• Show Date: 17/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tony GRICE Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/09/2023

Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: Dogue de Bordeaux

Darlington Championship Show 17 September 2023

Dogues de Bordeaux

Thank you to David Guy and his committee for inviting me to judge at one of my favourite shows on the circuit. Thanks to my stewards for looking after me on the day and most of all thank you to the exhibitors for your entries. These are challenging times for the breed, with internal politics affecting harmony, so I was very happy with the numbers and from what I have seen at UK shows this year, I was delighted that the main protagonists were all entered and most in attendance.

VD 1. Moran’s Aibrean Athos – Nice senior male to get the proceedings underway. Lovely rich red colour and clean outline catches the eye. He was a little suspicious at the start, but we got there in the end. Well off for bone and his proportions were good. Nice head with good width of skull and well-placed flews Correct topline and tail set; chest let down below elbow. He moved well for his age with good extension at the front.

PD 1. Prendergast’s Wendisal Vert – Striking young standard size male with everything going for him. Well balanced throughout with a typical head and stocky body. His skull ratios are correct with well-placed eyes, short muzzle and good dentition. Strong neck transitions into a lovely topline. Underneath he has a good depth of chest and nice fore chest which will develop further over time. He comes with enviable bone, excellent turn of stifle and lovely tight feet. He started his movement from a slightly tucked position but moved out well when he relaxed. BPIB 2. Ansell & Beaty’s Malitac Headliner – Taller puppy than 1. and still has a fair way to go before we see the best of him. However, his frame and bone structure are on the money with correct angulation both front and rear. This won’t change but will give him the ability to move with ease as he matures, which he did today. Strong easy gait which covered the ground well with good head carriage. One to watch, I’m sure.

PGD 1. Prendergast’s Wendisal You Don’t Own Me – Sire to my puppy winner and very similar in type. Standard in size with a stocky compact body, beautiful head and lovely coloured eyes. He stood on super tight feet presenting impressive bone and rear angulation. It’s always nice to see wide stifle’s providing for deep turns and well-developed thighs. This allowed him to drive around the ring with minimum effort. I have attempted to judge this boy before, but he wouldn’t let me near him. Clearly his handler has done some great work as he stood rock solid during my inspection today. Well done. 2. Kenyon & Kenyon’s Biscay’s Winston For Desquire – Larger type male who is well balanced. Impressive head with skull and muzzle in the right proportion, defined stop and a good bite. I would have preferred a darker eye, but the overall picture is pleasing. Lovely deep chest, nice angulation. He didn’t seem to get his movement quite right today, particularly at the rear, which was a shame.

LD 1 & Res CC Ansell’s Justlazare Dark Knight Rises – Quality black mask male in rock hard condition with a gleaming coat, a credit to his owners. Lovely trapezoidal head with correct stop, bite and the darkest of eyes. Compact and balanced in body with well-placed shoulders, correct in upper arm, strong pasterns and tight feet. Well let down underneath and super angulation to the rear. His movement is both precise and efficient which emphasises his muscular development as he glides around the ring. A pleasure to go over. 2. Southward & Leonard’s Here Comes The Son By Bearox - Another nice male who moved with purpose and drive. Well-constructed head with good ear placement. However, I would have preferred more chin to complete the picture. He is nicely set in body with correct topline, rounded croup and tail set. Deep chest and short in loin. Overall impressive image, particularly in profile.

OD 1 & CC Iseton’s Ch Bobiso Matteo - Top quality male winning his 9th CC today and I’m sure there are many more to come. He oozes class from top to toe with the sharpest of outlines packed with substance and balance. Lovely deep chest, spring of rib and fore chest. Eye catching front assembly and super bone throughout. His first and second thigh development are impressive to say the least. He presents a typical Bordeaux head with correct skull and muzzle ratio. Well filled under nice clean eyes and correct bite. He moved really well today with such a relaxed and effective gait. Pleasure to go over. 2. Southward & Leonard Ch Bellamiabam Romeo - Confident male presented in good condition. Impressive head with good ear placement, well filled cheeks and flews falling where they should. Strong bite. Lovely front portraying that ‘all male’ look. Well-developed chest which is both deep and wide underneath a good topline. Not the thickness in thigh as 1 and unfortunately his movement was a little inconsistent today, particularly in front. But overall, a good looking male.

VB Two very nice females that bely their veteran status. 1. Ansell’s Justlazare Hit ‘Em High - Another exhibit presented in rock hard condition from this kennel. Rich in colour with the cleanest of outlines. Beautiful feminine head with sharp eye, correct ear placement and impressive chin. Well angulated frame covered with solid muscle. Beautiful tight feet, deep chest and a topline which she held on the move. A close call for first, but she eventually won it on movement and didn’t put a paw wrong. Best Veteran. 2. Harrison’s Cerisier Breaking Dawn - Quality bitch who could hold her own in Open Class. Lighter in colour to 1, but not dissimilar in type. Strong head, yet still with that feminine look. Athletic in body exuding power. Good angles fore and aft and moved well for her handler.

MPB 1. Henderson’s Kensesqui Chocolate Walnut – 6-month-old baby with a beautiful friendly nature. I suspect today will have been one of the first times’ dog and handler have been in a ring and both will benefit greatly from some intense ring craft sessions.

PB 1. Cunnah’s Rugarry Cosmopolitan at Coppertails – Another baby starting her show career and still to get used to the noises and distractions around the ring. A little suspicious on inspection but presents a nice feminine head with correct bite and well-placed ears. Pleasing shape when viewed in profile but needs time to develop, which of course she has plenty. Moved quite well and it will be nice to see her in another 12 months.

JB Nice class of young females 1. McEnaney & Oldman’s Bravadogue Mad Hatter – Strong bodied bitch with impressive bone. Substantial yet still feminine with nicely placed forequarters. Quality head with correct ratios, clean eyes and good bite. Tidy body with a well sprung ribcage for her age. Nicely balanced throughout and firm rear quarters with strong hocks completes the picture. Moved and handled well. 2. Corbett’s Imperatrix Imperatoria - Pretty female of lovely colour. Feminine head but would prefer a darker eye. Nicely placed quarters, both fore and aft and a sharp outline when viewed in profile. Moved quite well with good head carriage and handled well.

PGB 1. Corbett’s Imperatrix’s Imperious – Proper showgirl this one. Alert expression and knew exactly what was expected of her. Slightly larger in type, but still full of quality and not overdone. Nice front with well-placed shoulders, strong forearm and pasterns. Typical head which she held well throughout. Good dentition. Neat ears. Clean neck which transitioned well over withers into flowing topline. Correct tail set. Well defined hind quarters and strong hocks. Powerful mover and handled well. 2. Powell’s Bourgeoisie Here Comes Edna – Powerful and stocky female that I’ve had the pleasure of judging before. Super bone and substance with a strong front and cracking feet. Short coupled body with deep chest under a firm topline. Nicely rounded croup and well-muscled rear assembly. A tad inconsistent on the move, but overall, I was happy with her drive and extension.

LB Probably the most keenly contested class of the day with four lovely females. Some of the placings could have been reversed on another day, but 1. & Res CC Southward & Leonard’s Bellamiabam She Loves You at Bearox JW – Confident young female with attractive head and expression. She is balanced throughout with plenty of bone, good muscle development and nice proportions. Although substantial, she retains femininity and is not overdone in any way. Super deep chest below correct topline and tail set. Rear quarters were well developed with good turn of stifle and strong hocks. She moved with purpose and expression, particularly in the challenge for Res CC. Well handled. 2.Mott’s Bourgeoisie Ava Kedavra – Another quality female that could well have won on a different day. Slightly bigger in stature, but full of type. Again, retains her femininity and combines substance with style. Attractive head with good upturn and well filled cheeks. Impressive front with good angles which are also evident at the rear. Strong in body and moved well together with her handler.

OB It’s not every show that a judge gets the opportunity to examine a truly special exhibit, but today I had that privilege. 1 Strong’s Ch Cerisier Supreme at Strongzbeaux JW: She strode into the ring all confidence and businesslike. Adjusted her stance and fixed me with that forbidding look. She’s substantial, yet not overdone, muscular but still feminine. She is balanced throughout with that touch of class. She presents a classic Bordeaux head with well-placed eyes, good ratios and a proud chin. Impressive front and a clean neck flowing into correct top line. Her angles are as good as it gets, proportions right on the money and her well-developed thighs are defined for all to see. She moves with ease and demonstrates a special bond with her handler. Presented in the hardest of condition, she was in a league of her own today and if I’m honest, I can’t think I’ve seen a better female in the 11 years I’ve been involved with the breed. The scary thing is, at a little under 3 years old, she hasn’t fully matured yet. Bitch CC and BOB. 2. Leonard & Moran’s Aibrean Drops of Jupiter – Good honest female with a classic Bordeaux head. Strong in muzzle and a good chin. Straight in front with good connection between shoulders, upper arm and well boned forearm. Tidy feet. Well off in the chest department with good depth and spring of rib. Correct topline and angulated hind quarters which aided positive movement in the class. However, her enthusiasm had started to wain when challenging for the Res CC.

Tony Grice