- Show Date: 02/06/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Vanessa Cox Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Southern Counties Canine Association
Southern Counties Ch Show 2023- Norwich Terriers
As the breed is on the KC category 2 breed watch list, I can confirm that I checked carefully and did not find any respiratory issues in today’s entry.
MPD (1)
1. Crawley’s Ragus Punch Bowl. Smart pup, just 7 months old, he scores highly for his compact profile, plenty of substance and bone for one so young. Loved his head, good breadth to his skull, well placed ears, strong muzzle and a keen expression. Fair length of neck, fitting nicely into laid shoulders, well ribbed, short level back, and high set tail. Beautifully presented double jacket. Came into his own on the move, with good reach and drive and parallel going away. Pleased to award him BPIB.
JD (1)
1. Haynes’ Ragus Taking Steps with Alantro. Just 12 months, think he had his naughty head on today as it took a little while to settle, but I liked that cheeky happy personality. He has a lot to like with his nicely balanced, compact profile. Lovely headpiece with good breadth to skull, well defined stop, neatly placed ears, strong muzzle and dark oval eyes giving a keen expression. Well off for bone, can stand a little wide at front at times, well ribbed back and tail set on high. Well presented jacket of good texture. Once settled, he moved well on the go around, parallel rear with plenty of drive from behind. Best Junior.
PGD (1)
1. Graves’ Belleville I’m at Pipsacre. Attractive boy, with plenty of substance. Strong well balanced masculine head with good skull to muzzle proportions, dark eyes giving a keen expression. Neck is of fair length, fitting into well laid shoulders, good ribbing, level top-line, just a tad long in loin. Good front and rear angulations. Good quality jacket. Moved well on the go around with good reach in front and drive from behind
LD (3)
1. Crawley’s Mr Holmes Investigates Ragus. Quality dog, admired him for his lovely compact profile. Super head piece, well proportioned, with broad skull, defined stop, strong muzzle and a keen expression. Good neck and forehand, short level back, good in rib, into a short strong loin topped off with harsh double jacket. Gaiting around the ring with and easy stride and good reach in front and drive from behind well let down hocks. In with a shout for top honours.
2. Martin’s Ragus Oh Boy. Pleasing for size, substance and overall balance, with a compact outline. Good head and expression, with dark eyes and keen expression, would like just a touch more strength to his muzzle. Fair length of neck, fitting nicely into well laid shoulders, good depth and spring of rib, level top-line and short loin. Well presented harsh jacket. Once settled, he gaited freely and with drive from behind.
3. Stevenson’s Brickin All’s Fine and Dandy.
OD (4,1abs)
1. Crawley’s Kaju Shot in The Dark. This young man gave me food for thought certainly when it came to awarding top honours as he was not sporting a harsh top coat on the day. For me where he scores highly is his gorgeous head, oozing breed type, its so well balanced, neat ears, dark eyes with a keen typical expression. Short sturdy body, low to the ground, excellent conformation throughout, good length of neck, short level top-line and strong short loin. Where this boy also scores highly is when he is on the move, he gaits around the ring with and easy stride and good reach in front and drive from behind from his short well let hocks. So on balance I was happy to award him the DCC but gave the nod in the BOB challenge to the BCC as she was in better coat.
2. Ackling, Hitchen & Lumpkin’s Ch Kreatin Extra Factor TAF. Again another nicely balanced boy, short and cobby in profile. Attractive head with good skull to muzzle proportions, dark oval-shaped eyes with keenness of expression. Good forehand, well ribbed and good depth of chest, level topline and strong loin. Well presented jacket of good texture. Moved out well in profile and away and back, not quite the quite the drive from his hocks of the winner. Pleased to award him the RDCC.
3. Batey’s Contilly On A Roll.
SPGD (1)
1. Morris & Reid’s Brickin Blame The Game. Quite compact, and well boned, a touch more substance would give him a more cobby appearance. Good head, neat ears and strong muzzle, eyes could be a touch smaller. Fair length of neck, level topline, well ribbed, loin could be a toucher shorter for balance. Good movement going away and in profile just a touch wide coming on. Shown in harsh jacket, a little too much taken out.
PB (2)
1. Batey’s Contilly Smoke and Burn. Quality young lady, appeals for her compact and low to the ground profile, still developing to do of course, but has good substance and bone for her age. Feminine head, neat ears, very dark oval eyes with bright expression. Good neck, level topline, nicely angulated both ends, and tail set on and carried well. Her harsh jacket is developing along the right lines. Scored highly on the move, gaiting freely with drive.
2. Thompson-Morgan’s Belleville So Smitten. Another quality youngster, lovely construction and compact outline. Pleasing head, very feminine, but has breadth to skull and strength to muzzle, well placed ears, and oval dark eyes giving a keen expression. Good length of neck, well laid shoulders, firm level top-line and well angulated hindquarters. Presented in super coat of good harsh texture . Moved out positively on the go around, not quite the fluidity of the winner as yet.
JB (1)
1. Stevenson’s Brickin Mint Edition. .A feminine youngster with lots of developing to do, liked her size not quite the substance or balance yet and appears a touch long cast. Sweet nicely proportioned head, dark expressive eyes giving a bright expression. Good length of neck fitting nicely into well laid shoulders, level topline, good angulations front and rear. Needing to grow her jacket. Moved out well on the go around.
PGB (4,2abs)
1. Hitchen’s Kreatin Truly Extra . My star of the day, this little girl oozes femininity, she appeals for her compact low to the ground outline. Feminine head, good breadth and width between her neat well placed ears and a bright keen expression. Good length of neck fitting nicely into well laid shoulders, level top-line, super rib and short muscular loin. Well presented double jacket to complete the picture. This girl comes alive on the move, gaitiing around the ring with ease, moving true both ways and parallel from behind. Pleased to award her BCC and BOB.
2. Graves’ Pipsacre Spring Tide . Attractive girl who scores in her cobby shape and size. Attractive feminine head, with enough breadth and width, neat well placed ears and a keen and bright expression. Good length of neck, leading into well laid shoulders, level topline, strong loin just a tad longer than winner. Good depth and spring of rib, topped off with well presented quality coat. Moved well on the go around, looking good in profile, parallel rear, not quite the propulsion behind of the winner, but a quality girl who I was happy to award the RBCC.
OB (3,1abs)
1. Innett & Harrison’s Ragus Blowing Kisses to Carradine. Cobby girl built along slightly bigger lines but all in proportion, with good substance and low to the ground appearance. Beautiful head and keen expression, good breath and width between her well placed ears. She was sporting quite a big jacket, so you need to get your hands in to appreciate her qualities, neck of good length flowing into well laid shoulders, level topline, strong loin and good tail set. Sound and accurate on the move with good propulsion from her well let down hocks. Very nice girl, in the challenge, I just preferred the lightly smaller size of my main winners.
2. Hitchen’s Ch Kreatin Extra Treat. Different type from winner, smaller girl with good bone and substance, short and compact in profile. Attractive head, neat ears, dark eye giving a keen expression. Well laid shoulders, short back, level top-line, lovely ribbing, firm loin and tail of good set. Super coat both presentation and texture. When she settled, she moved out well in profile, and away and back, couldn’t quite match the propulsion from her hocks of the winner.
Vanessa Cox (Judge)