• Show Date: 18/06/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/10/2023

Lancashire Heeler Association


Thank you to Jacky Cutler for inviting me to judge some of my favorite terrier breeds at this first ever open show dedicated to Vulnerable Native Breeds of Great Britain. Jacky and her team put on a wonderful event, receiving tremendous response of entries from the breeds involved. I was delighted my Best of Breed in Kerry Blue Terriers go Best in Show and my Best Puppy in Sealyhams go Best Puppy in Show.



1. Dolman’s Zebec Ice Crystal. Nicely balanced, showing plenty of style and quality. Standing she is lovely but needs to settle on the move. She got better as time went on. Well-proportioned feminine head, with nice flat skull. Fair length of neck, flowing into good lay of shoulders. Back could be a little long, resulting in occasionally loss of topline on the move. Hindquarters matched forequarters, with good turn of stifle and enough hind angulation. Movement was OK. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.

2. Turley’s Llyunamill Oh Oh Seven. Similar age, but quite a different type. Quite a tall masculine dog, but of good quality and overall type. Long head, strong jaw with good eyes and expression. Well set ears and enough neck. Short, level back producing a good outline. Strong, muscular hindquarters, good turn of stifle and hocks well let down. Very well handled.


1. Brookes’ Zetamaz Maraschino. A very nice example of a Fox Terrier. Feminine, smart and of the correct size. Presenting a balanced outline. As the standard says – ‘bone and strength in compass, standing like a well-made short-backed hunter.’ A good description of her. Well-shaped head, with flat skull. Super small, dark round eyes giving the correct bright, intelligent expression. Well set small ears. Clean, muscular neck, of fair length, flowing into long, sloping, well laid-back shoulders. Straight front legs and short back. Muscular hindquarters with a well set on and carried tail. Moved straight and parallel, with drive from her hindquarters. BEST OF BREED

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1. Brookes’ Ch Zetamaz Gerard Depardieu JW ShCM ShCEx VW. Now 9 years old and still in good condition, presenting a good outline. A worthy champion that I have greatly admired in the past. Lovely balanced head, with flat skull. Dark eyes, giving the bright, alert expression. Well set, small ears. Correct length of neck and lay of shoulder. Deep chest, but not broad. Short, level back, with super tail set and good hindquarters. Moved OK for his age. I see he was sire to the Best of Breed. BEST VETERAN IN BREED

2. Barney & Dolman’s Icepeak V D Bismarckquelle to Kanix (Imp Deu). Another nice type of masculine dog. Good head with flat skull. Very good eyes and expression. Good length of neck. Well laid shoulders. Deep chest. Plenty of him, a bit too heavy in body for me and wide in front. Good ribs, level topline with well set tail. Strong, muscular hindquarters. This dog moved really well, straight, parallel, with drive from the rear.


Thank you for such a good entry of Kerry Blue Terriers.


1. Baxter & Jazmondy’s Croftsblu the Nipper. Very exuberant, with lots of attitude, presenting a good outline. Correct, long, well-proportioned head and neat ears. Lovely mouth. Flat shoulders, straight forelegs , of correct width. Level top line. Good hindquarters, large, well developed and muscled, bent stifles and low set hocks. Moved OK when settled.


1. Davani & Potts’ Kebulak Dirty Girl. Beautifully presented and handled, as expected from this kennel. 2-year-old bitch, still quite dark in colour, but just beginning to break at the back legs. Lovely soft, silky coat texture. Super outline and structure. Well balanced, long head with clean skull. Lovely strong, reachy neck, flowing into sloping shoulders. Short-coupled body with level topline. Large, well muscled hindquarters with bent stifles and low set hocks. Good tail set. Moved OK.

2. Bagworth & Connor’s Faragoma Lucky Little Fella. A nice dog, but not the showmanship of above. Correct blue coloured coat of soft and silky texture. Correct length of head with small ears, set on well. Good body. The curled tail detracts from the overall appearance. Moved very well.

3. Floroiu’s Dancing Duke.

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1. Davani & Potts’ Kebulak Kind of Swing. What a star this young man turned out to be! Expertly presented and handled. Striking in outline. Still dark in colour, but change is evident on the back legs. Lovely coat texture, as required by the standard - soft, silky and wavy. Well balanced, long head with clean skull. Dark eyes, giving a keen terrier expression. Good ear set. Strong, reachy neck, flowing into sloping shoulders. Short coupled body, deep chest, well ribbed back and level topline. Well-muscled hindquarters, bent stifles and low set hocks. Moved well, with reach and drive, taking advantage of the space in the big ring. So pleased to see he went Best in Show. BEST OF BREED.

2. Somers’ Catachgorm Checkmate by Dogazza (AI). A favourite of mine. I gave him Reserve Best in Show at the Terrier Club of Devon & Cornwall. I am pleased to see he has now got his title. Another true showman. Very smart and balanced, showing a wonderful outline when stacked that cannot be ignored. Well balanced long head with flat skull. Dark eyes, well set ears and good bite. Strong, reachy neck into sloping shoulders. Well boned, straight front legs. Short, compact body with deep chest and level top line. Well-developed hindquarters with bent stifles and low hocks. Well set tail. Moves so well, freely and powerful, with drive from the rear. Fully mature, so coat of correct colour, with lovely texture. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.

3. Bagworth & Connor’s Carliams Dark Plan. BEST VETERAN IN BREED.

4. Floroiu’s Dancing Duke.



1. Gill & Gibson’s Dapperdax Holly. Correct, well balanced head, with flat skull, dark eyes and well carried ears. Well balanced and compact body. Well-muscled hindquarters with well-turned stifles. Movement good. Super dense, harsh, weather resistant coat. BEST OF BREED.


Thank you for presenting such lovely, quality Sealyham Terriers for me to judge.

1. Oulton & Fourie’s Whooperhill Sandman. My lucky day, to find another star of the show! Only 7 months old, but so mature in body. Who showed himself off with true, terrier attitude. An absolute stunner! Not surprised when I see his breeding. His dam, my Best of Breed winner and sire a top winning Sealyham, I have admired ever since judging him as a very young puppy. Correct oblong shape and so balanced. Lovely long, powerful head, strong muzzle and slightly domed skull. Dark, round eyes, giving a keen expression. Super ears well placed. Good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. good body, deep chest, with firm topline and well set on tail. Strong, muscular hindquarters giving him drive around the ring. Well presented, in excellent coat for his age, with a wiry top coat and skirt coming. I was so pleased to see he went Best Puppy in Show. One certainly to watch for the future. BEST PUPPY IN BREED.

2. Pawson & Mantle’s Gelodnea Dylan. Another nice young dog puppy, with the oblong outline. Lovely head, with domed skull, dark eyes, strong muzzle and good bite. Nice ears, correctly set. Well made body. Moved OK. Presented in an excellent white clean coat of correct texture. Preferred the dark pigmented eye rims of the above.

3. Parker’s Dinglebrooke Heart and Soul.


1. Rumney & Doley’s Rowanrae Dream Weaver. Super looking, nice youngster, with the same sire as the puppy winner. When stood she has a pleasing outline and nicely balanced. Feminine head with good width to the back skull, and strength to the foreface. Correct shaped and placed ears. Dark, round eyes. Good length of neck, firm topline and deep in brisket. Super white coat, with wiry top coat. Extremely good movement, risk and vigorous with plenty of drive.


1. Smith’s Grevenia Higwen Amber Queen. Lovely bitch, who caught my eye as soon as she came into the ring. Balanced, with correct oblong outline. She has a long, strong, feminine head. Dark, well set round eyes and nicely shaped, well-set ears. Fairly long neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Straight front. Broad, deep chest. Good, well ribbed body with firm, level topline. Muscled hindquarters, with well bent stifles. Moved very well, briskly, vigorously with plenty of drive. Presented in excellent coat of correct wiry textured top coat. RESRVE BEST OF BREED.

2. Curtis’ Jolihem Lene Joe Badger. A very nice type, with a heavily marked masculine head and super ears. Everything correct, but just didn’t have the extra showmanship of the bitch. Good body, topline and tail set.Well-presented coat of correct texture. Moved very well.

3. Parker’s Whitecapisla Tiffintime.

4. Armstrong’s Kensteen Headn Over Heels.

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1. Oulton & Fourie’s Am Gch/Am Ch Whooperhill American Celebration (imp USA). A lovely looking bitch, from the top drawer. I see she is now a champion in so many countries. What a star and well deserved! So mature and finished for her age. Balanced, oblong shape. Super, well-balanced head, powerful jaw, slightly domed skull and black nose. Super dark, round eyes, providing a lovely expression. Fairly long neck, flowing into well laid shoulders and good forequarters. Nice body with level top line, broad and deep chest. Well-muscled hindquarters and good Sealyham tail set. Moved briskly, vigorously with plenty of drive. Presented in excellent coat and wiry top coat. BEST OF BREED.

2. James’ Nidela Mister Joe. I see I have judged this chap before. Another nice type with good head, dark eyes and correct ears. Nice overall shape, with good proportioned body. Well ribbed back and in super hard condition. Holds a level topline. Strong hindquarters, with good angulation. Tail could be better. Moved with a free stride. Nice harsh, wiry top coat.

3. Curtis’ Kenaiteen Cascade.


1. Cox’s Skye Terrier, Silverbriar Imogen of Petitpaws. Nice puppy, developing well. Long and low body, with strong hindquarters. Balanced, long head. Good ears, with feathering coming well. Strong jaws and correct mouth. Well developed and angulated hindquarters. Correct tail with nice feathering. Moved freely. Coat coming nicely.

2. Caldwell & Levy’s Welsh Springer Spaniel, Cerysan Limited Edition. Nice outline, symmetrical and compact. Well-made throughout, good bone and substance. Balanced head with dark eye and large open nose. Good forequarters and depth of chest for age. Well sprung ribs and nice short loin. Good low tail set and tight feet. Coat of excellent colour, quality and condition. Moved well, but appeared a bit wide in front, which should tighten with age.

3. Bailey & Hancock’s Lancashire Heeler, Selestar Lemon Drizzle.

4. Seager’s Smooth Collie, Blamorder Mischief Maker.

5. Davey’s Irish Water Spaniel, Santarocco Derry.



1. Straughan & Cripps’ Manchester Terrier, Talanors in for a Treat. Compact and elegant. Correct masculine wedge shaped head, excellent ear set, nice dark eye. Strong scissor bite. Elegant slightly arched neck, straight front, good hindquarters, slight arch over loin into correct low set tail. Good shiny coat and rich mahogany tan markings. Moved well.

2. Caldwell & McDowell’s Welsh Springer Spaniel, Bowdonia only the Brave for Cerysan. Lovely profile, displaying the desired compact not leggy attributes. Well-proportioned head and nice shape of eyes. Strong neck leading into well-placed shoulders. Good bone, spring of ribs and muscled hindquarters. Nice tight feet. Moved soundly.

3. Toth’s Miniature Bull Terrier, Pannonszepe Mini Diego (Imp Hun).


1. Benton’s Smooth Collie, Ch Oakestelle Venus de Milo VW ShCEx. A bitch I have always admired. Stunning and full of breed type. An alert blue merle, with quality in abundance and never stops showing. Being well balanced in profile. Correct length of well-proportioned head, with flat skull and well-placed slight stop. Excellent ears used to enhance her expression. Good reach and arch of neck. Good depth of chest and a firmly held top line. Correct slightly sloping front pasterns, lovely body shape, good bend of stifle, strong rear, good length of tail, moved very well in all directions. In super coat and condition.

2. McLeod’s Skye Terrier, Noap Charoit Madlen Mardzheri at Esgia (Imp Rus). Super silver Skye, with wonderful coat and furnishings. Lovely texture to the coat, long, hard and straight. Excellent strong head, dark eyes, with lovely expression. Beautiful ears, gracefully feathered. Nice neck and topline, well angulated in front and rear. Reluctant to move but the weather was extremely hot and she had so much coat.

Felicity A. Snook