• Show Date: 04/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/11/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Briard

A lovely breed and quality was generally high, but I was surprised by the quality of the bites, the breed standard like most pastoral breeds asks for perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, combined with a strong muzzle that is not shortened. Therefore, was surprised by the dentition on several dogs, with bites being level and also teeth being very spaced in the jaw with teeth missing. Could forgive dropped front teeth in older dogs but think breeders should look hard at the breed’s dentition to ensure longevity in your dogs.

SPD (1,0) 1. Craker’s Fostebrie Just Exquisite of Crakebrie JW, black of good size, slightly longer cast. Firm level topline to well set tail. Good hind angles but would prefer more length and arch to neck. Head and muzzle are equal in length, underjaw could be stronger. Good eye and rounded skull. Harsh coat. Moved soundly. PD/JD no entries. PGD (1,0) 1. Parry’s Zweet Chillie Song Moravia Campanella at Stormymoon (Imp Cze). Fawn of good size and proportions. Well coated and presented with harsh outer coat. Needs to mature and drop in chest, at present has tendency to elbow out. Head is strong and muzzle well developed, good stop. Large dark eye and well placed ear. Angulation somewhat moderate. Needs to tighten on move in front. LD (1,0) 1. Jacobs-Pearce’s Arundall Mithra, good sized fawn, not in full coat. Firm topline and well developed chest. Head is masculine and shows the correct rectangles when viewed from above. Would prefer more underjaw to add strength to muzzle. Ears set high and lifting well. Good length to tail and upward hook. Moved soundly. OD (5,1) 1. Rual – Keogh’s Ch Gilcoru Wolfblass D'brie, good sized fawn, well boned and shown in excellent coat, of correct harsh texture. Body is of correct proportions, being just off square and he has good angles, very good arched neck. Gentle slope of croup to long low set tail. Strong masculine head with good stop and muzzle. Ears set high. Moved very well in all directions, DCC & BOB and G2. 2. Thorp’s Ch Charson Worth The Wait, attractive black of good size and masculine. Firm back and good croup to long tail with classic hook. Good angulation front and rear – just preferred neck of winner. Moved well in all directions. Strong in head, good width to back skull and well set ears, large dark eye. RCC. 3. Foster’s Fostebrie Just Unique JW Jun Ch Lux. VD no entries.

SBB no entries, PB (1.0) 1. Gardner & Hillier’s Charson Carrie Oakey, fawn bitch of lovely proportions in outline and excellent presentation. Lovely angulation and neck (I see she is sired by the BOB), low set long tail. Head is well developed, classic adjoining rectangles, high set ears and good eye. Excellent bite. Still to develop in chest as one would expect but has enough width and depth for age and moves soundly and cleanly in all directions. BP and please to see she won the puppy group. JB (2,0) 1. Snelling’s Zhamanen Bezique For Beaugency, heading two very nice black bitches, just preferred angulation of winner. Attractive outline, and lovely angles front and rear with good neck. Firm topline to croup and low set tail with upward swirl. Attractive head, just to broaden a little. Moved well. 2. Wescott-Smith & Smith’s Vivienne De L'Arene Noire at Rozimba (Imp Bel), good proportions for height to length, firm top line and good croup to tail. Ex presentation. Head is attractive with defined rectangles and good jaw for square finish. Large dark eye and well-placed ear. Moved soundly. PGB (1,) 1. Rual – Keogh’s Gilcoru Interlude D'Brie, black, good in profile, well angulated with good neck. Chest of good depth and width. Rectangular skull and muzzle and good eyes, ears set a little low. Moved well and handled well. (Another sired by the BOB). LB (5,0) 1. Snelling’s Beaugency Bellini, caught my eye, lovely balance and proportions. Well presented and handled in excellent harsh coat. Well matured at 3 ½ years, with good width to chest. Lovely angles, especially hind, and arched neck. Head of good length and compliments with strong muzzle, good stop. Attractive fawn with black shading on ears. Lovely and easy on move with good reach and drive BCC and I understand this is her 3rd. 2 Hartwell’s Chavell Bonjour Maisie JW, another very attractive bitch, good compact outline, not yet 2 years old, so not the maturity in body as the winner and looks to be coming back into coat after junior moult. Well angulated front and rear and good neck. Attractive head good length and stop. Moved soundly, look forward to watching her mature. 3. Haddock’s Gilcoru Intuition D'Brie. OB (4,0) 1. Rogers & Hillier & Gardner’s Charson This is Me, strong bitch in excellent coat and presentation. Good outline, just off square, well marked angles and good neck. Preferred topline of limit winner. Attractive head, good strong muzzle well marked stop and high set ears. Moved very well. 2. Parry’s Ch Stormymoon Summer, smaller framed and shade longer cast. Good angulation and arched neck. Has good length to harsh coat. Skull good length to width and strong in muzzle. High set ears. Moved well in all directions, not quite ground cover of winner. 3. Foster’s Ch & NL Ch Lux Ch Int Ch Fostebrie Precious Hope. VB (2.0) 1. Jacobs-Pearce Salieri Heaven Knows At Arundall ShCM, good size and just off square in outline, good length to neck and angles. Good length to width ratio of skull and strong muzzle, well defined stop skull could be more rounded. Moved well if not quite the pace of the youngsters, BV and please to see her take VG4. 2. Gaskin & Barber Shezmo Lady Midna, smaller frame and longer cast. Good croup to long tail. Angulations behind was ok but prefer more in front. Would benefit from more width to chest, which affected movement coming towards me.