- Show Date: 10/12/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Elaine Bogart Contact Judge
- Published Date: 15/01/2024
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society
1st Skerritt & Betts, Mrs L C & Mrs J Monkhams Nightingale A quality 14-month-old sable and white bitch in rough and harsh coat, well presented and beautifully balanced. Feminine head of good proportions with dark, oval eyes and lovely pigmentation. Good length of neck fits smoothly into a nicely made front assembly, with level top-line and short muscular loin. Standing on super bone and neat, well-padded feet. Strong in rear with width to second thigh and low hocks. Tail set on high and carried sabre fashion. Moved around the ring with brisk free movement - should have a bright future. BOB
2nd Moulding, Miss K S Nykarth Touch of Class Pretty nearly 2-year-old tricolour bitch. Typical head carried proudly, strength in under jaw and correct dentition. Balanced in angulation fore and aft, standing with elbows close to chest, straight forelegs and a nice spring to pasterns. She has good length to ribbing, with sufficient depth of chest for age. Tail carried proudly, moved true with a pleasing side gait.
1st Skerritt & Betts, Mrs L C & Mrs J Monkhams Nightingale 1ST SPECIAL YEARLING
2nd Holt, Mrs K Nykarth’s Under Wraps nearly 2-year-old male. Masculine, domed head with defined stop and lovely dark, oval eyes. Good length of leathers which are set on low. Strong neck fits smoothly into a decent front assembly, just enough bone for frame. To balance his front, I would prefer his rear to have more bend of stifle. A tad enthusiastic on the move initially, then he got himself together.
OPEN 7 (2)
1st Skerritt & Betts, Mrs L C & Mrs J Monkhams Memphis Belle sable and white 5-year-old bitch, balanced and compact in outline. Noble, domed head with a lovely intelligent expression, super furnishings and ears set on low. Strong neck, with fair width to front and good lay of shoulder. Back well ribbed, level top line with strength to short loin. Well muscled rear quarters enabled her to move true, showing reach and drive. RBOB
2nd Skerritt & Betts, Mrs L C & Mrs J Beaujons Vagabond of Monkhams 6-year-old sable and white. Well shaped masculine head of lovely proportions, good length of leathers with an inward curl. Long, strong neck flows into a level top line, good ribbing with a well muscled croup. Strong rear with width to second thigh and low parallel hocks. Presented in rough, harsh coat. Lovely profile movement.
1st Allchorne, Mrs C Nelgus Lucky Charm 7-month-old well grown tricolour bitch. Feminine head of pleasing proportions, with expressive dark eyes and long, low set ears. Strong, muscular neck fits smoothly into well placed shoulders with back well ribbed and level top-line. Developing nicely in rear quarters, with stern carried proudly. Movement out and back was true, she coped well with a noisy venue. A promising puppy.
1st Allchorne, Mrs C Nelgus Golden Nugget 7-month-old red and white boy full of quality and promise. He is really eye catching. Loved his handsome head, which is elegantly domed with clean bright eyes, strong dentition and large nose. Balanced angulation for and aft with good depth of chest and infill for such a youngster. Broad, well ribbed back with level top line which he held on the move. Super bone and large, well-padded feet. Good tail set that was carried sabre like. Moved with great scope, should have a bright future. BP
2nd Cooper, Mrs S Houndsbay Vito Andolini 15 month-old substantial tricolour dog. I thought he was beautifully presented. Masculine head of good planes, with dark eyes of good shape, correct dentition and strength to under jaw. Well boned and bodied, rib cage has depth, spring and goes well back. Good ground clearance and firm in top-line, with well angled hindquarters and strong hocks which he used to his advantage on the move.
1st Bates, Mrs K J Diheath Pyjama at Karames Attractively marked 4 year-old tricoloured dog. Typical masculine head, with dark eyes and low set leathers of velvety texture. Balanced in outline, with good dept and width to chest, back well ribbed and broad muscular loin. Strong in bone, with large well knuckled feet. Powerful rear quarters with width to second thigh and low parallel hocks. Effortless movement around the ring, good ground covering gait in profile. RBOB
2nd McLean, Mrs P A Switherland Gabriella at Stookewood 2 year-old red and white bitch, shown in super coat. Pretty, feminine head of good proportions and lovely expression. Strong muscular neck that fits smoothly into a decent front assembly, back well-ribbed but wouldn’t want her any longer. She could be firmer in top line which tended to spoil her outline on the stack. Well muscled rear and low set hocks.
1st Allchorne, Mrs C Negus Thyme Flies 4-year-old shapely red and white male, full of quality and striking in appearance. Really liked this boy, so many pleasing attributes. Well balanced masculine head, with clean bright eyes and the long, supple leathers set on low. Strong, well arched neck flows smoothly into a super front assembly, with a well-developed fore chest. Forelegs short and of quality bone. Sturdy body, with good spring and depth to rib, solid and strong in top-line, and a broad well-muscled loin. Full and muscular rear quarters with short parallel hocks. Correct tail set and carriage. Shown in super coat and condition, smooth and powerful movement, true in all directions. BOB
2nd McLean, Mrs C Switherland Final Chase at Stookewood well developed 4-year-old red and white bitch. Lovely outline on the stack. Dignified feminine head with super eyes and expression, certainly using her large nose today. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, broad back with level top-line and width to pelvis. Balanced angulation front and rear, with quality bone with large, well-padded feet. Strongly muscled hindquarters, which she used to drive around the ring.
PUPPY 1 (1)
1st Whitton, Miss J Haggatty Callisto Well grown 12-month-old tricolour bitch. Liked her size and proportions. Lovely head that is feminine and balanced, though would prefer a darker eye for perfection. Muscular, slightly arched neck fits smoothly into a well-made front, with good depth of chest, ample spring of rib and short muscular loin. Short coupled with shapely rear quarters and low set hocks. Free and sound mover. Kept looking at her in the line up, just lost out on maturity. RBOB
2nd Whitton, Miss J Haggatty Bonafide 14-month-old tricolour bitch. Pretty head and expression, although would like a little more length to muzzle for balance. Neck is strong and of good length, with fair shoulder placement, just a tad short in upper arm. Straight forelegs with round bone and neat, well-padded feet. Rear moderately angled, with parallel hocks, just moved a little close going away.
1st Whitton, Miss J Haggatty Callisto 1st Special Yearling xxxx
2ND Roberts & Spearing, Dr C & Ms D Linkenlees Laurina ShCEx 7-year-old tricolour bitch built on a well proportioned frame. Beautiful head with an appealing expression. Well made front assembly with good depth of chest. Forelegs straight with short sloping pasterns and neat feet. Muscular rear with good bend of stifle. Moved true in all directions, holding her top-line. Nicely handled.
1st Roberts & Spearing, Dr & Ms D Linkenlees Lyric ShCM ShCEx 7-year-old tricolour bitch, presented a beautifully balanced outline on the stack. Litter sister to 2nd PG. Refined feminine head with kind dark eye and low set ears. Lovely length of neck leading into good lay of shoulder, with depth to chest and elbows neatly tucked in. Stands on quality bone with neat, well knuckled feet. Firm in hindquarters with width to 2nd thigh. Lovely free stride in profile, carrying her tail proudly. A credit to her owners, hard to believe she is a veteran. BOB
1st Lucas & Dargonne, Miss R V & Mr C J Packway The Enigma 10 month-old rangy bitch with a well balanced and shapely outline, who was enjoying her day out. Beautiful feminine head presenting a kind but alert expression, darkest of eyes full of puppy mischief and neat rosed ears. Long, strong neck into a good front assembly with depth of chest and strong, well arched loin flowing to nicely let down hindquarters. Pleasing coat and texture, a promising puppy. Moved with a true free striding action. BP
2nd Sandells & Lovell, Miss L & Mr J Packway Blue Moon Well grown 10-month-old male, just needs time to fill his large frame. Masculine, typey head with the darkest of eyes and neat well set ears. Good length of neck into a decent front assembly, just a tad short in upper arm. Deep chest though would prefer a little more fore chest, this will come with age. Soundly made with pleasing underline and gentle arch over the loin. Shapely hindquarters, with low set parallel hocks. Moves well in profile, just a shade close in rear. Look forward to see how he develops.
1st Lucas & Dargonne, Miss R V & Mr C J Packway Ecotrailer 3-year-old bitch. Presented a curvy outline on the stack. Pretty head with good length of muzzle and strong dentition, though ears could be better rosed. Strong neck fits smoothly into a decent front with good depth of chest and infill. Well made rear, though handler needs to be mindful that at times she was standing with her hocks under her, spoiling her outline. Shown in excellent coat. Had a tendency to crab on the out and back, not fully co-operating with her handler today, I’m sure she will with more experience.
1st Lucas & Dargonne, Miss R V & Mr C J Packway Smackfarthing 4 ½ year-old athletic bitch, unexaggerated and full of quality. She has good balance and proportions giving her a lovely houndy outline. Excelled in head and expression with the desired aquiline nose, dark eyes and small rosed ears. Neck strong and muscular with good reach into a lovely front assembly with depth, length and spring of rib. Powerful drooping quarters with width to second thigh and strong low set hocks. Her movement was so easy and active as she floated around the ring. A really nice example of the breed. Beautifully handled. BOB
2nd Spring-Arnold, Mr D & Mrs S Hyndsight Only in My Dreams Soundly made 3 year-old bitch of nice proportions. Feminine head of correct planes, with super furnishings. Balanced angulation fore and aft, with straight forelegs and broad quality bone, just a little upright in pasterns. Curvy underline and shapely top-line with width and length of pelvis. Broad rear quarters with parallel hocks. Shown in lovely harsh coat. Free movement around the ring. RBOB
1st Wilkinson, Mrs S Rainster Eilex Among Hunacres 2-year-old well grown and conditioned light brindle bitch. Feminine head of good length with strength to under jaw and correct dentition. Strong reach of neck flows into a well laid shoulder, with ample fore chest and lovely spring of rib. Broad, muscular loin and width through pelvis. Balanced rear angulation with good bend of stifle and muscular second thigh. Moved harmoniously with her handler using a light and easy gait. RBOB
1st Heather, Miss W Ch Whiteorchard Ad Astra JW Upstanding 3-year-old bitch, beautifully balanced. Full of strength and substance. Well furnished feminine head with dark oval eyes and neat rosed ears. Strong well arched neck fits smoothly into a well-made front assembly, good width and depth of chest with ribs extending well back. Lovely curvy underline with complimentary top-line, gently arched. Stands on quality bone with good feet. Powerful rear quarters with width to 2nd thigh and strong low set hocks. Moved steadily and purposefully around the ring, showing reach and drive. BOB & HG2
PUPPY 3 (1)
1st Storey & Piehl, Mr P, Mrs E & Mrs L Kiromol Dare To Flair 6 month-old bitch. Well grown and full of promise, a lot to like about this raw puppy. Prettiest of heads of level planes with broad flat skull and super ears. Neck of good length flows into a well made front assembly, straight forelegs with good bone and compact, well knuckled feet. Her ribs are well sprung, with a gentle curve of croup and good tail set. standing slightly high in rear at present. Moved with a long and easy stride. BP
2nd Healey, Mr J & Mrs K S Kiromol Reckon I’m Hot 6 months-old red wheaten bitch, litter mate to 1st. Feminine head of pleasing proportions, with dark round eyes and high ear set. Strong neck, with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest with ribbing carried well back. Balanced in rear, with parallel hocks. Ridge clearly defined and symmetrical. Moved well in profile, a nice puppy.
1st Mitchelson, Mrs G F & Mr P Amahle Red Hot Zephyr at Voortrekker 18-month-old light wheaten male, attractive and clean in outline. He is balanced and well grown, presented in super muscular condition. He looks like he is well exercised, which is lovely to see. Masculine head of equal planes with lovely expressive dark eyes and correct stop. Powerful neck, with clean shoulder placement, forelegs straight and elbows well under. Width to rear with well developed 2nd thigh and low set hocks. Lovely free and active movement. RBOB
OPEN 3 (2)
1st Storey, Storey & Piehl, Mr P, Mrs E & Mrs L Ch Kiromol Heaven Can Wait 4 years-old red wheaten, a stallion of a hound in his prime. This boy gave me goose bumps when he came into the ring. Beautiful masculine head oozing breed type. Crested, well-arched neck fits smoothly into a super front assembly, deep and capacious chest with ribs extended well back and muscular loin. Powerful rear quarters that are well muscled with good turn of stifle and strong, low set hocks. Clearly defined and symmetrical ridge. Terrific movement, he moves straight and true covering the ground with ease. It was a joy to watch the wonderful rapport between the handler and his boy. BOB