- Show Date: 22/04/2023
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Andrea Maltas Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Kirkcaldy & District Canine Club
Kirkcaldy & District Canine Club
A fabulous venue and friendly atmosphere my two excellent stewards enabled me to have a great day, some quality dogs to go over and it was very encouraging that some classes were close.
Post Graduate (4,1abs)
1st Mair’s GLENAULD OVANTA 9mth brindle bitch – really liked her overall conformation for one so young, she held herself together well both in stance and in movement. Her head is balanced, skull is clean, good ear set and carriage, muzzle broad with good depth, nice curve of lower jaw, and complemented with an alert dark eye. Liked her length of neck blending onto a good shoulder placement. She stands straight onto lovely cat like feet. Her body is developing but with a good depth of chest and nice length and strength to her loin which gave a pleasing undercarriage. Broadening croup with noticeable muscle development. Stood straight when viewed from behind with strong hocks. Movement was fluent with excellent drive. Also 1st in A.V. Working Special Puppy.
2nd Mair’s SULEZ SCORCHER AT GLENAULD 8mth brindle male – lovely sized male. Head developing well, with correct proportions, but at present it is evident that more maturity is still needed which is expected. Clean neck of correct length, balanced front, nice depth of chest, good length of ribcage to give a clean and correct undercarriage. Movement was sound, he uses all he has covering the ground well. Also 3rd in A.V. Special Minor Puppy.
Open (3)
1st Mair’s MACBARRA KICKIN UP A STORM AT GLENAULD 21mth brindle male – What an impressive boy he is, excellent size and substance yet still maturing in body, carrying the correct weight and conditioning for his age. Impressive head, well carried and good use of ears, defined stop, broad muzzle, well-padded lips and developed cheeks which gives the complete picture especially when finished with a dark eye. Muscular neck which blends so well onto a lovely front, I really liked how well this was put together thus giving such a well-developed forechest. Stood straight in front onto correct cat like feet. Good depth of chest, back muscled, with strong loin, under carriage blending well with a nice curve. Hindquarters are well developed both in first and second thigh. Standing on strong hocks when viewed from rear. Moved out well where he was able to use his excellent front to reach out and drive with his excellent hindquarters. A pleasure to judge BOB & Working Group 2
2nd Lafferty’s GEENAWELL LORENZO 2 ½ yr brindle male – similar sized male to first place. Well-developed head, with nice proportions. Strong muscular neck of correct length, front is adequately balanced but would benefit with it being better angled as it restricts his reach on the move. Excellent rear angles with well-defined muscle. Nice body with good depth of chest and ribcage development. Strong and broad back and loin, onto a broad croup. Moved sound and presented in good condition.
Post Graduate (3)
1st Blackburn& Taits’s KNECHT LITTLE RICHARD 7mth Black & Tan male, one from the top drawer, gorgeous boy for one so young, very well put together. Substance is excellent for age, but without being overdone. Head is very much in keep with his body, flat skull and level muzzle on a parallel plane joined by a slight stop, correct fill under eyes, correct ears set high and carried close to cheek, head is completed with a dark almond shape eye. Good length of neck blending onto a beautiful front assembly and fore chest that is already developing well. Topline is strong and firm onto good croup and tail set. Ribs are well sprung with nice depth. Good underlines and tuck up. Strength was evident in his hindquarters with nice muscle development. Stood straight in front and rear, onto correct compact feet. Moved well in all directions, just a tad too fast at times which isn’t needed to see the evidence of his construction where he covers the ground with ease. Also 1st in A.V. Working Special Minor Puppy.
2nd Downie’s KNECHT MILEENA 7mth Black & Tan bitch, great substance and so well put together, very attractive head of good proportions and lines, with nice ear size, set and carried well, gentle stop, dark eye with good filling. Lovely front and fore chest, stood straight in front onto cat like feet, correct depth of ribs, strong top line and undercarriage with gentle tuck up. Top line blends well onto croup, loin is strong. Very pleasing rear angles, with muscle developing, strong and straight hocks. Moved really well in all directions, covering the ground well. I was splitting hairs between her and first place, who I later found out to be litter mates, what a super litter this must have been. Very promising youngster. Also 2nd in A.V. Working Special Puppy.
Open (5)
What a super class to judge, all were a pleasure to go over.
1st Cairns’ LAMARG RUSSIAN READHEAD – Brown bitch of 3yrs, the only bitch in a class of substantial males. She is so well put together. Her front is fabulous, so clean over her shoulders, onto a developed body where her ribs are well sprung and deep allowing elbows to be close to brisket, undercarriage correct with nice tuck up. Correct croup, nice tail set and carriage, so strong in hindquarters, on the move her power is a pleasure to see. Head is very pleasing, flat skull, slight stop, muzzle line being parallel to skull. Nice filling under eyes, correct ear set and carriage but to be picky I’d like them a little bit smaller. She moved so well in all directions; I’d really like to see her move in a bigger ring on a longer lead I am sure it would be a delight to see. A well deserved BOB & Working Group 3
2nd GRAFMAX OBERON AT CAMPERDOWN JW – 2yr black and tan, a very tidy male presented in beautiful condition, liked him a lot. Body is well developed with strong top line and depth of chest, well balanced front and hindquarters, where strength was evident as was his overall condition. Strong hocks, and correct feet, when viewed from front and rear he stood straight. Good head of nice proportions, nice fill under eye, dark correct eye, strong muzzle, ear carriage could be a little better, correct length of neck. Moved sound in all directions.
Post Graduate (7,2abs)
1st Burns’ KINNEGANS WASN’T BORN TO FOLLOW (AI) FOR CARRICKTAIGH (IKC) 13mth fawn male, a top sized young male. Impressive head, complemented by a lovely dark mask, strong muzzle, dark eye without haw, good ear set and carriage. Neck is muscular and of correct length, would prefer a better front assembly, strong top line, good spring of rib with correct depth, moderate well moulded croup and tailset, pleasant rear hindquarters that are still developing, will be much better once that thickness comes to his first thigh. Presented well and moved sound in all directions where he maintained his shape.
2nd Martin’s KEISHANT ATHENA 20mth fawn bitch. Pleasing head with nice planes. Lovely elegant neck with nice arch. When looked at in profile she is balanced fore and aft, more angles would benefit her, but being balanced allowed her to keep her shape whilst moving. Broad and strong in loin, nice croup and tail set. Stood on good feet with well arched toes.
Open (7, 1bs)
1st Martin’s KEISHANT VENUS 3yr fawn bitch, balanced bitch with clean lines. Pleasing head in keep with overall body, correct planes, good eye and correct ear carriage, neck well arched leading on a balanced front, developed forechest where elbows meet the nice depth of chest, stands straight in front. Mature in body with strong top line onto a moulded croup, well developed hind quarters where the angles are well balanced. Movement was sound maintaining her shape on the move. BOB
2nd McGuinness & Burns’ CH GARSAK SIR BRODICK DINAHTRON 4yr top size fawn male with bone to match. Strong head onto correct length of neck. Lovely mature body with a nice spring of rib, strong top line and broad loin, adequate front but with lovely well developed rear angles which he used when moving.
3rd Martin’s KEISHANT ZUES
Open (5, 2abs)
1st MacDougall’s LEOFLAED JUST FOR YOU PRIDEOFELSA (AI) 3yr bitch, quality bitch turned out in super condition and coat. Strong head but not overdone, correct length of muzzle in comparison to skull, kind dark oval eye, well feathered ear carried correct. Strong neck blending onto a well laid shoulder, meeting with a strong upper arm. Chest and ribcage developed well, chest broad and deep where elbows are close to chest. Strength was felt in her broad back and loin, moderately sloping croup with nice tail set. Rear angles are also well developed with lovely muscle tone to her first thigh and strength carried on in second thing and hocks. Stood on lovely tight feet. Moved steady in all directions maintaining her shape. BOB & working Group 4.
2nd MacDougall’s PRIDEOFELSA BRUICHLADDICH 4yr bitch, finer bitch than first, presented in good condition. Head in keep with body, good proportions with medium stop, good ear set and carriage, finished with a good eye. Good length of neck, mature in body, good croup and tail set. Moved sound but would benefit from a little more angle in front.
3rd Pritchard-Woollett PRIDEOFELSA DOUBLE MALT
Post Graduate (1) & Open (2, 1abs)
1st Reynolds & Ow’s BARRACECHI SUGAR PLUM FAIRY (AI) – 3yr Black Bitch, what a lovely character, definitely not acting her age, which is a delight to see. Not over done in size but her proportions are all correct. Pleasing head, short in muzzle, slight stop, small ears in line with skull and carried well, finished with a brown eye. Lovely angles for an aft which enabled her to move well once settled where she displayed soundness and maintained her profile well. Presented in lovely condition. BOB
Post Graduate (1) & Open (1)
1st Donaldson-Buist’s ALOUSTAIR’S GHOST CHILLI 2yr bitch, still maturing. Lovely head shape with defined stop, muzzle to skull of equal proportions, medium ear, carried close and erect, medium brown eyes completing an alert expression. Nice lay of shoulder, stood straight in front, level top line, chest and body still developing but in keep with overall maturity, slight arch to loin onto a sloped croup, good tail carriage. Moved sound in all directions. Presented in good condition. BOB
Open (3)
1st O’Donnell’s KALASLANE REVENGE FOR NEUKIEBEAR (IKC) SHCEX (Russian Black Terrier) 5yr mature quality bitch, lots to like about this girl, standing near on square in profile. Impressive head with excellent planes, flat skull complimented with good ear set and carriage, pronounced eyebrows with dark clear eyes disguised by excellent furnishings, strong muzzle and large dark nose, muscular neck onto a well-developed front assembly where elbows are carried close, standing straight in front, well sprung rib cage of good depth where elbows meet. Broad back and strength in loin onto a broad muscular croup and hind quarter. First and second thigh have a nice turn of stifle, onto strong hocks. Movement was effortless covering the ground well in all directions, she really impressed. Best AVNSC & Working Group 1
2nd Cowie’s PHILOMA HOLLYWOOD AT ZAOBEL SHCM (Giant Schnauzer) What a smashing 9 year old bitch, presented in superb condition still maintaining muscle tone, a real credit to her owner. Nice head displaying strength skull is quite broad, ears carried well, good clear eye, with powerful muzzle and dark nose. Balanced front and rear angles, which enabled her to move steady whilst maintaining her shape on the move and in stance.
Group 1 O’Donnell’s KALASLANE REVENGE FOR NEUKIEBEAR (IKC) SHCEX (Russian Black Terrier)
Group 3 Cairns’ LAMARG RUSSIAN READHEAD (Dobermann)
Group 4 MacDougall’s LEOFLAED JUST FOR YOU PRIDEOFELSA (AI) (Leonberger)
1st Blackburn& Taits’s KNECHT LITTLE RICHARD (Dobermann – 1st in Post Graduate)
2nd Hislop’s OLEARIA QUEEN OF CLUBS (Rottweiler) 7mth bitch, lots to like about this young girl. Liked her head, proportions are all correct, good skull width defined stop and strong muzzle, correct ear size set and carriage, cheek developing well, neck blends well onto a good lay of shoulder, correct length of upper arm, stood straight in front onto lovely feet with a nice angle pastern, top line is strong for one so young and continues onto a well moulded croup, correct tail set, hindquarters are made up of a pleasing first and second thigh where the first thigh is already showing evidence of muscle definition, hocks were strong. Moved soundly in all directions at a lovely steady pace maintaining top line and overall shape. Presented in lovely condition carrying the correct weight for age, if anything would prefer slightly better markings. She should have a bright future.
3rd Mair’s SULEZ SCORCHER AT GLENAULD (Boxer – 2nd in Post Graduate)
4th Pritchard-Woollett PRIDEOFELSA DOUBLE MALT (Leonberger) – at just short of 7mth she is a true baby. Nicely balanced throughout, head developing well, good ear set and carriage, gives a pleasing expression, nice croup. Moved sound.
1st Mair’s GLENAULD OVANTA (Boxer – 1st in Post Graduate)
2nd Downie’s KNECHT MILEENA (Dobermann – 2nd Post Graduate)
3rd Pritchard-Woollett PRIDEOFELSA DOUBLE MALT (Leonberger – 4th A.V. Working Special Minor Puppy)
4th Norris’ LORD OF BERNERS VILLANELLE (Bernese Mountain Dog) – 6mth bitch with a pleasing head. A little out of proportion in body at present, but still a nice pup with lots of qualities, particularly liked her front construction, she stood straight in front onto lovely feet, good croup. Although not fluent on the move it was evident that she was sound in all directions.
1st Morgan’s MALIBRAY RHUVAAL AT TELENNDU SHCM VW (Dobermann) 7 ½ yr Black and Tan Male. Very nice male, with plenty of substance, and presented in excellent condition throughout. Liked his head where his planes were excellent, good ear set and carriage and finished with a dark eye. Neck is of correct length, correct lay of shoulder, well developed fore chest, stands straight in front onto well arched compact feet. Strong top line, well sprung ribs, strength in loin, good croup and powerful hindquarters, moved sound holding his shape at all times. Was extremely pleased to hear that he later went on to take BVIS so well deserved.
2nd Sabota’s VITALPARAS AMERICAN DREAM (Rottweiler) 7 ½ yr medium male, with nice bone. Head proportions are good, with a nice fill to cheek, good ear set and carriage, strong muzzle and jaw. Muscular neck of medium length onto a mature, well conditioned body. Nice depth of rib cage which is also well sprung, strong top line. Muscular first and second thigh, displaying a good turn of stifle and strong hocks. Would benefit from a little more front angulation to compliment his hindquarters. Moved out soundly in all directions. Another lovely veteran.
3rd Cowie’s PHILOMA HOLLYWOOD AT ZAOBEL SHCM (Giant Schnauzer)
Judge: Andrea Maltas (Virlees)