• Show Date: 21/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Cath While Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Coventry & District Kennel Association

Firstly, I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of the Coventry & District Kennel Association for their invitation to judge Pugs at their Open Show on the 20th of May 2023. Thank you for the hospitality and many thanks to the stewards who made everything run smoothly. Lastly many thanks to all the exhibitors for their entries. It was a pleasure to go over your dog’s today, i had some difficult choices to make.


PUPPY (3),

1 Miss A. Ellis`s Eastonite Porthos, A very eye catching 11-month-old fawn dog puppy full of substance. A round masculine head, well defined wrinkles with lustrous dark eyes. Well set on button ears, open nares, wide underjaw and the darkest of pigment. Good reach of neck, straight front level top line with trace, high set tail, Super bone, fore chest and turn of stifle. A well put together balanced boy, which was evident in his excellent movement. BPIB. Was very pleased to hear he went on to get Toy Puppy group 2.

2 Miss J & Miss R Collier`s Pugistie Meant to Bee, another lovely puppy, just 8-months-old. Nice round head with plenty of workings for his age. He has great pigment and a dark eye. Good reach of neck, level top line and high set tail. Just a tad longer in leg, and lighter in bone than one which I’m sure will improve as he matures. Moved out well with drive and was very attentive to his handler.

JUNIOR – (4,3a)

1. Mr JD Neville & Mr SJ Gibbson`s Bilohka Benedict Arnold at Chancete stood alone in this class. A 17-month-old, masculine head with the darkest of pigment, well set on ears, dark eyes, open nares with a wide underjaw. Nice arch to his neck leading to a good top line. A lovely soft clear coat, good bone and substance. Moved well fore and back.


1, Mrs B Lloyd`s Bilohka Brigadier. This lad caught my eye immediately. A very smart 13-month-old dog, beautiful large well worked head, dark lustrous eyes, well set on button ears, open nares, wide underjaw. The darkest of pigment contrasting well with his soft pale coat. Well arched neck leading to a level top line with trace, and high set tail. Plenty of bone and substance for his age. Presented in tip top condition. A nicely balanced, well angulated boy with super movement. Had judged this male as a puppy, and have to say he has now matured into a very nice dog indeed. Was pleased to award him BOB.

2, Mrs A Burrows’ Twirlytops Lest We Forget. Another very nice dog, 18 months old, A nice round head, with dark eyes and a lovely soft expression. A pale coat, a good top line, high set tail, good bone, moved well around the ring.

OPEN (4,2a)

1, Mrs C Watsons`s Tybec Moonbeam. A 20-month-old bitch. A lovely young bitch with the most attractive round head. Dark lustrous eyes with gave her a very pretty soft melting expression. Small neat rose ears with plenty of head work, wide underjaw, darkest of pigment. Neat feet, dark nails. She has a nice arch of neck leading to a level top line, trace running downher back, a high set tail. Short and cobby, straight front, level top line, good bone and substance, moved around the ring with drive.

2 Miss L Collins Pugistie Just Peachy with Tephiti,4 ½ year old bitch, soft pale coat, compact body, level top line and high set tail. Another with a very pretty head, dark pigment, dark eye, with soft expression. Slightly lighter on bone than one, good movement. 

Judge; Mrs Catherine Hyde (Roxmarr)