLA CARAMEL SHORTCAKE Real baby but he is collected with good poroptions to him, slightly points muzzle, dark eyes , mod neck with straight forlegs , level back with high set tail, nice temperament. Just needs time Junior 1),KERRISON/WILLIAMS-KEZEKEZ SIGNORE NICO ROSBERG large ears well placed, dark eyes. Prefer neater elbows, high set tail. Modertare rear with low set hocks, just a little square in body. Silky coat PG 1)1st in Junior 2)MASKELL/WALLER- KAZKELL CRACKER JOKE maaculine head, dark eyes, rounded skull, good feet, a little rounded in topline, high set tail, up to size, preferred shape on winner Open 1)MASKELL/WALLER- LILNROSE IM IN THE LIMELIGHT WITH KAZKELL very nice typey well made dog, detailed typey head with large ears well set, clean neck and shoulder, very balanced with correct proportions , level topline with high set tail. Super coat and condition. 2) 1st in junior Pugs Open 1)URWIN- ROXMARR CHINA GIRL AT ANEEVA Cobby bitch, expressive head, ears could be a little smaller. Strong neck, deep chest with well sprung ribs, high set tail good skin and coat. Low set hocks with strong rear. AVNSC TOY Puppy 1)HOLLEY- VALEAST DREAM OF DREAMS ETT, Well proportioned dog with good legs, straight forlegs, super ears, clean neck, moderate angles, liked him in profile. 2)URWIN- VICKSTOCK WOW ANEEVA Min pin Blanced head, clean neck, compact body, exc topline with high set tail. Needs to tighten in front. Good type. Junior 1)TARABAD- KHATIBI CHEWED A ROSE Lovely typey cavalier bitch, expressive head, ears high set, well made front with legs nicely under body, level topline, super rear with low set hocks, balanced, feminine with quality 2)GRANTHAM- DEIZI YABBA DABBA DOOZIE AT LAKE GIANTS Bichon Junior male, super head, expression, pigment, straight forelegs , level back. Peter more length of leg, high set tail. Angular rear with low set hocks, holds topline on the move. PG 1)WILSON- ALIZO EVERYONE IS MAD HERE Bichon, maacxuline but not overdone, balanced head piece, eyes dark and well placed. Nice length of leg, clean neck, holds topline. Not using his tail in the heat, sound mover Open 1)TARABAD- CH COFTON ALL I HAV TO DO IS DREAM WITH KHATIBI King Charles. Domes skull, good nose, dark eyes, padded lips, well proportioned with dep chest compact muscled loin, low set hocks, nice temperament, sound mover, really good breed type 2) TARFF- IMMELEON ARTIMIS AT HAVREDEMER Havanese, Balancec skull, dark eyes with good pigment. Corretc shape and topline. High set tail, low hocks, postive mover, Harsh coat texture? AV toy vet 1)CROW- CH JUDT KIDDING OF ANGELS LEGACY AT CASACAVALLO Crested, 10 and looks half that, very balanced and collected, super shape, detailed headm front nicely under bosom exc topline and tailset, brisk mover, lots to like, lovely type, 2)TARFF- CH/BEL CH NEWPARK DREAM LOVER Really nice shape, balanced skull, dark eye, slight stop!!, mod neck with a well made front,, good condition in great coat, holds shape on move with high set tail and uses his rear. English Setter J 1)WILLIAMSON- HAWKLAWN SULTAN OF SWING yearling dog who still needs to develop in body , balanced skull, good eye, clean neck, level back, prefer shorter loin, short tail carried well, moderate angles PG 1)WELBURN- OSHOWA DREAM COME TRUE nice typey well proportioned bitch, detailed head with good eye , ear and expression, clean neck and shoulder. Deep chest, level back with good croup and tail, sound from all angles 2)KEMP-TAYLOR- QUENSHA STRAWBERRY SWING stronger headed bitch than 1 but still in proportion, moderate angles, good ribs, needs to drop in rear, preferred topline and croup on 1, Open 1)WELBURN-CULVERWELL SEA BREEZE AT OSHOWA feminine Typey balanced bitch, moderate angles, nice head and expression, super neck shoulders with good fill in front, ok topline with ex short tail. Prefer better feet, nice in profile 2)LAWSON- WANSLEYDALE DORIAN GRAY maaculine dog, slightly strong in backskull. Ok neck, ex feet, level back with deep chest, well angled rear, level back. Nice foot placement on the move.