• Show Date: 19/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 19/11/2023

Huntingdonshire Canine Society

Thank you so much for inviting me to judge these two breeds at your lovely, friendly show. You always have such a loyal band of exhibitors, very hard-working committee and lovely homemade cakes on offer to the judges. Thank you to my very friendly, helpful stewards, Linda and Michael.

I was a little disappointed with my Toller entry, when the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of UK had sponsored the classes and recommended me as a judge. I was advised a lot of the Toller exhibitors were travelling on 19th August to the Welsh Kennel Club’s championship show and camp overnight ready for Gundog Day the next day.



1. Powley’s Danehaven Deeks. A young dog, just seven months old. I liked his overall balance, shape and breed type. Well-proportioned head of good shape, with white blaze. Almond shaped eyes with soft expression. Nice shaped ears, well set. Dentition correct. Medium length of neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Elbows close to body. Forelegs straight and strong. Level topline. Well-made, muscled hindquarters, with stifles well bent. Super small tight feet with white toes. Well set feathered tail with white on the tip, carried correctly. Good coat for age. Moved powerfully with good reach of forelegs and strong rear drive to win him the class. BEST PUPPY.

2. Powley’s Danehaven Exploits. A well-balanced older dog puppy. Another nice type, but I just liked the style of above. Good head with flat cheeks, flesh coloured nose, well placed ears and dentition correct. Strong neck of good length, flowing into well placed shoulders. Well sprung ribs, strong loin with moderate tuck up. Well-muscled hindquarters and bent stifles. Tight feet with white tips. Excellent bone and good overall proportions. Moved well.

3. Powley’s Danehaven Haha.


1. Collins & Powley’s Danehaven Madeleine. A lovely mature bitch, full of breed type. Correct outline and shape. Lovely feminine head, enhanced by a soft expression from almond shaped eyes. Wedge shaped skull, broad and slightly rounded and moderate stop. Nice ears, set high. Good neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Standing on strong, straight fore legs. Tight feet with white tips. Deep chest, brisket to elbows and lovely fore chest. Nicely bodied, ribs well sprung and strong loins. Lovely level topline. Well-muscled hindquarters, with stifles well bent. In great coat and condition. Moved better with a faster handler. In great coat and condition. BEST OF BREED.

2. Limerick & O’Sullivan’s Riverwatch Paluktak. A lovely looking mature, masculine dog. Appeared rather large and courser against the puppies and bitches present. But a really beautiful, striking dog, well balanced and everything in proportion. Good shaped head, with attractive blaze, triangular shaped ears, well set. Correct almond shaped eyes giving soft expression. Medium neck leading to well-placed shoulders. Straight fore legs. Nicely ribbed and strong in loin. Level topline. Muscled hindquarters and good turn of stifle. Best mover covering the ground effortlessly. Moved with power and ease, reach of forelegs and drive from the rear, with his head and tail carried correctly. Super feathering and in beautiful coat. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.

3. Fincham’s Danehaven MacDonalds.

4. Andrews’ Tollelkin Dream Spring at Jemmatee.

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1. Powley’s Danehaven Jemseg. A 6-year-old bitch, that looked and acted older. A very nice type, with good balance and outline. A very attractive feminine head of correct shape, with blaze. Lovely ears and eyes with soft expression. Well set neck. Correct depth of chest and well-made fore chest. Excellent spring of rib, strong loins and level topline. Muscled hindquarters with well-turned stifles. Good tail set and carriage. Moved out soundly on good legs and feet. Well boned and bodied. Neet feet with white tips. Not carrying so much coat but appeared to be weatherproof.


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1. Pullen’s Meadowbears Master of Music. A lovely looking strong, square mature 4-year-old dog, with profuse coat. Head in proportion to body with square skull, well arched over eyes, well-defined stop and square muzzle. Eyes set well apart. Strong, arched neck. Wonderful body with plenty of bone under a well-presented coat, of a good, harsh texture. Super hindquarters, broad and muscular with good turn of stifle. Presented to perfection. Showed the bear-like roll when walking and good extension of fore legs and drive from the rear at a faster pace. I was pleased to hear he was placed third in the Pastoral group. BEST OF BREED.

Felicity A. Snook