• Show Date: 01/05/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ann Beckett-Bradshaw Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Banbury & District Canine Association


1st May 2023

Hound Classes (Except Whippet Classes)

Hound Group

Hound Puppy Group

A few of the dogs were disturbed by the fan drier in the ladies WC by the ring. I made allowances for that as it was rather loud and intermittent.


Puppy (0 Entries)

Junior (0 Entries)

Post-Grad (1 Entry-1 Abs)

Open (1 Entry – 1 Abs)

Sadly, although this was a supported entry by the Cirneco dell’Etna Club, there were only two entries and both were absent on the day.

Dachshunds (Smooth Haired)

Puppy (3 Entries)

1st = Grahams Marvale Chancellor at Ravold

Well made all through with good bone and nice feet. Attractive head. Made good use of his conformation on the move.

Res BOB, BP, HPG 3

2nd = Hunts Carpaccio Red Knight

This was another of the youngsters who were really upset by the fan. Well balanced with good angles front and rear, he just didn’t use them on the move today. I liked his head and eye shape. I preferred his more compact body than 1st. I’m sure with a little time and confidence he will do well.

3rd = Borrellis Philabar The Legacy

Junior (1 Entry)

 1st = Borrellis Philabar Fallen Angel

Pretty feminine bitch with pretty, well balanced head and correct set on to her ears. Well sprung ribcage of correct length and short strong loin. Prominent keel. Moved well and with good drive.

Post-Grad (1 Entry – 1 Abs)

Open (2 Entries)

1st = Starkeys Carpaccio Magnum Pi at Hamoura

+ BOB + HG3 Well balanced, strong masculine boy with correct shape to his head. Excellent front which was set on correctly at the lowest point of keel. Well placed shoulder and upper arm. Correct, balanced rear quarters. Short hocks. Moved as sound as a pound and with good drive from behind and reach in front.

2nd = Hunts Lauralee Joan of Arc at Carpaccio

Pretty girl who was quite feminine with less bone than the winner. Correct length and spring to ribcage and to her short strong loin. Moved well in profile. No disgrace to be 2nd to such an attractive male.

Dachshunds (Min Smooth Haired)

Puppy (4 Entries - 3 Abs)

1st = Heralds Sonorra Dark Treacle at Winterfield

Very raw baby who still has to grow into himself. Good length of neck. Reasonable keel. Nice head. Moved with puppy enthusiasm. Time is on his side.

+ BP + HPG4

Junior (1 Entry)

1st = Woods Llansansior Chervil

Nicely made, well balanced youngster. Attractive head with well shaped eye. Good angulation front and rear. Correct keel. Kept his topline on the move. Went soundly coming and going when moved at a more steady pace.

Post-Grad (5 Entries – 2 Abs)

1st = Corominas Luna Nueva De Los Olivos De Quinto

Well balanced, Feminine girl who looked really nice in profile and drove off well from her hocks on the move. Well placed shoulders and upper arm. Correct shaped head with dark, almond shaped eye. Correct ratio of rib to loin. Moved sound.

+ Res BOB

2nd = Heralds Stargang Zebra Finch at Winterfield

Quite well made all through, with good angles and correct keel, just lost her topline a little on the move, perhaps because she was carrying a shade more weight for her frame than 1st. No disgrace to be 2nd in this class. Moved well.

3rd = Reynolds Merryline Alexandra

Open (1 Entry)

1st = Hunts Mylforbe Red Velvet at Sunara

I really fell for this quality girl. Another who was a little upset on the table because of the fan/drier behind the ring, but she settled down and could not be denied. Lovely head with correct underjaw, and expression. Good bone. Good length of neck and well placed shoulder and upper arm. Prominent keel. Excellent body length and tail set. Moved very well in profile and soundly on the up and back.

+ BOB + HG1


Puppy (5 Entries)

This was a lovely class with some very promising puppies particularly the first 3, which will be fun to watch as they develop. But we judge on the day and my places reflected that.

1st = Phillips Summerview Hello Hugo (Mini L/H Dachs)

+AVNSC Hound BP + HPG1

My voice recorder says “Absolutely loved this black and tan baby”. Just 6 months old! He didn’t put a foot wrong. Lovely bone and feet, super head. So well balanced with everything in the right place. Put down in beautiful coat. Not much I would change. Just couldn’t resist him. One for the future!

2nd = Websters Rossut Vizier For Houndscoast (Beagle)

Compact boy of a nice size, with attractive, well balanced head. Excellent shoulder angulation with straight front and round bone. Good spring of rib and short strong loin. Moved with an easy stride and looked like he could spend the day out hunting.

3rd = Williams’ Priorpark Pep Talk (Rhodesian Ridgeback)

Junior (3 Entries – 1 Abs)

1st = Doves Takatori Madam Butterfly at Saringa (Borzoi)

+AVNSC Hound BOB + HG4 What an elegant aristocrat this girl is! Correct balance and shape to her feminine head and eye. Neck well set onto her body. Good depth of brisket. Broad through her loin into her sound rear quarters. Correct bladed bone to her forelegs. Well let down hocks. Put down in lovely condition. She managed to show off the best of herself in spite of the ring being more in favour of the smaller dogs.

2nd = Boloria Wild Spice (W/H Dachs) + AVNSC Hound Res BOB

Feminine girl with well shaped head and furnishings. Super topline which she maintained on the move. Correct underline and well ribbed back. Well angulated front and rear with well let down hocks.

Post-Grad (4 Entries- 1 Abs)

1st = Boloria Wild Spice (W/H Dachs)

2nd = Cuss’ Norvin Orkla (Elkhound)

Nice shape to this boys head and excellent expression. Well balanced through the ribbing and loin. Good rear quarters. Good oval shape to his feet and strong nails. He just kept trying to pace on the move.

3rd = Wedges Dolan Summer Time Blues (L/H Dachs)

Limit (3 Entries – 2 Abs)

1st = Cuss’ Norvin Orkla (Elkhound)

Open (4 Entries – 1 Abs)

1st = Websters Michelroy Pimpernell With Houndscoast (Beagle)

Feminine girl with good breed type but carrying a little more weight than suits her frame. Well placed front angulation and sound rear quarters. Good ribbing and correct loin. Moved with drive.

2nd = Wedges Dolan Dock Of The Bay (L/H Dachs)

Masculine boy who moved well in profile and kept a good topline. Good set on to his tail.

3rd = Mauns Ch Bowerhinton Bassanio (Elkhound)

AV Import Breed Register

Puppy (0 Entries)

Open (1 Entry – 1 Abs)

AV Hound Veteran (5 Entries – 1 Abs)

1st = Webbers Dark Wing 9 ½ years Whippet

+ BV Hound Masculine boy with a lovely topline and underline. His long neck was well set into his body. Correct length through his ribbing and loin with good depth of chest. Well filled in, in front. Good feet. Moved well in profile and sound coming and going.

2nd = Starkeys Ch Carpaccio Jasper From Hamoura ShCm VW 11 years S/H Dachs

Good keel on this mature gentleman whom I would have liked to have seen in his prime. Well angulated front and rear. He still holds a good topline and still moves sound and with good drive.

3rd = Vaughan-Walls Shirotae Solo Surprise 7 years Whippet


1st = (Mini S/H Dachs) Hunts Mylforbe Red Velvet at Sunara

2nd = (Whippet) Webbers Lolani Ride a Wild Trail

3rd = (S/H Dachs) Starkeys Carpaccio Magnum Pi at Hamoura

4th = (Borzoi) Doves Takatori Madam Butterfly at Saringa


1st = (Mini L/H Dachs) Phillips Summerview Hello Hugo

2nd = (Whippet) Webbers Lolani Ride a Wild Trail

3rd = (S/H Dachs) Grahams Marvale Chancellor at Ravold

4th = (Mini S/H Dachs) Heralds Sonorra Dark Treacle at Winterfield

Ann Beckett-Bradshaw (Judge)