- Show Date: 17/12/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Claire Mills Contact Judge
- Published Date: 14/02/2024
Penrith & District Canine Society
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at your show and for your hospitality. My very able stewards kept the ring running smoothly. Thanks to the dedicated exhibitors for venturing out just a week before Christmas for me to assess your lovely dogs.
Chihuahua Long Coat Junior (4,2abs)
1st Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo Te Amo JW - 18 month old black & tan male who I have given a BOB to previously. He is maturing nicely. Good shape and size, well balanced with pleasing outline. Gassy with lots of attitude - he certainly doesn’t think he’s the smallest dog in the ring! Such a handsome head and expression, apple domed skull, short, pointed muzzle, cheeks clean. Good bite. Large, dark, round eyes full of mischief and cheek, ears large and flaring well set on his skull. Nice amount of neck fitting into a sound front assembly, well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, forelegs straight and well set under him. Slightly longer than high, level topline kept at all times, ribs well sprung. Hindquarters sound with good bend to stifles and low set well let down hocks. Neat feet. Sickle tail, set high. Moved soundly from all angles with brisk, purposeful strides. Could not be denied BOB again today and Group 1 in today’s lineup.
2nd Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo She’s A Belter - 6 month old female, very raw at the moment but has plenty of time on her side. Ever so slightly longer cast than 1 at the moment. So much confidence and well schooled for one so young. Pretty head of good proportions, well rounded skull with correct apple dome, fine, pointed muzzle. Dark, well rounded eyes, correctly placed in her skull. Ears large and flaring of correct set. Enough neck, shoulders well laid, chest still to develop as expected at this age, forelegs straight. Longer than high, well ribbed back with good spring, topline is level. Hindquarters sound, good sickle tail. Moved a little close behind today but with plenty of confidence
Chihuahua Long Coat Post Graduate (2, 1abs)
1st Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo Showens Stjarna - 18 month old litter sister to previous class winner. Exquisite head with good apple dome skull, large flaring ears of correct set and size, eyes are large, dark and round, so full of expression. Good amount of neck fitting into well laid shoulders and a sound front assembly. Enough chest. Straight forelegs. Ribs carried well back with good spring. Hind quarters are well angulated with good bend to stifles and low set parallel hocks. High set tail of correct carriage. Moved well keeping a level topline at all times.
Chihuahua Long Coat Open (2, 1abs)
1st Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo Magic Trix JW - Another quality exhibit from this kennel who is of good size, type and balance. Head of good proportions, apple domed skull, correct muzzle, good bite. Well placed large, dark, round eyes, ears set at correct angle, flaring and used well. Neck of good length, well laid shoulders. Forelegs straight, neat feet. Correct length to body, not overly long, well ribbed back with good spring, short loin. Level topline. Hindquarters sound with correct angulation. High set, sickle tail. Another good mover with an air of her own self importance.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Graduate (5, 2abs)
1st Bacon’s Timbric Vera Wang - 7 month old black & tan bitch. Exuberant temperament and full of confidence for one so young! She is of a good size and shape and won this class on her overall construction and movement. She has a pretty head with a feminine expression, good length and depth to muzzle, good lips. Mouth could be tidier. Large, dark expressive eyes well placed in her skull, ears of correct set with feathering coming in nicely. Good neck into well laid shoulders, well bodied for age, topline a little soft at the moment but plenty of time on her side. Ribs well sprung and carried well back. Hindquarters strong and sound with moderate angulation. Tail well set, of good carriage and never stopped wagging! Moved with confidence. BPIB & Puppy Group 3
2nd Wood’s Spindlepoint Desdemona - 14 month old blenheim bitch of nice size and shape. Flat between ears, muzzle of good length and depth, well pigmented nose and eye rims. Eyes large and round but showing some white of eye. Ears set high. Good reach of neck fitting into well laid shoulders, straight forelegs, chest developing. Could have a little more body on her but her ribs are well sprung and carried well back. Her rear is well angulated with good bend of stifle and low set straight hocks. Tail set and carriage correct. Moved OK.
3rd Wood’s Cavohanna Colors Of The Wind
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Post Graduate (3, 2abs)
1st Bacon’s Frondil Martha Chance at Timbric - Blenheim bitch of 2 years. Lovely shape and size for a toy spaniel, pleasing outline. Good head and skull shape, flat between ears, muzzle of correct length, well cushioned with well fitted lips. Black nose and eye rims. Large, dark round eye of correct set, ears set high with plenty of fringing. Moderate amount of neck set into a sound front assembly. Enough chest, well ribbed back, ribs well sprung with muscular loin. Hind quarters well muscled and of moderate angles. Correct tailset and carriage. Moved well with enthusiasm. BOB & Group 4
King Charles Spaniel Open (1)
1st Sidgwick’s Paulian Where’s Wally - An old favourite of mine! A lovely tricolour male, now a veteran at 7 years old and could still show some of the youngsters how to move, full of beans today! Compact, cobby outline. Large head well domed, square muzzle of good width and depth, clean fitting lips, good cushioning. Lustrous dark round eye of correct set. Low set ears with plenty of feathering. Enough neck, good depth of chest, deep and of good width. Well boned forelegs. Ribs well sprung and carried well back, level topline. Hindquarters sound with well bent stifles and low set hocks. Moved with spirit and animation. BOB & Best Veteran in Group
Miniature Pinscher Post Graduate (2)
1st Sharp-Dixon & Reyes Dinarth Diamonds Are Foreva - 2 very different types in this class. Preferred this red bitch for her size and shape. Elongated, flat skull, strong muzzle with good underjaw, scissor bite with strong teeth. Oval dark eye of good set and size, small erect ears which she used well. Arched neck a good front assembly, straight forelegs of quality bone. Compact, solid little body with well sprung ribs and a level topline. Moderate tuck up with well muscled loin. Well muscled rear with good bend to stifles and parallel hocks. Moved well with some typical hackney.
2nd Hartley & Fahey’s Sticmaze Slapstick with Zoomeera - Gave her handler a hard time today! A slightly taller bitch. Good head of nice proportions, flat, elongated skull, good length and strength to muzzle, good bite. Well pigmented nose and eye rims. Neat, erect ears set high on her head. Good reach of neck with slight arch. Well put together front, nice depth to chest and well ribbed back. Level topline. Muscular hindquarters with good angulation. A little erratic on the move today.
AV NSC Toy Puppy (4, 3abs)
1st Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis Oh I Wannabe Famous - And I am sure she could go on to be famous! Ultra feminine Chinese Crested puppy of just 6 months old. Lovely shape, size and balance. Elongated skull, definite stop, good length to a tapering muzzle, good chiselling. Darkest of eyes, almond in shape and well set. Large, low set ears, strong and erect with good fringing. Gracefully arched neck of good length fitting seamlessly into well laid shoulders, straight, slender forelegs of quality bone. Body of correct length, not overly long, well sprung ribs carried well back, short, taut loin with moderate tuckup. Well rounded rear with well bent stifles and strong, straight hocks. Supple skin in excellent condition. Moved well from all angles. Best AV NSC, Best AV NSC Puppy, Group 2 and Puppy Group 1. Will watch her progress with interest.
AV NSC Toy Post Graduate (3, 2abs)
1st Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis The Star Man - Litter brother to 1st in previous class. Striking powder puff who is in excellent coat for his young age. Handsome head of good proportions, cleanly chiseled cheeks, strong muzzle of good length, defined stop. Lovely dark almond shaped eyes, ears well set. Reachy neck of good length fitting into a sound front assembly, chest developing well for age. Forelegs strong and straight. Well bodied with ribs carried well back, short loin with moderate tuck up. Muscular hindquarters with correct angulation. Coat of good texture, very well presented. Moved soundly and confidently.
AV NSC Toy Open (4, 3abs)
1st Holliday’s Pandaprint Casanova - 4 year old Havanese male of good shape. Well balanced. Handsome head of good proportions, broad, slightly rounded skull, nose and eye rims well pigmented. Almond shaped dark eyes of correct set. Good earset. Neck of good length and fitting well into a good lay of shoulder. Super depth of chest, forelegs straight and strong and of quality bone. Good body proportions, slightly longer than high without being overly long. Well sprung ribs carried well back, short strong loin with medium tuck-up. Moderate hind angles. High set, well plumed tail. Coat of correct texture well presented. Moved soundly with springy steps.
Adult Group
1st Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo Te Amo JW
2nd Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis Oh I Wannabe Famous
3rd Sharp-Dixon & Reyes’ Dinarth Diamonds Are Foreva
4th Bacon’s Frondil Martha Chance at Timbric
Puppy Group
1st Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis Oh I Wannabe Famous
2nd Todd-McCoid’s Rubyanlo She’s A Belter
3rd Bacon’s Timbric Vera Wang
Claire Mills (Clanscot)