• Show Date: 06/05/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Will Croxford Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 08/11/2023

Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Norwegian Elkhound

Birmingham National 6th May

Norwegian Elkhounds

Firstly I would like to thank Birmingham National for this appointment, on what was already a special day, they pulled out all the stops putting on a fantastic show, which ran so smoothly and made it feel very special. Without these hardworking committee members, we would not have these shows, we must appreciate everything they do. Secondly I would like to thank the exhibitors for your entry.

This was my second time awarding CC’s in Elkhounds with a fabulous entry of 42, which in these times was so nice to see. I would also like to thank everyone with their kind words and support given the circumstances at the times it is very reassuring that we have people like this in the breed.

It was difficult to stay away from the breed ring and results as I have been at nearly every show, exhibiting, working or spectating. As a breed we have some lovely dogs out there, but we also need to realise that we have areas we can improve on.

This is a dog show, a beauty contest, first impressions are everything and it was upsetting to see the number of dogs that hadn’t had a brush put through them or seen a bath for the show or longer. No dogs coat should be dirty or greasy, you can bath a dog every weekend and maintain a quality textured coat, if you know what you’re doing. As a whole I feel the breed is in an ok position, I do believe the bitches are much stronger than the males.

Class 2529 Special Beginners Dog (2,0)

1st Friends, Bowerhinton Boromir, a young male, who had a masculine head, with a good muzzle. Could have had a darker eye, was well boned and muscled throughout, he has a well set tail. Movement was adequate.

2nd Cuss, Norvin Orkla, another young male, who I think needs time to mature. He had enough bone, and for his age was well bodied. Well set ears, strong neck. Was a nice mover in profile.

Class 2530 (0,0)

Class 2531 (0,0)

Class 2532 (0,0)

Class 2533 Yearling Dog (2,0)

1St Cuss, Norvin Orkla.

2nd Preston, Launder, Cealdstan After Eight (AI).

Class 2534 Post Graduate Dog (4,0)

1st Clarke, Graythor Cosmopolitan, has a pleasing wedged head, with a good eye. A heavier set male with ample bone. He held a good topline on the move, with a well set tail. He was in good coat and condition, and moved soundly throughout.

2nd Cuss, Norvin Orkla.

3rd Stone, Laakso Eike.

Class 2535 Limit Dog (3,0)

1st Gold, Graythor At The Venetian With Llassah, a very attractive male, and so pleasing to go over. A heavier built male, with a strong dark head on him, good eye and ears which he used well. Well laid shoulders, into strong topline. Ample depth of chest, and length of loin. Good set tail, and presented in good coat. Delighted to award him the CC, which I later found out was his crown.

2nd Mcmahon, Seasara High Flyer, another good male, not as dark a first. An attractive head, on ok shoulders. Well bodied and boned. A strong headed male with very attentive ears. Good angulation, and pleasing on the move.

3rd Stephenson, Norvin Marvel Of Brawdor.

Class 2536 (2,2)

Class 2537 Veteran Dog (2,0)

Two exceptional examples of Elkhound veterans.

1st Maun, Ch Bowerhinton Brouhaha, pleasing male, with a lovely square outline. Balanced throughout, well off for bone. Good head, into a good lay of shoulder and depth of chest. A sound mover. Later awarded RCC.

2nd Stephenson, Bowerhinton Bangalor At Brawdor. This veteran was lovely to go over, has a good strong head on him, in great body and muscle. An alert male, good strong fore quarters, topline slightly falls away. A powerful moving dog when he wanted to play ball with his handler, but on this day he wanted to enjoy his day out, a true credit to owners.

Class 2539 Minor Puppy Bitch (1,1)

Class 2540 Puppy Bitch (2,1)

1st Maun, Bowerhinton Blackbird, very pretty puppy bitch, with a good wedge head and eye. Shorter in leg than I would like, but balanced in outline. Has a wonderful coat, is in good condition for a puppy. Well set tail, sound on the move, will follow her career. BPIB.

Class 2541 Junior Bitch (1,0)

1st Mortimer, Laakso Helli, an attractive bitch, slightly darker in colour. Nice and compact with good length of loin. An appealing head and expression, with well set ears. Balanced throughout, with good angulation, movement was adequate all round.

Class 2542 Yearling Bitch (4,0)

1st Simmonds & Mott, Kamgaard Kome Fly With Me, as soon as this bitch walked in I loved her, she was presented in the most beautiful coat. Created a stunning outline, a very alert bitch, with a feminine head on her, ears slightly larger than I would like but none the less very good and well used. A strong neck into good front, good length of loin, strong topline. Good set tail, ample muscle and angulation. Was a sound mover, very much considered her for the top awards.

2nd Barganska, Brumous A New Dawn For Barbelka, another attractive young bitch, with a nice head. She was of good height, with a good tail set, sound mover all round.

Class 2543 Post Graduate Bitch (2,0)

1st Barganska, Brumous A New Dawn For Barbelka.

2nd Bargankska, Cealdstan Ancestral Voice Of Barbelka (AI)

Class 2544 Limit Bitch (7,1)

1st Mortimer, Laakso Gunni, lovely compact bitch, who was very feminine in appearance. A pretty bitch in head, who was in great condition, she had good substance all round. Good strong neck, into well laid shoulders and strong topline, with great bone on her, she was a good strong mover, later awarded RCC.

2nd Maun, Bowerhinto Bright Lady, another good bitch, who is darker in colour, in good coat. She was a compact bitch, with nice bone and in good body. She had an attractive head, another good mover and well handled.

Class 2545 Open Bitch (6,1)

1st Simmonds & Mott, AM CH Kamgaard Kome From Away, another bitch from this kennel that was presented in amazing condition. Lovely length of skull, into good depth of chest and well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest, strong topline good length of loin. Well set tail. she was a very alert, and sound strong moving bitch, delighted to award her the CC & BOB.

2nd Maun, CH Bowerhinton Bee Portia. A very nice feminine bitch, with nice expression. She had a good neck, into strong topline and tail set, she created a lovely typical moving outline in profile.

Class 2546 Veteran Bitch (2,0)

1st Preston & Launder, Barbelka Aurora Nights Of Cealdstan, this old veteran still had a lovely head on her, she was in good body and good coat for her age. Lovely to go over, a strong mover for her age.

2nd Jepson, Bowerhinton Bombette, a pretty bitch, who again was in good body, moved soundly round the ring for age.