• Show Date: 08/10/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/01/2024

London & Home Counties Terrier Club

The London & Home Counties Terrier Club


Judge: Anthony Allen

Norfolk Terrier


1st Watercroft Cosmic Dust

9-month-old puppy with lots to like about him. Presented with good balanced outline. Headpiece is well developed for his age and should finish well. He has a good front assembly with well laid-back shoulders, firm in body and short coupled. Quarters well developed for his age. Excellent coat texture. In the class, on the move he was all over the place, he was better in the challenge. My Best Puppy and delighted to be told later he got his act together and he was awarded Reserve Best Puppy in Show – congratulations.

Post Graduate

1st Earthtaw Owain the Celt at Raphiggy

Black and tan of 17 months, I like his head piece, masculine in expressions with a strong muzzle and a good dark eye. Neck good, would like him a little tighter in elbow, Good in body, short backed. Well-made quarters with stifles well turned. In excellent coat and well presented. He has a decent action on the move. My reserve Best of Breed.

2nd Sliverlilly of House Hash at Raphiggy

This lady was sixteen months, not quite as together as her kennel mate at the moment. Super attitude on her, she has a good head piece which is developing nicely. She has a decent lay back of shoulder and stands on good legs. Short in back, just breaks in topline a shade and slightly longer in loin than the winner. Coat good. Moved out well, just didn’t hold her shape on the run round.


1st Tiggy of Nash House

Sweet little back and tan, six years old with good breed type. Her head piece is pleasing with a feminine expression. Neck into shoulders good, well made in body with a good topline. Quarters well developed. Scored over second in movement today.

2nd Watercroft Earl Grey

Three years and of good size and shape, head well shaped, good neck into shoulders a bit thick through. Stands on good straight legs. Well made in body with well sprung ribs and short back. Held his topline throughout. Decent quarters on him. In good hard condition. Not very together on the move, which cost him the class today.


1st Ralph of House Nash ShCEx VW

This eight years old black and tan chap really impressed, he excelled for overall shape and make. He has a super head piece on him with good overall shape. Clean in neck into well set shoulders, stands on good straight legs. Ribs well sprung, held his level topline well. Well-muscled hindquarters with a good bend of stifle. Put down in excellent jacket. Move very well with a typical action to take Best of Breed.