• Show Date: 14/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Chrys Dawson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Northern Tibetan Spaniel Club

Northern Tibetan Spaniel Club

Sunday 14th May, 2023

Special Award Classes

I should like to thank the Officers and Committee of the NTSC for inviting me to judge the Special Award Classes at their Open show, and to those who entered under me. It is always an honour to judge one's own breed, but even more so at a Breed Club Show.

Junior – 5 (1 Abs) A lovely class, with some quality youngsters.

1st: Mr R Lemon's Little Bit of Love. Gold bitch, just over a year old. A pretty, feminine girl, with plenty of breed type. Has a very nice head, ear and eye well placed and a well cushioned muzzle. Good lay of shoulder and not over boned in any way. In good proportion overall, with good spring of rib. Level topline held well with free and active movement. Has some maturing still to do, but a promising youngster.

2nd: Mrs L Short's Malia Miss Dior. 11 mth fawn bitch. A lot of the similar points apply as the winner, again has a good head with ears set well and a well cushioned muzzle, neck set well, leading down to well laid shoulder. A little uneasy on the table but stood well on the floor. Good movement, when she settled, could swap places on a different day.

3rd: Mrs R & Mr P Thomspon's Susu Parti In The Stars.

Post Graduate – 4 (2 Abs) 2 lovely, feminine girls, of slightly different types but both with lots to like.

1st: Mr I Blackshaw & Mr D Roberts' Souska Sight For Sore Eyes. Nearly 2 year old gold bitch. Has a very nice head, good dark eye, ears set well with good feather and a well cushioned muzzle. Well laid shoulder, well sprung ribs and correct angulation both fore and aft. Level topline, which was held well on free and easy movement.

2nd: Mr S Lemon's Linsdown Diva. 18 mth gold bitch. Of a slightly finer type to first, with a good head and pleasing, feminie expression. Slightly more length of neck than first, with good lay of shoulder and well sprung ribs. A little more length of leg, but not overly done, hocks well let down and free movement with good topline.

Open – 10 (5 Abs) A difficult class, with some fantastic quality present, and little seperating 1st to 3rd.

1st: Mr S Lemon's Ch Susu We're Gonna Parti at Parloueve. Nearly 2 year old parti dog, one I have admired ringside for some time and easy to see why he has his title. Super masculine dog without an ounce of coarseness. Very handsome boy, well made throughout. Typical aloofness, with good eye and well placed ears, well feathered. Good strong neck, well set, with ample shawl. Correct angulation, fore and aft, with well sprung ribs. Level back, held perfectly on free and active movement, running straight and true, stood like a rock.

2nd: Mr I Blackshaw & Mr D Roberts' Oldcharm We Got Love at Souska. 3 year old red dog. Another good head, would prefer slightly more definition of stop, but showing typical breed type overall. Attentive and gay in character, presented immaculately. Correct length of neck, and well boned without being overdone in any way. Good depth of chest, and well ribbed, presenting a very pleasant outline. Movement again was free and easy, with correct topline held well.

3rd: Mrs L Short's Malia Harvest Flower.

Chrys M Dawson (Judge)
