• Show Date: 29/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Debbie Wallwork Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Tay Valley Gundog Association

Tay Valley Gundog Association-29th April 2023

Thank you to the committee for the kind invitation to judge at their very well run show, I thoroughly enjoyed my day and had some fabulous exhibits to go over.


Junior (5,1)

1. Charlish’s Harelferg Cookson. 9 month old bitch, really liked her classic balanced outline and correct height to length ratio. She has a balanced head, good eye colour and long ears with the correct fold. Clean moderate length of neck flows into well laid back shoulders. She stands on good feet, straight forelegs with good bone. She has the correct length of body with a long rib cage, which reaches well back. Correct moderate rear angulation with a good turn of stifle and short hocks, which enabled her to move around the ring on a correct side gait.

2. White & Scougall’s Silverkelvin Callisto. 9 month old bitch, another who was pleasing in outline. A feminine balanced head and good ear length with fold. She has good forehand angulation with a good length to her upper arm. Level topline and slightly sloping croup. She moved ok but wasn’t as coordinated as 1 and just needs to tighten up.

3. Murray’s Silberstern Rumour Has It Around Rachmor.

Graduate (4)

1. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Mystique JW CPW22. 22 months old bitch. She is slightly on the bigger side for me but is balanced in outline. Lovely head and ear with fold, clean moderate neck. She stands on good feet and bone. Straight forelegs and brisket to elbow which fit in snug to her body. Moderate angulation fore and aft, would prefer less fall off on the topline to the croup and tailset. She won this class on her movement.

2. White & Scougall’s Greyspirit Wait’s Over at Silverkelvin. 22 month old dog. Good height to length ratio, and moderate throughout. Masculine head and good ears. Very well muscled and lovely length of rib which were well back. Not as together on the move as 1.

3. Cairn’s Lamarg Silver Showtoff.

Open (7,3)

1. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Hopes N’Dreams JW. 5 ½ year old bitch. Liked her for her medium size and her outline, and correct head and body proportions. Moderate stop and liked her nose colour and pigment, correct ear. Super lay back of shoulder and length to upper arm, level topline and slight slope to croup. She has good side profile movement. BOB.

2. Duffy’s Almoor Lady Gaga. 5 year old bitch. Another who pleases in outline with the correct height to length ratio, and has the preferred silver grey colour. Would just prefer a more moderate stop to give her a more classic head. Excellent length to body and rib length, level topline. Lovely straight forelegs and moderate angulation throughout, would just prefer more length to upper arm. Moved ok around the ring.

3. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Rock Star from Hantzburg JW.


Post Graduate (1)

1. Blair’s Amblairfield Flymaamlewan. 21 month old bitch. Medium sized with a clean outline. Nice head proportions, kind expression with a dark eye. Correct broad ears that are set high, and a slightly rounded skull. Forelegs straight with good bone and good width between front legs. Slight arch over loin and moderate angulation. Moved well in side profile. BOB.

Open (3,2)

1. Blair’s Richtig Rihanna. 4 year old bitch. Similar to PG winner with a nice head, dark eye, and kind expression. Correct topline and short back. Not the front of the PG winner and is a bit upright in her front assembly, so she didn’t stand over as much ground. Moved ok.


Open (1)

1. Chrystie’s Bareve Best Done Now. 4 year old dog. He has a nice balanced outline and is slightly longer in body. Masculine head with moderate stop and medium sized ears. Forelegs straight with good bone. Deep chest and well sprung ribs. He moved well in side profile but was a bit untidy moving away. BOB.


Graduate (2,1)

1. Lawton’s Quebaikei Heather ‘N’ Honey for Oaklaw. 7 month old bitch. I thought she was just lovely, and her kind expression was just ‘human’ as the breed standard states. She is square in outline and stands on good feet with strong bone. Correct divergent head planes, good furnishings, and large nose. She has a good front assembly with the correct angulation, correct topline which is unexaggerated and she held on the move. She was super on the move, true coming and going and had a lovely side gait. I also awarded her Best Minor Puppy In Show.

Open (3,1)

1. Duncan’s Diggmere Tiger Swallowtail JW. 18 month old dog. What an upstanding young man he is. Loved his outline and well proportioned head with correct divergent planes, depth to muzzle and large nose. Forelegs straight and strong with good bone. Excellent lay back of shoulder and corresponding length to upper arm. Chest is deep and ribs well back. Correct unexaggerated topline, good bend to stifle and well muscled throughout. His confirmation resulted in super free movement. Shortlisted him in the BIS line up.

2. Burrow’s Quebaikei Russian Blizzard (AI). 5 year old bitch. The Dam of Graduate winner. Another who has a good outline, square and has excellent balanced angulation. Correct in head with good furnishings. Had a tendency to dip her topline when standing. Not as positive in movement as 1.


Graduate (1)

1. Logie & Braidwood’s Albadhu Final Encounter. 13 month old bitch. Beautiful feminine head in proportion with body and a nice flowing outline. Strong body and ribbed well back, good lay back of shoulder and moderate angulation fore and aft, tight feet. Moved well around the ring.

Open (3,1)

1. Logie & Braidwood’s Sh Ch Albadhu Walk On The Wildside. 2 year old dog. Loved his head and expression, skull broad and slightly rounded, large nose. Strong, well muscled in body and good bone. Good coat and well feathered. Used his correct angulation to give him a good stride around the ring. BOB.

2. Bisset’s Albadhu Written In The Stars. 21 month old bitch. Very pretty head and dark eye. Well proportioned head, broad slightly rounded skull, and broad ears. She has a lovely balanced outline, and good bone. Moved well, just preferred movement of 1 today.


Junior (5,3)

1. Murray & Parker’s True Magic Of Skyrocket at Szelkiraly (Imp Hun). 13 month dog. Upstanding young dog and all male, well muscled. He has a decent head with correct proportions and correct ear and set. Strong clean neck into decent shoulders. Moderate angulation fore and aft, deep chest to brisket. He has width to his second thigh, hocks well let down, and he moved well.

2. McDonald’s Donurie’s Hercules. 7 month old dog. A real baby as he should be at this age. He had good head proportions and a moderate stop. Strong, moderately long, and clean neck and he has a level back. Straight forelegs and the correct amount of bone. At this stage he is a little straight in front and rear angulation but that could change as he develops. Moved ok.

Post Graduate (3,1)

1. Pawprint Illuzio for Dunurie (Imp Hun). 2 year old bitch. Really liked her medium size and outline. Feminine head of good proportions, lean, median line, and a moderate stop. Darker eye colour. Straight forelegs down to tight cat-like feet. She has correct angulation and a good length of upper arm. Level back, chest is deep and a slight tuck up, and well muscled. She has good true movement. Won this class and BOB on her movement.

2. Angus’s Calmerell Gie It Laldy. 2 year old bitch. Another with lots to like, she has a lovely head with depth to her muzzle, brown nose, and a moderate stop. Strong neck into well placed shoulders and a corresponding length of upper arm. Level back and a good underline. She was just not as tidy on the move as 1.

Open (1)

1. Murray & Parker’s Menta Of Skyrocket at Szelkiraly (Imp Hun). 5 year old bitch. Feminine head with median line, correct stop, and good eye colour. She was a little bit wide in front. She has moderate angulation and a level back with a light slope to croup to a correct tail set. She moved well around the ring with a lively trot.


Post Graduate (4,2)

1. Boyles’s Pixiesrock Mr Tumnus by Bleyos (Chesapeake Bay Retriever). 11 month old dog. Lovely head with broad skull and good ear set. Forelegs straight, well boned, and deep chest. Good forehand assembly with lay back of shoulder and equal length of upper arm. Good spring of rib and level topline. Well muscled rear, and moved very well around the ring.

2. Duff’s Overbore League Of Their Own (Curly Coated Retriever). 3 year old dog. Lovely masculine head with the correct wedge shape and slight stop, aloof in expression. Straight forelegs and good feet. Good layback of shoulder. Deep chest and level topline. Moved well, just not as tidy moving away.

Open (2)

1. Bowley’s Gunsyn Ginspiration (Bracco Italiano). Almost 3 year old dog. He is a strong well balanced dog with good proportions. Masculine long and narrow head with divergent head planes, slight stop and pronounced occiput. From the front his head is well chiselled below the eye and his muzzle converges slightly. Correct set of ear and length. Strong neck into well laid shoulders. He is slightly longer in body than height to withers. Correct topline, deep chest and well ribbed back. Very well muscled and strong rear quarters which helped to power him round a small ring. BOB. Saw more of his ground covering movement in the bigger BIS ring where I was pleased to award him Reserve Best In Show.

2. Bowley’s Gunsyn Gineva (Bracco Italiano). Almost 3 year old bitch. Litter sister to 1. Beautiful feminine head with a kind expression, correct planes, narrow and lean with chiselling. Almost square in outline and balanced. Correct topline and well sprung ribs. She is strong with good bone. Nothing is exaggerated. She also moved very well around the small ring.

AV SPECIAL VETERAN 7-9 Years (9,5)

1. Miller’s Rhum Night Legend ShCM VW (Gordon Setter). 9 year old dog. Loved his head proportions and his outline, and his movement won him this class and Best Veteran In Show.

2. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Purdue JW ShCM ShCEX CJW17 CW22 (Weimaraner). 7 year old bitch. Classic Weimaraner outline, good height to length ratio, moderate throughout and level topline. Moved very well.

3. Younie’s Largymore Live To Love ShCM (Golden Retriever).

AV SPECIAL VINTAGE 10 Years + (5,3)

1. Warden’s Eyevalley Macallan of Glentochty ShCM VW (Golden Retriever). 12 year old dog and belies his age. He is balanced in his head and his body, correct angulation throughout and a level topline. Moved very well around the ring.

2. Neatham’s Shoogsea Peach Streisand VW (Cocker Spaniel). 11 ½ year old bitch. Another who belies her age and moved true around the ring with purpose. Feminine head and kind expression and good in outline.


1. Thomson & Main’s Strathhunker Fire Gem (Labrador Retriever). 9 month old dog. He was a very happy boy with a lovely head, eye, and expression. Good width and depth to chest, appealed in outline and movement.

2. Greig’s Steval Aglow with Cranngary (Golden Retriever). 6 month old dog. Lovely young puppy with everything in the right place. Balanced throughout with a kind expression. Good angulation fore and aft, with a level topline. Moved well.

3. Burrows’s Quebaikei Tartan ‘N’ Tweed (Italian Spinone).


1. Lawton’s Quebaikei Heather ‘N’ Honey for Oaklaw (Italian Spinone). See Italian Spinone Graduate. Best Minor Puppy In Show.

2. Gray’s Kattandale Blac Hawkes’s Bay at Birniehill (AI) (Gordon Setter). 9 month old bitch. Such a beautiful head and dark eye. Long lean neck into well placed shoulders, would just prefer less fall away at the croup to the tail.

AV PUPPY (7,3)

1. Charlish’s Harelferg Cookson. (Weimaraner). See Weimaraner Junior.

2. McCormack’s Flyngalee Busy Boo. (Golden Retriever). 10 month old bitch. Lovely balanced outline and very good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, level topline. Moved well, just preferred the profile movement of 1.

3. White & Scougall’s Silverkelvin Callisto. (Weimaraner)


1. Sturrock’s Forfarian Soo Lush JW. (Irish Setter). This 5 year old bitch is just so pleasing on the eye from her well balanced racy outline to her true free flowing movement. I see that I also liked her nearly 4 years ago when I judged the breed, she has matured so well a real quality bitch and delighted to award her Best In Show.

2. Bowley’s Gunsyn Ginspiration (Bracco Italiano). See AVNSC Open.

3. Stevenson’s Sh Ch Plainfire’s The Captain Of My Heart is Steelriver ShCEX (Imp Che) (Flat Coated Retriever). A 6 year old dog and what a happy boy he is. He appeals in his head and kind expression and in his flowing outline, super front angulation. Moved with great purpose on a good stride.

4. Smith’s Pearkim Pokemon at Luanshya JW (Cocker Spaniel). A 6 year old dog. A very pleasing compact and balanced outline, beautiful masculine head with a kind expression. Definitely a merry cocker on the move with an ever wagging tail.


1. Lawton’s Quebaikei Heather ‘N’ Honey for Oaklaw (Italian Spinone).


1. Flower’s Totenkopf Dutch Dark Fairy (Cocker Spaniel). Selected from some very lovely puppies that were sent through. A 10 month old bitch who pleased in outline with good angulation and a very pretty head. Thought she was lovely on the move.


1. Miller’s Rhum Night Legend ShCM VW (Gordon Setter).


1. Gilroy’s Claychalk Costa Moneta (Labrador Retriever). Almost 9 month old bitch. Beautiful feminine head and melting expression. Very good front angulation, well boned and correct feet. Good width of second thigh, thought she moved very well.

2. Thomson & Main’s Strathhunker Fire Gem (Labrador Retriever). See AV Minor Puppy Dog.

3. Burrows’s Quebaikei Tartan ‘N’ Tweed (Italian Spinone).


1. White & Scougall’s Silverkelvin Callisto (Weimaraner). See Weimaraner Junior.

2. McLean’s Flyngalee Goofy Gus (Golden Retriever). 9 month old dog. Appealed in his head, expression, and outline. Good proportions and balance, moved ok.


1. Williamson’s Sandti Tiki Taka JW (Golden Retriever). Just over 18 month old bitch. She is so well balanced, super feminine head. Clean neck into well placed shoulders, and correct topline. She moved out on a lovely free stride.

2. Hogg’s Gailiech Nygalyod (Gordon Setter). 2 year old dog. Well proportioned head and kind expression. Long neck into well placed shoulders, and good angulation throughout. Moved well.

3. Williamson’s Hoedun Joy Ride to Sandti (Flat Coated Retriever).


1. Warden’s Noblemoon Tak The High Road to Glentochty (Golden Retriever). 5 ½ year old dog. Masculine head, deep chest, correct topline and angulation fore and aft. Sound correct movement.

2. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Rock Star from Hantzburg JW (Weimaraner). 5 ½ year old dog. Appealed in outline, good head proportions, level topline and well muscled. Would just prefer more front angulation. Moved well.

3. Mowbray’s Crumbledor Reubus Hagrid (Sussex Spaniel).


1. Munro’s Panthera Bad Medicine Dulmaur (Imp Pol) (Gordon Setter). 3 year old bitch. Also shortlisted her for BIS. Love her balanced outline and such a pretty head and kind expression. Correct angulation, level topline and covered the ground well on the move.

2. Stevenson’s Banshee White Roll (Imp Pol) (Clumber Spaniel). 3 year old bitch. Balanced with a feminine head, well boned and long in body. True on the move with a good stride as she went round.

3. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Purdue JW ShCM ShCEX CJW17 CW22 (Weimaraner).


1. Thomson’s Strathhunker Gabrielle (Labrador Retriever). 2 year old bitch. What a lovely girl, so balanced from her head to her tail, and she never stopped wagging her tail. Strong throughout but still feminine, clean neck into well placed shoulders and good length to upper arm, with corresponding rear angulation. It was no surprise that she effortlessly covered the ground on the move.

2. MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Rock Star from Hantzburg JW (Weimaraner).

3. Thomson & Main’s Strathhunker Fire Gem (Labrador Retriever).


1. Munro’s Panthera Bad Medicine Dulmaur (Imp Pol) (Gordon Setter).

2. Stevenson’s Banshee White Roll (Imp Pol) (Clumber Spaniel).

3. Warden’s Noblemoon Tak The High Road to Glentochty (Golden Retriever).

JUDGE: Debbie Wallwork (Braefell)