• Show Date: 29/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/10/2023

Llandysul & District Canine Society

I was asked to step in to judge the Terrier Group, at short notice, as Gill Thomas was unable to fulfill her appointment. I eventually found the venue, a grass field on the side of a Welsh hillside. The weather was not favourable, cold and windy for the time of year. I had two lovely stewards, Sue Banks and Deborah Williams, who helped me get through the day. Although the quantity of terriers was not there, the quality of my top winners certainly was.


OPEN (1)

1. Lowe & Miles’ Rockslade Russian Roulette JW. A very nice 2-year-old grizzle and tan bitch of correct size. Who presented a super well-balanced outline. A good example of the breed. Correct feminine ‘otter type’ head, broad skull and short, strong muzzle. Small ears, well placed and dark eyes, giving keen expression. Good neck, flowing into well placed shoulders. Straight forelegs leading down to small, neat feet and good pasterns. Easily spannable over her narrow, racy body, with good underline. Well ribbed with strong loins. Muscled hindquarters. Good tail set carried well. Moved correctly, freely, with drive. Very good harsh, dense coat, with pelt. Lovely to go over. BEST OF BREED.



1. Bailey & Huseby’s Hunterhawk Mrs Flinstone. 10-month-old bitch puppy, with lovely temperament. Good dentition and head, with almond shaped eyes, giving a keen expression. Correct reach of neck, with chest developing. Spannable. Level back. Muscular hindquarters coming. Stifles well bent with low set hocks. Moved OK. Harsh, weatherproof coat and good pelt. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (1)

1. Mathias’ River Spirit of Dapperdax. Now 9-years-old and certainly does not look it. I have judged him a couple of times and think he improves with age. A good breed type. Nice head with correct ear carriage and dark eyes. Shoulders well laid back and straight fore legs. Good topline and nicely bodied for age. Strong hindquarters. Moved well. He now has a very good, dense, harsh weather resistant coat. BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (1)

1. Mathias’ Dalys Brenhines Cymru at Dapperdax. Another I had judged before. A nicely balanced, smart, 3-year-old feminine bitch. Fairly good ‘brick’ shaped head with flat skull. Well set ears carried forward and close to cheeks. Short backed, well-muscled. Moved well. Super wiry, hard, close coat. BEST OF BREED.



Two puppies, brother and sister, being much a like.

1. Protheroe’s Crocodile Rock. Rather long in head and body for me. Good dentition and dark eyes. Slightly domed skull, well set small erect pointed ears. Medium neck and level back. Good rear muscles and angulation. BEST PUPPY.

2. Protheroe’s Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Again, rather long. Preferred the mouth of her brother. A Little narrow in skull. Medium neck. Deep chest. Balanced in angulation. Can firm in topline.

OPEN (1)

1. Protheroe’s Lucky Star Fairy. A very good 18-month-old bitch, presenting a nice outline and maturing well. Slightly domed skull, with well set small erect pointed ears. Sufficient neck and straight front. Deep chest and level back. Strong, muscled hindquarters and well bent hocks. Good tail set carried well. The coat appears to be hardening with the underskirt developing. Moved well when settled. BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (2)

1. Charleton’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, House of Softy Indus (Imp). Another I had judged before when he was young. He has now grown up and fully mature, really blooming on the day. I was surprised he did not go further in the big ring. Everything about him is correct. A good masculine well-proportioned head with lovely big black nose. Flat skull and well-defined stop. Bright, dark hazel eyes, giving the true terrier expression. Well placed and used ears. Moderately long, slightly arched neck. Good lay of shoulders. Well boned, muscled straight forelegs. Deep chest, compact body, strong, level back. Tail set on high, carried well. Hindquarters developed and muscled. Bent stifles and hocks well let down. Coat of correct colour and texture. Free, graceful movement. He just flowed around the ring. Very well presented and handled. I believe he received 3 CCs shortly afterwards, gaining his title and one to spare. Quite an achievement in a breed that is very strong at the top. BEST A.V.N.S.C. TERRIER.

2. Barnes & Evans’ Parson Russell Terrier, Bellvalley Kissed by Fire. Another good example of her breed. A shame she had to meet the above so soon. A lovely well-proportioned feminine head, with flat, moderately broad skull. Small, neat well-set ears. Dark, almond shaped eyes with keen expression. Correct bite with a strong jaw. Muscular neck leading to well laid shoulders. She was spannable and in good coat with a thick pelt. Her loin was slightly arched and her outline was balanced. She has muscular, well angulated hindquarters. Moved well.


1. Mathias’ Lakeland, River Spirit of Dapperdax. See previous. I was very pleased he went Best Veteran in show. Well deserved.

TERRIER GROUP ONE - Charleton’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, House of Softy Indus (Imp).

TERRIER GROUP TWO - Lowe & Miles’ Border Terrier, Rockslade Russian Roulette JW.

TERRIER GROUP THREE – Thomas & Griffiths’ Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Ch Gazstaff’s Black Magic. A very worthy champion and the type I like. Nothing too exaggerated but has all the breed points. He is a well-balanced black brindle dog with a strong head. Broad skull with furrow, pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop and short foreface. Well placed tidy rose ears, dark eyes and a good scissor bite. Muscular neck. Good lay of shoulder. Lovely muscular, straight forelegs. Deep brisket, well sprung ribs, level topline and short coupled. Well-muscled hindquarters. He moved well and held his topline level on the move. Presented in a lovely smooth, shiny coat.

TERRIER GROUP FOUR - Protheroe’s West Highland White, Lucky Star Fairy.

TERRIER PUPPY GROUP ONE - Bailey & Huseby’s Jack Russell Terrier, Hunterhawk Mrs Flinstone.

TERRIER PUPPY GROUP TWO - Protheroe’s West Highland White, Crocodile Rock.

Felicity A. Snook