• Show Date: 08/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Emily Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Plymouth & District Kennel Association

Plymouth & District Kennel Association

Junior Handling

6-11 Years (3,0)

1st Thomas Taylor

Smart handler,very attentive with his dog at all times.Presented his dog very well.Had brilliant straight lines and was very precise with his corners.His dog was playing up a little but this didn't stop him getting the best out of the dog.

2nd Libby Rycroft

Another very good handler,always watched what I was doing at all times whilst also keeping an eye on her dog.Presented her dog very neatly.Good lines,just watch you are going as straight as possible.Some lines were a little off but still a very positive young handler with a lot of talent.

3rd Chayton Clark

This young man was a brilliant handler who gave it his all.Stood his dog very well and always listened to everything I said.Good pattern work and pace,just make sure you don't come between the dog and the judge.

12-16 Years (3,1)

1st Harriet Duffield

Excellent handler.She was very precise with her pattern work and lines and didn't get in between the judge and the dog at any times.She had to swap the hand she had the lead in but done this so clean and smooth you wouldn't really notice.She presented her dog superbly and so the dog looked it best.

2nd Lewis Wilkinson

This handler had brilliant pattern work and lines.Only thing is he moved the dog before I instructed him what I wanted to do.Just make sure you wait for what the judge wants you to do first.Very polite and smart young handler with excellent clear show of the dogs dentition and bond with the dog.

Adult handling

17-24 Years (3,1)

1st Olivia Ellis

Presented well on the stand,excellent shadowing.This handler moved well with excellent straight lines and execution of the turns and corners.Good presentation of the teeth and she was talking to her dog throughout.Always kept on eye on where the judge was and what was happening in the ring.

2nd Trinity Davies

Good neat lines,just needed to be a bit straighter to polish the handling.Corners were clean.Brilliant shadowing.Teeth presentation was clean and precise.The dog was presented in a very good manner and the handler always watched what I was doing.

25+ Years (11,1)

1st Janett Rice

Excellent,smart handler! Handling her Tibetan Spaniel.Presented the dog in the best possible condition.She had neat pattern work,watching the dog and the judge at all times.Was always fully aware of my feet positioning.Confident,clean and precise when showing teeth and when shadowing was needed.Pleased to award her Best Handler in Show,well deserved.

2nd Stacie Nicoll

Another excellent handler.Handling a pointer.Neat and precise pattern work,this can be hard with a bigger dog that drives around the ring.Dog was stacked and presented very well.Another handler that always watched what I was doing and where I positioned my feet.Good shadowing and show of teeth.

Labrador Retrievers

Puppy (4,2)

1st Farrar's Henissy Here We Go Again BPIB

Chocolate Bitch.Broad skull,strong neck.Perfect scissor bite.Deep chest and lovely barrelled ribs.Carrying a bit too much weight today.Would prefer a bit more length of forearm but she is still growing.Level topline,excellent otter tail and bone.Moved well once settled.Best Puppy In Breed

2nd Harrington's Kenzduo Sunshine Favourite Of Silverjade

Young dog.Different in type to 1st.Broad skull with lovely expression and pigment.He was carrying a good weight and had an excellent coat.Level topline and a good otter tail.Moved ok,believe he just needs some practice.Preferred angles and movement of 1st.

Special Yearling (4,1)

1st Farrar's Henissy Truffle Trifle BOB

Black dog.Lovely outline on this boy.Broad skull with excellent dark pigment.He has a good depth of chest,shoulders well laid back.Level topline and excellent barrelled ribs.In a good double coat with a lovely otter tail.Bone and muscle of good quality.Great turn of stifle and well let down hocks.Moved with drive,he just needed time to settle.Best of Breed.

2nd Farrar's Henissy Treacle Tart

Litter sister to 1st.Pretty bitch,balanced for her age.Pleasing amount of bone throughout.Lovely level topline.In a good coat today.Little shorter in leg than her brother.Lovely barrelled ribs,good weight and good front and rear angles.Was a bit unsettled today and distracted by her brother but still moved well once settled.

3rd Philpott's Clarisview Primrose

Limit (6,3)

1st Bond's Carpenny Padraig

Black dog with a lovely balanced outline.Good depth of chest,shoulders well laid back and return of upper arm.Strong level topline.Good coat and otter tail.Lovely broad skull with dark pigment,correct scissor bite and kind expression.Moved well and covered ring.

2nd Newstead Champles Golden Syrup

Yellow bitch.Pleasing head and expression.Correct scissor bite.Lovely straight forearms with nice bone.Nicely barrelled ribs and carrying good weight.Not in the best of coats today.Good rear angulation and moved well.

3rd Fishlock's Carpenny Halshimoor Delicious AI

Open (4,1)

1st Fishlock's Carpenny Victoria RBOB

Lovely bitch,Beautiful balanced outline.Lovely head and expression,strong neck and good shoulder placement.Perfect scissor bite and pigment.Good front and rear angulation allowing her to drive around the ring.A little out of coat but doesn't take away from her quality.Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Philpott's Rossacre Spangles Of Clarisview

Another lovely bitch.Broad skull with good expression and pigment.Deep chest with good shoulder placement and straight forearms.Great rear angulation with good turn of stifle.Moved ok,could benefit with going a bit faster to show her drive.Preferred overall balance of 1st today.

3rd Farrar's Dynamic Crests Of Waves For Henissy

Cocker Spaniels

Graduate (2,0)

1st Miller's Eddeswarren Moonlight RBOB

Beautiful head and expression.Clean and chiselled with a square muzzle and good stop.Perfect scissor bite.Low set ears.Sloping shoulders,straight well boned forelegs.Compact but balanced,short in loin.Good muscle.Merry tail and moved well covering the ground with ease.Close for Best of Breed but unfortunately she didn't move as well in the challenge.The ground wasn't the best for this today.Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Mccabe-Bell's Zheridons Zephyranthes At Grandtully

Clean chiselled head with a good expression.Didn't have as much coat as first.Well made front.Good bend of stifle and short hocks.Compact in body and short in loin.Sound merry mover.Just preferred overall balance of first.

Limit (3,1)

1st Salmon's Crimicar Indigo Eclipse BOB

Well developed skull,square muzzle with good stop and gentle expression.Good front with a well developed chest,straight forelegs and lovely bone.Compact dog,short in loin with well sprung ribs.Lovely well muscled hind quarters with a good turn of stifle and short hocks.Covered the ring with drive and covered the ground well.Best of Breed.

2nd Miller's Eddeswarren Temptress

Good overall outline on this bitch.Lovely head and expression,perfect scissor bite.Not as much bone or angulation as first but has good overall proportions and moved well.

Open (0)

Emily Evans (Eminala)