• Show Date: 23/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tracie Mason BA (Hons) FdA Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 01/11/2023

Northern Ireland Dobermann Club

Breed: Dobermann


Judge Tracie Mason BA Hons, FDA. Doberlane

Thank you NIDC, for hosting a very accommodating, outside ring, I forgave those who faulted in the few dips and bumps it had. I thoroughly enjoyed my time judging this precious breed, and would like to thank each and every one, who took the trouble and expense to come all this way to Belfast, to join me on this glorious today, I can only convey my apologies to the exhibitors for the delayed judging- great sportsmanship behaviour displayed, thank you.

I am pleased that breeders are producing better shoulders showing elegant fronts, with less over angulated rear. I would like to see more first and second thigh definition exercise will help drive those rear quarters through with precision. Importantly, N.B Our breed standard convey an almond shaped eye, they should not be triangular, slanting or slit, and please scrape that ugly tartar off your dogs’ teeth, to support their dentition in later years.

Minor Puppy Dog 1

1st Mr C & N Evans Amazon Showtime

7-month-old cracking youngster, stood with substantial bone structure, in plenty of substance. Handsome wedge, of good proportions, well defined down to ample muzzle width, and clean scissor bite. Slightly convexed, elegant neck flowed into his well-framed fore and aft quarters. Sleek black harsh coat has well-defined, red rust markings on his well-oiled jacket in the right places. So eager to harmonise with his handler, he simply glided around the field with such ease, showing that rear driving- power- to- reach action and looked like poetry in motion: I was pleased to see this well-presented duo, winning Best Puppy in show, gaining BPIB and PWPG 2, the following day. His career is well on its way, to becoming a show stopper! Outstanding job, keep up the good work!  MY BEST PUPPY DOG & BPIS

Puppy Dog 1


Junior Dog 1

1st Ni She Triona Ruholfia Warrior Jun CH CJW 23 (ATC ATCBA15)

Black & rust pleasing proud head carriage, correct level planes, neat ear set, well filled with confident dark eyed expression and neat ear set. Clean muscular neck flowed into topline, would prefer a straighter tail. Straight front, deep brisket, in plenty of rib down to tight elbow, down into tight feet. Clean tuck up into well bent rear angulation, showing muscular second thighs. Elegant frame, presented in a beautiful coast, standing rather awkwardly in hard condition. Handlers’ nerves, showed an unhappy dog being strung up and overstretched.

Yearling Dog 1

1st Ni She Triona Ruholfia Wyatt Jun CH (ATC RAF)

Pleasing character in a super marked, dark brown, shiny jacket. Clean outline with correctly shaped head, and animated ears, well set. Dark inquisitive eyes, set in line of width of skull, that being of equal length to muzzle with correct planes, would prefer more underjaw. In Plenty of straight bone as viewed from front and rear, standing well on tight feet. Good lay back of shoulder flowed into strong loins, strong high set whither, into sloping topline and tail set, would prefer more angulation on croup. Ample chest and deep rib down to elbow, strong muscular rear, well angulated, enabling him to move with vigour and drive. Again, handler needs to work on presenting this lovely dark brown male.

Post Graduate 0

Limit Dog 2

1st Mr G Hunt & Flitcrofts Tuwos Mr Majestic Von Sallate

Handsome blunt wedge, of correct width and length, almond shaped eye, strong depth of muzzle with correct bite. Clean muscular neck into slightly sloping topline and tail set. Super fore, well ribbed up, clean undercarriage into strong loins into well bent muscular rear, on tight cat feet. Powerful, well-made male, standing four square to attention, His Muscular construction covered plenty of round bone, with rear angulations perpendicular to the ground. Superbly proportioned in his correct, rust tan marked, dense, brown jacket. Covered the ground well with such purpose and drive, superbly handled, this power house is a delight, one to watch with interest.

2nd Mrs S Youngs McKrieger’s Hunky Dory at Malibray JW

Impressive looking male, who presented a clean outline. Lovely head planes, Ears used well, darkest of inquisitive eyes, ample muzzle. Good reach leading into level topline. Carried plenty of bone, legs being parallel and when moving. showing substance, being slightly longer in loin, rear action not as precise as first. but moved well enough to cover the ground. Correctly marked, smart shiny black jacket, well handled.

Open Dog 4, 1A

1st Mr W Henderson Ir Ch Tuwos Mr Bombastic

This one has the wow factor, oozing quality. I saw this strong, athletic, well boned silhouette, as a baby and still holds my gaze. Having that keen alertness, this awesome male wedge, has a powerful underjaw and correct bite. Showing off his proud front ensemble, deeply chested and well ribbed up into his super tuck up. Strong loins into well-muscled defined rear quarters, all in good angular proportions, keeping that topline steady on the move. Great front reach, as his powerful rear pushed through, showing what a working Dobermann should be doing in the ring. Superbly presented, was pushed hard in the line, deserving my RCC and winning another CC at Belfast the day after, congratulations.

2nd Mr S Richardson Dobenars Windsurfer for Spetori CW22

If only I could have a joint second place, looking closely at two working class capabilities in balancing these opposites on what muscular tone I could see: I was splitting hairs on their outlines, that will swap another day.

This strongly chiselled males black & rust wedge shaped head, used his well-placed neat ear carriage and dark eyes set well focused on his handler’s bait. Strong parallel planes of equal length and a clear stop down into his strong, powerful blunt muzzle and deep underjaw, deeply pigmented. Well set short neck into heavy shoulder placement, well ribbed up, but could not see that last rib, into wide loins, His movement sadly showed unwanted rolling, detracting that smooth outline. Would prefer to see a cleaner front into his straight undercarriage. But his rear action showed those muscular first and second thighs pushing his front through into a singular track on tight compact feet. Moved around the ring with vigour, his handler needs to catch up with that fast trot. The neck into the front ensemble of 2nd was far superior, but sadly cinched by this heavily-set, all male profile. This black, densely coated male, just solidly stood four square to attention, well presented.

3rd Mrs S Walsh & Burton Dobervarden Perfect Storm at Samenco (AI)

Typey Black and rust elegant outline, of medium size. Pleasing wedge-shaped head in good proportions, with neat animated ear set. Correct clean muzzle and scissor bite. Ample neck that flowed into super well set front and clean through ribs, with good length into loins with super tuck up. Ample angulations on tidy rear quarters, well bent on strong hocks into well-manicured tight feet and hard pads. Time is on his side to fill out with substance and perform better, on another day.

Champion Dog 2

1st Mrs AL & Ms I Jones & Ushakova CH/LUX Korifey Vanquish UK/Lux ch

Quality, smart, line up, bang to standard. This handsome chap stole my gaze at Birmingham, a few years ago, being so well constructed. I knew he has that special “ooo ahh” factor. Smart framework, just enough of everything to please in the right places, no matter which way I looked. Elegantly flexing his muscular, body in such hard condition. When striding to and fro, he showed having such purpose from his driving action, showing plenty of reach. Presented in lovely coat and condition, simply handled to perfection to win in the line up today, gaining CC number 35, BIS and another RCC at Belfast. Congratulations!

2nd Ni She Triona INT CH IR CH BEL CH Ruholfi Kendo Jun CH Belgium Winner 19 Cent Winner AN CH 22

Oozes breed type and sound as a bell, having that typical keen dark eye gaze, handsome head, with correct bite and strong jaw, correct scissor bite, ample muzzle. Good neck set on nicely lay back of shoulders. Ample front with deep brisket down to elbow, nice spring to rib into short loin. Well-muscled and angulated hind quarters with straight legs as viewed from front to rear. Moved and covered ground soundly. This well-dressed handler, superbly presented, this lovely male in a tip top coat and condition, keep up the good work.

Veteran Dog 1

1st Mr Nigel Morgan Malibray Rhuvaal at Telenndu ShCM VW

Confident, outgoing all male, well-constructed profile. Moderate broad skull, high set triangular ear set, medium stop with obliquely set Dark eye, broad muzzle into correct dentition, well pigmented. Muscular neck flowed into sloping strong topline and tail set. Super muscular fore, strong shoulders, well ribbed up into moderate tuck up. Super developed muscular rear angulations, with good turn of stifle down to low strong hocks. Viewing straight fore and aft bone, when coming to and fro. Robust and steady, moving out with purpose and drive on well arched feet, well-handled to win the top spot today. Best Veteran dog and BVIS




Minor puppy Bitch 0

Puppy Bitch 1A

Junior Bitch 3,1

1st Mr R Evans Amazon She is Adored

Everything to like, being so true to breed standard, with a lovely show potential that still has some maturing to do, but I liked the size and type. Decent wedge-shaped pretty head with super expression and correctly set, high ear carriage, sat on her good clean neck, blending nicely into her well-made shoulders, Lovely deep front with good fill, close elbows flowed into well boned straight pasterns and feet. Firm in topline into strong in loin, good muscle tone throughout, combined with low parallel hocks, propelling that super drive from behind, showing plenty of reach. Superbly handled.

2nd Miss S & Mr D Murray Nerak Unconditional Love

Nice for size with typical pleasing head, bewitching triangular dark eyes, ears set on well, would prefer a little more underjaw. Medium neck flowed, cleanly over ribs, with good length and depth down to elbow. Ample fore angulation with neat undercarriage into well bent rear, on correct turn of stifle. Leggy youngster, who just needs time to mature, I’m sure that ring practice will help to improve, keep trying.

Yearling Bitch 3,1

1st Ni She Triona Ruholfia Willa Jun Ch

It was a difficult choice to choose between these two strong, quality females. This 15 month beautifully constructed elegant Dobermann, stood firm in her shiny, correctly rust marked jacket. Feminine headpiece, flat skull with neat ear set on, the darkest of eye, correct head width, well filled under down to blunt wedge and correct scissor bite. Slightly convexed muscular neck into well placed shoulder, with deep brisket down to elbow and slightly sloping topline. Straight legs as viewed from the front and rear; her well angulated quarters on strong hocks powered her rear action, to drive in great unison with her handler. Pushing hard to stand firmly still, in the line-up.

2nd Mrs F & Mr K & Miss L Taylor & Stracey Kriegers In Style JW

Another worthy feminine contender, this lovely 19-month lady aired so much nobility and grace, when she glided around the ring. Her frame matched the breed standard: from her proportionate chiselled pretty head, with equal breadth, defined on a well arched neck, good shoulder placement into deeply sprung rib and strong loin, slightly longer than first. Undercarriage, well tucked up into her strongly developed rear thighs, on low hocks and catlike feet. Her profile moved with such lithe action, being so well balanced, covering the ground with ease. Superbly handled.

Post Grad 1

1st Mr Nigel Morgan Satinea Fevronia at Telenndu

A very smart handsome wedge with correct planes, moderate broad skull, high set triangular ear set, medium stop with obliquely set Dark eye, tapered muzzle into correct dentition, well pigmented. Muscular neck flowed into sloping topline and well set on tail. Super fore, well ribbed into moderate tuck up. Strongly developed muscular rear with good turn of stifle down to low hock. Viewing straight fore and aft bone, when coming to and fro, she was steady moving out with purpose and drive, well handled.

Limit Bitch 4

1st M G Daniel Tuwos Macy Gray at Mattacane

I just fell in love with her velvet charisma, in a crisp, well-oiled black outline: she oozed stardom and shone today. Gorgeous, typey head with neat ear carriage, correct almond eye shape, sufficient breadth of skull, flat and chiselled well down to her black nose, with good all-round pigmentation, conveying strength with keen expression. Neck slightly convexed and muscular down into her lovely front on straight legs and rear angulations all in sufficient bone. Harshly coated, well-marked with pennies on cheek, pencil markings. Handler harmonising so well with his exhibit, executing the ring with precision. Soundly moving out with plenty of drive, maintaining that level topline to win my RCC

2nd Mr R Evans Amazon just let me Adore you

Another worthy contender with typey Feminine head, with neat eat set and exquisite dark eyes. Superb neck into well placed shoulder, front & feet. Good depth of chest, spring of rib into compact loin. Good turn of stifle on well let down hocks into tight feet. Presented a lovely picture & moved out well with a free-flowing stride. Swapping places, the following day, with my RCC winner, at Belfast’s own Champ show, I am so proud of my quality ladies, who deserve the top spots, congratulations, superbly handled

3rd Miss Y & Mrs T Free & Mccall Diegos Doris Day

Being True to the breed standard, this smart black square silhouette, has nothing over exaggerated, just preferred the head of 2nd.Lovely reach of neck beautifully flowing into well laid shoulders, sound front, depth of brisket, into straight bone and nice tight feet, level topline into short coupling. Ample front and rear angulations moved her well and soundly with her handler, who presented her well, thank you

 Open Bitch 3,1

1st Mr D & Mrs T Murray & Mccall Manrio Galataya

lovely brown profile, being of great type. Feminine honest head being a broad wedge, with neat ear placement set well. Bewitching Dark eyes, with slight stop into ample muzzle and underjaw. Strong in bone with a good depth of chest down to elbow. Good sloping top line into strong rear angulation. Looking from above, she just carried a little more weight and would have like to show the normal defined waist line. Rear driving action looked powerful on the move showing excellent reach. She flew around the ring with her handler, looking like she can do a good day’s work and looked happy being well presented.

2nd Ni She Triona Ir Ch Ruholfia Tequila Jun Ch CJW 22

A well-constructed feminine lady, of substantial build. Head nicely put together with that all appealing. keen eyes dark expression, correct stop and strong scissor bite and well-shaped jawline. Muscular neck into her lovely well let down chest, in plenty of rib, strong topline with super tuck up., but has a beautiful black sheen on her coat. Unfortunately, the handler let her down, looking a little erratic on ring movement.

Champion Bitch 3

1st W Henderson Ch Tuwos Lyra

Loved this standard breed line up of Pure class, with such elegant handlers, give yourself a pat on the back!

What can’t I say about this bewitching slick chick: looking so toned and balanced, beaming under the sun’s rays today: This elegant lady has the most beautiful head shape, and planes. Bewitching alert eyes of correct shape in her sufficient breadth of skull, into ample muzzle with correct bite, well pigmented. Straight legs on tight cat like feet, as viewed from front and rear. Super topline held on the move, ribs and undercarriage, into her muscular rear angulations powered her around the field like no tomorrow. I just could not take my eyes off her and her presence in the ring, demanding the CC top spot.

2nd Bisland Ch Kriegers Highland Fling JW

What a pretty all-around head turn, she made me look twice, I was splitting hairs, just the animation and charisma of first bewitched me. Elongated feminine blunt wedge, correct planes, well chiselled and filled under her dark eye. Flat skull, framed by her neat triangular ears set close to cheeks. Super length of neck, slightly convexed into her fore quarters of muscular good proportions. Correctly placed shoulders over ample ribbing, with highest point of whither to ground, equalling length of body. Strong loins into Well-developed rear angular quarters down on strong, straight hocks and tight, well-manicured feet. Standing to attention, in her well-oiled, harsh, almost mahogany, brown coat, with rich defined markings in all in the right places. In super hard condition, not putting a foot out of place, impeccably handled, well done.

3rd Miss L Cairns Ch Lamarg The Russian Redhead

Proud head carriage, super shoulder & return of upper arm giving her good fill in front. Superb front with good bone, well knuckled feet & good spring to pastern, good depth of chest, well ribbed back to strong loin. Correct, moderate tuck-up. A tad shorter in the leg than first. .Excellent quarters with well-muscled thighs & correct tail set and tail carriage. So sound out & back with an effortless ground covering stride in profile. Shown in tip top condition, she was alert, but handler needs to hone in on her strength.

Veteran Bitch 1,1

1st Anne Moore Assisi Counting Stars with Rozenyas CVW’23, VETERAN CH, JUN

For a veteran Champion, who was counting her stars, a week ago and returned back to earth, “Ode” to this strong-willed lady, she stole the crowd’s heart, with such a big applause-a treasure to behold! Such a feminine black & rust outline. Clean cut pretty wedge, beautiful dark almond eyes, on super length of neck down into her well-placed shoulder, deep chest down to elbow, straight front, well ribbed up. Well-developed rear, on good turn of stifle that drove her around the ring with purpose and enjoyment, with her proud handler that did not stop smiling! Deserving Best Veteran Bitch in Show and won Best Veteran in Breed at Belfast Ch Show, congratulations to you both.