• Show Date: 23/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Wendy Pickup Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 02/10/2023

Sussex Spaniel Association

Breed: Spaniel (Sussex)

Sussex Spaniel Association – 23rd September 2023

Special Award classes

Class A – Special Award Special Yearling Dog or Bitch (6, 0abs)

1st Bradbury’s & Preston’s Harasteorra Big Bear JW.

21 month old male with balanced outline, slight tuck up through the loin at the moment, but he will deepen as he matures. Solid and strong all through, when fully mature will trouble the best. Loved his head and kind expression, prominent frown and obvious stop, muzzle balanced with skull, ears close to head and covered with wavy hair. Would have preferred a slightly neater forequarter assembly, but there is plenty of time for him to tighten. Pleasing depth of chest, excellent deep rib cage, very good bone and lots of feathering on his round feet. Showed himself off well. Exuded happiness and joy, wagged his tail, was expertly handled and moved with true action.

2nd Barnes’ Saxonbejayz John Kerr JW.

Slightly younger male than 1st. I was impressed by the balance of his clean sloping shoulders and matching hind angulation, although preferred the body properties of 1st today. Masculine head, soft expression, indentation from stop along skull, strong neck and firm body with good depth. Well ribbed back, muscular loin, very good bone, round feet. Attractive golden liver coat, moved straight coming and going and was well handled, wagged all the way.

3rd Davey’s Eald Bull Eagle.

Class B – George & Mavis Lancaster Memorial Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (9, 1abs).

1st Swietalski’s Fred Siop Ganol into Bowswizzler. Best overall from Special Awards classes.

Filled my eye today, a typical Sussex Spaniel who fits the breed standard well. His skull has slight curve, ears set on fairly low, Soft expression from kind eye. Impressive angulation fore and aft, deep chest, well muscled back, good spring of rib, strong loin. Level all through, excellent bone, big knuckles and correct round feet. Well handled and was happy all the time with wagging tail, moved freely and was a joy to watch.

2nd Mowbray’s Crumbledor Rebus Hagrid.

Well shaped head showing typical frowns over fairly large eyes, large lighter coloured nostrils. Neck of good length and with slight throatiness, carried well just above line of back. Sloping shoulders, with matching appealing rear angulation. Good bone, big knees and hocks, just lost out to 1st because pasterns sloped slightly which affected front movement. Well presented straight coat, plenty of feathering, sympathetic handling.

3rd Beecham’s Crumbledor Albus Dumbledor at Rydonmist.

Class C – Penygader Memorial Special Award Champion Dog or Bitch (3, 1abs)

1st Alderson’s Sh Ch Megamooch Ulysses.

Really looked the part, a lovely outline, balanced all through. Looked great on the stack, in profile he just stood himself correctly every time. A strong dog who was definitely a male, excellent bone and correct round feet. Head slightly too heavy, and sometimes stood a bit lazily from the front, would have preferred straighter posture from the front today, but moved straight and true coming towards and going away. Showed typical roll when moving, was active and wagged his docked tail.

2nd Mowbray’s Sh Ch Gainsmill Lilly Luna Potter at Crumbledor.

Feminine head, balanced properties, muzzle of a length to match slightly rounded skull, kind eyes under characteristic frowns, good stop, well feathered ears. Good length of neck, well set into withers and level top line, tail set on low and carried level on the move. Good feel to rib cage which had plenty of spring and reached well back to strong loin. Well angulated, proportionate bone, round feet, plenty of feathering between toes. Attractive coat with typical gold tips. Chest was rather too wide, and this affected her movement today.

Judge: Wendy Pickup.