• Show Date: 25/02/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Elaine Bogart Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Newark & District Canine Society

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at this friendly, well run show, and thank you to the exhibitors for bringing their hounds. Many thanks to my stewards Cath and Alan who kept the ring moving most efficiently.


Open 3 (2)

1st Cutter & Lublin, Miss J & Mr H Ina’s Fashion Finest of Chosovi (Imp Deu) 18 month old red brindle bitch. Beautiful outline on the stack, a series of curves from nose to tail. Long skull with slight stop, well placed oval eyes and neat rosed ears. Elegantly arched neck that flows into a super front assembly with straight forelegs and compact, well knuckled feet. Deep capacious chest with back well ribbed, curvy underline and complimentary top-line. Sweeping rear and strong hocks. Beautiful side gait movement showing a straight, low reaching free stride, just slightly close in rear. BOB & HG1.


PUPPY 3 (2)

1st Harris, Mr J Valheru Black Magic RAF 11-month-old dark brindle male. Well grown puppy. Masculine head with length to muzzle and strength to under-jaw. Dark eye, correct ear carriage and plenty of furnishings. Long, muscular neck fits smoothly into fair shoulder placement but would prefer more return of upper arm. Long strong forelegs, decent feet and good spring of pasterns. Slightly narrow in front and chest needs to drop but he is only young and has plenty of time to do so, back well ribbed. Enjoying his day in the ring. BP, PG3

JUNIOR 6 (3)

1st Donaldson & Smallwood, Mrs A & Mr J Rainster Evan 15 month old brindle male. Masculine skull of equal planes, strong jaw and correct dentition. Dark eyes, plenty of furnishings, would prefer a better ear carriage. Length and strength to neck, with good shoulder placement and fair return of upper arm. Nice depth to chest, ample tuck up and muscular loin. Good bend of stifle, with enough width to thighs for his age and parallel strong hocks. Moved steady around the ring. RBOB & BOS

2nd Crosse, Mrs A T Rainster Evie 15-month-old brindle bitch. Litter mate to 1st. Feminine head with gentle expression, good length to skull, dark oval eyes and well held ears. Strong muscular neck flows smoothly into a good lay of shoulder and fair return of upper arm. Long straight forelegs, toes could just be a tad better arched. Back well ribbed with a curvy underline and correct top line, which she held on the move. Width to rear with low hocks. Good harsh coat. Close decision between 1st and 2nd.


1st Dawson, Mrs F & Mrs G Hydebeck Heart of Gold at Graefyn Tall 18 month old wheaten male. Large, masculine head with dark oval eyes and well held ears. Length to muzzle and correct dentition. Fair shoulder placement, long strong legs, toes could have more arching and just slightly loose in pasterns. Back well ribbed and good depth of chest. Needs to tighten up in his movement.

OPEN 4 (2)

1st Heather, Miss W Ch Whiteorchard Ad Astra JW Upstanding 2 ¼ year old brindle bitch. Presented a beautifully balanced outline. Feminine head with the darkest of eyes and well held ears. Strong, well-arched, muscled neck that flows neatly into good shoulder placement with correct return of upper arm. Stands soundly on well boned forelimbs. Good width and depth to front, with a curvy underline and correct rise over the loin. Sweeping rear with well muscled hind quarters; width to second thigh and strong low hocks. Sound mover going around the ring with an easy and active gait. Shown in good hard condition. BOB & HG3

2nd Webb, Miss K Gaelmarque Mission Success for Inkleyboys 3 year old grey brindle male. Masculine head with the kindest of eyes and lovely furnishings, just a little heavy in back skull. Strong dentition with strength to under-jaw. Muscular neck with fair shoulder placement, strong boned legs standing on decent feet. Good depth of chest, with ribbing well set back, good width to loin. Carrying a tad too much weight at the moment for a running hound. Good harsh coat.