- Show Date: 05/03/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
- Published Date: 26/09/2023
Folkestone Hythe & District Canine Society
Thank you for inviting me to judge at your show. If I remember correctly, I was initially invited to judge Finnish Lapphunds and I ended up with a lot more. Thank you to my efficient, helpful steward who had quite a job to do, before we could start judging the terriers. Thank you to the exhibitors for entering. The highlight of my day was finding two wonderful puppies, who will both have terrific futures.
1. Witmond & Fonzo’s All Jacks Urano (Imp It). What a character this little chap is. Fits the breed standard perfectly. Strong, active, great character, lively and alert, with keen expression, bold, fearless, confident and friendly. Quite mature for his age. Absolutely lovely in every way. Good head with skull of moderate width. Eyes with keen expression and well placed drop ears. Strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Well boned straight fore legs. Correct length of body, oval chest, firm, level back and spannable. Moderate tuck up, well-muscled hindquarters, well bent stifles and low set hocks. Lovely small feet. Rough coated and excelled in movement. Good length of stride, with plenty of drive from the rear, covering the ground with ease. So pleased he went Reserve Best Puppy in Show. BEST PUPPY AND BEST OF BREED.
2. Jones’ Laserna Rumour Has It. Bitch puppy, only just 6 months old, looking very immature against the above. Smoother coated. Needs to grow on and mature. Quite a nice type, I would like to see what she is like when grown up.
OPEN (2)
1. Jones’ Perfect Love Di Sutri at Laserna (Ita Imp). Mother of the puppy bitch. A well-proportioned, mature bitch, of a very nice type, presented in good condition. Good head proportions, dark eyes, correct ears and flat skull. Good reach of neck and shoulders. Straight front with good bone. Nice hindquarters with stifles well bent. Did not stride out so well in the BOB challenge. Good pelt and weather proof coat. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.
1. Harper’s Olympusbulys Maia. Very nice 14-month-old white bitch with black eye patch. Well-shaped head, giving the correct egg-shaped appearance and roman nose. Ears nicely shaped and well set. Good mouth. Straight front, with strong round bone. Well-rounded body with short back and correct curves. Muscular thighs and stifles well bent. Moved a bit close behind, but better when she concentrates. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.
2. Foster’s Badlesmere Bobbing Along. I see I had judged this one before as a puppy. Has a correct outline. Egg-shaped head of correct proportions, but I felt the curve in profile a little overdone. Small thin erect ears, which I would have liked placed higher on the head. Nice triangular shaped eyes. Muscular neck. Forelegs straight with strong, round bone. Well-rounded body and curved underline. Muscled hindquarters with stifle joint well bent. Moved well. Lovely temperament.
1. Harper’s Olympusbulys Cronus. Brother to the Junior winner. Brindle dog with a strong, well filled egg-shaped head, with correct curve in profie. Narrow, triangular, dark eyes, giving a lovely varmity expression. Well-placed ears and a perfect mouth. Straight front with round, strong bone. Rounded body, with correct curves. Well-muscled thighs. Rather a ‘naughty boy’ when being moved, so difficult to properly assess, but I think OK. A close decision between brother and sister, but his showmanship and presence gave him. BEST OF BREED.
OPEN (1)
1. Harper’s Chattanooba Choo Choo Aedestaurum. Red smut dog with a good egg-shaped head. Pleasing eyes and well-placed ears. A shame he has an incorrect mouth. Straight front with rounded bone but stood a bit wide for me. Strong neck and short back, with good curves. Well-muscled thighs. Excellent round, compact feet. Nice tail set and tail carried correctly. Good showman.
A good class of quality dogs.
1. Greenwood’s Scottish Terrier, Petmon Royal Ruffian. First impression, super shape, thick set with long head. Everything well balanced, giving a lovely outline. Well-proportioned long head with flat skull. Dark, expressive eyes and neat, pointed ears, set high. Strong neck, well rounded ribs, short back and level topline. Powerful hindquarters, thick thighs and nice tail set. Moved freely with drive. Presented in super harsh coat and lovely condition. Has a true terrier character. RESERVE BEST ANY VARIETY NOT SEPARATELY CLASSIFIED TERRIER.
2. Burrage’s Komidion Sonata for Sametova JW. I wish this bitch would have more of a terrier character and show herself off more, as she is very nice. Super, long head, good eyes and wonderful ear carriage. Correct lay of shoulder, good reach of neck, leading to correct topline and tailset. Presented in good coat. But would not move well, to show herself off. A shame.
3. Bannister’s Bedlington Terrier, Miteymidgets Modern Love.
4. Szulzycka’s West Highland White, Newvoldemort Sweet Revenge. BEST ANY VARIETY NOT SEPARATELY CLASSIFED TERRIER PUPPY.
5. Saich’s Lindcoly Here Come’s Oh Shi.
1. Kopycka-Wright’s West Highland White. Leolux Jewel of the Deep. Well-proportioned head, with slightly dome skull, distinct stop and ‘chrysanthemum’ appearance. Large, black nose. Good lay of shoulder and straight forelegs. Compact boy with level back. Strong, well-muscled hindquarters. Good double coat with harsh outer coat. Moved very well.
2. Dukes & Rodgers’ Cesky Terrier, Runiks Akreepa of Dragons. A nice type of bitch, with a good outline. Well presented. Long, well-proportioned, strong head. Nice expressive eyes and good ear set. Good front and neck, correct topline and tailset. Strong hindquarters, which aided her with good movement, with drive.
3. Goldfinch’s Cairn Terrier, Kanawha Never Say Never.
OPEN (7)
A very strong class of quality dogs.
1. Dukes & Rodgers’ Cesky Terrier, Placido Musical Miracle at Runiks. A really lovely bitch, not ‘ flashy’, but a good honest sort. Super proportions and outline. Feminine long head of strength, with dark expressive eyes and well-set ears. Elegant neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Straight front legs. Super cylindrical body with correct slight rise to well-arched loin. Strong, muscled hindquarters, with good tail set, carried well. Moved like a dream, with typical Cesky propulsion. Brisk and vigorous with plenty of drive. Excellent coat, presented and handled well. BEST ANY VARIETY NOT SEPARATELY CLASSIFIED TERRIER & BEST TERRIER.
2. Saich’s Cairn Terrier, LIndcoly Ocean Dream. Very smart, balanced brindle bitch, who showed ‘her socks off’, presenting a lovely outline, ‘foursquare’, with true Cairn character. Feminine head, nicely furnished, definited stop, dark keen eyes, giving the correct Cairn expression. Neat, well placed small ears. Good neck, lay of shoulder and straight fore legs, placed well under her. Level, firm topline. Strong hindquarters which she put to effective use on the move, to show good drive from the rear. Lovely tailset. Presented in a good weather-resistant coat.
3. Bannister’s Bedlington, Miteymidgets New Vision JW.
4. Tadhunter’s West Highland White, Otto the Maverick Prince.
5. Burrage’s Cesky Terrier, Sametova Bacary.
BEST TERRIER - Dukes & Rodgers’ Cesky Terrier, Placido Musical Miracle at Runiks.
RESERVE BEST TERRIER - Witmond & Fonzo’s Jack Russell Terrier, All Jacks Urano (Imp It).
GROUP 3 - Harper’s Bull Terrier (Miniature) Olymusbulys Cronus.
GROUP 4 – Walker’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Georgie Poergie Pops at Teshleystaf. Well-proportioned head, dark eyes and correct ears. Well balanced and presented in excellent condition with shiny coat. Moved and showed very well.
BEST TERRIER PUPPY - Witmond & Fonzo’s Jack Russell Terrier, All Jacks Urano (Imp It).
RESERVE BEST TERRIER PUPPY – Nettle’s Border Terrier, Onziemehurst Milly Earhart. A promising puppy with good outline. Pleasing head shape with correct ear and eye placement. Good neck, shoulders and legs, standing on well-padded feet. Nice body, spannable, racy quarters and thick pelt. Moved well. Nice coat.
PUPPY GROUP 3 – Norris’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Trawden Ruby Tuesday at Haidastaff. A pretty, pied bitch with well-proportioned head. Maturing well.
1. Fillery-Hammond’s Wavesong Naughty by Design. A nice shaded sable dog puppy, developing well presenting a very good profile. Good head proportions, tapering nicely, with flat skull. Lovely dark eyes and well-set ears. Arched neck, flowing into well-laid shoulders, with straight front, down to small, oval feet. Hindquarters coming nicely. Tail set correct and carried well. Moved smoothly and gracefully. Coating, but looking good. BEST PUPPY.
2. Straw’s Dukeson Just Admire. A 7-month-old sable, feminine, bitch puppy, very immature in comparison. A pleasing head, with sweet expression and neat ears. Good neck and shoulders, with straight front leading to nice feet. Another who is coating. Moved OK. A bit apprehensive, but still very young.
3. Poupard’s Burraland Rocket Man.
1. Fillery-Hammond’s Wavesong’s Chasing Rainbows. A quality sable and white dog. Super length of head, well balanced, in correct proportions. Correct eyes and lovely ears, well placed and carried correctly. Straight forelegs and good feet. He has sufficient length in body, with a deceiving topline. Good hindquarters. Moved very well, with good length of stride, smoothly and gracefully and minimum left. Drive from hindquarters. In excellent double coat of the correct texture. BEST OF BREED.
2. Moores’ Chibaya Belle of the Ball. A very pretty, feminine lady of 6 years young. She is of good enough size, but smaller and shorter in body and head. But has a good head and foreface. Moved soundly, with shorter strides. In lovely coat and condition. A credit to her owner.
OPEN (4)
1. Straw’s Dukeson Laced with Magic. Feminine, sable and white bitch with pleasing profile. Shorter head than some, with sweet dark eyes. But I felt her ears could have been tighter set and slightly smaller. Lovely overall shape and balance, well bodied, good rear angulation and bend of stifle, with nice long tail. Good feet with minimum lift. Moved well. Presented in excellent coat. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.
2. Stockden’s Willowgarth Raspberry Fizz. Pretty bitch of a good type. Correct, well-proportioned head. Would have preferred smaller almond shaped eyes. Good layback of shoulder, straight front, level topline and well set tail. Well-presented, in excellent coat. Moved OK, but preferred the elegant movement of the above.
A nice selection of Border Collies, presenting me with some very hard decisions.
1. Austin & Zolakova’s Hysteps my Irish Colleen. I fell in love with this outstanding puppy bitch. She has all the quality to go to the very top and knows how to present herself to her best advantage. Expertly presented and handled by her owner/breeder. She stood out for make and shape, very well balanced with lovely bone. A classic, well-proportioned head, with fairly broad skull and distinct stop. Oval, dark eyes, giving super expression. Nice semi-erect ears. Good length of neck, flowing into well laid shoulders, enough length through the body and beautiful lines over the croup, through her well-constructed hindquarters, well let down, straight hocks and turned stifles. Tail well set, of good length, carried beautifully and very good feet. Wonderful, true Border Collie movement. Free, smooth, minimum lift of feet, who could go for miles over the hills and mountains. Lovely temperament. Presented in excellent coat. Pleased she went Best Pastoral Puppy. BEST PUPPY & RESERVE BEST OF BREED.
2. Milham’s Elystari This Must Be Love. Another very nice puppy, with many similar attributes. Lovely shape, coat, feet, straight hocks, plus front and rear angulation. Very well presented and handled. Moved very well, with minimum lift of feet. Just not quite the length of stride. But very nice.
3. Hartfield’s Moshanta Memories Move On.
4. Carley’s Jupavia Silver Flame.
1. Hawker’s Moshanta Magic Penny for Taytinja JW. Won the class on movement. Which was classic Border Collie, covering the ground with minimum lift of feet. A very feminine bitch, with lovely overall shape and balance. Correct, feminine head, alert expression. Good length of neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Parallel fore legs of correct bone. Nice length of back with good topline. Correct angulation front and rear. Moved very well, I noticed she is a daughter of second in Open, who pushed hard for 1st place.
2. Carley’s Jupavia Phoenix Fire. Another quality Border Collie. Still a very young dog, being only 9 months old, having time to mature. Well grown for his age and will make an excellent dog. He had a super balanced outline and appealing head. Good length of body and lovely angulation front and rear. Presented in super coat. Just playing up, but only a young puppy.
3. Wettern-Bloomfield’s Alpana a Statement of Style.
OPEN (9)
A hard class to judge.
1. Kinsey & Baxter’s Miraje King of the Northwith Roseley (AI). Just felt this dog moved slightly better on the day, with a younger handler. Very much a masculine dog, with a lot of bone and larger feet. Well balanced head, with fairly broad skull. Dark oval eyes, medium ears, used well. Strong, muscular medium neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Deep and broad chest, with straight fore legs. Nicely shaped body with enough spring of rib. Broad, muscular hindquarters, well turned stifles and well let down straight hocks. Presented in good coat of nice texture, enough undercoat. Moved very well. BEST OF BREED.
2. Hartfield’s Moshanta May Contain Nuts JW ShCEx OSW. Another very nice mature dog, that I have admired from the ringside. He has true Border Collie attributes and very ‘fit for purpose’. Lovely shape to him and everything is balanced. Good, masculine, well-proportioned head, with enough stop. Well shaped eyes and ears. Used well to give good focus and a lovely expression. Super lay of shoulder and excellent topline, with enough spring of rib. Strong, well-muscled hindquarters, well turned stifles and strong hocks. Tail set low. Presented in lovely condition, his coat having the correct length. Lovely correct Border Collie movement. He would have been awarded Reserve Best of Breed if he had stayed for the challenge.
3. Carley & Singer’s Jupavia Heart of Melita via Senzafina.
4. Milham’s Jupavia Midnyte Dreams at Elystari.
1. Fox’s Sambreeze Pingvini. A very striking, confident, masculine dog. Strong head with forehead slightly rounded and defined stop. Oval eyes harmonizing with coat colour. Very nice erect medium sized ears, set well apart. Correct neck with good mane. Well-constructed, showing a good body shape. Well-developed hindquarters. Good tail, with profuse, long hair. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.
OPEN (7)
1. Lee’s Ch Kaijartuu Hopea Noita JW. A very worthy champion, who stood out from the others. Very feminine and a great showman. She presents a very nice balanced out-line. Super head, broad with defined stop. Correct eyes and ears completing a nice picture. Very well constructed. In excellent coat with lovely profuse, long hair on tail, correctly carried. Moved effortlessly, showing off a very balanced shape. BEST OF BREED.
2. Lee’s Kauartuu Ihmissusi JW. A very masculine wolf sable dog of correct size, from the same kennel. Having a good head, ear-set, defined stop, good muzzle and bite with dark lips. Strong neck with mane. Well-constructed body and neat feet. Moved well. In good coat which was of correct texture. Very extrovert and a real showman.
3. Mitchison’s Kaijartuu Velho.
Felicity A. Snook