• Show Date: 12/02/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Alice Turnbull Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Giant Schnauzer Club

Thank you to the committee for your kind invitation to judge the Giant Schnauzer Club Open Show. Thank you to all those that entered under me and thank you to my three stewards who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently.

Giant Schnauzer

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

(1) Hunt’s Bernshell Hinkley Point

At just six months old, this dog is of correct type. Head is moderately broad and has a nice dark eye and correct bite. With a nice slightly arched neck leading to good lay of shoulders. Ribs well sprung with a strong straight topline. Stood on good strong legs and compact feet. Still slightly raw but will fill out with age. BPD.

Puppy Dog (0 entries)

Junior Dog (0 entries)

Post Graduate Dog (1) (1 abs)

Limit Dog (3) (1abs)

(1) Watmough & Allen’s Minnienoom Jazz a Matazz with Andmaura

At two years old, this male is of strong build throughout body and legs. With correct head shape and nice dark eye, the arched neck flows into well laid back shoulders. Back is strong and maintains straight topline when on the move. Hindquarters are well muscled and has correct angulation in stifle. Coat is of harsh and wiry texture. Moved well around the ring.

(2) Trafford’s Treuherz Cydney

Smaller in build than (1) but still of good quality and proportions. Chest was broad and elbows were set close to body with a well sprung rib. Moved a little close at the back for my liking.

Open Dog (2) (1 abs)

Parker’s CH Draxpark Fantasticus

Despite standing alone in this class, you can tell this dog is of good quality as soon as he walks in the ring. Well balanced throughout, this male is of good proportions and powerfully built. With a beautiful head and ear shape, this dog has a wonderful facial expression and furnishings. With an arched neck leading to well laid shoulders, this dog has a broad deep chest and strong, straight back. His hindquarters are well muscled and angulation in the stifle is of good quality. Moved well around the ring. Happy to have awarded this male BOB & RBIS.

Veteran Dog (2) (1abs)

Watmough & Allen’s Lucavale Washington at Andmaura

This 7 year old salt and pepper is of strong build and correct shape. Neck flows well into shoulders, which are well laid back and positioned above straight strong legs. Moved well. Happy to have awarded this male RBD, BVIB & ultimately BVIS.

Minor Puppy Bitch (1)

Saunders-Jones’ Bernshell Balakovo

Of good proportions and shape, this bitch has a beautiful feminine expression and dark eye. With a slight rise over the loins, she straightens this topline when on the move. At just six months old, this bitch is a little raw at the moment, but will in time, settle on the move and fill out. Happy to present her with BPIB.

Puppy Bitch (1)

Parker’s Draxpark Girl Power

This 8 month old puppy certainly enjoyed her day in the ring. With a wonderful expression, she is square in shape and is great in outline, when settled. She has a moderately broad and deep chest which leads to straight strong legs. With well muscled rear quarters, she moves with drive. Would just say that she was on quite a short lead when on the move which restricted her pace, simply let the lead out slightly as she does all the work.

Junior Bitch (0 entries)

Post Graduate Bitch (2) (1abs)

Clay’s Philoma Lucia

At 20 months, this bitch is nice in outline with a feminine head and dark eye. The arched neck leads into the shoulder and topline. Slightly long in loin but has well-muscled hind quarters and moved with drive around the ring.

Limit Bitch (5) (1 abs)

Trafford’s Treuherz Georgia

This salt and pepper was the nicest in outline on final look, powerfully built and square in shape. With correct wiry coat, this bitch has a wonderful head shape and dark eye with keen expression. Correct front assembly in shoulder and legs leads to a strong, straight topline. The hindquarters were well muscled, with correct angulation. Happy to have awarded her RBB.

Parker’s Fostergiants Revelation at Draxpark

Again, another bitch of excellent type and shape, and will most likely change positions with (1) many times. With excellent head shape and dark eye, this bitch was confident in the showring and showed it. Arched neck into well laid shoulders and depth of chest. Strong topline and angulation in hindquarters.

Open Bitch (2) (1 abs)

Parker’s Draxpark Dramaticus

A feminine bitch with excellent proportions and looks fantastic in outline. Of good head shape and dark eye, the arched neck leads into well laid shoulders and strong legs. Good depth of chest and straight topline. Strong and well angulated hindquarters. Moved as one with handler. Proud to have awarded her BB & RBOB.

Veteran Bitch (0 entries)


Standard Schnauzer

Puppy Dog (2)

(1) Lockyer’s Miccosukees Look At Me

This dog is nice in outline and is sturdily built. With a keen expression, he has a strong head of good length and in proportion to body. Back is strong and straight, with well developed loins. Stood on good strong front legs which carries to feet. Proud to have presented this dog with RBD, BPD, BPIB & RBOB.

 (2) Ray’s Minnienoom Top Hat

Slightly taller than (1) but still of good proportion. Slightly sloping topline which leads into well developed loins and well muscled hindquarters. Coat was harsh and wiry. A well presented youngster just needs to fill out in shape.

Junior Dog (2) (1 abs)

Lockyer’s Miccosukees Apache

At 12 months old, this dog is of a wonderful square shape and is well proportioned throughout. He has a strong masculine head, deep broad chest with well sprung ribs. Thighs are strong and well angled from stifle to hock. Nice harsh wiry coat and moved well.

Post Graduate Dog (1)

Lockyer’s Miccosukees Maestro

A simply wonderful dog in great condition and well presented. With a lovely strong head and keen expression, this dog is well balanced across the topline and carries tail well. Loins are well developed with well sprung ribs and elbows are close to body. Hindquarters are well muscled and of correct angulation. Proud to have awarded this male with BD & BOB.

Open Dog (1)

Lockyer’s Miccosukees Ravens Claw

This male is sturdily built in shape and has a good length head shape and nice dark oval eye. Neck is slightly longer than would have preferred but is slightly arched and set cleanly into shoulder. Topline is straight and leads to a well set tail carriage. Moved well around the ring.

Veteran Dog (0 entries)

Puppy Bitch (3) (1abs)

A hard class to judge as both bitches were the same age but in very different stages of growth.

(1) Stacey’s A Lady Kida

This 7 month old bitch is very much a baby and needs time to fill out. However, is good in outline and has a very feminine head and expression. With a straight topline and correct angulation in hindquarters, she moved with drive around the ring. Just needs time but shows a lot of promise. Happy to award her with BPB.

(2) Ray’s Minnienoom Untie The Knot.

This youngster was sturdier in build than (1). Has a good strong head of good length. Nice dark eye with high set ears. Topline was straight and carried tail well. Just needs to settle on the move, but justified as still a puppy.


Junior Bitch (0 entries)

Post Graduate Bitch (3) (1 abs)

(1) Wawrzeniec’s Degaia Alarm Beskyd to Wyggyfuzz (Imp)

This salt and pepper bitch is of excellent shape and build. Dark oval eyes are set within a strong head which features high set V shaped ears. Neck is moderately long and flows into well laid shoulders. The chest is moderately broad with well sprung ribs. Topline is straight in outline and on the move. Moved with drive from behind. Happy to award her with RBB.

(2) Morgan’s Leebren Midnight Star Gazer at Hexenmeister

This black bitch has a feminine head and keen expression. Topline was slightly higher at hindquarter than shoulder but has well developed loins. Hindlegs were well angulated and muscled. A little too much furnishing on legs for me as detracts from movement.

Open Bitch (6) (2 abs)

Watson’s Miccosukees Guess Who at Jalero

A wonderfully mature schnauzer who moved so well around the ring with handler. In excellent condition, this bitch is well proportioned in size and shape. With a feminine head and keen expression, she has a good spring of rib and depth of chest. The straight topline leads to well developed loins. Nice harsh wiry coat. BB.

Miniature Schnauzer

Puppy Dog (2) (1 abs)

Fish’s Riesenheim Star In The Night for Dulejoes

This youngster is of excellent quality and cannot wait to see how he does in the future. Despite standing alone in this class, he oozes confidence and showmanship. Almost square in shape, he has a strong head carriage with a nice dark eye and high set V shaped ears. His shoulders are well laid in the body with a strong, straight leg bone which leads to the compact feet. Hindquarters are well angulated from stifle to hock. Fantastic harsh wiry coat. Proud to have awarded this dog BD, BPD, BPIB & RBOB.

Junior Dog (2) (1 abs)

Moorcroft’s Tammux Elementary Watson

A wonderfully built dog with excellent furnishings. The strong head is of good length and flows into a great reach of neck. Front legs are straight with elbows close to body. Nice spring of rib and moved well. RBD.

Post Graduate Dog (0 entries)

Open Dog (0 entries)

Veteran Dog (0 entries)

Puppy Bitch (2)

(1) Clay’s Silvamin’s Heartbreaker

This bitch has a wonderful head shape, with neat high set ears, good dark eye and feminine expression. Her neck flows well into her shoulders which are well laid. With great front assembly, she has good depth to her ribs. Her rear angulation was good and moved well around the ring. Proud to have presented this bitch with RBB, BPB, RBOB & BPIS.

(2) Phillips’ Muliebrity Wild Orchid at Summerview

Well presented but just needs to settle on movement. Lovely feminine head with a good length head, clean neat ears and strong neck. Good toline and tail set with well angulated rear.

Junior Bitch (0 entries)

Post Graduate Bitch (0 entries)

Open Bitch (2) (1 abs)

McDermott’s Lichstone Born to Dream

A truly wonderful bitch of good body shape and make, making her eye catching in BIS lineup. She has a beautiful feminine head with neat high set V shaped ears and dark oval eye. Her neck flows into well laid shoulders and has great front construction with deep well sprung ribs. Her hindquarters are well angulated and muscled and her topline leads to a well set tail and carriage. Moved with good reach and drive from behind. Very happy to have awarded this fantastic bitch with BOB & BIS.