- Show Date: 16/07/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Anne Bryson Contact Judge
- Published Date: 11/07/2024
Siberian Husky Club Of Great Britain
SINGLE BREED OPEN SHOW Sunday 16th July 2023
I’d like to thank the SHCGB for the invitation to judge at our Club show, a much appreciated honour. Thank you to my stewards for their calm, friendly efficiency, and to both them and the exhibitors for persevering with the wind and rain. The benefits of a large ring to move our breed is so important and it was a shame to see some of the big moving working dogs not perform quite as well in the smaller indoor ring later in the day where the Bitch, Challenge, Stakes and Special classes were held. I have of course seen far smaller rings at both Open and Championship shows and agree they are a disservice to the breed and can negatively impact judging decisions.
When judging, I am first and foremost considering fitness for function and consider would the sled dog in front of me make the long distance team if I was to head out right now into the storm. Coat colour and markings are a technical challenge for the Judge to feel beyond. I consider also that genetic diversity is something we should celebrate, and do not place based on coat colour. The absence of the undercoat while shedding is normal as per the breed standard and not something I penalise. Construction faults which impede the health, welfare and ability of the dog to work effectively in harness are afforded greater penalty than other faults. I would consider in particular correct leg length, angulation, pasterns and correct lean hard working (as opposed to treadmill, for example) muscling as being of the utmost importance. Straight pasterns, a short steep upper arm and general lack of front angulation have crept into our breed with alarming speed and worse, appear to have become accepted. Straight or loose shoulders are the only “highly undesirable” fault in our breed standard and the Kennel Club have been very clear that it must not be rewarded.
The breed standard mentions the requirement for muscling four times. Muscling is therefore not an optional extra nor the icing on the cake: it is a necessity to fully meet the breed standard which is the blueprint for a fit for function sled dog. A dog with a promising skeletal anatomy is severely limited in their ability to work as a sled dog if the soft tissue is suboptimal. The individual large and smaller muscle groups involved in the double suspension gallop and in pulling load are well known, and what I humbly try my best to feel for and identify in my assessment. The stronger or better conditioned the musculotendinous structures are, the better able they are to work and in particular perform the stretch or spring actions of these muscles during eccentric contraction. Otherwise this can lead to muscle injury and fatigue. In the Dog Challenge as well as the Best in Show Challenges muscling was one of my key considerations. Puppies will not have this of course, but adult dogs should.
This is not a grooming competition and if you had your dogs in the forest that morning rather than grooming them then good for you. I judge this breed as working dogs not as generic show dogs, and am grateful to exhibitors who took time to exhibit under me. I was pleased with my quality entry which gave me hope for the future of our breed. Some I have judged before and others I was honoured to have the opportunity to judge for the first time today. As always I have highlighted the multiple very positive attributes and the areas perhaps for improvement when breeding on from these fabulous dogs.
1. Shelford’s POLARQUEST QUEENS COMPANY 10 month old of correct moderate bone and proportions demonstrating good length of leg and loin with slight arch over. At an awkward developmental stage: good front angulation, but perhaps a little overangulated in the rear at present as I conceded to my co-judge in the BPIS Challenge. This should balance as he grows and I’m not concerned. Being picky would prefer less slope to croup. He’s still to mature into his head which while generally good with correct eye and ear shape and set, is a little snipey at the moment. His stop is a little shallow and his muzzle needs to broaden but he is just a baby. On the move he demonstrated a lovely light footed ground covering gait, with correct single tracking. Still a bit loose on the out and back as to be expected at this age. Unfortunately very nervous which cost him in later considerations. Hopefully as he gets used to the environment this will improve as he’s otherwise a nice dog.
.2. Johnson's ATLANTICBREEZE BAILEY BY LUPINEMOON (AI) (IKC) 11 months old. Bone heavier than desired and overall is broader in the back than would be expected for age. Quite deep chest, ribs almost barrelled. Needs a bit more length of leg. Topline is strong and level but lacking arch over loin. Croup flat and tail set higher than desirable. Neck and shoulders adequate but requires more angulation particularly in the rear which was too straight at the stifle and lacking in definition at the hocks. Front pasterns good. Feet round and cat-like. Scores highly on eye and ear size, shape and position giving a kind but mischievous expression. Slightly dish faced and needs less stop. Moving very wide in the rear on the out and back. While movement in side profile is precise, stride was short and he just couldn’t cover the same ground as the class winner. Topline had a tendency to roll on the move and I would hope this puppy fat will melt as he matures. Good coat and typical fox brush tail. A lovely typical breed temperament. Very well schooled showing a good rapport with his handler. Clearly disappointed with place, and his kennel mate did not enter the ring for his own class.
JUNIOR (4, 0)
1. Miles’s PEKAKICALI KANEQ Just turned 12 months old. Presented a super balanced outline with moderate oval bone, good length of and slight arch to loin. Good croup but would prefer a slightly higher tailset. Good reach of neck into excellent balanced front and matching rear angulation. Excellent slope to pasterns, shape of feet and tough thickly cushioned pads. Head has all the correct proportions and planes, and the ear set is especially good. Would prefer more pigmentation and being picky he is a little jowly. Super coat clinging to clean-cut outline. In lead hard working condition. Moves well once settled demonstrating correct single tracking. Unfortunately blew his chances in the Challenge with amongst other things a highly entertaining range of yoga poses. Please work with this lovely mischievous boy; more ringcraft and he should do very well.
2. Shelford’s POLARQUEST QUEENS COMPANY As before, 1st in PD.
3. Beirne’s ARCTICTREKS MOROCCAN MOON Such a sweet natured 14 month old boy with a handsome head. His ear set is particularly good. Moderate in bone, correct proportions presenting an athletic outline. In lean hard muscled condition and super double coat. Ribs well sprung. Lovely length of loin and arch over with excellent croup, tailset and carriage – best of class. Super rear angulation but let down by a short steep upper arm otherwise would have been considered for 1st. Took his time to settle on the move but showed a lot of promise and I will enjoy watching him mature to advantage.
4. Bolsover’s CHARMEDKELZ’S ARRAX – I’ve written a very exuberant performance!
1. Bolsover’s CHARMEDKELZ FOZZIE BEAR 2.5 years old. Moderate bone, correct length to height ratio with correct length of loin. Level topline but croup steeper than ideal and tailset lower than I would wish. Medium length well arched neck into well laid shoulders and balanced rear angulation. Correct slope to pasterns and good feet. At an awkward stage in development and ultimately needs more body weight and conditioning which I understand the owner is working on. Almond shaped obliquely set eyes with a keen alert expression to his finely chiselled yet masculine head. Moved ok once settled but with more ringcraft and maturity I think this boy will show very nicely.
2. Pike’s KINGUYAKKII PROTEST PEACE Nearly 3 years old. A quality old school boy of moderate bone and correct proportions. A lovely typey head with correct proportions and planes, almond shaped eyes, super earset, tight fitting lips and good pigmentation. Keen friendly expression. Moderate neck into correct shoulder. Strong topline and slight slope to croup. Being picky tailset a little higher than ideal, but good fox brush tail. Would prefer more angulation to rear as a little straighter in stifle than preferred. Nice slope to pasterns and good medium sized compact oval feet. Coat blowing at present but enough to ascertain correct length and texture. Moved with purpose holding his topline, but with more training I think he would continue to shine.
LIMIT DOG (5, 0)
1. Snelson's AZGARD MONTICRISTO AT ASHTRAX 3 years 8 months old male I judged as a yearling and awarded Reserve to. Has matured since then and what a dog he is now! Moderate bone and correct proportions, level topline. Loin slightly arched, taught and lean. Slight tuck up. Correct slope to croup and perfect tailset with a lovely fox brush tail. Good depth to chest, ribs well sprung from spine but flattened on sides. Excellent angulation in the rear and front. Particular mention of his shoulder angulation where humerus and scapula are of equal length as they should be. In beautiful coat. His piebald markings mean you really need to get your hands on his body and head to fully appreciate his attributes. His markings do his head no favours. I do prefer a little more refinement to the head but he has the correct proportions and planes and a keen friendly expression. With superb working muscling he effortlessly and smoothly covered the ground. Perfect single tracking and with super reach and drive this boy shone in the Dog Challenge to snatch BEST DOG IN BREED, and again in the Best in Show Challenge where I was delighted it was agreed he was BEST IN SHOW.
2. Seward’s ELLEONIA UNBREAKABLE HEART 2 year old of good athletic breed type. Head masculine but not coarse, and in proportion to body. Pleasing expression and super temperament. Good reach of neck into excellent front demonstrating good length of upper arm and layback of shoulder. Nice depth to chest and correct leg length ratio. Ribs well sprung. An equally well angulated rear, strong pasterns and workmanlike feet. Good croup and tailset. Unfortunately his topline was sloping. Moved well in side profile although not quite the ground coverage of the winner, but was disappointed to see him moving very wide on the out and back. He would benefit from more conditioning and should muscle up and mature to advantage.
3. Bolsover’s CHARMEDKELZ FOZZIE BEAR As before, 1st in PGD
W/D. Beirne's PENKHALAS PENNINESNODRIFT One I judged at 20 months of age and absolutely loved. I called him “quintessential Siberian”. When I saw him stood in the ring fully matured, I really thought I had my Best Dog! Still a super mover I was very much looking forward to going over him again. Unfortunately he was very unhappy today and was withdrawn.
OPEN (3,1)
1. Snelson's SALAZKA'S MR ABERNATHY AT ASHTRAX I have judged as a puppy and a 4 yr old, and much of the same comments apply today at nearly 6 years old. Enough bone but would not wish lighter. Correct proportions of body length to height, and length of leg to chest. Level topline, good tuck up, slight arch over well muscled loin. Correctly set well furred fox brush tail demonstrating graceful sickle. Neck of medium length, arched, leading into well angulated shoulders and balanced rear. Gently sloping pasterns and good feet, pads tough and thickly cushioned. Masculine yet refined, his skull has the correct proportions and planes and exemplary high earset. Almond shaped obliquely set eyes, giving the same gorgeous expression I’ve appreciated over the years. Super double coat. He is in lean hard working condition. He single tracked with a sure lightfooted gait, carrying his head slightly forward on the move. Unfortunately he was outmoved in the Challenge by his kennel-mate and disliked the confines of a smaller indoor ring later. Still a dog capable of going the distance in harness as I’m sure he will be for many years to come. RESERVE BEST DOG IN BREED and my choice for RBIS.
2. Beirne’s PENKHALAS ITASKA 7 years old. Taller end of breed standard and showing excellent breed type all round. Lovely moderate oval shaped bone and excellent proportions with good balanced angulation front and rear. Has a tendency to crouch in the rear making his topline appear to slope when it does not. Holds a strong topline on the move. Handsome typey head so typical of this kennel with everything as it should be. In super coat and muscle condition, this is a boy who clearly works his socks off. A working boy with a long stride he needs more speed on the move for his feet to converge and single track as we know he can. Otherwise he is moving a little wide on the out and back which cost him dearly in the class and Challenge. Super moving side profile with a free flowing gait and no wasted energy. Gleefully doing all he could to misbehave today, his mischievous personality is possibly why he has long been one of my favourite boys. Another simply stunning Siberian husky holding the middle ground.
1.Platt’s CH RYKALOV’S SPARKS AT WIGHTFLIGHT I’ve long admired this well proportioned athletic boy from the ringside. Completely naked he couldn’t hide his solid working muscle. I learned afterwards he is still racing on winning teams. He may now be almost 12 years old but I was not disappointed to finally get my hands on him today. He greeted me with the most perfectly cheeky Siberian expression. Masculine but refined head. Good reach of neck into well laid back shoulders. Strong topline. Loin slightly arched, well muscled, lean and taut. Being picky would prefer less slope to croup. Good rear angulation, well bent stifles and correct slope to pasterns. Medium sized oval feet with tough thickly cushioned pads. Excellent ground covering light footed gait, single tracking once settled, a super strong mover that pushed hard in the Challenge. BEST VETERAN DOG IN BREED and my choice for BVIB.
2.Crowther’s KOBUK MIDNIGHT STARGAZER ShCM VW Another gem nearly 12 years old. Lovely quality Siberian head with striking bi-eyes - almond shaped and set obliquely. Good earset and carriage. The most gorgeous expression. Carrying a super coat and presented well, a real credit to his owner. Moderate angulation. Good tailset and carriage which pipped that of 1st. Good slope to pastern and stifles well bent. Sadly starting to show his age now and not as strong in the topline as he once was, but still a quality boy who moved with purpose. More muscling may help slow time. I hope he is around for many years to come. Super temperament and rapport with his owner/handler.
Seward’s ELLEONIA HEAR ME NOW, BEST BITCH IN BREED. 2 year old bitch. Another of super temperament and well presented.. Although slightly steep in upper arm, overall a nicely balanced bitch showing good moderate bone, height-length ratio and correct leg length. Good coat. Not quite the femininity to her head that I prefer, not helped by suboptimal pigmentation. Nevertheless well set ears and eyes, correct size and shape to both. Slight arch of neck flowing into level topline with slight arch over loin, but it does not have the well muscled taught and lean findings of the older dog winners. Slight slope to croup and good tail set, carriage and fox brush. Good feet. Unfortunately overall is not demonstrating enough lean hard working muscle and consequently while her movement is tidy and fluid, it is not matching the length of stride or pace set by the BD and RBD who were much better muscled throughout. A shame as a very promising bitch who I otherwise liked a lot and would love to see again after a couple of years more in harness. Awarded RESERVE BEST IN SHOW by Referee.
Spruce’s MYSTICWOLF MO CUISHLE BEST PUPPY BITCH IN BREED. An absolutely delightful 8 month old puppy bitch we had no hesitancy agreeing was BEST PUPPY IN SHOW. Moderate in bone, correct proportions and super length of leg for age. In good body condition for age, carrying just the right weight. Super coat. Typey pretty feminine head, finely chiselled, good muzzle and correct stop. Correct positioning of beautiful eyes and ears. Nicely arched neck leading into well placed shoulders and balanced rear angulation. Loins slightly arched with slight tuck up. Croup and tailset correct. Smooth lightfooted gait, single tracking and holding a strong topline with no looseness on the out and back. A promising prospect I look forward to seeing again. She will only mature to advantage I am sure.
Smith’s CH AMICAL SNOW WHITE VW BEST VETERAN BITCH IN BREED. Handled by her breeder to advantage. So much to like about this elegant 11 year old bitch in beautiful full coat. Moderate in bone presenting a more compact outline than the BVD. Correct length of leg and body ratios. Beautiful feminine head that could not be faulted. Nice length and arch to neck. Very slightly upright in upper arm and shoulder. Well angulated rear with good length to upper thigh and firm low hocks. Excellent croup, tailset and carriage. When relaxed on the stand, thinking Judge looking elsewhere, had a tendency to sometimes dip her topline and this rolled a little on the move today. Single tracked very neatly, but just didn’t cover the ground of the stronger obviously still working dog. Ultimately this difference in the veterans is down to muscling and she just could not compete with the BVD for lean hard working condition. When I considered fitness for function today I prioritised his working muscle over her full coat. A bitch I would love to see again after a couple of years in harness to further improve her top quality. Awarded BEST VETERAN IN BREED by Referee.