• Show Date: 01/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/09/2023

Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club

Thank you to your Chairman, Paul Eardley, for inviting me to judge this well supported breed club show. It was extremely short notice, not really giving me enough time to read the breed standard properly. Unfortunately, the contracted judge was unable to attend the show in time.


1. Cundall’s Puddockswell What the Dickens of Bleaklee. Promising 6 month old mustard dog puppy, who was very reluctant to move. From what I could see, he looked fine. Correct shaped head and skull, giving nice expression. Good body shape and well muscled for age. Harsh coat coming through.


The first two stood out in this class, being very good examples of the breed. I expect they will be up against each other all their lives, changing places regularly.

1. Cruden & Kaye’s Dryfevalley Midnight Blue. Eye catching pepper dog, almost a year old and just right for his age. Strongly made large well-proportioned masculine head, with square, broad skull and well domed forehead. Dark, large, round eyes, giving correct soft expression. Well set ears and strong teeth. Nicely constructed, with well laid shoulders and correct fore legs. Chest, topline and thighs developing well, with angulated stifles. Round, well-padded feet and well set on tail. Strong, straight movement with impulse from the rear. Presented in good coat with top knot. BEST PUPPY DOG.

2. Henry’s Tymeirz Benibouy. A quality mustard dog, producing a very good outline, a little bit flatter topline than above, but lovely. Will develop with age. Well balanced head, with good mouth and melting expression. Well boned without coarseness. Very good movement, with fluent, free, easy strides. Presented in perfect double coat, to finish the picture.

3. Nathan & Cox-Purcell’s Puddockswell Screaming J Hawkins.

4. Atkinson’s Poppipetalz Mrbluesky at Hullpride.


1. Drake & Kurg’s Etsill Mykillkvi with Tollcross. A quality pepper dog of good size, giving a super, balanced ‘Weasley’ outline. He had a strong, masculine, well-balanced head, correct skull and dark, round, melting eyes, with well set ears. A nice deep chest and good lay of shoulders. Bodying up well, with plenty of bone. Thighs developing and angulated stifles. Presented in good double coat.

2. Wilford’s Redgreet Mighty Oak. A mustard dog with nice overall balance and correct length of body. Super strong teeth, with excellent muzzle. A good balanced head and melting expression. Correct topline and well ribbed body. Nicely developed thighs and angulated stifles. Super harsh double coat. Good tail set. Moved well.


1. Kenyon’s Ceilmear Close Encounter. A mustard dog with a charming personality and large, strong teeth. Appeared to have a lighter eye than some, but still the correct round, soulful look. Deep chest, with neck flowing into good shoulders and rounded ribs. Well-developed hindquarters and angulated stifles. Harsh topcoat, but no undercoat on the day.


1. Kenyon’s Ceilmear Close Encounter. As above.


1. Butcher’s Ch Mishahda Mischief Managed. What a ‘cracker’, just what I think a Dandie Dinmont should look like, not surprised he is a champion. I see he is ‘clocking up’ the CCs and was Group One at Driffield 2022. A natural showman, beautifully presented and lovely to go over, with everything flowing so well. Large, muscular, strong head, with broad skull and well domed forehead. Rich, round, dark round eyes, giving the soft expression. Well set and placed ears. Muscular neck, flowing through well-made shoulders, with depth of chest and straight, well boned front legs. Lovely ‘Dandie’ topline, well ribbed body, strength over the loin, well-muscled hind quarters, angulated stifles, finishing with a well set tail. Enabling him to move like a dream. Presented in excellent double coat. BEST DOG.

2. Poole’s Hawkeswell Merlon for Redgreet. Well made, large head of correct proportion. Strong jaw, broad skull and domed forehead. Correct large, dark, round eyes with correct expression. Muscled neck. Good length of body, but not quite the topline of above. But had well-muscled hindquarters and angulated stifles. Nicely presented double coat, with good penciling. RESERVE BEST DOG.


1. Booth’s Ch Borderstone Kingman for Lannia. A nice old, well made, pepper champion, showing well, heading towards 9 years old. Must have been lovely as a youngster. Large, masculine head, with good width of skull. Dark, round melting eyes. Nicely bodied, with good legs and feet. Presented in excellent coat for his age. BEST VETERAN DOG.


1. Tinsley’s Cloverwood Here Comes Lulu. Rather immature at the moment, but one to certainly look out for in the future. A very showy 8-month-old puppy bitch with a delightful head, well set ears and melting expression from those lovely dark, large, round eyes. Muscular, well-developed neck, flowing into well placed shoulders and good depth of chest. Strong in bone. Body developing well to be a long, low weaselly shape. Good tail set and carriage. Muscled hindquarters, stifles angulated and hocks well let down. Moved very well, with drive from the rear. Well handled and presented. Coat developing, with furnishings coming. Lost to the dog for Best Puppy, due to maturity, but will be hard to beat when she grows up. BEST PUPPY BITCH.

2. Jackman’s Dryfevalley Willow. Another immature bitch puppy of similar age, at her first show. Very feminine, with correct overall shape. Balanced head, with good mouth, domed forehead, well placed ears and dark, round, melting eyes. Clean neck, flowing into good shoulders, with straight front and chest developing. Well set tail. Will be nice when settled.

3. Cutler’s Poppipetalz Xanadu.


1. Kurg & Milton’s Etsill Hannabreck. A really super mustard bitch, who I considered for top awards. Soundly constructed and well balanced. Although quite feminine, she had a good head and under jaw, with lovely large, dark, round melting eyes. Absolutely lovely front assembly, with strong neck and well laid shoulders. Nice topline, held on the move. Well developed thighs and angulated stifles. This gave her fluent, easy movement, with reach from the front and impulsion from the rear. She ‘moved like a dream’. Presented in good coat of correct texture. Appeared to be going through the ‘teenage’ coat change.

2. Atkinson’s Coupe D’Hebe at Hullpride. A nice type of mustard bitch, looking good in profile. Very feminine head, with large, round appealing eyes. Presented in good coat. Moved OK.

3. Renton’s Etshill Hesta TAF.


1. Hayes & Hook’s Diddimont Andante at Karezig. A good type of mustard bitch. Appeared to be going through the ‘teenage’ stage. Correct head, which is still developing. Typical large, round eyes, with melting expression. Good bone. Nice reach of neck, firm body and round ribs. Correct ‘Dandie’ topline. Well-muscled hindquarters. Moved very well.

2. Renton’s Etsill Hesta TAF. A nice type of young bitch, that needs to mature. Good head with big teeth and soulful eyes. Developing a good body, well angulated all round. Still has a puppy type coat. Hard to show, as she does not move well.


1. Hayes & Hook’s Diddimont Andante at Karezig. As above.

2. Cundall’s Diddimont Bella Trix of Bleaklee. A nice mustard bitch. Good, feminine head, with good expression. Well balanced body, well ribbed and of right length, with sufficient bone. Correct ‘Dandie’ topline. Coat coming nicely. Appeared to have erratic hind movement.

3. Brannon’s Hullpride Marybeth Lacey.


The first two were lovely bitches and I found it hard to choose between them. Quite different in type and size.

1. Fray’s Woodfud Winters Dream. I considered this bitch a lovely example of how a Dandie Dinmont Terrier should look. Her only fault was she was well up to size, especially compared to the second placed bitch. There is so much to like about this pepper bitch, who was very well handled and presented. Well balanced, strongly made, large head with broad skull and well dome forehead. Strong teeth and good mouth. Large, round, dark eyes giving soft expression. Muscular neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Straight well boned fore legs and excellent chest. Feet well padded. Balanced body, of correct length with correct ‘Dandie’ outline. Strong hindquarters. Moved very straight, with fluent, easy strides, reaching forward and impulse from the rear. Presented in excellent double coat. BEST BITCH.

2. Kurg’s Etsill Selchie. Another lovely bitch, but smaller. Much of the same comments for this one as above. Excellent type and shows with style. Very well constructed with balanced head and melting expression. Excellent front construction and depth of chest. Super ribs and depth of body. Excellent hindquarters, contributing to wonderful fluent movement, with good reach of front and impulsive movement behind.

3. Buckley’s Jollygaze Quizzical for Lovelettie (Imp Aus).

4. Moult & Bailey’s Hawkesmill Meg for Zamdilsa.

5. Poole’s Redgreet Peggy Primrose.


1. Sleight’s Ch Danchester’s Can You Hear Me Roar for Bonnybeck (Imp Fin). Like my Best Dog winner, I see she is also ‘clocking up’ the CCs, with BIS at the club championship show. A lovely, mature bitch, ‘out of the top drawer’ and a very worthy champion. A pleasure to go over. Strong, well-proportioned head, profuse topknot, with broad skull and domed forehead. Super large, round eyes giving the soft expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulders. She has a super shape when standing and on the move, with all the ‘Dandie’ curves in the right place. Good front and bone, legs and feet. Lovely depth of body. Strong, powerful hindquarters. Presented in super double coat, with harsh outer coat. Excellent movement, with reach and drive. RESERVE BEST BITCH.

2. Allenby’s Ch Diddimont Luna Wuffgood JW. Another worthy champion, who I see have received CCs from top ‘Dandie’ specialists. A mustard bitch, who is between coats, but retaining a harsh topcoat. Very well constructed, of good size and shape. Feminine head, but strongly made, with broad skull. Strong teeth and good mouth. Correct eyes giving ‘Dandie’ expression and well-set ears. Good neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Nice depth of chest and ribbing. Lovely curve of topline, leading into good tail set. Moved very well, with drive.

3. McCain’s Blue Violet Flower at Bankwillow (Imp Rus).


1. Buckley’s Ch German Dandies’ Violetta. Another worthy champion, who I see was awarded CCs in her younger day by top ‘Dandie’ experts. Lovely well-made mustard bitch, producing a lovely outline. Correct head and bite, with broad skull. Dark, large, round, melting eyes. Beautiful neck and well laid shoulders. Perfectly proportioned body, with lovely topline. Well-muscled and fit. Beautifully presented, in good coat, with harsh topcoat. Moved ‘like a dream’. Fluently, with reach and drive. BEST VETERAN BITCH.

2. Bromley’s Mishahda Vibrant Amber. I expect she was very nice in her day, but carrying rather too much weight now, which spoils her overall outline. Good head and soft expression. Strong neck into good shoulders. Nice length of body, which is made well. Moved OK.

3. Atkinson’s Kingcottage Abilene West at Hullpride.


1. Miss N S & Mrs S R Jackson’s brace.

BEST IN SHOW - Fray’s Woodfud Winters Dream.

BEST OPPOSITE SEX - Butcher’s Ch Mishahda Mischief Managed.

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Cruden & Kaye’s Dryfevalley Midnight Blue.

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Buckley’s Ch German Dandies’ Violetta.

Felicity A. Snook