• Show Date: 29/01/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: EDWARD Forsey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Coalville & District Canine Society

Judge Mr E Forsey (Muzoku).

Many thanks to the committee for my invite to judge CEDs today and putting on such a well-run show. I would also like to thank the exhibitors who entered and provided me with a small but high quality entry today.


PUPPY D/B (0) - No Entries


1. Byrne, Aavuuta Qimmiq Akiak (Imp CAN) :- Stunning 15 month old who catches your eye. Good overall size and well balanced outline. Clean masculine head of sufficient breath and wedge shape, correct dentition, well set thick alert ears. Strong neck, well angulated front, and rear with depth of chest to elbows. Well boned forelegs and large tight feet. Short strong loin. Powerful and energetic on the move with strong drive. BOB and WG3

POST GRADUATE D/B (0) - No Entries)

OPEN D/B (2)

1. Atkins, Akna Peechee for Qimugta :- 7 year old cream and white girl. Feminine head with soft expression, obliquely set eyes, small well set thick ears. Strong neck set well on shoulders, good forechest and well off for bone, nice underline and level topline. Well muscled rear with good turn of stifle, high set tail, clean in all aspects on the move at a steady gait. RBOB

2. Atkins, Qimugta Miss Marple IR.Jun.Ch :- Excitable B&W female youngster approaching 2 years. Pretty head with lovely dark eye and expression. Well set small ears. Short muscular neck, moderately angulated front, chest to elbows. Level topline and well set and carried tail. Good turn of stifle. Excitable and playful on the move but nice and clean once settled, still with some maturing to do but very promising.