• Show Date: 31/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Emily Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 06/10/2023

Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society

Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society.

Labrador Retrievers

Judge- Emily Evans (Eminala) 

Puppy (4,2)

1st Smith. Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse

Black bitch,10 months old.Pleasing head with appealing expression, good front angulation.Good amount of bone and substance.Well sprung ribs.She also had lovey tight feet and a good coat.Felt she really covered the ring with her driving movement. BPIB

2nd Smith. Meadowline Heartbreaker

Black dog,10 months old.Lovely head,B-road skull and kind expression with great pigment.Excellent bone.Good reach of neck leading into correctly placed shoulders.Moved well but just preferred overall balance and drive with of 1st.

Junior (4,1)

1st Young & Parkes. Potterzuri Mystic Zuri

Excellent head and intelligent expression.Good bone and lovely tight feet.Overall balance is there with good angles,just needs time to mature.Strong topline and good tail set with a lovely otter tail,which he held well on the move.Moved with great reach and drive.Definitely one I will keep an eye on.

2nd Smith Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse 

As above

3rd Young & Parkes. Potterzuri Mystic Zena

Yearling (4,1)

1st Young & Parkes. Potterzuri Chip Of The Old Block JW

Yellow dog. Strong neck,leading into well laid back shoulders and straight well boned legs.Well barrelled ribs.Good strong topline.Good rear angles with well let down hocks.Moved well.

2nd Baron. Landebec Crazy In Love

Yellow bitch with pleasing head and kind expression with correctly shaped eyes.Well sprung ribs with short coupling.Clean neck leading into well placed shoulders with excellent topline and tailset.Not in the best of coats today.Moved well.

3rd Smith. Hurstmeon Hey Look It’s Me At Flyenpyg

Post Graduate (12,6)

1st Tooth. Ludalor Loquacious 

Yellow bitch with broad head,kind expression and also correct eye shape.She has a strong neck leading into well laid shoulders.Well developed hind quarters with excellent muscle tone.Excellent level topline with correct tail set and otter tail,which is held on the move.Moved with drive covering ring well.Pleased to award her Reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Kleinhans. Rocheby Miss Holly For Barameney

Yellow bitch.Good head with pretty and pleasing expression.Good angles front and rear with ample amount of bone.Well sprung ribs.Good topline and otter tail.Moved well today.

3rd Smith. Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse

Open Dog (4,2)

1st Dodd. SH CH Carriegame Moonshine

Good head shape with a brilliant expression.Excellent reach of neck.Good bone and tight feet.Deep in brisket.Excellent front and rear angulation with good muscle.Level topline and good otter tail.Movement was good but felt he could have gone better.Believe he unfortunately had other things on his mind today.

2nd Smith. Flyenpyg Porky Pig JW OSW

Lovely pleasing head.Good bone.Strong neck leading into correctly placed shoulders.Good topline which he help on the move.Great otter tail,Excellent barrelled ribs.Moved well today but just preferred balance of first.

Open Bitch (4,2)

1st Hopkinson & Kleinhans. Rocheby Hazelberry

Yellow Bitch.Feminine,balanced head with great pigment.Excellent reach of neck leading into her well placed shoulders, level topline.Great amount of bone with tight feet.In a good double coat.Held her top line and tail carriage on the move.Covered ring with drive.Pleased to award her Best of Breed.

2nd Baron. Mariank Vanity Fair at Landebec

Yellow bitch with pleasing head,good eye colour and shape.Lovely level top line,well angulated hindquarters.Well sprung ribs and good overall balance.Moved well covering ring.