- Show Date: 26/05/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: TRUDY Topliss Contact Judge
- Published Date: 30/09/2023
English Springer Spaniel Club Of Wales
English Springer Spaniel Club Of Wales
26 May 2023
Judge Mrs Trudy Topliss
I was first offered this appointment by the former Show Secretary, Liz Williams, a couple of decades ago. Never one to rush into anything, I finally managed to take the society up on the offer. Two decades on and how things have changed, sadly not for the better, so many top kennels no longer exhibiting, fewer dogs overall and whilst many exhibitors’ faces were very familiar, the lack of new exhibitors in our breed was very apparent. On the positive side, the sun was shining and people around the ring seemed to be enjoying their day on the superb showground. What a pleasure to be given a ring which could have been used for flat green bowling. Many thanks to the exhibitors and my very able steward.
And so to the dogs
Minor Puppy Dog 3 (0 absent). Lovely start to the judging. Three promising pups at different stages of development. 1st Walker’s Dexbenella It’s Only Me. A substantial black and white boy teaming with quality. Well-developed all through. Standing on the best of legs and feet, elbows nicely tucked in, he really fills the eye. Super deep body, well ribbed back to close couplings and strong quarters with great width of thigh. Moved soundly. Best Puppy dog. 2nd Bullock’s Trixhund Secret Obsession. Compact nicely coupled boy with decent bone and feet. His head is balanced and he looks at you with a pleasing expression. Eye shape correct but eyes need to darken a tad. A little more maturing to do but has all the essentials. Moved out well keeping a good topline on a lovely stride. 3rd Havard’s Annavah Accomplice
Puppy Dog 2 (1 absent) 1st Walker’s Dexbenella It’s Only Me.
Junior Dog 2 (0 absent) 1st Such’s Carlyquinn Captain Ross, a substantial, strong, and well-built boy. He appeals on the stack and overall, he is well constructed, showing balance with good height to length ratio. He has a decent length of leg with good bone and feet. He is deep through the brisket and well ribbed to a strong loin. His neck is strong, and flows well into his shoulders. His head is balanced with good muzzle and flews. Eyes are correct in shape but need to darken a tad which I am sure they will. Super driving movement from a well put together rear, solid thighs of great width. Super profile movement a touch loose in front today. Promising lad. 2nd Fugle & Cook’s Russell At Cumani (IMP ITA). A smaller frame than the class winner. At an in between stage in his development as the moment. His head is a decent length but is too strong in the back skull. He has a decent muzzle and eye shape. Nicely handled and moved with purpose.
Novice Dog 0 entries
Yearling Dog 3 (1 absent)1st Walker’s Dexbenella Double Oh Seven, fell hook line and sinker for this substantial boy who shows maturity beyond his years. He filled my eye on the stack with his balanced angulation and profuse coat. He has a masculine head which could break a little more yet. Kind eyes which are darkening nicely. Another standing on well boned legs. When you put your hands on his middle piece, he has depth in abundance and is nicely ribbed back to close couplings. Super well-muscled quarters. His quality is there for all to see, he carries himself so well and keeps his handler on high alert. Loved him. Dog CC. and Reserve Best In Show 2nd Hill’s Dexbenella Double Trouble At Teignvalley, litter brother to the class winner and carries some similarities. He is as smart as paint; his coat is presented in the best of order. As yet, is far more immature than his brother. Carries a well-proportioned head, eyes need to darken a touch still. Strong neck into nicely angulated front. He moves freely but doesn’t make it easy for his handler and he needs to tighten in front a tad. Nonetheless a stylish boy. 3rd Such’s Carlyquinn Captain Ross
Graduate Dog 1 (1 absent)
Post Graduate Dog 2 (1 absent)1st Gledhill’s Greg De Les Tres LLacunes (IMP ESP) The first words in my notes about this boy are “Super, all of the bits and all in the right place”. He has all the essentials I was looking for. Gorgeous head eye and expression, correctly proportioned and balanced, could have stood there looking at it for ages. The breed cannot afford to lose this type of head and expression. He stands on super feet and well bones limbs and has lovely depth of body. He moved really well, parallel, and true, fore, and aft. Liked him a lot.
Limit Dog 4 (0 absent) 1st Casey & Jayes Sandylands Xpress Delivery, took my eye in this class from the moment he entered the ring. Immaculately presented boy who was in tip top condition from his head to his heels. So lovely to see a dog oozing attitude. This boy really stands so well over his ground. He has a superflowing outline and is moderately angulated front and back which gives him balance and symmetry. His strong neck blends well into his shoulders and his topline is perfect, flowing into his tail which is correctly set on. Another standing of great legs and feet with elbows well tucked in. On the move he really comes into his own and those feet have such a lightness of touch enabling him to cover the ground effortlessly. Very impressive boy. 2nd Richardson & Terry-Richardson’s Cherishym Dofida, Compact and stylish boy with a pleasing masculine, well moulded head which is set off by a kind dark eye giving a soft expression. This boy carries a lot of coat so you really need to get your hands on him to assess him. I liked what I found. He has a strong neck leading to a well ribbed middle and he is strong over the loin. Short hock to heel which is good to see. Beautifully presented coat but dare I say it, would benefit from a bit taking off his undercarriage feathers. Not the easiest dog to move for his handler, when he gets going, he moves on a long easy stride. Overall, a nice springer. 3rd Morgan’s Dexbenella Frilled To Bitz
Open Dog 3 (1 absent) 1st Mitchell’s Sh Ch Peasblossom Zanti, lovely typey boy oozing style and quality. Stacked he demonstrates a balanced eye-catching clean outline. His handler knows how to get the best from him. The first visual impression of him is excellent and he doesn’t disappoint on closer inspection. He has a pleasing head which is masculine with chiselling around his correctly shaped dark dreamy eyes. He is clean and strong through the neck into a correctly proportioned middle. Well ribbed back into strong couplings. Super firm topline apparent both on the stack and whilst moving. Lovely turn of stifle which in conjunction with short rear pasterns gave him plenty of drive from the rear. Overall, I liked him a lot, refined without a hint of coarseness about him. Will always trouble the best. 2nd Bullock’s Trixhund This Is My Destiny, smart outline on this well-proportioned boy. I found his head to be well balanced with enough width to his muzzle and a kind enquiring masculine expression. Super bone and legs on this boy with decent well-padded feet. Generally pleasing all through, good in the middle with nicely turned stifles. Today was not fully concentrating on the move but he does go on a lovely stride.
Champion Dog 1 (0 absent) 1st Eyeington’s Sh Ch Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt. Super boy who has always appealed to me since I saw him as a puppy. A very worthy champion, built on a bigger frame than some but in no way coarse. He is balanced and nicely proportioned all through. Shown in super coat and condition. He has a well-proportioned masculine head with an endearing expression. Super limbs on this boy, great bone, and decent feet. Strong neck into a nicely angulated front and fabulous middle. Everything about him is strong and sturdy and he excels in his great powerful meaty quarters. They have super width and give him so much propulsion, He covers the ground so well and as usual was showing his socks off. Reserve Dog CC.
Veteran Dog 3 (0 absent). I really must admit that I found this class very hard to judge. It seems somewhat unfair to judge a seven-year-old against a couple into double figures. They all had some lovely qualities. 1st Woodbridge’s Crackerjanne Court Jester This boy is compact smart and neatly packaged throughout. He has a nicely balanced head with good eye shape and colour. He looks at you with a pleasing alert expression. His moderate neck runs well into a nicely laid-back shoulder. His body is very good with decent ribbing and depth to his brisket. Overall, a lovely boy. Best Veteran In Show 2nd Taubman’s Meonstoke Hawthorn, this is a super veteran who lost out today only by virtue of age. He is a lovely smart type of springer with lots to like about him. His head is masculine and he has super dreamy dark eyes, which contribute to his kind expression. He is clean through the neck and throat. Particularly like his lovely bone and feet. He moves well using his strong well-muscled hindquarters to advantage. Was very much in tune with his handler today. 3rd Charlton’s Petranella Jubilee Jester.
Special Beginners Dog 0 entries
Minor Puppy Bitch 4 (0 absent)1st Havard’s Annavah Aquarius, super baby who put in the best performance in the class today, clean lines when stacked, creating a lovely profile, just right for age, nothing overdone. Has lots of potential for the future. Her head is balanced with a decent muzzle. Her eyes need to darken a shade or two. Moved as is expected of one so young but was sound and fluid and covered the ground well.2nd Harris’s Melverly Amy Dorrit With Coastalglows what a poppet, totally different type to winner. She has a super smart coat and plenty of depth to her body considering her age, standing on the best of legs and well rounded, padded feet, this baby is very raw but has all the essentials. Pretty expression on this girl and her head is pleasing all through. Super dark eye as you would expect on a black & white. She moved well once she settled. 3rd House’s Gleadsbury Destiny Belle
Puppy Bitch 2 (0 absent) 1st Smith’s Melverly Iridescent, notes read “great prospect for the future, out of the top draw, a bit out of the ordinary”. She is a stylish youngster who looks glorious on the stack. She combines femininity and substance and looks more mature than most puppies in every department bar her head; whilst having the correct proportions, this still needs to break and she would benefit from a bit more chiselling around her eyes and they still need to darken a shade. All she needs is time for this to happen. She stands on grand, well-rounded feet and is well off for bone. Nicely angulated front and back, loved her static balance. Great hammy quarters, croup a little rounded at this stage. She moved out well fore and aft on a free and easy stride. She is such an exciting prospect. Loved her. Best Puppy In Show. 2nd Harris’s Melverly Betsy Trottwood With Coastalglows Litter sister to Amy Dorrit and many of the comments made apply here as well. She is more mature than her sister and again is smart in outline wearing her best shiny coat. Impressive middle at this stage, deep in body and elbows well tucked in. Another with lovely legs and feet. Great quarters and short from hock to floor. Will be interesting to see how the sisters develop.
Junior Bitch 5 (0 absent) 1st Smith’s Melverly Vignette another from this kennel that manages to combine femininity with substance, a winning combination. Ultra compact and very stylish. Balanced pleasing head with enough work in it and correctly proportioned giving a lovely expression. Oh what a middle piece, great depth and spring of rib, short, strong couplings into impressive quarters. Short from hock to heel enabling her to drive. Really moves with purpose keeping her topline all the time. Another great prospect for this clever breeder. 2nd Richardson & Terry-Richardson’s Daenerys Moondancer To Cherishym This girl impressed with her ultra feminine quality head. She looks at you through dreamy eyes giving a super soft and gentle expression. Her neck is strong and flows well into her shoulders. Level topline. Beautiful coat. Sound hindquarters. She moved well once settled. 3rd Joyce’s Peasblossom Aura At Felltops
Yearling Bitch 3 (0 absent) Lovely class, no doubt places will be changed as they move up the classes. 1st Walker’s Dexbenella Double Vision super girl, first impression is of a bitch that is beautifully balanced. Looked an absolute treat on the stack. Another that manages to combine substance and femininity so well. Fell for her outline, flows from nose to tail. Great height to length ratio, Loved both her top and her underline. She stands on lovely feet with decent bone and a super turn of stifle. Stepped out really well to win this class but flagged a bit in the challenge, strong contender. 2nd Smith’s Melverly Vignette 3rd Cokell & Nicklin’s Carlyquinn Morwenna
Novice bitch 3 (0 absent) 1st Smith’s Melverly Vignette 2nd Harris’s Melverly Betsy Trottwood With Coastalglows 3rd Cokell & Nicklin’s Carlyquinn Morwenna
Graduate Bitch 6 (1 absent) lots of variation in type in this class 1st Kibby’s Trimere Turn Back Time substantial tri girl, pulled into a nice shape on the stack. Racy in appearance with both good length of neck and leg. Nicely off for bone and decent feet. Strong over the loin and tail well set on. Well angulated rear but tending to throw her hocks out a bit today. 2nd Pattison’s Crackerjanne Cassiopia completely different type to class winner, good old-fashioned type presented in a glossy black jacket. Nothing exaggerated about her. Good size. Balanced, well moulded head and she sucks you in with those dark hazel eyes. Proportionate bone and decent feet. Moved well but a little weight reduction wouldn’t go amiss as she was moving a tad close behind today. 3rd Cokell & Nicklin’s Carlyquinn Morwenna
Post -Graduate Bitch 3(0 absent) 1st Hills’s Peasblossom Tupelo Honey With Teignvalley Lovely black tri who combines femininity and substance to her advantage. Stacks well to demonstrate her strong top and underlines. Well moulded head, balanced and well proportioned. Great expression and super eye colour. Strong neck flows well into her well angulated forequarters. Well bodied through the middle, ribbed well back to a strong loin. Very well-developed quarters helping her to power round the ring. 2nd Keely’s Alhambian Amy Winehouse, totally different type to class winner. Overall, very pleasing for balance and type. Absolutely loved her head, old fashioned style with true springer expression. Super dark eye. We need more heads like this. Strong neck into nicely assembled forequarters. She has depth though the middle with a decent forechest. She moves true but gives the impression that she wants to leave the party. Frustrating. 3rd Harris’s Melverly Burano With Coastalglows
Limit Bitch 6 (2 absent) 1st Mitchell’s Peasblossom Zoya real beauty, I didn’t care too much for her as a youngster but look at her now. Wow! Notes read “Simply stunning” Loved her crisp clean outline, all the bits fit into place seamlessly. Again, a bitch demonstrating femininity and substance. This one has an elegance about her which is so pleasing to the eye. She has a well-balanced feminine head of excellent proportions. Beautifully moulded skull, correct in muzzle and flews. Those dark almond eyes are just so seductive. Her neck flows so well into her shoulders. She is well ribbed back to strong couplings and this is another with hammy quarters. She moved soundly and true but just didn’t have the “look at me, only me” attitude of the CC winner and consequently had to settle for the Reserve ticket. 2nd Taubman’s Meltarose Madeleine At Meonstoke another lovely girl and again lovely flowing lines. An upstanding bitch with a well put together head of decent length with sufficient stop and chiselling around the eye. Her eyes could be a bit darker but she has a lovely expression. She has a reachy neck into a decent front assembly. She has enough depth through the middle and has strong quarters. She steps out well but not as positive in rear as the class winner. 3rd West’s Grosbreuil Abricot Regal
Open bitch 3 (1 absent) 1st Keely’s Shipden Alhambian Diana Dors. My notes read” honest and true to type,” this girl has grown on me as I’ve watched her develop. Her head is a bit stronger than that of her kennel mate but still has true springer expression. Her neck is powerful and she is correct for size with great bone and decent feet. Moderately angled fore and aft this girl is nicely balanced and her lack of coat today only served to emphasise her abundance of forechest and good depth of brisket. She is very strong through the middle, being well ribbed back to strong couplings. She has super meaty quarters which she used well. On the move her footfall was accurate, true, and parallel 2nd Hydon’s Clentonian Pandemonium JW, lovely girl, ultra feminine girl with a clean impressive outline. Loved her type, nothing overdone. Spot on for size and presented in a beautiful dark jacket. Lovely feminine head, nicely moulded skull, and everything well proportioned. True soft springer expression. Stands on decent bone and feet, good through the middle, deep brisket and nicely ribbed back to a strong loin, plenty of propulsion from the rear but found her a little lacking in animation today.
Champion Bitch 1 (o absent) 1st Casey & Jayes Sandylands Send The Roses. I’m sure that whoever coined the phrase” Take Them Round Please” was hoping they would all move like this girl. My notes read ”the full package, glorious on the stack and in profile movement” From the moment she entered the ring she shouted “Pick me.” She is symmetrically built, totally balanced; the front being in full harmony with the rear. She has a wonderful ground covering gait, a lightness of foot not seen too often and attitude in buckets. She pulled out all the stops and she could not be denied the top spot today, Bitch CC and Best In Show.
Veteran bitch 4 (2 absent) Lovely ladies 1st West’s Meonstoke Cherry Blossom At Grosbreuil at 10 years old this girl was determined to fight off her much younger opposition. She has a pleasing outline and is still able to keep her topline both standing and on the move. My notes read “stood soundly and moved so well” lovely height to length ratio. What a grand oldie she is, lovely girl 2nd Williams & Toublic’s Cobhay Dazzling Azalea. 7 years old, of an old—fashioned type not so much seen nowadays. She has good bone and I thought her head was pleasant with a kind expression and dark eye. She moved very well.
Special Beginners Bitch 3 (0 absent)1st Kibby’s Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays, Clean outline on this ultra-feminine girl. Good for size and type. She stands on good legs and feet but would prefer more bone. She has balanced body proportions but I would like a touch more of her all through. Immaculately presented in lovely clean coat and super condition. Her handler knows how to maximize her assets. 2nd Pattison’s Crackerjanne Cassiopeia 3rd Harris’s Melverly Amy Dorrit with Coastalglows