• Show Date: 26/11/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Colin Woodward Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 17/12/2023

Bridlington & District Canine Society

BIS. Rhodes CH Priorpark You Coda Be Mine Of Metalrock JW Rhodesian Ridgeback 3 years male of super quality good head with dark expressive eyes, strong muzzle, good dentition, muscular neck of good length to well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, well ribbed body, strong quarters, clean outline, firm topline, very sound on the move with good footfall fore and aft. RBIS Turnbull Nicobri’s Gotta Have Faith JW Pug super headed bitch good wrinkle but free of exaggeration, good eye shape and colour, good width of under jaw mature compact body, lovely legs and feet, good coat condition & texture, sound confident mover. BPIS. Stading Stadmeyer Jesslyn Chihuahua (smooth Coat). What a little Beauty just 7 months pleasing head, lovely round eye & good expression, ears well set, well angulated shoulders, lovely legs and feet, body maturing nicely for age, good tailset she was sound and confident on the move just loved her. RBPIS Mason Teckeltown Surspicious Mind. Dachshund (Min Smooth-Haired) 6 months, good length of head with slight arch to skull, lovely dark eyes gives good expression, muscular neck flows into firm topline, well coupled short loin, strong hindquarters, coat in good order, sound on the move. Pastoral Group 1 Wray-Ramadan Caronlea Celtic Fire Starter For Takhisis JW (AI) (IKC) Australian Shepherd. Impressive dog with good ring presence, lovely head & expression, strong in muzzle, well set ears, clean muscular neck flows nicely into his good front assembly and firm topline, super bone & feet, body deep and well ribbed, muscular well balanced quarters and neat hocks, shown in lovely coat & condition, a really showman on the move keeping his lovely outline was sound fore & aft 2 Elwood Ellhar Chief Scout Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Good head of correct proportions, large ears, good muzzle & with clean under jaw, strong legs with correctly shaped round & well padded feet, elbows fitting tight to body, body of good length and well ribbed, clean outline, kept a level topline on the move. 3 Woolley Aratika Dust Frim A Distnt son Bearded Collie. Admired from the line up as I walk round & was not disappointed to have hands on, has an excellent head with broad skull & strong muzzle good arch to neck leading into good well laid back shoulders, firm in topline, good clean outline, strong well muscled hindquarters shown in good coat & condition sound on the move. 4 Hardy-Hodgson Starjanda Cosmic Dream OES. PG1. Puppy Group. 1 Hardy-Hodgson Starjanda Cosmic Dream OES 7 months Bitch, a promising youngster with a good head, lovely eye colour and expression, body developing well with good depth and ribs, straight well boned limbs, well made quarters, excellent coat for one so young she moved steadily must have a bright future. 2 Weightman Debbeacol It’s Now Or Never Bearded Collie 8 months, nicely shaped feminine head with good eye shape and colour, good length to height ratio, lovely legs and feet, shown in good coat & condition she moved freely carrying her tail well. 3 Wesson Csulli Lemonae Kisses Hungarian Pumi 7 month white youngster head held proudly with high set ears, good dark pigmentation, coat harsh with tight curls good in outline, strong quarters moved ok. 4 Fieldsend Starwell Heaven Kiss. Briard feminine head, lovely dark expression, ears well set and carried, neck of good length leading into well laid shoulders & good return of upper arm, chest deep for age with good width topline level strong bone, moved well with reach & drive for one so young. AVNSC Pastoral Puppy 1 1 Wesson Csulli Lemonade Kisses.PG3. Junior 1 1 Fox Gowerston Granville Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Good head & ear set, muscular neck fitting nicely into good shoulder placement, correct level topline, lovely legs and feet, shown in good coat, strong quarters moved ok. Post Graduate 1 1 Wesson Csulli Christmas Candy Hungarian Pumi 4 years, feminine outlook but doesn’t lack substance, pleasing head dark pigmentation well placed ears, neck of good length, firm topline, good legs & feet, good strong hindquarters, sound on the move. Open 1 1 Chance Goyter Chance To Reflect Border Collie 3 years male, owns a lovely head with broad skull, good eye shape & colour & defined stop, strong muzzle, good length of neck, well angulated front & rear, clean in outline moved well 2 Naylor CH Joker Show Russian Collection At Skaijak (Imp RUS)Australian Cattle Dog. strongly made all through, pleasing head shape with a dark eye of ideal shape & well set ears, good proportions & well balanced all through, good strong tail with good action on the move. AV Pastoral Puppy 3 1 Weightman Debbeacol it’s now or never Bearded Collie.PG2. 2 Wesson Csulli Kisses Hun Pumi PG3. 3 Fieldsend Starwell Heaven Kiss Briard. PG4. Graduate 4 1 Woolley Aratika Dust Frm a Distint Sun Bearded Collie G3. 2 Kneeshaw Adjucet Stand By Me Bearded Collie 4 years, feminine throughout with a pleasing head and expression, broad skull & a strong muzzle dark eyes, well laid shoulders, deep chest, good ribs strong muscular quarters moved ok. 3 Wesson Csulli Christmas Candy. Hun Pumi. Open 3 1 Kneeshaw Kiltondale Spring Blossom VM Bearded Collie 9 years young Bitch who belies her age, shown in lovely coat and super fit condition, feminine head with a lovely soft expression, good muzzle & correct dentition, balanced & in Proportion all through, well off for bone, clean in outline, strong quarters & sound on the move a credit to her owner 2 Kiltondale Coco Chanel At Jellwell Bearded Collie 5 years bitch, pleasing head shape dark eye giving a good expression, strong muzzle, straight well boned front, muscular neck, clean outline, well made quarters, not as positive as one on the move. 3 Chance Goytre Chance To Reflect Border Collie Working Group. 1 Crosier Nurburgnew Cayman Newfoundland quality upstanding dog, masculine attractive broad head, tight eye rims, short strong muzzle, strong muscular neck, body deep with great ribcage, well coupled in loin, fabulous bone and neat padded feet, quarters strong powerful and muscular, shown in excellent coat and condition movement was sound fluent & a joy to watch. 2 Rushfirth Cammcastle’s No Sanguino Take me Home To Hikays (lamp USA) Rottweiler, quality Bitch with an attractive head, good width of skull & strong muzzle, good reach of neck leads to firm topline & good shoulder placement, body deep & well ribbed, ribs, stands on well padded feet, strong hindquarters, sound mover with plenty of drive. 3 Hudson Diamond Daisy Queen Boxer feminine head with lovely expression, well set ears & good pigmentation, good length of neck, deep brisket, lovely legs and feet, good body condition, clean in outline with firm topline, muscular hindquarters, sound steady mover 4 Green, Green, English, CH Waldershelf Can’t Ignora JW. Bernese M D quality bitch, lovely head shape broad skull, dark expressive eyes & shape, strong muzzle and correct dentition, straight well boned front links on good feet, good depth of body which is well ribbed, shown in lovely muscular condition, strong well made quarters, good coat & condition, sound on the move. Puppy Group. 1 Bull Evrussky Black Warrior (A1) Russian Black Terrier. An impressive youngster head is of good proportions with flat skull & strong muzzle eyes are clean & dark, good length of neck which flows cleanly into a firm topline forelegs straight & well boned, chest deep enough for age, muscular hindquarters with good bend of stifle, sound on the move. 2 Wright, Kirk High Oake Still Water Run deep To Roesilbern (Imp Ita) Bernese M D Well balanced head, dark eyes, correct dentition, good muzzle, ears correctly set & strong jaws, strong neck into good shoulders, well balanced all through, sound on the move. 3 Lowes Wangdak Forrest For Callowdale Tibetan Mastiff Siberian Husky Graduate 2 1 Patrick Siberiadrift White Winter BOB 13 months bitch with lovely head proportions, typical finely chiselled & fox like, well angulated front, deep brisket, firm topline, clean outline, strong quarters, shown in good coat & condition, sound on the move. 2 Johnson Atlanticbreeze Bailey By Lupinemoon (A1) (IKC) feminine foxy head with good eyes shape & skull, excellent front angulation, good depth of chest firm topline, not as together on the move as one. Open 3 1Patrick Siberiadrift White Winter BOB. 2 Johnson Kentwone Shooter At Lupinemoon 2 years dog & still to mature more, pleasing head & expression finer coat, good front angulation & clean in outline, strong hindquarters, good tail action on the move. 3 Patrick CH Tom Bombaril Of Poliarine. Arktika At Coldasice Bernese Mountain Dog. Graduate 2 1 Wright & Kirk High Oaks Still Water Run Deep To Roesilbern (Imp ITA) BP G2 2 Wight & Kirk Roesilbern Forbidn Rorrest Just 6months, pleasing head with flat skull, his eye still to darken more, good strong bone, body developing well, decent topline and tail set, loose in movement at present Open 2 1 Green, English CH Waldershelf Can’t Ignora JW. BOB, G4. 2 Objet D Art Du Hameau De Baika Avec Roesilbern JW (Imp FRA) Unlucky to meet one on good form feminine head with good eye shape & strong muzzle, muscular neck into good shoulder placement, straight front limbs, deep brisket, clean in outline, well made muscular hindquarters sound on the move. Rottweiler Graduate 1 1 Lefley Fantasa The Black Queen attractive head with good width of skull & strong muzzle good reach of neck, shoulders well,angulated with good upper arm, deep ribs, firm topline & strong quarters movement could be better. Open 1 1 Rushfirth Cammcastle’s No Sanguino Take Me Home To Hikays (Imp USA) BOB G2 Tibetan Mastiff. Graduate 1 1 Lowes Wangdak Forrest For Callowdale BP,PG3. 11 months dog strong & powerful though still maturing & still sporting the soft puppy coat, good head & eye shape, body developing well, good legs and feet, moved ok. Open 1, Naylor Sell Taishhougun Brilliance Star From Skaijak (Imp RUS) BOB Liked her shape & size, feminine head with a lovely expression, good ears set & muzzle, strong neck into good front angulation, deep brisket strong bone on good legs & neat feet, muscular hindquarters, good harsh coat sound on the move both front & rear 2 Jackson Callowdale Midnight Star Pleasing bitch, feminine head, good eye colour, correct dentition, strong muscular body, good depth of chest Coat harsh & in good order, muscular quarters. Boxer Open 1 1 Hudson Diamond Daisy Queen BOB,G3. AVNSC Puppy 2 1 BULL Evrussky Black Warrior (A1) Russian Black Terrier BP, PG1. 2 Bell Cleon Canis Giganotos Leonberger Lovely dog with a pleasing head shape, good eye colour & expression, well boned limbs, substantial male of confident temperament, mature in body with good ribbing, strong loin, moderate rear angulation, sound mover with good footfall Open 2 1 Crosier Nurburgnewf Cayman Newfoundland BNSC, G1. 2 Jones Nikolaev Roussanne at Abbivlle Bouvier Des Flandres 2years old bitch of good all round size & proportion shapely head with good eye colour and expression, strong neck to decent shoulder placement, lovely coat & condition moved well AV Working Puppy 1 1 Wight & Kirk Roesilbern Forbin Forrest Bernese M D. Post Graduate 1 1 Johnson Atlanticbreeze Bailey By Lupinemoon (A1) (IKC) Sib Husky AV SP Veteran, 25, 12,Abs, three super quality dogs. 1 Sanderson SH CH Owlspoint Trouble Again JW. Italiano Bracco 8 years dog of lovely type, correct head shape, strong muzzle, general masculine look, strong front with deep brisket & good shoulder placement, strong bone & oval tight feet, correct topline with that slight rise over the croup, strong hindquarters, sound on the move fore & aft. 2 Clarke SH CH Ferndel High Fidelity With Tigerrock ShCM SHCEx. Welsh Springer another quality well made dog, pleasing head, muscular neck flows cleanly into good front and topline, lovely legs and feet, firm topline & good tailset, nicely angulated quarters, excellent presentation, sound on the move. 3 Hick CH Carmichan Heidi Hi Affenpinscher AV SP Vintage 1 m 1 Kay Jackopeaks Princess Peach VW Jack Russell Terrier. 14 years young and belies her age, and very spritely and strutting her stuff, in good overall condition, alert expression, good body condition, happy on the move keeping her shape Bridlington Canine AV Puppy Stakes 30 (16) 1 Roulston Ivyjewel It Should have Been Me Boston Terrier compact 7 months dog, pleasing head and eye shape, lovely eye colour giving a good expression, slightly arched neck leading to good shoulder angulation, body developing well with good ribs and depth, lovely legs and feet, moved out soundly to win a super class. 2 Crookes & Jenkinson Thorneywait Royal Story Golden Retriever quality bitch puppy with lovely feminine head and appealing expression from correct eye colour, good reach of neck to firm topline, shown in good coat & condition, well muscled quarters, all through, steady mover for one so young 3 Wight & Kirk High Oaks Still Water Run Deep To Roesilbern Bernese MD Bridlington Canine AV Open Stakes 45 (25) 1 Heslop Tianola Chasing Shadows (IMP) Standard Poodle a lovely exhibit who’s young handler really got the best out of, so lovely to go over, super head and eye colour, reachy neck flowing cleanly into firm topline and well made fore quarters, body mature with good ribbing, strong muscular hindquarters, super legs and feet, coat of good texture, muscular hindquarters moved out freely with good ground coverage movement 2 Roulston Brocolitia Clementia At Ivyjewel Wire Fox Terrier lovely type with a super head & expression correct dentition, presentation first class, good bone & neat feet, clean correct length of loin tail, well set & held correctly on the move, his movement was very sound. 3 Smith Katanga’s Jessica Jones Afghan Hound