• Show Date: 12/03/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tracy Morgan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 15/02/2024


Breed: Akita
My critique for Crufts - 12/3/2023



Judge – Ms Tracy Morgan (Rossimon)

My sincere thanks to our amazing Stewards for their assistance and smooth running of the ring, to the Crufts selection Committee for this amazing appointment and hospitality, and to the exhibitors for affording me an incredible entry of quality, sound dogs to lay hands on, I am truly humbled.

Type varied considerably as did movement, some who moved well in profile failed miserably on the down and back. The freestack was a telling factor for many placements. I was happy to find soundness in each class, which spoke volumes in my line ups. There were classes I could have handed out multiple red cards, and for that, I thank you all.

Dog Challenge Certificate 14003 - Ch Redwitch This Is Me at Shinzam (ai) (Mr P Davies)

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate 14053 - Ch Jeamaras Special Delivery for Sensha (Imp Nor) (Mrs N & Mr D Willy)

Bitch Challenge Certificate 14008 - Usa Ch Kyodai Only for Braves (Mr Jl Arrabal)

Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate 14028 - Ivoryridge She's A Belter (Mr C & Mrs A Kirk)

Best of Breed 14008 - Usa Ch Kyodai Only for Braves (Mr Jl Arrabal)

Best Puppy 14054 - Sensha I See You Baby (Mrs N & Mr D Willy)

Best Veteran 14049 - Ch Calicelesti Reign of Gold ShCM (Mrs J & Mr C Watson)

Judge: Mrs T Morgan

Class 2447. Veteran Dog

VETERAN DOG - Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place

 14018 - Ch Finkime Ready Teddy Go (Ms T J Hughes)

Gorgeous red/white with excellent head proportions, dark eye of good shape, thick ear set and carried well. Crested neck into a decent shoulder. He has a little more access to the pie cupboard than he needs , but his type and soundness was not affected adversely. Nice width of front on good bone with tight feet. Good topline to high set well carried tail. Moved well in all directions, stood square freely but too straight when stacked. Sympathetically handled, handsome guy.

2nd Place 14047 - Enyeto Seventh Heaven (Mr D & Mrs C & Mr D Thorley & Goodall & Goodall)

Another handsome lad, fawn/bl/white with appealing head and expression, crested neck into a good shoulder. Decent width of front, ample bone and good feet. Level topline to a high set well carried tail. Moderate in angle all through and moved well in all directions. Well handled and gave his all. Not quite the finish in head properties as 1 but still very appealing

3rd Place 14037 - Kitado Born A Warrior (Mr & Mrs Rayner)

A dignified, handsome lad in solid brown, calm expressive eyes. Crested neck and ample bone on good feet. Level topline to a tail which has lost its tight exuberance of youth but was tight enough to give enough balance to his outline. Moved ok

Class 2448. Puppy Dog

PUPPY DOG - Entries: 3 Absentees: 2 Withdrawn

Class 2449. Junior Dog

JUNIOR DOG - Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 14051 - Heartdog Aspire to Inspire (Imp Rus) (Miss T Weaver)

Handsome brown lad of good size, strong head with dark eye, thick, well placed ear carried correctly. Crested neck good width of front, well boned and tight feet. Level topline to a high set well carried tail. He is still a diamond in the rough needing to grown into himself which is more evident on the move, but time is very much on his side.

Class 2450. Post Graduate Dog

POST GRADUATE DOG - Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Place 14042 - Ruthdales Son of The King at Centurion Gladiator (Mrs As & Mr Aa Sirbu & Anton)

Brown upstanding lad of good height, dark eye, correct ear set and carriage. Good feet and ample bone. Moved okay in profile, just needing to tidy up coming and going. Certainly not unsound, just untidy.

2nd Place 14001 - John Snow Centurion Gladiator at Kaijin (Imp Rom) (Mrs K Cunningham)

Silver/bl/wh with nice head proportions, dark eye and correct ear placement and carriage. Good topline and tailset. Lacked reach in front whilst gaiting in profile and needing to tidy up coming and going. Again, not unsound, just untidy.

3rd Place WITHHELD

Class 2451. Limit Dog

LIMIT DOG - Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 13985 - Hidden Dark De Wolfmont with Snowbeach (Imp Esp) (Mr I & Mrs C & Ms M Banks & Banks & Betancor Carasa)

Eye catching outline on this upstanding, well grown lad, dark eye, well placed and carried ear, crested neck, decent width of front on good bone and tight feet. Good topline and high set well carried tail over a moderately angled rear. Moved at a nice steady pace to full advantage. Moved well when settled, being well grown and young, there is much filling in to come to complete the picture. Well handled to accentuate his assets.

2nd Place 14020 - Casakura Aurora Borealis (C & C Hunter & Allen)

Silver fawn with decent head proportions, dark eye and nice expression. Thick ears set and carried well. Crested neck, ample bone. Decent topline with high set well carried double curled tail. Sound enough in action when viewed from all angles. Well handled

3rd Place 14019 - Whitewreath A Star Is Born for Finkime (Ms T J Hughes)

Handsome headed Red/Bl/White lad with dark eye and correct set and carriage of ear. Crested neck to a decent front assembly. Nice width of front good bone and feet. Correct topline to a high set well carried tail. His rear quarters throw his balance of outline off and let him down on the move. Well handled.

Class 2452. Open Dog

OPEN DOG - Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1st Place 14003 - Ch Redwitch This Is Me at Shinzam (ai) (Mr P Davies)

Brown/bl/white handsome, well grown young lad who fills the eye when viewed from any angle. Correct head proportions, dark eye, lovely expression, correct in ear for set, carriage and thickness, filled under the eye and plump cheek, no exaggeration. well crested neck into a lovely shoulder assembly. Good width of front, with excellent bone on the tightest of feet. Correct spring of rib, strong topline to a high set well carried tail. Moderate in angles all through which showed on the move when viewed from any angle. Very clean in action coming and going. Immaculate balance of outline, very well handled. I loved him the last time I judged and he has only got even better with maturity as he fills the eye even more and he is far from done yet. I didn’t hesitate to award him the CC.

2nd Place 14053 - Ch Jeamaras Special Delivery for Sensha (Imp Nor) (Mrs N & Mr D Willy)

Silver/fawn/wh handsome lad with excellent head properties. Dark eye, thick ear, set and carried well, well filled under the eye and plump cheek. Well crested neck into a decent shoulder assembly. Good bone and tight feet. Correct spring of rib, strong topline to a high set well carried tail, moderate in angle all through. Another with a beautiful balance of outline which scored even higher in the dog line up, well handled. RDCC

3rd Place 13993 - Ch Spa/ch Por/ Ch Gib Ruthdales Born to Be Legend (Mr M & Mr J Bostock & Sanchez)

Another handsome lad with excellent head properties. Dark eye, well set and carried, thick ear. Crested neck into a decent front assembly. Good width of front, well boned on good feet. Good topline to a high set well carried tail. Handler sets up his front further forward than his ideal which affects his balance of outline.

Reserve (4th Place) 14034 - Klb/dk/no/se/nord/int Ch Redient Center of My Life Junch Dkv18 (Mr A & Mrs A Pedersen)

Red handsome guy with beautiful head proportions and properties. Immaculate balance to his outline and he appealed hugely when stood, for all the right reasons,. I was very disappointed that he didn’t fulfil his promise when moving.

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 14048 - Multi Ch Legend of Ruthdales N Centurion Gladiator Ww21 (Mr A & Mrs T Anton & Laszlo)

Class 2453. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog

GOOD CITIZEN DOG - Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2454. Veteran Bitch

VETERAN BITCH - Entries: 9 Absentees: 1

1st Place 14049 - Ch Calicelesti Reign of Gold ShCM (Mrs J & Mr C Watson)

Gorgeous typy sound lady who headed a strong class of beautiful sweet, sound ladies, they all simply melted my heart.

Brown/r/white with good head proportions, dark eye, ears set and carried well. Crested neck into excellent shoulder assembly, good width of front and correct feet. Nice spring of rib, strong topline to a high set well carried tail, moderately angled all through, moved really well from any angle viewed and enjoyed every moment of it all. Well handled with amazing rapport.

2nd Place 14012 - Kyoshi Frankly Fabulous (Mrs K Fowkes)

Another gorgeous lady with lots to like about her. Good head proportions, dark eye, well set and carried ear, crested neck. Good front assembly and stood proudly on tight feet. Nice spring of rib, good topline to a high set well carried tail, moderately angled all through and handled very well, a steady sound action when viewed from any angle, well handled.

3rd Place 14033 - Klb/dk/se/de Vdh/intch Akidan Coco by Chanel Junch Junklbch Dkv18 Dkkv18 (Mr A & Mrs A Pedersen)

Very pretty, appealing lady Red/fawn/wh. Good head proportions, dark eye and correct ear for set and carriage. Crested neck into a good shoulder. Nice width of front and good feet. Good topline to a high set well carried tail and moderately angled all through. Sympathetically handled at a nice steady pace with good clean action when viewed from any angle

Reserve (4th Place) 14015 - Enyeto's Simply Divine (Mrs C & Mr D Goodall)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 13998 - Mamoru Age of Ultron with Ruthdales at Kandamar (Mr A & Mrs M Chambers)

Class 2455. Puppy Bitch

PUPPY BITCH - Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 14054 - Sensha I See You Baby (Mrs N & Mr D Willy)

Pretty, appealing girl in Red/wh. Good head proportions, dark eye, well placed and carried ear. Crested neck into a decent shoulder, good width of front, ample bone and tight feet. Nice spring of rib, strong topline to a high set well carried tail, moderately angled all through. Moved well when viewed from any angle and handled well

Class 2456. Junior Bitch

JUNIOR BITCH - Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

1st Place 14040 - Of Mashiko Vivacious Lady (Mr M.g. Guedens)

Gorgeous silver pinto, heading a strong class, with good head properties. Dark eye, well placed and carried ear. Crested neck into a good shoulder. Nice width of front on good bone and feet. Correct spring of rib, strong topline to a high set, well carried tail. Moderately angled all through and moved very well when viewed from any angle. She has tremendous balance of outline and great rapport with her handler.

2nd Place 14007 - Kyodai D´vicio (Mr Jl Arrabal)

Another lovely girl with good head proportions, dark eye, correct ear set and carriage. Crested neck into a decent shoulder assembly. Ample bone and good feet. Correct spring of rib, good topline to a high set well carried tail. Moved well when viewed from any angle and well handled.

3rd Place 14043 - Thunderstorm Centurion Gladiator (Mr A Anton)

Another lovely girl with good head proportions, dark eye, correct for ear set and carriage. Crested neck into a good front assembly. Ample bone and good feet, strong topline to a high set well carried tail. Moderate in angle all through and moved well from all angles. She conceded a little on size to 2

Reserve (4th Place) 14017 - Karijini's Ice and A Slice (Mr G & Miss A Hocking)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 14052 - Ursula Centurion Gladiatior (Mr M Wheldon)

Class 2457. Post Graduate Bitch

POST GRADUATE BITCH - Entries: 10 Absentees: 4

1st Place 14036 - Estava Rain World in My Eyes avec Overhill (Imp Nor) (Mr Isaac Preddy)

Incredibly appealing rich fawn/white girl with a beautiful headpiece, dark eye, well set and carried, thick ear. Crested neck into a nice front assembly. Well off for bone and tight feet, correct spring of rib, good topline and tailset when alert, leading to high set, well carried tail. Moderately angled all through and moving very soundly and at the correct steady pace when viewed from all angles. Just a shade of weight on her which slightly affects her outline, but not enough to deny her amazing virtues. Very well handled.

2nd Place 14016 - Calicelesti Hey There Lilah of Natlou (Miss N & Mrs J Hickson & Watson) 

Another lovely girl, fawn/bl overlay/wh with good head proportions, dark eye. Correct reach to neck, good shoulder, nice width of front and tight feet. Strong topline to high set and well carried double curled tail, moderate all through. Moved soundly from all angles and well handled

3rd Place 14002 - Kazan No Sunrise from Darkness for Kaijin (Imp Fra) (Mrs K Cunningham)

good head proportions, dark eye, thick, well placed and carried ear, crested neck, good topline to high set, well carried tail. Good bone and feet, moved well in profile but carrying a little weight.

Reserve (4th Place) 14005 - June of Wolfpoint (Mr E & Mrs C De Groof & De Loor)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 14014 - Bekeyta Miss B'havin with Enyeto (Mrs C & Mr D Goodall)

Class 2458. Limit Bitch

LIMIT BITCH - Entries: 8 Absentees: 4

1st Place 14028 - Ivoryridge She's A Belter (Mr C & Mrs A Kirk)

Aptly named quality girl heading a strong class. Excellent head proportions, with dark eye of correct shape, thick well placed and carried ear, filled under the eye and plump cheek. Crested neck into a good front assembly. Decent width of front, well off for bone and tight feet. Strong level topline to a high set, tightly carried tail. Moderately angled all through, she gave away a little in the line up to maturity, but I wouldn’t want her any other way at her age, her best is yet to come. Very well handled RCC

2nd Place 14041 - Snowbeach's Shes All That to Rominjay (C Simpson)

Gorgeous girl, rich apricot fawn and white with lovely head proportions. Dark eye, thick, well placed and carried ear, filled under the eye. Crested neck into a good front assembly, good bone and feet, nice spring of rib to a good topline when she is alert or moving. High set, well carried tail and moderately angled all through which showed in her clean movement when viewed from any angle. Very well handled to get the best out of her.

3rd Place 13991 - Ruthdales Atomic (Mr M & Ms J Bostock & Armstrong)

Yet another quality bitch completeling a trio of lovely girls. Nice head proportions, dark eye and thick, well placed and carried ear. Crested neck, good bone and tight feet. Nice spring of rib, good topline to a high set well carried tail. Well handled to accentuate her many virtues, just needing to tighten up at the rear

Reserve (4th Place) 14030 - Satrebor Nevada at Shaluna (Miss J A & Mr P J Louvet & Pears)

Class 2459. Open Bitch

OPEN BITCH - Entries: 10 Absentees: 3

1st Place 14008 - Usa Ch Kyodai Only for Braves (Mr Jl Arrabal)

From the second she entered the ring she simply commanded attention. Vibrant red/white lady of incredible quality all through. Her head proportions are correct, with a dark eye giving the most captivating expression, she is well filled under the eye with plump cheek. Thick, relatively small ears set on correctly and carried perfectly. A relatively short, strongly crested neck which is thicker at base. A moderate shoulder layback. Elbow falling directy under her wither in outline. Correct width of front with good bone and tight feet. Correctly sprung rib with strong, level topline to a high set tightly carried tail. Her moderate angles fore and aft promised she should move correctly, and she certainly did not disappoint. She is sound from every angle and very clean coming and going. Her rapport with her handler is enviable, she made it obvious that she hangs on his every request and delivers without fail. She won this strong class and stepped it up a gear in the bitch line up for the CC. just when I thought she couldn’t step it up further, she pulled out all stops in the BOB challenge and could not be denied the highest accolade. CC and BOB., shortlisted in a very highly competitive group.

2nd Place 13992 - Ruthdales Blitz (Mr M & Ms J Bostock & Armstrong)

Another beautiful girl with correct head proportions, dark eye and thick, well placed and carried ear. Crested neck into a good front assembly, nice width of front on good bone with tight feet. Nice spring of rib, strong topline to a high set well carried tail. Moderately angled all through and moved well from all angles. Well handled to accentuate her many virtues and turned out in tip top condition.

3rd Place 13996 - Slo/lux/ita Ch Song for Stella Des Gardiens De La Cicogne Multi Jun Ch JW (Mrs Al Annamaria Lofiego)

Fawn black overlay, pleasing head proportions, dark eye, thick ear placed and carried well. Crested neck, nice width of front, with good bone on tight feet. High set, tightly carried tail and moderately angled all through. Moved well when viewed from all directions and well handled.

Reserve (4th Place) 14025 - Ch/grand Ch Tip Top Line Like The Wind of Change Ww Ew Jew Jnr Ch (Mr V Jelic)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 13990 - Ruthdales Superior Fyre Power (Mr R Bostock)

Class 2460. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

GOOD CITIZEN BITCH - Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 14049 - Ch Calicelesti Reign of Gold ShCM (Mrs J & Mr C Watson)

See notes for Veteran bitch. She never tires, can go all day and is always so sympathetically handled to accentuate her virtues

2nd Place 14044 - Causepark Star of The North for Widowmaker (Mr R D Stuhldreer)

Red Fawn black overlay and white, well grown lady with pleasing head properties. Dark eyes of correct shape and a relaxed serene expression. She is very expressive with her ears. Crested neck, nice width of front, good topline to a high set well carried tail. Moderately angled all through and sound in action when viewed from all angles. Sympathetically handled and has an incredible rapport with her handler. She gave me a smile whenever a playful thought entered her head, she is incredibly expressive.