• Show Date: 25/02/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Barbara Allison Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/09/2023

Newark & District Canine Society

Newark & District Canine Society Open Show 25th February 2023

Italian Spinone

ISP Puppy 4(2)

1st Bovio’s Ilsolo River Island

10-month-old bitch with a square outline. Lovely head with diverse plains, softest of expressions, fleshy nose and correct earset. Well angulated front and corresponding rear angles, decent width of 2nd thigh. Good depth of brisket, ribs well back and correct topline. Moved out well on a good stride to in the class. BPIB

2nd Culling’s Lucoru Blown Over

11-month-old dog. Another puppy of good type. Pleasing head and kind expression, correct topline and balanced all through. Well laid-back shoulder, good rear angulation and width of 2nd thigh. Moved out well.

ISP Junior 2

1st Fordham’s Lucoru Blown a Fuse at Cloudnine

11-month-old dog with a pleasing outline. Liked his head and expression with kind eye, large spongey nose and correct earset. Short neck into correct topline. Good layback of shoulder, ribs well back, decent width of 2nd thigh and good turn of stifle. Brisket to elbow. Moved soundly.

2nd Glazik’s Ellisbell Piaggio

15-month-old dog. Another well balanced youngster with good angles fore and aft. Strong neck into correct topline. Kind expression and correct earset. Carried his tail a bit high but is still young. Moved out well.

ISP Graduate 1

1st Ilsolo Work from Home

2 ½ year old bitch. Good make and shape with the required topline. Pleasing angles front and rear width brisket to elbow. Head of good proportions with kind expression, spongy nose and correct earset. Moved out well but carrying a bit too much condition today.

ISP Open 4 (3)

1st James’ Inostricani Fianna

3-year-old bitch of good type with a super balanced outline and in good coat and condition. Pleasing head with divergent planes, large spongy nose, good eye, and soft expression. Short neck into well laid shoulder, correct topline and with ribs carried well back, brisket to elbow. Well turned stifle with good width of 2nd thigh. Moved out on an easy stride with reach and drive. Pleased to award her BOB and see her shortlisted in a strong Group.

2nd Culling’s Lucoru Fairy Tale of New York

3-year-old dog. Another exhibit of good type. Lovely outline and well balanced all through. Liked his head with kind expression, divergent planes and correct earset. Short strong neck into well placed shoulders and correct topline. Good turn of stifle and width of 2nd thigh. Brisket to elbow and ribs well back. Seemed lacking in coat a bit today, moved out with drive. RBOB

Barbara Allison