• Show Date: 16/07/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Anna Ballington-Graham Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Bakewell Agricultural & Horticultural Society

Great Dane

Such a shame there were so many absentees.

Junior (1/0)

Post Graduate (2/1)

1st Morgans Rimor Boadixiya: A lovely 19 month old female brindle that caught my eye straight away with her grace and presence. Carries the most gorgeous well-proportioned headpiece. Nice front with good lay of shoulder and a lovely neckline. Good spring of rib. Good turn of stifle. Correct and well arched feet. Tail of correct length with good carriage. Covered the ground with ease with the recognisable spring and action that this breed commands. BOB and WG3

Open (5/2)

1st Ferguson’s Elitedaimos Magick Mago at Chateaudain: Lovely grey with head of good proportions, with a nice dark eye and tight eye sockets. Nice deep brisket. Good front, well angulated. Nice topline. Correct cat like feet. Tail of correct length and carriage. Moved well. RBOB

2nd Morgan’s Rimor Athena’s Kyss: Another nice brindle female that unfortunately played her handler up and just wouldn’t stand for him today. Nice head with dark eye and tight eye sockets. Lovely feet, good angulation front and rear, moving out well. Tail of correct length and carriage.