• Show Date: 21/01/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Wolfgang Eickert Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: English Setter

Manchester- 1/21/2023

I thank the Manchester Dog Show Society for my first invitation to award the CC for English Setters in the United Kingdom. It was a very enjoyable day and a huge thank you to all exhibitors who have given me such a great entry! I was very fortunate to have my two very accomplished ring secretaries Steve Collier and Eric Stephenson by my side. I had many high quality Setters to go over, but I also saw some of them with flagging tails, too many with a lack of forechest, very small teeth and kinks in their tail. I was looking after correct breed type, elegant well balanced appearance, substance and a powerful steady movement required in a gundog.

MPD (2,1) 1. Williams Bournehouse Abracadabra. Already very well developed young tri male, with a typical head, dark oval eyes, strong chest and good forechest, clean over neck and shoulders, good bone and topline, excellent angulations and coat condition, moved correctly.

PD (2,1) 1. McKiernan’s Bushbane Celtic Patriot. Elegant 10 month old dark tri, strong bone, nice headshape, dark eyes, strong forechest and deep chest, short coupled, strong pastern, good feet, excellent coat and condition, moved powerfuly with good tail action. Easy to award him BEST PUPPY IN BREED.

JD (2,1) 1. Snook’s Moorbrook Mogul of March. Dark bb with a pleasing head, dark eyes and soft expression, correct in forechest, depth of chest and rib, rounded croup, level topline, correct angulation in front and rear, moved correctly.

GD (9,3) 1. Taylor’s Wansleydale Maybee. Well balanced, masculine and very elegant bb, lean head with dark oval eyes and soft expression, low set ears, correct lay back of shoulders, clean over the withers, excellent in forechest, deep brisket, strong short pasterns, excellent angulation in front and rear, excellent spring of ribs, level topline which he kept on the move with powerful action, lashing tail and high head carriage, a very sound mover.  CC.  2. Thomson’s Maursett Morganite for Caspellwynd. Elegant tri, with a classical head, dark eyes, long well muscled neck, strong topline, good chest and spring of ribs, short from hock to foot not as powerful on the move as my first.

PG (3) 1. Johnston’s Wansleydale Beguiled Of Loonbrae. A compact masculine tri, with a wonderful classical head, very dark eyes, low set ears, muscled neck flows into a strong topline, excellent chest, strong pasterns, short coupled, good on the move with nice tail action.2. Ward’s Mariglen Wilbur. Young elegant tri male, needs a little time to mature, beautiful lean head, long neck flows into well placed shoulders, strong topline but rounded croup, correct forechest, deep brisket, correct movement.

LD (13) A big class with very different breed types. 1. Watt’s Walshaw Brushstrokes. An elegant masculine dark tri in full coat and from medium size, very well balanced with a wonderful head, dark oval eyes and soft expression, low set ears, muscled neck to well placed shoulders, strong topline and good loin, excellent angulations in front and hindquarters, very good ribcage and forechest, correct feet, moved correct but didn’t have the extension of the winner. Res.CC  2. Thomson’s Bushbane Rathlin Caspelwynd.  Strong masculine tri, with a well shaped head, kind expressive eyes and low set ears, strong bone, strong ribcage and depth to brisket, good length of neck and level topline, moved correctly.


OD (7) 1. McKiernan’s Bushbane Celtic Rant. Attractive and masculine ob dog, classical head, low ear-set, muscled neck, correct lay back of shoulder, level topline which he kept on the move with powerful action and lashing correct tail action, strong bone, excellent coat, strong forechest and deep brisket, good spring of ribs, well developed rear quarters, short pasterns, correct feet.     2. Williams’s  Sh Ch Bournehouse Secret Admirer. Tri dog with an elegant lean head, expressive dark eyes, strong bone, well balanced over all, excellent chest, short coupled, strong short pasterns, excellent topline which he kept on the move, prefered the powerful action of his son.

VD (1) 1. Brown’s Mariglen Top Gear At Yendorlech. 7.5 years light tri dog, shown in great condition, wonderful masculine head, dark eyes, muscled neck flowing in good placed shoulder, strong ribcage and deep brisket, strong topline which he kept on his powerful move with drive and nice lashing tail action. BEST VETERAN IN BREED

SBD (5) 1. Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper. Good sized bb dog, with a typical head, very dark eyes, good head proportions, good reach of neck, correct shoulders, correct bone, nice ribcage, level topline, moved soundly with correct tail action. BEST SPECIAL BEGINNERS  2. Dunwell’s Paduan Remebrance . Masculine bb dog,well balanced head with dark oval eyes, well placed ears, good reach of neck, good forechest and deep brisket, good spring of ribs, level topline, well angulated in front and rear quarters, good on the move.

MPB (4,1) 1. Sharlpes’s Kanietter Sabonette. Lovely puppy bb with a very nice headshape, dark expressive eyes, lean long neck, excellent layback of shoulders, good forechest for her age, well angulated in front and rear quarters, accurate movement. 2. Gardener’s Mariglen Midnight Muse of Danwish. Feminine light tri puppy with a pleasing head, dark eyes, lean long neck, excellent layback of shoulder, round bone, well angulated, very similar to 1. a close decision.

PB (3,1) 1. Owen’s Sharnyx Sparklin Starlight at Cornsett. A well balanced elegant ob puppy, with a beautiful head and soft expression, long lean neck, excellent shoulders, level topline, strong hindquarters, already a good developed forechest and ribcage, moves easy and steady, with lovely tail action. 2. Stephenson’s Mariglen Wave Dancer for Bondgate. Attractive bb puppy, feminine well defined typical head, dark expressive eyes, long neck, good shoulder placement, strong topline, round croup, strong bones and short pasterns, moves well with good tail action.

JB ( 3) 1. Howarth’s Moorbrook Owdid Thatappen. A feminine compact dark bb bitch, nice well shaped head, strong bone, excellent chest and ribcage, short coupled, well muscled over all, excellent topline, which she kept on her powerful effortless movement, excellent tail action.2. McDowell’s Moorbrook Miss Marple Avec Bydales. Litter sister to 1, also a dark feminine compact bb, with very similar attributes to her sister but I prefered the movement of 1.

GB (6) 1. Loakes’ Goldbirch Hearts Desire. Very attractive tri bitch, super head with a melting expression, long lean neck, good shoulders, strong level topline, super croup and perfect tailset,correct angulation in front and rear quarters, good bone presented in excellent condition, correct on the move. 2. Grimsdell’s Tattersett Dark Amber. Typical feminine ob bitch, well defined head, oval skull, long muscled neck, good front, rounded bone, excellent topline which she kept on the move, well angulated in front and rear, excellent chest.

PGB (3,1) 1. Wale’s Chanina Golden Rose. Glorious elegant ob bitch, lovely headed with dark eyes,oval skull, long and lean neck and well placed shoulders, good length of upper arm, elbows well tucked in, strong bones, very good forechest and deep brisket, excellent coat , short pasterns which gives her the powerful drive on the move with lashing tail, proud to award her the Res.CC .2. Dobbie’s Tattersett Swiss Storm at Suthron. Feminine bb bitch, typical headshape, dark oval eyes, oval skull, low set ears, well build ribcage, deep brisket, short coupled, good coat, good mover but unfortunately drops off a little over croup on the move.

LB (14,2) 1.Sharples’s Mariglen Serendipity at Kanietter. Glamorous dark ob bitch, catching my eyes when entering the ring, prettiest of heads with very dark oval eyes, correct neck into clean shoulders, excellent depth of brisket, well sprung ribs, level firm topline which she kept on the move, short coupled, on the move she didn’t put a foot wrong, covering the ground with reach and drive with a perfect slashing tailaction and natural high head carriage. Thrilled to award her the CC & BOB. 2. Taylor’s Wansleydale Bizzie Bee. Attractive dark tri bitch, with a pleasing head, dark eyes and nice expression, good length of neck, well placed shoulders, correct topline, good forechest and depth to brisket, strong bone, correct angulation in front and rear quarters, steady on the move.

OB (6,2) 1. Sh Ch Grimsdell’s Tattersett Dark Honey. Very well balanced ob bitch, pretty lean head, dark eye and melting expression, good length of neck, clean over shoulders, strong topline, excellent croup, well set tail, strong bone, great condition, natural high head carriage with attractive tail action on her sound move. 2. Buckley’s  Sh ChTattersett Cool Roxy at Fishwick. Feminine ob bitch, litter sister to 1. very similar in head and expression, but topline and croup slightly different, strong bone, correct angulation in front and rear quarters, deep brisket, good forechest, nice spring of rips, moved correctly.

VB (2,1) 1.McCabe’s Sh Ch Rachdale Elegance. An ob English Lady of high quality, beautiful head and dark expressive eyes, presented in excellent condition, she kept her topline on the move, strong bone and ribcage.

Wolfgang Eickert