• Show Date: 23/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/09/2023

Sunderland & District Canine Society

Thank you for inviting me to judge the Terrier group, plus having the honor and privilege to judge Best in Show. I had very friendly, helpful stewards, making my job easier. A shame about having to be outside, with long grass, on quite a rough day. My top winning Veterans and Reserve Best in Show, although shorter legged, dealt with the conditions extremely well.

BEST IN SHOW – Johnston & Wilson’s Whippet, Danluke Drag on a Dime JW. A striking, feminine 2-year-old brindle bitch. She appeared to me, exactly how a perfect Whippet should look and act. Lovely curvaceous and balanced outline, nothing exaggerated, but correctly put together. Wonderful to go over, everything just flowed under the hands. Her movement was superb, covering the ground so well. Floating around the ring, holding her topline at all times. She coped with the long grass so well.

RESERVE BEST IN SHOW – Pearce & Francis’ Lhasa Apso, Longsdale Wonderful World. I see I have put his father up in the past, so like this type. A masculine dog, wonderfully handled and presented, which is what would be expected from this kennel. Everything in good proportion, both body and head. Super mouth with reverse scissor, with correct wide jaw. Lovely body with level topline. Superbl tail carriage. Presented in wonderful coat. Glided around the ring, taking no notice of the awful grass.

BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Blackburn’s Newfoundland, Disaranto a Perfect Match. A puppy who could not be ignored. So well-constructed and balanced, creating a clean and impressive outline. Flows all through and has wonderful balance and symmetry. Good masculine head, strong neck and well laid shoulders. Straight, well boned forelegs, strong topline and hindquarters developing well. Moved out freely with good tail carriage, handled very well to get the best from him. I was told after that he had won Best Puppy in show at a local show the day before. I wasn’t surprised!

RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Hannar’s Fox Terrier, Bolovale Lonesome Dove. I really fell for this absolutely lovely 7-month-old bitch puppy, so sympathetically and expertly handled to get the best out of her. Very pleasing head, with flat skull. Dark, round, deep eyes. Super ears, set on correctly with fold above level of skull. Clean, muscular neck flowing into long, sloping shoulders. Strong boned, straight front legs. Deep chest and short back, with very slightly arched loin. Strong, muscular hindquarters. Long thighs with good turn of stile. Moved well, in true Fox Terrier fashion. I will watch her progress with great interest.

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW – Cumberland’s Miniature Short Haired Dachshund, Whirlygig Wottadoo at Mumysami ShCm VW. A super, outgoing, smart Dachshund, who certainly did not look or act 11 years old. Presented in super condition, very fit and in good coat for her age. Correct head, with well rounded ears. Slightly arched neck, super keel with forelegs correctly placed so they cover the lowest point. Good length of body with broad, strong muscled hindquarters. Another small dog that coped with the grass very well.

RESERVE BEST VETERAN IN SHOW – Kynaston’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Granasil Golden Nugget VW ShCex. What a wonderful character this chap was! Heading the Toy group at 8 years old. Still full of vigour and style. A good colour, very well balanced, nicely proportioned, with good rib-cage, loin and well-set tail. Moved out very well, covering the ground well for a small dog, with the ground conditions. He was elegant with plenty of drive from the rear. Presented with a beautiful silky coat and plenty of feathering. I was told afterwards, he has improved with age, coming into his best when becoming a veteran. I can believe that. Long may he carry on.


1. Anderson’s Tyneotter Bolt from the Blue. Very nice dog puppy, quite mature for his age. Correct ‘otter’ head with broad skull and ears dropping forward nicely. Good lay of shoulder and straight fore legs. Well bodied and good pelt. Nicely muscled. Harsh and dense coat. Moved very soundly. BEST DOG & PUPPY DOG.


1. Atkinson’s Raedwulf Daybreak JW. A very nice, smart looking dog, but I wish there was a bit more of him. He would make a lovely bitch, but not enough masculinity for me. Good head and skull, with correct length of neck. Strong neck and shoulders, with straight front. Slightly more compact in body than some. Easily spannable, with good pelt. Nice tapering tail. Harsh, dense coat. Moved well.


1. Dixon’s Otterpaws the Thunder Rolls. Super, very feminine, true Border Terrier outline. Good head. Dark eye with a keen expression. Correct mouth, with good sized teeth. Small, well-set ears. Moderate length of neck. Correct tail. Good pelt, between coats. Moved very well. BEST PUPPY BITCH & BEST PUPPY.

2. Blakey’s Craigshield All the Way. A bitch of good type, with a lot to like about her. Pleasing enough in head but could be a bit shorter in muzzle. Good lay of shoulder and straight front. Put down in hard condition. Well-muscled hindquarters. Very nice harsh coat. Correct set tail. Moved OK, but with no animation.


1. Ellis’ Aormbar Maggie May. Good ‘otter’ head, with broad skull. Dark eyes and well-set ears. Moderate neck, good shoulder placement and straight fore legs. Deep, narrow body, which was spannable. Muscled hindquarters. Correct pelt and good, harsh coat, creating a nice overall picture. Moved soundly and straight.

2. Dixon’s Otterpaws the Thunder Rolls. As above.

3. Blakey’s Craigshield All the Way.


1. Cimmins’ Havencroft Emerald. Excels in head properties. Dark eyes and super ears. Excellent bite and teeth. Good length of neck. Spans well. Good harsh and dense coat. Moved very well.


1. Singh’s Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere. A grizzle bitch, who I had placed well before. Shown in good condition and coat, harsh outer coat and undercoat, with loose pelt. Ideal for size and easy to span. Lovely profile when stood, shows off all her virtues and held on the move. Beautiful ‘otter’ head, with broad skull and short, strong muzzle, large teeth and good scissor bite. Super ears, well placed and keen eyes. Good neck, shoulders, straight front and small feet. Although a racy type she was very well muscled. Moved accurately and true. I wish she had a bit more animation. However, her breed attributes outweighed her lack of showmanship. BEST BITCH & BEST OF BREED.

2. Cimmins’ Havencroft Emerald. As above.


1. Smithson’s Phoenixscar Mythical Magic. Lovely 10-month-old Bull Terrier bitch, who will be nice when settled. Being of a nice size and having the desired substance yet retaining her femininity. Good long, ‘egg shaped’ head, with correct profile. Almost flat skull from ear to ear. Correct triangular shaped, obliquely placed eyes and strong, erect ears, placed closely together. Strong neck of good length flowing into correct shoulders. Well-rounded body with good spring of rib. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.


1. Dodds’ Droverlaw Follow my Shadow. A nice example of a 2-year-old dog. Small head, good stop, with broad skull and super small, erect, pointed ears. Well bodied, with medium length, level back. Strong muscular thighs and good bend of stifle. Correct weather-proof coat. Moved freely. BEST OF BREED.


1. Hannar’s Bolovale Lonesome Dove. I really fell for this absolutely lovely 7-month-old bitch puppy, so sympathetically and expertly handled to get the best out of her. Very pleasing head, with flat skull. Dark, round, deep eyes. Super ears, set on correctly with fold above level of skull. Clean, muscular neck flowing into long, sloping shoulders. Strong boned, straight front legs. Deep chest and short back, with very slightly arched loin. Strong, muscular hindquarters. Long thighs with good turn of stile. Moved well, in true Fox Terrier fashion. I will watch her progress with great interest. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.


1. Roulston’s Keatwone Boston to Ivyjewel. Excellently presented Wire Fox Terrier, giving a good outline. Appeared a little long in back than some, emphasised by his tail set well back. Otherwise, was lovely. Correct length of head with almost flat skull. Typical eye and expression. High set ears, used to advantage. Fair length of neck, presenting a graceful curve. Nicely bodied with level topline. Stands on compact, small feet. Muscular hindquarters. Dense, very wiry coat presented well. Straight movement, with drive, tackling the long grass with ease. BEST OF BREED.


1. Clayton’s Pantycelyn Jaddre at Northdrum. Good overall, workmanlike outline. Won on presence and movement. Typical head with flat skull and good ear carriage. Perhaps could have a slightly shorter muzzle. Good lay of shoulder, with nice straight fore legs. Correct length of body, with good ribcage. Strong, muscular hindquarters, nicely angulated. Moved soundly. Presented in good shape.

2. Clayton’s Northdrum Happy Feet. A nice type of Jack Russell, but not having the appeal to me as the one above. Did not seem to be making the most of herself, presenting not such a good outline. She didn’t move so well either.

3. Blakey’s Adolfo Watsonia.


1. Clayton’s Pantycelyn Highland King at Northdrum. Mature four-year-old tan and white dog. Masculine and full of character, showing himself off. Nice rich tan head markings, dark eyes, giving keen expression and good ear set. Great depth of chest and level topline. Well angulated hindquarters. Very good tail set, in overall balance of the rest of the dog. In good coat and pelt. Moved OK.

2. Blakey’s Hunterhawk John McEnroe. Lovely temperament. Good, well-proportioned head, with flat skull. Good lay of shoulder. Presented a nice overall shape, with level toplne. Stood wider in front than the above. Well-muscled hindquarters, with stifles well bent. Moved very well, free striding, covering the ground. In good condition.


1. Nicholson’s Cafall Pin up Girl. Brindle bitch, with excellent shiny coat, in good condition. Nice, shaped head, with broad skull and pronounced cheek muscles. Small ears. Well defined stop. Muscular, rather short neck. Muscled body, with correct length of loin. Excellent tail set of correct length. Moved well.


1. Manghan’s Northstaff Thunderstruck at Durhamstaff. Won on body shape. Much to like about this 18-month-old black brindle bitch, very smart, showing strength and balance in her outline. Good head, with neat rose ears with good lift, lovely dark round eyes and well-developed cheek muscles. Good width in front with straight front legs. Well sprung ribs, holding a firm level topline, both stood and on the move. Neck and loin of correct length. Well-muscled hindquarters. Moved OK. For me, the tail detracts, as I would prefer it carried lower, rather than so high.

2. Hall’s Geordiestaff Nee Bother JW. Another nice bitch, presented in lovely condition. She appeared longer on leg. Nice head with good breath of skull and well pronounced cheeks. Muscular neck, of correct length, with well laid shoulders and front legs wide apart. Deep in brisket with well sprung rib and short loin. Well-turned stifles and neat feet. Moved OK.

3. Boarsting & Seaton’s Daisy Duke Mooncake.


1. Marsden’s Auchdaran My Meggy Sue. A black brindle bitch with a little bit of white on chest and front feet, giving her that extra bit of attraction. I was very impressed with this bitch. She had a feminine head, but I still thought it was strong enough. The eyes did it for me! Dark, round, medium size, not protruding, but looking straight ahead. Ear-set was good. Good mouth, very clean lipped which gave her a typical expression. Correct length of neck and loin. Well boned, straight front legs and tight feet. She had a super shape, everything flowed. Enough spring of rib and nicely tucked up. Low tail set, held correctly. Well-muscled hindquarters, giving her a lovely flowing movement. BEST OF BREED.

2. Manghan’s Diamondstaff Wee Mac at Durhamstaff. A very nice mature, masculine dog, who looked the picture of strength and masculinity. His head is balanced with good depth and width, nicely pronounced cheek muscles, strength to the foreface and good bite. Correct eyes and ears, also length of neck and loin. Well boned, straight forequarters, well laid-back shoulders and deep, broad chest. His body has well sprung ribs with a definite waistline. Well-muscled hindquarters, which he used to advantage on the move. Low set tail, well carried. Presented and handled well.

3. Boarsting & Seaton’s Coolio at Gangsters Paradise.

4. Nicholson’s Northstaff Poster Boy.


1. Taylor’s Riskerytree Ruaridh at Billkenstar. 10-month-old dog puppy, with excellent proportions and temperament. Long, powerful head, with slight stop, strong muzzle and expressive eyes. Nice length of neck and back. Well-developed and angulated hindquarters, with good tail. Moves quite well for his age but needs to settle. Dark grey coat of good quality. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.


1. Ashton’s Knowlelion Queenie Kitesprite. A feminine Welsh Terrier bitch, with a pleasing outline. Good head and eyes, with correct ear placement. Straight front. Correct neck and shoulders. Well balanced and short compact body. Lovely harsh coat. A bit hesitant over the rough grass. BEST OF BREED.


1. Bell’s Maxadadh Mila Mariposa. A nice 10 month old bitch puppy. Very good head, slightly domed skull, distinct stop and large, black nose. Lovely, dark eyes giving a piercing look. Small, erect pointed ears. Good conformation. Strong, muscular hindquarters, with hocks well bent. Double coat coming through well, with harsh topcoat. Moved well. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.


1. Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Lokilake Rainbow Red. Super, smart 7-month-old bitch confidently showing herself off to her best advantage. Well balanced head with flat skull. Eyes with keen expression and well carried ears. Nice reach of neck and well laid shoulders. Straight front and narrow chest, with firm topline. Muscled hindquarters coming, with well-turned stifles. Good tail set. Super harsh, weather-proof coat for her age. She made the most of herself on the move and should have an excellent future. I will watch her progress with interest. BEST A.V.N.S.C. TERRIER PUPPY.


1. Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Nisyros Cappuccino for Lokilake. Sire of the above, giving the mature, smart, male version of the puppy, with much the same attributes. Expertly handled and presented, to give a smart, well balanced, compact dog. One of the best Lakelands I have judged at a general open show. Same good points as above, with strong, muscular hindquarters. Harsh weather-resistant topcoat and dense, good undercoat. Moved straight, with drive from the rear. BEST A.V.N.S.C. TERRIER

2. Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Sunnily You Love Me for Lokilake. A very feminine bitch. Quite nice but outshone by the dog.

3. Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Sunnily Tenacious Piper Imp Suk.

BEST IN TERRIER GROUP - Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Nisyros Cappuccino for Lokilake.

GROUP TWO - Singh’s Border Terrier, Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere.

GROUP THREE - Roulston’s Fox Terrier (Wire), Keatwone Boston to Inyjewel.

GROUP FOUR - Marsden’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Auchdaran My Meggy Sue.

BEST TERRIER PUPPY - Hannar’s Fox Terrier, Bolovale Lonesome Dove.

GROUP TWO - Clayton’s Lakeland Terrier, Lokilake Rainbow Red.

GROUP THREE - Dixon’s Border Terrier, Otterpaws the Thunder Rolls.

GROUP FOUR - Smithson’s Bull Terrier, Phoenixscar Mythical Magic.


1. Dixon’s Border Terrier, Otterpaws the Thunder Rolls. As above.


1. Atkinson’s Border Terrier, Raedwuff Daybreak JW. As above.


1. Cimmins’ Border Terrier, Havencroft Emerald. As above.

2. Atkinson’s Border Terrier, Raedwulf Daybreak JW. As above.


1. Singh’ Border Terrier, Goldenmill Illusion at Vandamere. As above.

2. Dodds’ Cairn Terrier, Doverlaw Follow My Shadow. As above.

3. Hall’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Geordiestaff Nee Bother JW. 

4. Hall’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Legendstaff Sweet Lady Cum Georgiestaff JW Imp Esp.


A good class of quality veteran terriers.

1. Lorraine & Thomas’ Border Terrier, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCm. ShEx VW. Grizzle 9 years old dog, on the larger side. Super ‘otter’ like head, with broad skull, short muzzle, neat dark ears and expressive eyes. Still has a neat narrow front and well laid shoulders. A nice outline with ribs carried well back. Presented in hard condition and strong hindquarters. Moved very well, with drive and sound for his age. Lovely coat and pelt. BEST TERRIER VETERAN.

2. Dixon’s Border Terrier, Otterpaws Firebird. An 8-year-old feminine grizzle bitch with a pleasing head, not as strong as winner. A nice balanced bitch, narrow in front, easily spanned with good length of rib. Super double coat and harsh topcoat, with thick pelt. Moved with medium stride, maintaining her topline. In good condition for her age. 

3. Hall’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Geordiestaff Luv Bobbiedog. 11 years old and very good for his age.

Felicity A Snook