• Show Date: 09/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 20/11/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Pastoral Group

Thank you to Three Counties committee for the invite and to the judges who sent through some lovely dogs, was a fabulous day weather wise and most of the dogs coped well, showing their socks off. Was lovely to get the opportunity to judge the puppies too, they are the stars of the future, so it is a treat to get one’s hands on them at the start of their careers and many will have exciting futures, of that I’m sure.

G1. Ch Penliath Bill Me Later (ai), Breed: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) (Mrs C B & Miss N L Balance) – strong built bitch, in excellent coat, she was so alert and bright, missing nothing, loved the twinkle in her eye. Classic fox like head, good size eye and uses ears well to give that alert expression. Great to watch going around the big ring, covers the ground with ease and shows strong hind action, looked like could go all day.

G2. Ch Brighttouch Drift The Line Through Dialynne (Imp Rus), Breed: Australian Shepherd (Mrs M, Mr J & Mrs K Raymond, Shaw & Kirtley). Such a show man, always standing true and attentive to handler. Presented and handled well. Lovely head, good balance of skull and muzzle and with neat ears used well. Lovely mover, covering ground with smooth action, and topline held well.

G3 - Ch Hawksflight Pure Envy with Domburg**, Breed: Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) (Miss S & Mrs L Smith & Lester). Alert and elegant, standing square on tight feet with excellent pasterns. Super neck with head held proudly, head is clean and love her parallel planes. So light and sound on the move. In excellent coat, the black gleaming in the sunlight.

G4 Overhills Double Impact, Breed: Beauceron (Mr Isaac Preddy), a favourite of mine, she is strong and well-muscled with plenty of heart room, and good length to rib cage. Has correct flat skull and moderate stop, with well placed ears. In a group that is dominated by glamorous coated breeds, for me she excels on the move, as covers the ground with an easy effortless stride, one who could trot all day.

I also shortlisted; Bearded Collie – Talraz Light Up The Sky for Kilfinan, well balanced in outline and with correct coat, not over done, move with smooth ground covering stride. GSD - Windgunn's Matheos, masculine without coarseness, and firm on the move, alert but calm. Lancashire Heeler - Ch Parabar Mohican's Medlar, one I have admired before, well angulated and clean on the move covering the ground well for smaller dog. Samoyed - Ch Novaskaya Xander Lefay JW, beautifully presented, the silver tips gleaming in the sun, classic head, with broad flat skull and the smiling expression. Heat didn’t stop him showing off his paces at all.

Puppy Group

PG1 - Mybeards Sweep, Breed: Polish Lowland Sheepdog (Miss Lucy Mottram) what a little star, so self confident. In super coat and with excellent presentation. So balanced in the stand, and standing naturally four square, good angulation which shows on the move as he has easy smooth gait, I could not take my eyes off him.

G2 - Lovely Snow Diamonds Karma to Vandreem (Imp Hun) Naf/taf, Breed: Samoyed (Mrs A & Mrs A & Mr B & Miss N Kirkwood & Jebson & Jebson & Carruthers), compact bitch, excellent coat and another who stood true and steady, showing her excellent conformation. Correct wedge head, and super pigment. Took full advantage of the ring to show great drive.

G3 - - Charson Carrie Oakey, Breed: Briard (Mr A & Mrs S Gardner & Hillier), less mature, but good size and correctly proportioned just off square. Head is rectangular with lovely large dark eye. Another who is pleasing on the move, covering the ground easily and holding topline.

G4 - Kiltondale Hot Favourite for Marsby, Breed: Bearded Collie (Mrs J & Mr R Swaby), pleasing outline, with good length to coat, yet not overdone so outline of bitch was visible. Good reach of neck and well angulated to give correct smooth gait with minimal lift of feet.

Also shortlisted were the: border collie - Hysteps My Irish Colleen JW, feminine, with excellent angles and good croup, moved with classic effortless long stride. Hungarian pumi - Heathbank Miksa, lovely compact lad, good length to muzzle, super bright expression, and very alert to his surroundings, light short stride, just lost his concentration when considering final placings. Welsh corgi (pembroke) - Monarchcor Lady Luck at Meitza, ultra feminine, foxy head, well set ears and dark eye. Presented in great coat and firm topline, and from AVNSC the ACD - Austmans Barb Dwyer with Shardlow, she caught be eye in adult group, lovely compact outline of good substance, lovely broad head and strong jaw. Well muscled, just started to tire in the heat at the end.