• Show Date: 03/12/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ed Casey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 06/01/2024

Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society

Irish Setter PUPPY (4, 0abs) 1st Danks Kemish & Swannell ALOLFRANA ALL I ASK OF EVEANDABEC 9 months old and well grown but with an impressive outline. Head of good length, dark almond shaped eyes, kind expression. Neck of good length, shoulders well positioned. Straight forelegs and the best of feet. Deep body, gently sloping topline and tail well set and carried. Moved freely and positively in all directions, covering the ground with ease. BOB, BP & PG2 2nd Hearn's CATALUNA LIGHT OF MY SOUL Younger and more immature than 1 at present. Pleasing outline, enough neck, shoulders well positioned, good legs and feet. Quite deep in body, sloping topline, tail well set and carried. Moved soundly fore and aft. 3rd Rose-Hay's CATALUNA LA LUNA JUNIOR (1, 0abs) 1st Rose-Hay's CATALUNA SIR LANCELOT Raw adolescent male who still needs time to develop all through. Medium sized, neck of good length. Straight well boned legs and good feet. Body developing well, moved out with lots of enthusiasm. POST GRADUATE (2, 2abs) OPEN (3, 2abs) 1st Rose-Hay's CATALUNA WINTER WONDERLAND Medium sized, compact bitch with a pleasing outline. Stands on well boned legs and the best of feet. Pleasing forehand, gently sloping topline and carries herself well moving in profile. Deep body and well developed ribs carried well back. Golden Retriever PUPPY (6, 4abs) 1st Mizen TENFIELD SWORD OF STATE Mid coloured dog of pleasing size and balance. Appealing head of excellent proportions, black pigment. Good reach of neck, shoulders well positioned, well boned legs and excellent feet. Body of good depth, firm level topline, tail well set and carried. Moves positively and soundly in all directions covering the ground with ease. 2nd Parry's MITCHARRON SEREN'S LEGACY Another quality puppy, paler in colour. Stronger in head and broader in back skull than one, excellent pigment. Strong neck, shoulders well laid and has excellent bone and feet. Compact in body, ribbed well back but carrying too much weight which showed on the move. Well presented coat. JUNIOR 0 entries POST GRADUATE (4, 3abs) 1st Millington's GOLMAS GUARD OF HONOUR AT JARABEES JW Mid coloured golden dog of pleasing overall balance. Masculine head, eyes of good colour and shape, excellent pigment, broad in back skull, ears well set and carried. Moderate front angulation, firm topline. Well muscled quarters. Tail carriage could be better. Moved straight and true but could be more free in profile. OPEN (5, 4abs) 1st Millington's CARNEVAL OF GOLDEN DUCK-COBEY AT JARABEES VW (IMP SRB) 8 and a half year old dog with an excellent outline. Masculine head of good proportions, enough neck, well boned legs and excellent feet. Deep and well bodied, ribbed well back. Moved very positively in all directions, covering the ground with ease. Tail well set and carried. BOB Irish Water Spaniel PUPPY 0 entries JUNIOR 0 entries POST GRADUATE 1 entry Willimason's FINCHSMILL SECRET SURPRISE Medium sized bitch of quite pleasing overall balance. Head of good proportions, eyes of pleasing shape and colour. Well boned legs, ribs well developed and body has good depth. Tail well set and carried. Moved ok. BOB. OPEN 0 entries BIS Patterson’s Cwmdarhian The Mistress Black and Tan Standard smooth haired Dachshund with a striking outline. Of ideal proportions, free from exaggerations. Long head, medium sized dark eyes, high set ears. Neck long and muscular, shoulders well positioned, excellent feet. Well muscled body, ribbed well back, firm in topline. Long and free striding, really driving from the rear. Presented in excellent condition, pleased to award her BIS. RBIS Hall’s Shenedene Copy and Paste Well balanced sturdy youngster, head of pleasing proportions, skull quite narrow. Dark oval eyes of pleasing shape and colour. Strong neck, shoulders well laid back, level topline, strong loin. Well muscled hindquarters used to advantage on the move with a free and jaunty gait. Long straight coat beautifully presented, RBIS. BPIS Jones Jothryn Johnny Be Good 6 and a half month old whippet male who appealed for his overall outline and balance. His head is long and lean, oval shaped eyes and excellent pigment. Long neck, shoulders well positioned, chest of good depth. In optimum body and muscletone, moved out with freedom in profile and straight and true fore and aft, BPIS. RBPIS Irving’s Born to Be your Hublot Big Bang at Twinan (Imp Hun) Pembroke corgi male who is masculine but not overdone, low set and strong. Alert in expression, medium sized ears. Quite long neck, well boned legs, elbows set close to the body. Ribs well sprung, firm level topline. Free and positive mover put down in excellent condition. RBPIS. Mr Ed Casey