• Show Date: 15/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Daniela Tranquada Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/08/2023

Gundog Breeds Association Of Scotland

Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland

15th July 2023

I was absolutely delighted to be invited to judge at this show. I have only judged in Scotland once, and that was Weimaraners 16 years ago so I was really looking forward to my day. We were so lucky with the weather! When reading the forecast I thought it might be rained off which would severely affect the entry but it turned out joyous – perfect for dog showing.

Thank you so much to both committee & exhibitors for making me feel so welcome and the opportunity to go over your lovely dogs.

Hungarian Vizsla

SY (6, 2a): 1 BP & BPIS4 Clubb’s Oroshaza Bumble Beee, what a super way for me to start the day with this girl as my winner. She was the most together in the class & has a beautiful clean outline. Her proportions between muzzle & top skull are correct, clean neck into well laid shoulders, lovely forchest, good spring of rib, level topline & correct angulated quarters. I saw her later in the day with a young handler, she wasn’t even stacked up but she made me double take – she holds herself so well & is eye-catching & only 11 months. Her tail carriage can be a little distracting but she is so overwhelmingly good everywhere else you cannot deny her & it would be wrong to do so; 2 Murray & Parker’s True Magic of Skyrocket at Szelkiraly (Imp), nice shape with correct body proportions, good bone for size, brisket down to elbow, taut through the loin, good rear angles. Not as streamlined as 1 through the topline; 3 Denholm’s Roxombury Moonage Daydream of Molheden.

PG (2): 1 R Moonage Daydream of M, went better here in this class. He doesn’t tend to hold his posture so well in the stack but when he moves he comes into his own with a powerful precise action holding a good topline & head carriage. He has good bone for size & strong topline.

O (5, 1a): 1 BOB & BIS4 Legg, Scott & Watson’s Sh Ch Oakswarren Pure Magic AI, what a beautiful girl, nothing is overdone or exaggerated, just completely moderate & balanced & she has bone & substance so gives that robust appearance. She appeals in outline with good body proportions & clean topline, smooth neck into shoulders, brisket down to elbow, correct turn of stifle – she is muscled throughout. She is an excellent mover. She went well in her class, but when she came into the Best in Show ring, they opened the ring out to double its size & boy did she rev it up a gear, she went off with a great effortless drive & covered the ring in a few paces. I really loved her - quality; 2 McCormack’s Roughshoot Onboard, another lovely balanced bitch with a superb outline & clean topline, good neck into shoulder. She looks strong & robust with good bone for her size, ribbing & strength through the rear pasterns. In good muscled condition & moved co-ordinately; 3 Clubb, Mason & Findlay’s Oroshaza Ireka JW.

Italian Spinone

PG (1): 1 BOB & RBIS Knowles & Glen’s Bessalone Scandalous, white & orange stallion male of 2 years, good bone for size with strong oval bone through the forearms, handsome head with kind eye & good face furnishings, spongy nose, strong neck into well laid shoulders, brisket down to elbow, correct topline, muscled through the loin & rear quarters with correct turn of stifle. I enjoyed watching him move; he was easy & precise with his movement & did it with a bit of an attitude which made me smile & I liked that – endearing.

Bracco Italiano

Thank you to this exhibitor for bringing along her trio of Bracchi along to support me.

O (1): 1 BOB & BIS Bowley’s Gunsyn Gineva, what a lovely white & orange bitch, good bone for size, she is strong but still retains her femininity. Pretty head with correct divergent planes, occipital protuberance & chiselling under the eyes, strong neck with unexaggerated dewlap, she presents a lovely outline with a slope from the withers to T11 & then the slight rise to croup. Has lovely ribbing, correct turn of stifle & is well muscled through her loin & rear quarters. She drives well from her rear & is strong through the rear pasterns. She has quality in abundance. I preferred her length of body to 2 Bowley’s Gunsyn Ginspiration, a white & orange stallion of a boy with strong oval bone, he stacks up lovely with a good outline, brisket down to elbow, lovely muscled condition through the loin & rear quarters, good angulation. He moves co-ordinately but does not go off with the confidence of his sister; 3 Bowley’s Sobers Cosmica with Gunsyn (Imp).

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla

SY (3, 2a): 1 Tullis & Harris’ Fitzrovia Take A Chance, appealing head with lovely eye & open nostrils, stacks up well with a super level topline. Harsh coat & close fitting. Moved well in side profile. He is 20 months & needs to drop down into himself which will come with maturity.

O (2, 1a): 1 BOB Tullis & Harris’ Fitzrovia Gideons Way, looks very much like his kennel mate in Special Yearling but has a better length of body. Upstanding male, appeals in outline, good bone for size, clean neck into well laid shoulders. Has a lovely side gait going around the ring. Correct texture to coat.

German Shorthaired Pointer

P (3, 1a): 1 BP Frank & McCafferty’s Thorscrag Hades, l/w stands over his ground with good balance & is definitely a boy with good outline. Brisket down to elbow, correct depth of flew, smooth neck, clean over the topline, correct turn of stifle, moved well with good muscled quarters. I would let this boy walk into his stack & let him place his own front legs because he will stand them where he feels comfortable & balanced & then I would just place his rear legs. To bring his front legs back under himself, he loses his centre of gravity & this affects his balance & in turn his outline; 2 Thomson’s Sarscottah Enchanted, l/w, good depth of flew, level topline, good turn of stifle. A little unsure of her surroundings but just a baby & this will come in time.

SY (3): 1 BOB Barnett’s Magregor Howl To The Moon over Tibertich, l/w ticked, my notes say “naughty but nice”. I kept being drawn back to her because she was so clean over her topline & had the best outline – then when she moved she was the most precise in her action & went off with a bit of oomph even if at times she thought it was play time! Clean neck into well laid shoulders, brisket down to elbow, level topline, good rear angles. At the moment, she is only just out of puppy; she is raw but you can see she is quality & when she fills out with maturity, she will really look the part; 2 Tait’s Benboee Beeloved, l/w, appeals in outline & has good bone for size & retains femininity, brisket down to elbow, taut through the loin with correct rear angulation. Preferred the front assembly of 1; 3 Blair’s Amblairfield Flymaamlewan.

PG (3): 1 Tait’s Benboee Beelieve, l/w, stacks up lovely with a clean topline, good bone for size & retains femininity, good depth of flew, well laid shoulders, good ribbing & turn of stifle. Not as confident on the move but only a baby at 12 months. Well handled; 2 Jackman’s Navigareamor Spring Tide, b/w ticked, stacks up well, good depth of brisket, good ribbing & rear angles. Well muscled throughout. Would prefer more drive in side profile; 3 Blair’s Richtig Rihanna.

O (8, 6a): Sad to have so many absentees missing in this class. 1 Garvey’s Richtig Ragdoll JW, l/w of two years, she looks good stacked, good depth of chest with elbows close to the chest wall, level topline & correct rear angles. A little heavy in bodyweight today; 2 Balvenie Dressed To Thrill via Navigareamor, bitch of 4 years, good bone for size, brisket down to elbow, correct turn of stifle, preferred topline & tailset of 1.

German Longhaired Pointer

O (2): 1 BOB Thomson Multi Ch Sarscottah Charizma, brown & white bitch of nearly 7 years in good order, correct head properties, appeals in outline, good strong bone for size, strong through the forearms, clean neck into well laid shoulders, good depth of brisket, correct rear angulation & coat, moved well in profile; 2 Thomson’s Sarscottah Delux, strong looking brown & white bitch, a little unsettled as she wanted to get to her owner in the same class. I preferred to asses her out of her stack where I observed her level topline & good angulation. Movement was hard to assess.

German Wirehaired Pointer

O (2, 1a): 1 BOB Hills’ Bareve Best By Magic, what a really lovely quality l/w bitch, I was quite taken with her. As soon as I went up to examine her, her tail went ten to the dozen – she was so happy about life but it was contained & all done with a little glint in her eye – melted me. She was alone in her breed but so worthy of her BOB. Pretty head with correct proportions & depth of flew, clean neck into well shoulders, correct ribbing & rear angles, strong through the rear pasterns. Good coat texture & close to the body. This bitch can move - I saw glimpses of her raring to break out into a ground covering stride but mostly she was moved at a pace too slow for her, so would slip into a pacing stride. She is so lovely, please find a way to get her moved at a faster speed – she’d knock ‘em dead with her ability to cover the ground, you can see it in her.


O (2): 1 BOB Graham’s Sh Ch Bonapartist Pickpocket, quality o/w male, catches your eye in outline with square appearance & correct topline. Appeals in head with lovely pigment & open nostrils, deep chest, good ribbing, moderate turn of stifle, good coat, well handled. Moved well & preferred his neck into shoulders over 2 Massie’s Ayersdown Captain Tom with Aberdon, excitable o/w male of 3 years, workmanlike in appearance with good topline, correct ribbing & angles. Just needs to settle on the move.

Sussex Spaniel

O (2): 1 BOB Mowbray’s Crumbledor Reubus Hagrid, lovely quality boy, good bone for size, deep chest, strong through the topline with no sign of weakness, stands out in outline, in good body & coat condition, well handled, displayed good movement; 2 Brown’s Saxonbejayz Elliot, good bone for size, with strong forearms, good layback of shoulder, correct length of body, not as well turned out as 1 in body condition.

Spanish Water Dog

O (1): 1 BOB Gilroy’s Pabiaga Easy Feeling cum Claychalk, very well made white & black dog, sound & balanced with the correct body proportions. Nothing is overdone. Super front construction, with elbows tight to the chest wall, brisket down to elbow, excellent topline, ribbing & loin, correct bend of stifle. Coat evenly curled with complementary pigment to nose & eyes. Moved really well, strong through the rear pasterns. Smart & being anatomically sound with nothing to hide, didn’t need much fuss from his handler.


O (1): 1 Robertson’s Barngrace Gin Made Me Do It, 7 months Braque D’Auvergne bitch, pretty head, good depth of flew, clean neck into well laid shoulders, correct body length being slightly longer than tall. She is very raw at the moment & needs fill out through her front.


V (16, 5a): 1 Williamson’s Thornywait Atomic Betty for Sandti, Golden Retriever, hard to believe she is 9 years, looked lovely standing & moving, lovely balance to her with a super level topline & correct angles fore & aft, she didn’t give up – every time I asked her or the class to move she went off like she was a two year old. Lovely quality; 2 Clubb, Mason & Findlay’s Sh Ch Oroshaza Chukar, Hungarian Vizsla, good depth of flew, looks the part standing & moving, level topline, well muscled through the loin & rear quarters with correct rear angulation. Sorry not to see him entered in breed; 3 Goldie’s Bejamac Future Fellah, Welsh Springer Spaniel.

Champion (11, 10a): 1 Torbett’s Sh Ch Kirlinjis Taylor Made, super quality blue roan Cocker Spaniel nearing 4 years, quality male, looks good both standing & moving. Compact in appearance, catlike feet, good bone through the forearms, clean neck into shoulders, lovely spring of rib, rear angles & well muscled thighs. In lovely body & coat condition. Looks the part going around the ring with good drive.

Special Beginners (15, 9a): 1 Wilson’s Kenwad Wilbur Force, black Cocker Spaniel dog of 3 years, compact appearance, appeals standing & moving with level topline, lovely to go over, nice forechest, layback of shoulder & muscled thighs. He was in good body & coat condition; 2 Simpson’s Strathlana Black Jasper, black Labrador Retriever of 15 months, well presented dog & very well handled, free stands well – looks smart, brisket down to elbow, good rear angulation; 3 Snell’s Milliemags Lets Dance, Golden Retriever.

MP (10, 8a): 1 Cuthbertson’s Lainnireach A Star Is Born, Gordon Setter, really taken with this girl, very anatomically sound – all there in raw form – everything faced the right direction & needed no adjustment from her handler. Good bone for size, pretty head, clean neck into shoulders, level topline, correct rear angles, moved co-ordinately. Very smart & has it all going on; 2 McDonald’s Lamancha Tango, Golden Retriever, 8 months, appeals standing, good bone for size, brisket down to elbow, tight elbows, level topline, correct rear angulation. Could be a little smoother from neck into shoulder.

P (14, 7a): 1 L A Star Is Born; 2 O Bumble Beee; 3 Torbett’s Kirlinjis Moonlight, Cocker Spaniel.

J (13, 8a): 1 True Magic of Skyrocket at S (Imp), Hungarian Vizsla; 2 Claramand Mercury Rising at Duclarus, blue roan Cocker Spaniel with good depth of brisket, good bone for size, scored in movement; 3 S Black Jasper, Labrador Retriever.

PG (10, 8a): 1 MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Mystique, Weimaraner, this was a tough decision, handler gets the best out of her dog, when she settles into her stack she presents a good outline with correct length of body & good angulation in the rear. Today she won the class on her movement; 2 Carins’ Lamarg Silver Showtoff, Weimaraner, I thought this bitch was lovely quality & initially my winner for she had a better topline than 1 but after a long day of showing she just didn’t move off with the consistency of stride as 1. I understand it had been a long day & by now, hot which affected her. Places could change very easily.

Members’ Stakes Open (8, 5a): 1 MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Hopes N’Dreams JW, Weimaraner, correct length of body to height ratios, good substance for size, correct depth of brisket, clean neck into well laid shoulders, good underline, not waspy waisted, good rear angulation & moved co-ordinately, well-muscled & well handled; 2 C Ruebus Hagrid, Sussex Spaniel; 3 MacLaine & Dickson’s Greyspirit Rock Star from Hantzburg JW, Weimaraner.

Best in Show

What a strong group – you have great depth of quality in Scotland.

Best in Show: Bracco Italiano, Bowley’s Gunsyn Gineva

Reserve Best in Show: Italian Spinone, Knowles & Glen’s Bessalone Scandalous

Best in Show 3: Cocker Spaniel, Torbett’s Sh Ch Kirlinjis Taylor Made

Best in Show 4: Hungarian Vizsla, Legg, Scott & Watson’s Sh Ch Oakswarren Pure Magic AI

Best Puppy in Show

Another super group of youngsters. What quality you have.

Best Puppy in Show: Pointer, Gerrard & Bell’s Carmandine Oh C’Mon Then, what a beautiful orange & white dog of only 8 months. I shortlisted him in the adult group too. He is just so smart & stylish. Appeals standing with a lovely shape, sloping shoulders & good rear angles. Great strength through the loin, strong rear pasterns. Moved so well with good use of the tail. Really smart, quality exhibit & very well handled. I think he has a very exciting future.

Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Cocker Spaniel, Fairbairn’s Misperros Incandescent at Carmelfair, what a sweetie, blue roan bitch of 8 months, lovely outline with compact appearance, brisket down to elbow, clean neck into well laid shoulders, level topline, super mover with good driving action. A merry soul.

BPIS 3: Retriever (Golden), McDonald’s Lamancha Time Traveller, lovely balanced 8 month old dog, well balanced angles fore & aft, good depth of brisket, level topline, moved well. Well put together.

BPIS 4: Hungarian Vizsla, Clubb’s Oroshaza Bumble Beee, still giving it her all, I couldn’t deny her.