• Show Date: 26/08/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Barbara Stamp Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 13/11/2023

Walsall & District Kennel Association

Walsall And District KA

26 .8.23

Cocker Spaniel

Puppy (4,1 abs)

1 Williams Jayzander Jubilee Blues

6 Month boy who showed like a veteran, handsome head with dark eye. And well chiselled cheeks Ears set low and are long and lobular, clean throat and sloping shoulders, compact body with short loins and level topline, beat 2 on movement but sure these two will changes places many times. BP

2 Holland’s Kyner Touch of Magic to Holchancer

Lovely bitch who is the same age as the dog puppy but not as mature. but she is very promising. Lovely soft expression with dark eyes. Long lobular ears and well-developed skull. Long sloping shoulders and short compact back and loins. One to watch for the future.

3 Brookes and Brookes’ The Politician for Kyrenia

Junior (4, 1abs)

1 Young’s Canyonn Black Caviar

16-month-old black dog., Square muzzle with a well-developed skull, clean chiselling under eyes, long lobular low set ears moderate length of neck with a compact body. Well sprung ribs and firm topline. Good bend of stifle and short hocks, with firm feet. Good lower tail set and moved his tail merrily on the move.

2 Pendlebury’s Cooleela Black Beauty at Sanabys

13 Month black bitch with a feminine head and moderate neck, good feathering and silky coat. Short loins and low set hocks with well bent stifles. Should develop into a nice bitch when mature.

3 Rorbach’s Meden Agan Time for Stars at Kaniboo (imp Fra)

Postgraduate (4,2 abs)

1 West’s Shelgra Super Secret JW

Feminine golden bitch with a good depth of muzzle and gentle expression and long silky ears ‘long sloping shoulders and level topline with well let down hocks, good hind angulation, cat like, well padded feet,

 Moved in typical bustling fashion. RBOB

2 Holland’s Kyna Touch of Magic to Holchancer

 Not quite the proportions of 1, Has good shoulder placement and handsome well chiselled head. Would prefer more length of leg to balance him.

Open Dog (1,0 abs)

1 Saunders’ Camelfair Corocenzo at Oxfordogs

Handsome 3 yr. old black and white male, well bred and his quality shines through. Deep muzzle and a good stop, clean chiselling under the eyes, intelligent expression well developed skull, ears lobular and on level with the eyes, moderate muscular neck with clean throat. Sloping shoulders and straight back, Well sprung ribs and short loins, Level topline, well-muscled hind quarters with strong boned legs and short hocks. Feet were cat like and thickly padded. Tail was set slightly lower than the back which never stopped wagging. Moved enthusiastically with drive to take BOB

Open Bitch (1,0 abs)

1 West’s Shelgra Simply a Star JW

6 yr old with a gleaming black coat, Super feminine head with a lovely intelligent expression, short back and loins Wide hindquarters and strong bones. with low hocks and the best of feet. Moved around the ring in a typical merry cocker fashion.

Golden Retriever

Puppy (1,0Abs)

1 O’Gorman’s Berrymede Bill Summers (AI)

11-month boy who was a true golden colour, Broad skull with a deep muzzle with well-developed flews. Dark eyes, good length of neck with well laid shoulders and straight forelegs with close fitting elbows. Deep chest and a level topline and tail was level with his back, good feathering and tight feet. Moved out well. Wish he had stayed for the group BP

Junior (3,1abs)

1 O’Gorman’s Berrymede Bill Summers (AI)

2 Liggin’s Swanavly Popsy’s legacy at Nunsbrook Nat (ai Imp Serb)

Lighter in colour than 1 Masculine head but looks a bit stuffy in his neck, Chest deep with good topline. Moderate hind angulation not quite as positive on the move as 1

Postgraduate (8,2 abs)

1 Mell’s Sansue Love Actually at Meloak

Beautifully balanced pale coloured bitch of good proportions. Feminine head with dark eyes well set apart, clean neck going into well laid shoulders and straight forelegs with tight fitting elbows. She has round cat like feet. Correct tail set which is level with her back. Short, coupled loins and deep chested with well sprung ribs, level topline and strong muscular hind quarters with hocks well let down. Good feathering on legs with straight silky coat. moved out on a long free stride to take BOB and delighted she went Gundog Group 1.

2 Buckle’s Berrymeade Brittas Bay for Brazenbeacon

3 O’Gorman’s Berrymeade Billy Summers

Unlucky to meet 1 in this class but lots to like about her but today was not her day.

Open dog (2,0abs)

1 Riley’s Wylloh Lost in Translation

3 yr. old boy of medium gold colour. I liked his kind expression and dark eye Moderate size ears with a good lay of shoulder. straight front and round feet, Moderate rear angulation and low hocks. Moved out straight and true.

2 Etherington and Stokes ‘ Elkarima’s Golden Harlequin Knight JW

9 yr. old boy who looked well for his age. Good head with moderate neck. Little heavy on the shoulders which I would expect with his age . He looked as if he was enjoying his day out.

Open Bitch (3 2abs)

1 Bufton’s Phosias Polly Flinders

2 yr. old pale coloured girl with pleasing head planes and dark eye. Ears on level with eyes, clean neck and well laid shoulders. Forelegs were straight and well under her body. Deep chest and level topline. Sufficient feathering on her legs moved out with drive. RBOB

Barbara Stamp
