• Show Date: 08/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/08/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired)

Thank you to the exhibitors for their support and entry, a lovely breed that I have admired for many years. The quality of the exhibits was high and the breed’s future is in good hands.

Class 2107. Junior Dog (1,0)

1.Sandytrail Seraphin Meslabrit (Mrs R E & Miss K L Robson) – good size, just off square, muzzle shorted than skull which is broad, and head tapers slightly to muzzle, dark eye. Firm back good croup and low set tail. Would prefer more hind angulation. Moved soundly.

Class 2110. Open Dog (1,0)

1 - Sandytrail Sorceror (Mr E & Mrs S Flint) – lovely in profile, just off square, firm back and good croup, to low set tail which has upward hook. Lovely angulation and length to neck, strong loin. Head is masculine, with square proportions to skull, muzzle shorter than skull. Dark pigment. Well feathered ears. Moved with drive and good reach in front forgave tail as handler was having to change dogs in a rush and this lad was obviously excited by the activity. BD/BOB

Class 2111. Veteran Dog (1,0)

1 Bel/fin Ch Gastibelza De L'oustaou De Padel (Imp Fra) (Mr E & Mrs S Flint), just of square in outline, good topline and slope to croup. Good reach of neck, to lovely head. Skull is flat between ears, which were well placed and used well. Correct furrow. Good muzzle length. Well furnished with cords. Moved well but felt the younger dog had better reach in front.RBD

Class 2114. Junior Bitch (1,0)

1 Sandytrail Sauterelle (Mr E & Mrs S Flint), very promising youngster, stands four square presenting a pleasing outline, firm back to good group. Good angulation and reach of neck. Feminine in head which has good skull and muzzle proportions. Lovely mover in all directions, just needs to gain more confidence.

Class 2116. Limit Bitch (1,0)

1 Sandytrail Magie Noire (Mr E & Mrs S Flint), well balanced, just of square and stands well, showing off good angles and length of neck. Firm topline. Good head, alert expression from super ear and dark eye. Good muzzle strength and ratio to skull. Lovely flowing movement, covering ground well. RBB.

Class 2117. Open Bitch (1,0)

1 4475 - Sandytrail Scheherazade Meslabrit (Mrs R E & Miss K L Robson) lovely fawn, shown in good coat, well corded. Lovely alert attitude – attentive to handler. Correct outline, good strength of neck and firm back, sloping croup to low set tail. Good angulation. Head mature, lovely dark pigment. Good breadth of skull and well set ears. Moves with purpose, good drive and reach, BB.

Class 2118. Veteran Bitch (1,1) absent

Judge Toni Jackson