• Show Date: 10/04/2023
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Alex Paisey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/08/2023

South West Hound Club

South West Hound Club 10th April 2023

My thanks to the secretary and committee for asking me judge at this lovely show. There was a great atmosphere throughout. A huge thank you to all exhibitors who entered. I had a lovely entry across many breeds and enjoyed your sporting nature. Finally a thank you to my steward Martin who kept us going at a good rate of knots.



1) & BOB - Stratton Mrs J W - Aheme Cinnamon Swirl for Justartee – Smart red female who was proportioned correctly. Finer in type, Femine head, good ears and skull shape. Neck of good length, leading to good front assembly. Chest of appropriate depth and good length to her ribbing. Short, strong loin Good topline, ok tail and tail set. Moderate rear angulation. Well conditioned throughout. Nice width coming and going, and covered the ground well in profile with typical movement.

2) Carrington Mrs A - Bushwacker Oceans Eleven – Tri dog, stronger in type than first and nice long legs. Masculine head, with good expression and eye shape. Well set ears. Neck of good length leading to a good shoulder assembly. Straight front. Chest had ok depth, and nice shape. Good topline. Correct tail and tail set. Rear quarters have a nice shape to them. Moved well in profile, using good condition to drive around.

Basset Fauve De Bretagne

Special Yearling

1) Leech Mrs J, and Miss A - Mochras Mahmalade By Jamchala – Smart girl of good proportions. Good head, nicely domed. Good neck length. Nice shoulder assembly and an appropriate chest depth. Good length of chest and loin. Good angles to her rear. Moved very well in profile.

2) Thorton Mrs E -Mochras Halo – pretty girl who did quite show to her full potential today. Would have like more leg length but had a lot of nice features. Nice head and ears. Nice neck and shoulders. Good chest depth and shape. Good bend of stifle and condition allowing good profile movement once settled.


1) & BOB - Allenby Mrs H and Mr S - Ch Rangali Yum Yum –A pleasure to go over! Good type, with excellent shape and substance. Lovely head, good proportions and correct features. Super angles both front and rear. Correct chest shape and depth, with a strong loin and topline. Well conditioned throughout meaning effortless coverage of the ground.

2) Allenby Mrs H and Mr S - Ch Rangali Tigger - Very strong boy who acts and is in the shape of a dog half his age, exudes masculinity throughout. Super head, excellent front. Strong neck and of good length. Good shoulders. Excellent chest, deep and of length. Strong loin and an excellent topline. Good rear assembly and width throughout. Needed to settle more on the move but saw enough for me to appreciate his quality.

3) & BP – Thornton, Mrs E & Leech, Dr A – Mochras Mahgaux

Bassett Griffon Vendeen (Grand)


1) & BOB – Cooper Miss C L - Jayanel Peppermint Patty – In proportion, with good leg length, and of excellent substance throughout. Good angulation in both her front and rear assemblies. Super head, lovely feminine expression and excellent ears. Good doming to her skull also. Correct length of neck, well placed shoulders and chest depth. Good length to her ribs and a pleasant shape to them. Coat rough and correct. Well muscled rear quarters. Super in profile, using her construction to provide a correct free stride with drive.

Bassett Griffon Vendeen (Petit)

Special Yearling

1) BOB and BIS – Cadmore, Mrs & Hayes Ms J & Moore Mrs D & Robertson Mrs S - Am Ch M and M’s Stellar Mayhem and Madness (Imp USA) – Very honoured to see him go BIS and deservedly so, no doubt an excellent future ahead of him! Super overall shape with everything in proportion and moderate throughout. Presented in excellent condition with harsh coat. Masculine head with good features, nice ears and head shape. Strong neck leading to super front. Good depth of chest and of length. Strong loin. Excellent rear angles with nice bend of stifle. Good feet. Came alive on the move, covering the ground with free action, and good use of his tail.

2) BP - Maudazi Joani Loves Chacha – Reid Mrs D & Mr P First outing for this girl but showing promise. Smart head, pretty with typical puppy furnishings. In proportion, and of good substance. Nice ear set, and neck length. Good angles to her front and rear. Well ribbed and of length. Nice tail set and used well. Moved well with nice reach and drive.


1) & RBOB – Cadmore Mrs E & Major Ms B - Ch Soletrader Flora Good Time – a very smart girl with quality throughout and in excellent condition. Predominantly white with darker mask. Pretty head, of equal features. Good size to her ears. Strong neck of good length and excellent front. Chest of good size and shape. Good top line, and strong loin. Good rear angulation, and use of tail throughout. Excellent movement in profile with good width coming and going.

2) Reid Mrs D & Mr P - Maudaxi Fonzie Foxtrot – Smart dog at one of his first outings. Still with puppy furnishings but typical masculine and cheeky. In proportion for age, with good angles all around. Chest/ribbing good for his age and of good length. Once settled, moved well and showed promise.

Basset Hound

Post Graduate

1) & RBOB - Saunders Mrs LA - Beckshounds Luminara – Smart Black and white girl, with nice substance. Very pleasant head, with excellent proportions. correct ear length, nicely set. Good neck, leading to a super front. Lovely chest and fill, of good shape and length. Good loin length and top line rear matches the front for good angulation. Moved well in profile despite tricky surface, true coming and going. A bright future I am sure. Pushed for BOB today.


1) & BOB – Turner Mrs C J - Ch Lauralee Dont Stop Me Now of Devonhound - Red and White bitch, of good substance. Another struggling with the surface. Liked her head, feminine with the correct planes. Good ear set and of length. Good neck leading to super front assembly. Good chest depth and shape. Ribs of good length and good strong loin. Level topline. Super read assembly. Really lovely mover, super in profile and true beyond that.

2) Beckett Mrs J - Beckshounds Layerorgana – A nice bitch and in proportion. Good ears and set. Strong neck of good length. A good lay of shoulder, well ribbed, of shape and good length. Nicely made rear assembly. Moved out well.


Post Graduate

Two raw youngsters on show today, however both of good stature and underpinnings and good eyes.

1) Prior Mr J - Houndseeker Dauntless – Masculine head and nicely set ears. Strong neck leading to a nicely set front. Chest was deep but need filling, which will come with age. Good length to his ribs. Strong loin. Moderate rear assembly giving good movement in profile. Showed a good amount of width, and felt he was more settled for me today

2) Burnside Miss E & Manley Mr R – Houndseeker Dragonfly – Litter sister and naturally finer, but still of good size. Good head and in proportion. Nice neck length leading to good shoulers. Appropriate chest size for age, and of good length. Good rear end assembly. She moved well in profile if a little loose coming and going. Needs to fill out.


1) & BOB – Pennington Miss H - Blistatelnaya Xenia Iz Doma Markovyh Ay Houndseeker – Smart bitch of good type, size and proportion. Feminine head with correct proportions. Good ears, nicely set and of good size. Good shoulder assembly and chest size/shape. good top line, and tail set. Moved very in profile and should push on in the future once finishes.


Post Graduate

1) BOB and BPIS - Ham Mr S D & Mrs A - Ravensett Ashkan – Smart dog of good size and proportion. Striking gold colour. Elegant head, and nice feathering. Good muscle throughout. Strong neck, good lay his shoulders. Appropriate chest shape and depth for age, but still young and will no doubt finish nicely. Good rib length, and strong loin. Good rear angulation with nice tone also. Moved well in profile, with typical effortless nature.

2) Williams Mrs E F - Fencruiser Prince – Cream in colour and finer in type than first. Still with plenty of growing to do. In proportion and with handsome expression. Still very raw and with plenty of scope to grow. Well conditioned throughout and once settled moved out well.