- Show Date: 02/08/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Carol Moore Contact Judge
- Published Date: 17/08/2023
North Devon Agricultural Society
North Devon Agricultural Society
On seeing the weather forecast I was half expecting this show to be cancelled but thanks to the hardworking committee it went ahead despite quite a few heavy downpours which did interfere with moving the dogs and I am quite sure the conditions did play a part in a number of my placings.
I would like to say a big thank you to all those who fought the rain and the mud and somehow managed to keep smiling throughout.
I would also like to give a shoutout to my steward who kept everything running smoothly and efficiently all day
Hungarian Vizsla
Junior (4, 1abs)
1st Debian Deerhunter 11 month dog of good size with a smooth flowing outline. Just loved his masculine head with well shaped eye and bold look. He is nicely balanced in angulation with well sprung rib and clean bone. Moved out straight and true with plenty of drive BP PG1
2nd Vizslanya Praxis Smaller framed bitch, so pretty and feminine, she flows through the neck and shoulder into a firm topline just not quite as strong in drive as my winner today.
3rd Glenbrows Calamity
Open (2)
1st Vizslanya Aragonia JW A real stallion of a dog with a cracking make and shape, he is so well made throughout and the richest of russet colour. He moved out with great reach and drive but was a little tense on the stand in the group at times, still well worthy of BOB and Group 2
2nd Glenbrows Calamity
Italian Spinoni (2)
1st Macarica Fair and Square. Substantial bitch, I loved her head with it’s furrowed brow, deep muzzle and those soft expressive eyes that so define the breed. She has pleasing angulation front and rear with clean, oval bone and large well shaped feet.Plenty of well sprung ribs gave lots of heart room. She showed great drive on the move covering the ground effortlessly. BOB and shortlisted in a strong group
2nd Amberellie Rosanna A finer bitch all through but still giving a pleasing outline. She has a very pretty head, strong through the neck and good depth of body just not as easy on the move as my winner.
NSDTR (6, 1abs)
1st Eusanit Wild Atlantic Way. This boy took a strong class due to his hard condition, he was just lovely to get your hands on. Good size with a masculine head, broad in skull with a cheeky bright eye and pleasing ear set. He is firm through the neck and shoulder with a strong topline and broad well muscled thighs. So balanced on the move to take BOB and group shortlist
2nd Eusanit Pride and Joy via Riverwatcher JW Tidy bitch just right for size with such a pretty head and expression, lovely eye that matches her colour nicely and well set ears. She had a lovely shoulder and front assembly with a well developed rear giving free, easy movement.
3rd Afonbach First Sign O’Spring at Deltandamba JW
Curly Coated Retriever (4, 1abs)
Such a lovely class of typy dogs, I was not surprised to find out later they were all the same breeding
1st Maycourt Heartbreaker. Mature male, well up to size but all in proportion with a lovely wedge head and bright eye. He has a cracking front assembly with plenty of forechest and depth of rib. Strong muscled quarters gave plenty of drive. Finished off with crisp black curls so dense and tight giving that classic look of the breed. BOB Group 4
2nd Maycourt Take Me To The Top This tidy bitch pushed the dog hard but her youth had to give way today. So feminine and correct in head with a clean neck flowing nicely into a balanced front with a good amount of forechest. Strong in topline and firm in coupling. She moved out true with a lovely extension, when she matures and finishes in coat she will certainly be one to watch. BP PG3
3rd Maycourt Cover Shot
Golden Retriever
Junior (2)
1st Fairwinds In Motion with Zenevieva Pale cream bitch of 14 months with the most feminine head and expression, good length to muzzle and plenty of backskull. Loved her balanced ratios, clean neck and shoulder and strong topline. Moved out cleanly every time showing great footfall and lots of drive. BOB and shortlisted in the group
2nd Fairwinds Return Of The Mac This boy looked good on the stand with a balanced head and depth of body but he was hard work for his handler on the move which did make him look untidy, hopefully with time he will get his act together.
PGrad (4, 1abs)
1st Fairwinds In Motion with Zenevieva (repeat)
2nd Tinklersroc Bon Bon Upstanding male, all masculine in head with good width of skull and a powerful neck. Plenty of bone and substance and lots of drive on the move but he was a little bit unsure of the ground at times
3rd Coldharbour Candy Cane
Open Dog (4, 1abs)
1st Tinklersroc Bon Bon (repeat)
2nd Fairwinds In Space Man Well made dog with plenty of backskull just a tiny bit shorter in foreface for me. He has balanced angulation good depth, slightly open in coupling, good profile action
3rd Coldharbour Candy Cane
Open Bitch (3, 1abs)
1st Fairwinds In Motion with Zenevieva (repeat)
2nd Seruila Shining Star JW Lovely bitch with lots to like about her, just a little too heavy today. She has a feminine head with a gentle expression and good layback of shoulder. Clean bone and good feet, moved true but lacked a bit of the drive my winner had.
Flatcoated Retriever (1)
1st Llantrussa Tea For Two at Fairwinds Well made bitch with good head planes and a bright, well set eye. Pleasing length of neck leading to a strong topline. I liked her depth of chest and broad rear with defined muscle giving a tidy rear action on the move.
Labrador Retriever
Junior (2)
1st Magnavalleys Over The Moon. 16 month black dog with a lovely balanced head and soft, gentle expression. He has a strong neck flowing nicely into a laid back shoulder with a good length of upperarm. Deep ribs and firm coupling leading through to a well made rear giving a clean movement, considered him hard for top honours.
2nd Trendlewood Tiger Lily. Feminine yellow bitch of 15 months with good pigmentation in a pretty head. She has plenty of body and substance and held her topline well, just a little wide in front on the move today.
PGrad (4, 1abs)
1st Trendlewood Shape of You. Pale yellow bitch of good size with a gentle brown eye and wide skull, just a touch longer in foreface than I prefer. She has the most pleasing outline flowing through the neck into a well made front with clean bone and good feet. Well sprung ribs with deep back ribs and a lovely rump, she has lovely extension and a clean rear action. BOB
2nd Champles Golden Syrup. Feminine bitch with a pretty head and dark pigmentation. I preferred the overall size and shape of my winner but she has balanced angulation with good muscling giving drive
3rd Magnavalleys Moon Dance
Open (4, 2abs)
1st Trendlewood Ebony and Ivory. Mature black dog with plenty of size and substance. Masculine head with a well set eye, balanced in proportion with just the right of stop. Strong through the body with well sprung ribs and plenty of bone. Not quite happy with the conditions on the move.
2nd Lembas Swings Both Ways at Mibridge. What a character, he was certainly enjoying every second of his time in the ring, he certainly was not acting his age that’s for sure. He is a well built dog with a good length of muzzle and a very cheeky eye, just a little too broad in the skull for my preference. He has good angulation and a great ribcage under a strong topline. Just a bit lively on the move but he had a really nice profile action.
American Cocker Spaniel (3. 1abs)
Two different types with lots to like about both making this a difficult class
1st Nasaileen On A Mission at Shadowview. Classic head on this striking boy, he has a lovely plush muzzle of good length with a dark forward looking eye and refined skull. Clean neck into well placed shoulders deep ribs under a sloping topline leading to a well angulated rear. Strong and true on the move with ground covering action BOB Group 3
2nd Jaclee Dream The Impossible at Sanelle. This boy is all male, his head is that little bit broader than 1st but he has a good length of foreface and bright, correct eye. He has lovely angulation and is well muscled, profuse coat meant you have to,look a bit harder at him on the move.
Cocker Spaniel
Grad (3, 2abs)
1st Alisma Annabelle Pretty blue roan with a lovely soft eye, good head proportions and lowset ears. She is balanced in angulation with enough depth of rib. She was carrying a little weight which meant she moved with a bit of a roll.
Open Dog (2, 1abs)
1st Crimicar Indigo Eclipse. Handsome blue roan with a masculine head and eye. He has a good length of neck and laid back shoulder with clean bone. Plenty of rib and angulated stifles finished the picture Moved true but not totally happy with the conditions.
Open Bitch (4, 2abs)
1st Annilann Miss Merry Berry Gorgeous blue roan bitch presenting an elegant outline, very shapely yet short and cobby. She has a sweet, feminine head of balanced proportions. Good angulation fore and aft with well rounded ribs, deep brisket and and ample substance. Beautifully turned out and clean and true on the move with a very happy action. BOB
2nd Corazon De Sibi Old Fashioned Orange roan of good size and substance with the right amount of bone. Not quite as balanced in head as my winner but she has a bright eye that complimented her colouring. She has depth and spring of rib and a good width to her thigh. Not as positive in front action but showed drive
English Springer Spaniel (2, 1abs)
1st Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays JW. Beautiful L/W bitch so full of quality and type. She is balanced in head with a soft eye and lovely low set ear. She flows from neck to tail with excellent angulation throughout. So correct in properties which enabled her to cover the ground with drive and precision. BOB Group1 and delighted to hear she took RBIS
Grad (3, 2abs)
1st Cattistock Cosmos with Marissolo. Lighter framed B/W dog with a good length of muzzle and well shaped skull. He has a good length of neck and laid back shoulders. Firm in topline with plenty of rib. He has a well muscled strong rear which he used to advantage on the move BOB
Open (2)
1st Moenfair Sanguineum Luna JW Upstanding L/W dog with a kind head of good proportions. Clean sinewy bone, good depth of rib and a firm topline. He has a lashing tail on the move which just completed the picture
2nd Fleurfield Firethorn at Marissolo ShCex B/W dog with a clean outline standing well over his ground. Lovely soft eye in a balanced head with tidy angulation throughout.Not as positive on the move as my winner.
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Puppy (1)
1st Nyliram The Alibi for Trebettyn. Nicely balanced for one so young, he has a good length of muzzle, pleasing eye and well set ear. He is well made throughout with lovely bone and body. In the puppy group he just lost out on maturity on the move but is certainly one to watch BP PGroup 2
Grad (1)
1st Benoveor Endless Love Quite a solid coloured bitch but so well put together, She has a pretty feminine head which is well balanced with nicely placed ears. She is so correct in size and bone with a laid back shoulder and good return of upperarm. She has well sprung ribs, firm topline and bold, broad rear and really covered the ground on the move BOB
Open Dog (1)
1st Ir ShCh Kylowen Drym ShCM ShCex. Masculine head on this boy with a defined stop and good sized ear. He is strong through the neck with well set shoulders and a good depth of rib. He has lovely quarters with plenty of muscle but just lacked enthusiasm on the move.
Open Bitch (2, 1abs)
1st Kylowen Demelza VW. Mature bitch, beautifully presented with a balanced head and ear. She has lovely bone and substance and a well shaped rear. She was just a little matronly for me which meant she lost her topline on the move slightly but had good reach and drive.
AVNSC Gundog
Junior (3, 2abs)
1st Ustorpabyns Fields First Time to Dynarkaraky (imp Swe) 10 month Field Spaniel, I hope he has finished his growing. He has a good length of muzzle and width to his skull, strong through the neck with good depth for his age. He has plenty of bone and substance and is still a work in progress on the move at the moment. BAVNSC BAVNSCP PGroup 4
Grad (3, 2abs)
1st Jakobstown Ophelia. Bracco bitch who was a little overawed by everything but stood her ground and allowed me to go over her. She has a well shaped eye and good depth of muzzle, a good length of neck and holds her topline well. A well muscled rear gave ground covering movement.
AV Gundog
Veteran (11, 5abs)
1st Cataluna May Queen. Beautiful Irish Setter bitch in fabulous condition, she has a soft expression under a quizzical brow with correct depth and width of skull. Flowing elegantly through her neck and shoulder with deep ribs and a firm topline. She moved out effortlessly covering the ground so well.
2nd Highforce Future Legend for Vizslanya JW ShCex, Powerful dog who pushed the winner hard. He is strong through the head and neck and has plenty of body under a strong topline. He showed drive with clean footfall.
3rd Moenfair Tinpenny Too Tails
MPuppy (3, 2abs)
1st Maycourt Cover Shot Live C/C ret Pretty girl with well set almond eye in a wedge shaped head. She has a clean outline with good muscling throughout, coat still quite puppyish. Lovely tidy movement on one so young.
Puppy (2, 1wd)
1st Nyliram The Alibi for Trebettyn (repeat)
Open (7, 2abs)
1st Abacot Into The Unknown JW. NSTDR Typy dog with a classic outline. He has a lovely wedgeshaped head with a bright eye and the cheekiest expression. Well made throughout with just the right amount of bone and substance. On the move he was light and jaunty covering the ground well.
2nd Vizslanya Vizi. Pretty H/V bitch with a feminine head, she has good balance throughout just looking a little immature in body. In hard condition she came alive on the move.
3rd Coldharbour Candy Cane
Gundog Group
Group 1 Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays JW
Group 2 Vizslanya Aragonia JW
Group 3 Nasaileen On A Mission at Shadowview
Group 4 Maycourt Heartbreaker
Gundog Puppy Group
Group 1 Debian Deerhunter
Group 2 Nyliram The Alibi for Trebettyn
Group 3 Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Group 4 Ustorpabyns Fields First Time to Dynarkaraky (imp Swe)
Judge Carol Moore (Gadhelic)