• Show Date: 05/03/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Dawn Youngson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Coventry & District Gundog Society

Coventry & District Gundog Society Open Show 

5th March 2023


I would like to thank the committee for the invitation to Judge this show and to all exhibitors for bringing their dogs under me.

Puppy Dog 6 - 0A

Henson,s Cinderbank Move It

1 Have judged this boy before still impressed , 11 month mid gold boy of beautiful type and so well balanced in outline,masculine head with soft expression, good length of neck set onto firm strong topline, deep well sprung ribs, adequate front and rear angulation , moved well round the ring 

2 Lewis,s Fairwinds Space Man 

9 month boy presented in beautiful cream coat, masculine head with a good expression, excellent reach of neck, level topline,balanced angulation front and rear , moved well with power round the ring.

3 Clarke-Gear Ousevale Grand Slam.

Puppy Bitch 10-4A

1 Harvey,s Shebelta Sweet Charlotte , 11 month cream girl took my eye, beautiful clean strong outline, excellent reach of neck , level topline, correct tail set, good angulation, neat feet, pretty head with dark eye, presented and handled well, moved round the ring with purpose.


2 Gayler,s Carol Lake X Marks the Spot

Just 6 months old , mid gold in lovely coat, feminine head, dark eye, good length of neck onto well placed shoulder, level topline , correct tail set , short coupled, took it all in her stride for her first show, moved well.

3 Hush,s Ousevale Ocean Breeze at Benrowan

Junior Dog 4 - 1A

1 Henson,s Cinder Bank Move it

2 Lewis ,s Fairwinds in Space Man 

3 Murray's, Shebelta Sweet Talking Guy

Junior Bitch 3-0A

1 Loverock, Waldron-Smith & Zubair . Thorneywait Starstruck with Lovissa JW

One I have admired from ring side, she really does have it all, super clean outline and excellent confirmation, beautiful head with soft expression, ring presence in abundance, moves well with good length of stride, totally at one with her handler BOB

2 Harvey's Shebelta Sweet Charlotte 

3 Chan,s Wemcrest Sound of Music


1 Millington,s Golmas Guard of Honour Jarabees JW

Substantial boy presented in good gold coat ,masculine chiselled head but with soft kind expression, good flow of neck , level topline, deep in chest, short coupled, strong straight legs, neat feet ,moved well with drive.

2 Swaine,s Ohanagold Apollo 

Larger framed boy than 1 , in mid gold coat , beautiful head with soft expression, level topline , correct tail set , good rear angulation , short hocks, neat feet ,moved well.

3 Ward,s Mitchnel he who laughs last

Post Graduate 3-0A

1 Swaine,s Kalixel Caramel Delight

Good sized strong boy in lovely gold coat, masculine head with soft gentle expression , good length of neck , level topline , correct tailset, deep in chest, good length of leg ,moved well.

2 Standland,s Johannson Saint Beatrich

8 and a half year old lady ,just loves to be in the ring and it really shows, pretty head with lovely expression, nice length of neck onto well placed shoulders, level topline, moved round the ring with drive her tail never stopped wagging .

3 Humphrey,s Sequotia Anywhere Is

Open Dog 4-0A

1 Loverock,s Putjade Peaky Blinders at Lovissa

Mature boy in mid gold coat,masculine head with the kindest of expression, dark eye, good reach of neck onto correct shoulder placement, level topline, well angulated, short straight hocks, presenting a balanced picture, moved well with power round the ring.

2 Millington,s Carnival of Golden Duck Cobey at Jarabees (IMP SRB)

Fine upstanding 7 and a half year old boy in gorgeous cream wavy coat, well chiselled head with kind expression,good pigmentation, super reach of neck onto well placed shoulders, strong level topline , good front assembly, straight legs, moved positively round the ring with his handler.

3 Ward,s Mitchnel he who laughs last

Open Bitch 4-1A

1 List,s Haydengold Rumour has it JW

This super bitch really does have ring presence , feminine head with lovely expression, excellent front assembly, correct shoulder placement ,level topline, good tailset, neat feet,short hocks ,moved powerfully around the ring , at one with her handler . RBOB 

2 Chan ,s Lovissa Hello Dolly at Wemcrest 

Smaller frame to 1 , shown in beautiful gold coat, feminine head, with pretty expression, dark eye, nice flow of neck , level topline, good strong balanced outline, moved well. 

3 Staniland,s Johannson Saint Beatrich

Judge Dawn Youngson (Treeveville)