• Show Date: 26/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Domenico Santoriello Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/12/2023

Sedgley & Gornal Canine Association

Sedgley & Gornal Canine Association


Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge at their Premier show. Many thanks to the exhibitors for their entries, and to my two very able stewards for their hard work. Some top quality dogs here today and many in my group shortlists that could easily pick up a place another day.

Chihuahua LC. PG (5,2) 1 Martin’s Leathea Rockstar DJ, very well made young male, he has a well rounded apple dome skull, large expressive eyes. Large, well fringed ears which he uses at all times. Good muzzle. So well balanced throughout. Level back of good length. Tail set high and carried well. Small feet with strong pasterns. Moved out well with self importance. 2 Hughes’ Trefnanney Ziva, pretty head on this girl, dark expressive eyes, good length of body. Small feet. Prefered the topline of 1.

Chihuahua SC J (1) Meacham’s Party Pop to Khanor TAF, black parti, sweet girl, lovely domed head, eye and earset. Good neck into well laid shoulders and level back. Moved OK. Would have preferred a better tail carriage. BOB

Japanese Chin – a lovely entry supported by the SJJC.

P(4) 1 Rooney, Green and Green Jaschin Curtain Call, caught my eye immediately as she marched into the ring. Just 6 months and still a bit raw but you can see what she will become in the future. She has a promising head, eyes dark, large and well set, with the required look of astonishment. Lovely neck into good shoulders and square body. Well angulated rear and turn of stifle. She comes alive on the move and I could not take my eyes off her. One I will follow with interest. BOB, BP, TG3 and PG1. 2 Pearson’s Bobby Dazzler Rodnichok iz Tiger Sada at Ereste NAF, again still quite raw and he is teething, he has a large head, dark eyes with correct expression. Square body, tail set on high. Not the movement of 1. 3 Farrugia Capevidles Simply The Best Avec Cholas.

J (3,2) Baranzeck Chinook, 6 months, more collected of the 3 littermates here today. His head displays good properties, small ears, dark eye and pleasing expression. Good length to body. Moved out soundly.

PG (2) Two Chin of different type here. 1 Pearson’s Ereste’s Raffles Exclusive up to size male here, and longer In body than I’d like. Masculine head, good neck, well angulated rear. Moved soundly. 2 Martin’s Sleepyhollow Cover Girl for Kirdanchi, 4 year female, smaller type to 1 but all in proportion, pretty head and eye, short in body. Just not moving as sound as 1 today.

O (3) 1. Tong’s Cranvarl Maude, very pretty R/W bitch, in excellect coat, dark expressive eyes, cobby body, high tailset, profusely feathered. Just needs to get together on the move to complete the picture. RBOB. 2 Rooney, Green and Green’s Jaschin Paws for Applause, another quality bitch from this kennel, lovely type, feminine head, large, expressive eyes, well cushioned muzzle. Good for body, well angulated throughout, moved soundly.

King Charles Spaniel

PG (1) Mochrie’s Downsbank Indian Ink, 2 year Black and Tan male, masculine headed boy, endearing eyes, good for bone and body, well angulated rear, when he gets his act together he moves very soundly. BOB

Papillons. I was delighted with the entry of 23 with 8 absent on the day, it was nice to judge well filled classes which is a rarity these days. Thank you to the exhibitors for their entry.

P(6,4) 1 Slater’s Bresar’s Almeno Tu Nell’ Universo in Zizula (imp Italy) a quality boy who catches your eye immediately, an attractive head, with a dark, round eye, giving a lovely expression with fine muzzle. Large mobile ears with good fringing. Straight front, fairly long in body, keeping a level topline at all times. Well angulated rear. Long tail, set high. Very positive mover. So well presented by his owner. I look forward to seeing him as he matures. BOB, BP and shortlist in both strong groups today. 2 Green & Cooper’s Panspayon Paddinggton Bear at Wilcachans, lovely headed boy with large mobile ears, good neck into fairly long body. Good rear angulation. Fine fine. Tail set on high, but he did not use it to his advantage, I think with a bit more confidence he will do well in the future.

J (4,2) 1 Griffith’s Manawydann Springtime, 8 months female, pretty head, dark eye, large mobile ears with good fringing. Good length to body. Fine, hare-like feet. Long tail, set high and carried well at all times. Once settled she moved soundly. 2 Cooper’s Wilachans Ravensclaw, smaller than one but all in proportion. Pretty head and eye.Good length to body. Fine feet. Could carry her tail better. Moved soundly.

PG (6,1) 1 Lees’ Lafford Black Onyx, quality B/W boy of a good size. Lovely head, dark eye with keen expression. Large, well fringed ears. Good length to body, well angulated rear with good turn of stifle, tail set high. Moved soundly. 2 Cooper’s Wilachans Queenie, tri, smaller than 1 but all in proportion. Good head and eye. Moved soundly.

O(8,1) 1 Green & Cooper’s 1 Wilachans Goblin King, impressive R/W, well presented with a good amount of silky coat. Handsome head, dark round eye giving a lovely expression, finely pointed muzzle. Straight front, fine feet, standing on good bone. Pleasing length to body. Long, well fringed tail giving a good plume. Moved with free action. RBOB. 2 Goodwin’s Melangel Fabulous Man for Paplene, B/W, another nice exhibit. Admired his head properties. Fairly long in body, high set tail with good fringes, carried well at all times. Moved soundly.

Pomeranian, another lovely entry on paper, although I gather there was a club event nearby the day before which meant for a few absentees. Thank you for your entry.

J(6,4) 1 French’s Norvanik Gold Smith at Bincombefarm, 10 months O/S in harsh coat who presents a lovely outline on the stand. Typical head, small ears, darkest of eyes. Compact in body, Tight feet. Moved out soundly. 2 Bella Jean C/S, bigger boned than 1, pleasing head properties, dark eye, compact feet. Good for body. Moved OK.

PG (7,2) 1 Moore’s Klassna Tell Me More with Chibaya, 3 years orange female. She has an excellent overall outline. She has a lovely head, dark oval eye and neat ears giving a pleasing expression. Body is compact, chest deep and good rib cage. Correct tailset, high set and carried flat with long, harsh hair. Lovely free mover. BOB 2 French’s Norvanik Rumour Has It at Bincombefarm JW, I have judged this bitch before, another lovely exhibit, I just preferred the overall finish of 1. Compact and dainty in outline, well angulated in front and rear. High set tail carried well. Very positive mover. RBOB. 3 Bella Jean.

O (4,3) 1 Pastuszka Altina What A Carry On, 3 year bitch in abdundant coat, Pretty head and expression. Compact body. Needs abit more oomph on the move.


P (2) 1 Morgan-Stanley’s Little White Wonder Eskimo of Golbourne (imp NL) delightful Bolognese male, lovely square outline. Handsome head with correct ratios, good pigment. Large dark, esxpressive eyes. Well laid shoulders, tight elbows. Tail set on well and carried correctly. Smart mover, I’m sure he will be an asset to the gene pool for this breed. BP 2 Owen’s Gaefs Gails at Russiantree, hard to examine this Italian Greyhound unforuntely, could do with some ringcraft.

PG (3,1) 1 Green’s Swandown Silver Moon over Samorrey, Maltese, Lovely head properties on this male, correct head carriage, no mistaking his gender, slightly too long in the body, Correct tailset which is carried well at all times. Good pigment throughout. Moved well. 2 Owen’s Dazzling Lady Grey, Italian Greyhound, Nice head on this bitch. Moved OK but handler needs to be more aware of the dog to ensure she isn’t stringing her up too much.

O 2 1 Howsams Cotonkiss Wotta A Girl Wants at Jandoes, very well presented Coton, correct coat texture. Lovely body shape with correct topline. Slightly arched neck. Very Pretty head with dark, expressive eyes and well placed ears. Moved soundy. BAVNSC

Toy Group – a lovely group where some unplaced could easily get a place on another day. 1 Lowchen, Morgan-Stanley’s Golbourne Oh So Posh, this male was so nice to go over, so well balanced throughout. In excellent coat. Loved his head, broad skull, dark round eyes with an intelligent expression. Well arched neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest, short in body. Well muscled hindquarters. Correct tailset, carried well at all times. A joy to watch on the move, just glides round the ring, with correct reach and drive, carrying his head proudly. Should gain his title with any justice. 2 Morley & Hitchcock’s Lizlanmor King Of Hearts, Peke, quality as expected from this kennel, red male, of a lovely size, he has a pleasing headpiece, broad skull and flat between the ears, round, dark, expressive eyes. Correct front with heavily boned forelegs, elbows close to chest. Short in body, broad chest and picks up heavy. Well muscled rear with low hocks. Moves with the typical slow, rolling gait. 3 Rooney, Green and Greens Japanese Chin, Jaschin Curtain Call. 4 Dawson-Payne and Mousley’s Judamie Elton’s Sun, quality Pug, very attentive to handler, Square and cobby in outline. Lovely head, good width to muzzle, dark lustrouous eyes, nice ears. Very good angulation front and rear, level topline which he maintains on the move. Sound mover.

Puppy Group

1 Rooney, Green and Green Japanese Chin, Jaschin Curtain Call. 2nd Morley’s Lizlanmor Declaration Pekingese, quality young male, has everything going for him, large head with dark, expressive eyes, strong, well boned forelegs, short body, well let down hocks, level topline. Sound mover. 3 Parker’s Riveralca Tulla at Khatira, what a doll this well boned, B/W Powder Puff Chinese Crested is, loved her head, dark, almond shaped eye with an endearing expression, lowset ears, well laid shoulders, into long body with level back, well rounded rump with good rear angulation. Tail set high and carried well on the move. Very elegant mover. Loved her happy temperament too, Im sure she will do very well in the future. 4 Dawson-Payne and Mousley’s Judamie Elton Sun.

AV Toy Veteran (7,3) 1 Francis & Blatchford’s CH Witchstone Not Apache On Me For Peopleton, 8 years ETT, who I have watched before but never judged, he is a credit to his owners and the breed, lovely to go over, masculine yet retains his elegance, typical head with flat skull and correct wedge shape. Dark eye with intelligent expression. High set, candle-flame ears. Beautiful neck into well laid shoulders, straight front with good thumbprints. Correct topline as required. Well arched feet. Could watch him on the move all day as he glides round the ring with extended trot and powerful drive from the rear. 2 Hughes, Trefnanney Pheoebe, LC Chi, she presents a lovely overall outline on the stand, correct head and skull, straight front, good length to body, level topline, correct tail set, coat of very good texture. Sound, brisk mover.

Domenico Santoriello