• Show Date: 19/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: christopher toynton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/08/2023

Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society

Thame & Oxfordshire County C S. 19th July, 2023. A lovely show to have had the honour to judge. Many thanks to the committee & exhibitors for making me so welcome & special thanks goes to my stewards for the smooth running of the ring & looking after me so well. Glen of Imaal terrier. Sp Yearling. – (1)0a 1st – Hannington's - Boudivella Rosie. Young girl coming on nicely for age, firm topline, defined rib & good tuck up of loin, rear quarters developing well showing nice amount of second thigh & muscletone, moved with sound & steady pace giving an overall balanced picture, very nice to see. limit. – (2)0a 1st – Lark - Jones's - Boudivella Arlo. Strong fit male showing good masculinity all round, clean correct dentition, strong jaw & muzzle, nice spring of rib & very well muscled, good construction of all quarters & with plenty of bone on the leg, moved with a powerful rear driving action, presented in clean natural correct coat & handled well. BoB. 2nd – Hannington's - Mo Stor Ailin Of Tatlers Jacks Clann At Boudivella. Female showing pretty, balanced head & dainty feminine features, good length of neck & well developed forechest, elbows tight into body showing no slackness in movement, stood well up on her toes on strong pasterns, moved with a steady even pace but not so animated as first placing, shown in fully mature wheaten coat of correct texture. Open. – (1)0a 1st –Hannington's - Ch/Nl/Esp Ch. Boudivella Osca. Male at height of maturity, strong masculine features & typical terrier expression, overall height & length of body correct proportions & dimensions, of sound construction all round, short loin, plenty of bone & substance, moved with a steady controlled balance & tail held well up, turned out in lovely mature wheaten coat of correct texture.Res BoB. S C W T. Sp Yearling. – 2(1)a 1st – Farquharson's - Manawyddan Song For Ireland. 13mth young male coming into his own, developing correctly for age, good length of body & settling to size nicely, head carried well on a nice length of neck & good shoulder placement, firm level topline, tail coming off the back nicely & carried well when moving, balanced & sound on the move using nice reach from the shoulders, shown in lovely profuse clean wheaten coat & handled with a quiet controlled manner. Res BoB. Limit. – 1(1)a Open. – 2(1)a 1st Charleton's- House Of Softy Indus. Handsome well developed gentleman of very good quality & stature, well balanced in outline, correct headshape & earset, good height & length of body, sound construction front & rear, well defined muscletone & excellent angulation all round, stood & showed well, superb mover showing animation soundness & balance, kept a good even gait & held himself well, presented to a really high standard with correct coat colour & texture. B.o.B. Ger Spitz. (Mittel.) Puppy. – (1)0a 1st – Francis & Pearce's - Longsdales The Aviator. 8mth young black male of very nice quality, lovely dark eyes of correct shape & jet black pigmentation on fully made up nose, coming into full coat & getting distinctive ruff, stood four square front & rear, moved with fair speed & drive, well animated. Bp & Res BoB. Open. – 2(0)a 1st – Francis, Pearce & Roberts. - Ch. Longsdales Rebel Rouser At Cwrtafon.Jw. Good sized male of true masculinity & conformation, well developed forechest & correct shoulder placement, good length of neck & strong topline with tail flowing off the back nicely, tight well manicured feet facing forwards, even width of front & rear legs when standing, moved true, tracking well fore & aft, shown in clean full profuse coat. BoB. 2nd - Thomas's - Int Ch. Clarmers Talking Mischief With Kelmorespitz. Fully mature girl of good age & development, endearing feminine face & expression, head & features in lovely proportions with superb black pigment & shiny fully made up round nose & wide open nostrils, made full use of ears to express & carry well, correct amount of bone on legs, moved using a fair length of stride, presented in nice clean black coat & handled with sympathy. Schipperke. Sp Yearling. – 1(0)a 1st – Rollinson's - Chadbower Fell From Heaven. A quality young female of just over 12mths of age produced from this quality kennel, alert expression & correct facial features, darkest of nose & eyes, good construction throughout, with the type of conformation & development which stands out, although still coming back into coat showed a nice outline, typical Schip movement which was true & sound & determined, definitely one for the future. Res BoB. Open. – 4(1)a 1st – Cheatham's - Ch. Schipdale A Kind Of Magic. I judged this quality male just less than 2yrs ago & now cannot find anything that deviates from what I had to say then, 'Boy with strong male head & masculine facial features, nice dark eyes & ears of correct size, of sound construction & conformation, front & back legs of good width & evenly spaced apart, presented in lovely dense harsh black coat furnished distinctively, stands well up on his toes showing off his tight round cat feet, moved best in class using a nice striding action & determined speed, handled with minimum fuss.' In fact, my notes today said exactly the same except he's more mature & has filled out in rib & muscle, which tightens his movement to as sound & true as it gets, had no doubt then he would quickly gain his title & gladdens me today that I can give him a well deserved group placing. BoB & Utility grp 2. 2nd - Manner's - Ch. Chadbower Nevaeh Lahetti. Again, I judged this young lady, (of 6yrs) at the same show & my notes today said exactly the same as then, muscled & fit still she has the quality virtues that will keep her winning for a lot more years to come yet, I am certain. What I wrote then still applies today. 'Upstanding girl with true Champion qualities that stand out, beautiful face & head with ears erect & used well to express herself, even front with legs spaced well apart & nice tight round cat feet, shown in immaculate coat & condition & presented beautifully, first judged her over three years ago & she still has that swift brisk movement that covers the ground easily, this time I couldn't fault any part of her, handler guided her then she did the rest.' 3rd - Brooks & Davis's - Deakie Donnie Dinnie. Not being obliged to write a 3rd place critique but in this case I feel it is justified. Having judged all three in this class previously & on the same day made decisions hard & down to tight scrutiny today being 'on the day', but this is what I had to say then & still stands 'Another quality male exhibit I enjoyed going over, again, with real masculine qualities & features, lovely make & shape with typical breed characteristics that stand out so well, of slightly more substance than 1st placing, well developed rear quarters with defined muscle, moved with a nice steady gait & balanced action.' Cannot understand why he hasn't gained his Ch. title yet. To have such high quality entered under me in the same class at an open show makes me feel really humbled, thank you all. Shih Tzu. Puppy. – 3(0)a 1st – Salt's - Keola Driving Force. 11mth young male of good stature & appealing in appearance, of nice development & construction for age, showed a superb outline when viewed in profile, face fully furnished with lovely whiskering showing a gentle expression, moved with a determined stride & balanced action driving well from behind. Bp & P grp 3. 2nd Carter & Leigh's - Gladmin Cape Diamond. Appealing young 9mth girl with cheeky expression & correct facial features, dark eyes & wide open nostrils with good black pigmentation, head & body of good proportions & development for age, moved with a steady action tracking well, presented in lovely clean profuse coat with tail carried nicely over her back. 3rd 's - Carter & Leigh's - Gladmin Capetown Candy. Sp Yearling. – 3(0)a 1st – Salt's - Keola Driving Force. 2nd – Maule's - Daltricia Jane Austin. Female with dainty feminine head & sweet expression, short compact body of good construction, still coming into her own yet but shows nice qualities, good length of leg, shown in lovely clean full coat & moved with good determination & speed. 3rd - Bryant's - Middletune Billy The Kid. limit. – 2(0)a 1st - Maule's - Daltricia Jack Higgins. Male with good masculine head & face, has nice spring of rib, tight elbows & developed forechest, height & length of body in correct context showing a good outline, even width between front & rear legs which was kept when moving, turned out in full coat with well furnished face & whiskering. Res BoB. 2nd - Bryant's - Middletune Billy The Kid. Again, a male with real masculinity, ample amount of substance & good make & shape all round, well presented in full coat of correct texture, moved with a steady even gait & handled well. Open. – 2(0)a 1st – Salt's - Keola Cruz Control Jw. Fully grown & mature with strong masculine features, upstanding all round & conforming well to the Standard, sound construction & well muscled throughout,has all the attributes I like in a male shih tzu, nigh on faultless on the move & shown in full natural coat. BoB. 2nd - Maule's - Daltricia Jane Austin. Utility. A.V.n.s.c. Puppy. – 3(1)a 1st – Froome's - Lykafoxx Blooming Lovely. (Jap Shiba Inu) 8mths young girl with sweet feminine appealling face, lots of nice qualities & features about her, face & head has everything in correct context & position, showed a lovely clean clear outline when standing & moved with a nice balanced length of stride. Bp. 2nd – Webb's - Chifido Follow The Dream. (Chow Chow) Young 6mth female still finding her way in the world, possesses nice qualities for development, plenty of puppy substance & ample bone for her to grow in to, was a good experience for her today & she enjoyed it, moved with real freedom & forward reach, handler got the best out of her. Sp Yearling. – 2(0)a 1st – Webb's - Chifido The Chosen One. (Chow Chow) Young lad of 13mths of real quality that takes the eye & had to shortlist for the Group, nothing overdone or extreme but has substance bone & muscletone in the right places, shown in full correct natural coat, stood with a lovely poise & moved with a quick short striding action not inhibited in any way, lovely to go over. Best AVnsc. 2nd – Downs - Liefkees Assisi. (Keeshond) Still coming on yet but this 15mth girl shows good breed traits & characteristics that will come to the fore given time, balanced in outline & appearance showing real quality I believe her true movement is there but this happy girl just lacked concentration today, shown in super coat & condition. limit. – 1(1)a Open. – 2(0)a 1st – Johnson's - Valleyrise Illustration. (Kooikerhondje) Mature female, defined feminine head & cheeky face, everything about her is to Standard & showing all the true breed characteristics, fluid & swift on the move with even tracking giving her the edge today on movement in this very close class, presented in full clean natural coat. Res Best AVnsc. 2nd - Whitehead's - Gladsheim Helios. (Kooikerhondje) Male of good age & with a happy disposititon about him showing superb temperament, clean white correct dentition, of sound construction & conforms to the standard beautifully, in fit condition & well-muscled throughout, moved with freedom & good speed, turned out in clean full coat with lovely pure white & rich orange colour markings. AV Import Breed Reg. Utility. Only one entry in each of these classes so no other exhibits of the same breed to compare with, but all are true to their own Breed Standards. Sp Yearling. – 1(0)a 1st – Piper & Gray's - Local Hero's Capotztic With Kamjero. (Xoloitz) Appealing boy, wilful & full of character showing head & facial features in correct context & with balanced proportions, length of neck & body in relation to length of legs giving off a balanced outline, moved with real drive & tracking action, being hairless there is nothing hidden & certainly nothing untoward. Res Best AV Imp reg. limit. – 1(0)a 1st –Piper's - Kamora Nagual Del Zanjero. (Xoloitz) Male of good make & shape, kind face with lovely dark features & ears used well to express himself, even width between front & rear legs so stood & moved four square, deep chest & good tuck up of loin, moved with even steady gait & presented & handled well. Open. - 1(0)a 1st – Cunningham's - Yulyeong Rock Dee Jay. (Korean Jindo) Well developed male who showed a lovely happy disposition & easy going nature, even front, good length of leg going down to tight neat feet, one in hard fit condition that stood out in his quick striding sure moving action, held himself upstanding & noble with his tail high & curled well over his back, shown in full 'Spitz type' coat of harsh texture & distinct ruff, handled with sympathy & quiet reserve. Best AV Imp reg. Utility Group. Grp 1 – Parker & McDonald's - Violis Storm Tracker. (Min Schnauzer) Smart young male that has everything in the right place, crisp clean outline, clean muscled body with correctly textured coat, his construction & conformation to the Standard doesn't get better than this, held himself at all times showing good stature & noble appearance, moved with well balanced control & even tracking with expert handling just guiding him nicely. Grp 2 - Cheatham's - Ch. Schipdale A Kind Of Magic. (Schipperke) Grp 3 - Brandrick's - Lillinca Bees Bliss. (Tib Spaniel) One with real feminine features & superb breed characteristics, true to breed in type & outline, handler had no need to work at it as she did everything with style & elegance, when moving on a grass surface like this quality breeding stands out, really deserved her place in this Group. Grp 4 - Revillas Rodriguez's - Crystal Eye's Wam Bam Boom at Khumbila. Jw. (Lhasa Apso) B/w parti male of real masculinity & an air of male arrogance that showed off a strong ring presence & held himself well standing & moving, good development & strength of bone all round, lovely lhasa outline, presented in full well furnished coat & handled with minimal intervention, flowed with ease around the ring proving true & sound , no doubt of a place in todays Group. Utility puppy Group. P.Grp 1 - Aylmer's - Back To The Fushia. (Std Poodle) 9mth young boy, that proved his worth for this award today, stood showing a clean outline & nice angulation all over, moved with a fair turn of speed & a well balanced action for a youngster, presented immaculately in tight coat of apricot colour & good trim. P.Grp 2 - Gilbert's - Gandaki The One And Only. (Tib Terrier) Female of only 6mths showing nice qualities & breed traits, certainly ticks all the boxes & shows she is full of promise for the future, stood out well today with her determined precise movement for one so young. P.Grp 3 - (Salt's - Keola Driving Force. (Shih Tzu) P.Grp 4 - Gillman's - Mytilene Pumpkin Spice. (Lhasa Apso) 9mths young girl, another one with a big personality for one so young, has lovely breed qualities & ring presence that stood out well in a Group line up, showed a classy outline, her movement very sound & with nice balance, presented immaculately. Judge. Chris Toynton.