• Show Date: 28/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Daniela Tranquada Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Loughborough & District Canine Society

Loughborough & DCS, May 28th 2023

My first time at this cutesy little venue. I really loved the layout and setting where exhibitors were able to set up ringside under trees close to the rings. Reminded me of showing days of years gone by with everyone able to spend the day hanging out with friends, chatting dogs and having little picnics. Thank you to all exhibitors for their entries.

Irish Setter

P (1): 1 BP Dale’s Casachared Constance Tally of Aubanjon, 8 months bitch, presents a lovely outline when stacked, good topline & ribbing, well-turned stifle with good strength through the rear pasterns. Moved well & with a little playful puppy bounciness at times which is always nice to see.

J (4, 1a): 1 BOB Cole’s Riverbrue Ophelia Bobby; 2 Leach’s Riverbrue Ophelia Jubbly. My notes say 1 & 2 are very alike. No wonder as they are siblings! The only thing separating them was the way they navigated moving in a downward sloping ring. Both very anatomically sound with lovely outlines, clean neck into shoulder transitions, good bone & ribbing with strength through the loin on both exhibits & excellent strength through vertical hocks on both too. He was handsome, and she pretty. Quality; 3 Markey’s Yokohama Lofty to Evenflow (Imp).

PG (4): 1 Dale’s Trefaine Aurora of Aubanjon, appeals in outline. Pretty head, good shoulder angulation with tight elbows to the chest wall & rear angulation with good strength through the rear. Moved the best in the class & preferred her over the croup to 2 Stevens’ Follybrook Firefly, nice head in profile with good depth of flew & prominent occiput, good bone for size & correct rear angles; 3 White’s Paduan Easter Blessing.

O (4, 1a): As our ring was on a slight downward slope, at times, it was difficult to assess rear movement especially in this class. The speed & momentum built up by handlers on the move meant it was hard for me to assess strength through the rear pasterns & foot fall, hence why I asked exhibits to also walk their charges. Thank you for your co-operation on this, I appreciate it may have seemed a little out of the ordinary. 1 Mazzuca’s Rahina Della Magna Sila JR CH [ATCITA], this bitch has presence when she walks into the ring & appeals in outline with a racy, elegant appearance & good topline. On closer inspection, her elbows need to be closer to the chest wall. It’s deceiving from afar with her good coat but is detected on the hands on; 2 Mazzuca’s Que Guapa Della Magna Sila JR CH [ATCITA], kennel mate to 1. Good for bone & size, strength through the forearms, preferred her head to 1 with good depth of flew. She was especially difficult for me to assess in movement. She needs a little more strength through her rear pasterns. 3 Corless’ Swiftlark Spellbinder.

Retriever (Flat Coated)

J (2, 1): 1 Hazleton & Vasey’s Something In Your Eyes, rangy male teenager, elbows close to chest wall, presents a nice outline when settled into a free stack with good topline. He takes a while to get into his stride, tending to pace but once he got into the flow he showed a steady gait. In good condition.

O (4, 1): Nice class. 1 BOB Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Rainbow JW, very anatomically sound, holds herself well with nothing turning neither in nor out. Scores through her front assembly, good bone & substance, & excellent angles fore & aft with clean topline. In excellent muscled condition. Moved the best in the class; 2 Smitherman & Roberts’ Seaheart Crian at Gloi JW, thought he would be my winner as he has a lovely outline & has a lovely quality & sheen to coat but he doesn’t quite stand as straight through the front pasterns as 1 & had girls on the brain which was a challenge for his owner! He is very smart however & has lovely neck into shoulders, topline & rear angles; 3 Carter’s Seaheart Dora at Harmarlanda.

Retriever (Labrador)

P (3, 1): 1 BP Hutchinson’s Glosmere Chiquitita, yellow bitch, couple months shy of 12 months. When she cooperates & gets her head up, she presents a lovely outline with level topline. Good feet, strength through the forearms & well sprung ribs. Her front is not her fortune but she presents a nice picture on the stack; 2 Grummitt’s Manorwell Rag Doll, black bitch, also just shy of 12 months, not as confident as 1 standing or moving. Good forechest, lay of shoulder & rear angles.

J (3, 1a): 1 Lambert’s Mattand Margaux, stand out winner in this class with the best outline & movement. Black bitch, deep brisket, everything flows through neck into shoulders, excellent ribbing & lovely rear angles with good second thigh. Took a while to get into her stride but moved well once she got going; 2 Young & Parkes’ Potterzuri Mystic Zena, brisket down to elbow, good angles fore & aft, still with lots of maturing to do which will come in time.

PG (3): 1 BOB Lambert’s Mattand Scarlet Witch, I thought this black bitch was an absolute stunner. I just loved her! Pretty head, kind eye, good bone & substance with lovely coat & condition & tail. Excellent neck into well laid shoulders, so smooth, just very clean cut & standing on excellent feet. Good ribbing & muscle condition. Moved well. Gorgeous & really on form; 2 Young & Parkes’ Potterspiney Evie’s Dream by Potterzuri, yellow, good bone, substance & well sprung ribs. Good rear angles & well handled by her junior handler. O (2, 1): 1 Young & Parkes’ Potterzuri Chip Of The Old Block JW, yellow, good depth of brisket, tight elbows, correct turn of stifle with strength through the rear pasterns.


J (2): 1 Rodgers’ Wentvalley Divine Diva, 10 months blue brindle with white trim, presents a pleasing outline standing & moving, deep chest, good neck into shoulders, correct angulation at the pasterns, very feminine & elegant with some get up & go, in lovely condition & presented with no fuss; 2 Price’s Kierpark Moonlight Shadow among Silkdance, fawn brindle trim, appeals in head with lovely expression, good bone for size, tidy oval feet & good neck into shoulders. Preferred rear movement of 1 through the rear pasterns. PG (1): 1 W Divine Diva. O (2): 1 BOB Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Making Waves, brindle white trim, stands out both standing & moving with good graceful arch over the loin, handled perfectly to advantage. Stands over his ground & is in lovely muscle condition, clean over neck & shoulders, good angulation & strength through the rear. Thought him very smart. Shortlisted for Best in Show; 2 Whitaker-Crosby Mulcair Dun And Dusted JW, mature fawn white trim bitch, pretty head with lovely expression, good neck into shoulders, good depth of brisket, correct turn of stifle. Not as true in rear movement as 1.